Thursday, November 2 - Sunday, November 5, 2017
At the Hyatt Regency Morristown & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey
The Big Board is now active at the physical convention. We can no longer process event reservations through email.
D001: "How to Be a Playtester (101)" presented by Avonelle Wing, Heather O'Neill, Jason Pitre, Lisa Padol. Our panelists talk about how to be good playtesters. Learn how to hear the questions being asked and answer with useful feedback. We all want to give helpful criticism; learn more about how to do that. Friday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D002: "From Idea To Product: Your First Game" presented by John Adamus, Bryan Shipp, Laura Simpson, Tim Rodriguez. Games are a hydra on a roller coaster on fire. There's so much to do, so much to avoid doing, so much to plan for, and so much to hope works out. We'd like to talk about the process. Friday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D003: "What Games Attract Retailers and Distributors" presented by Brian Dalrymple, Jason Walters, Melissa Lewis-Gentry. Getting your game(s) into stores usually means dealing with distributors. How do you get their attention? What do they expect from you? If you're planning on going direct to retailers, what's the best way to do that? If you're planning on operating outside of traditional distribution, are you leaving money on the table? This is panel gives an overview of the 3-tier distribution system, including its strengths, weaknesses, and alternatives. Friday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D004: "Cruel To Be Kind: Designing Games That Hurt" presented by Jason Pitre, Kate Bullock, Melissa Lewis-Gentry, Anna Kreider. Bleed isn't just for larpwrights anymore. Many tabletop RPG designers are now designing games to invoke emotions considered on the negative scale of things, like sadness, remorse, guilt, and emotional pain. On this panel, we will explore how this can be done safely and in a way that produces meaningful experiences. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D005: "Kill Your Darlings: Why Editors Matter" presented by John Adamus, Ann Stolinsky. Editing is the crucible through which your idea passes in order to emerge as the game and experience you intended. Find out what works, what doesn't, and how to navigate the red flags and feelings around them. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D006: "Games In A Time Of Resistance" presented by Jess Banks, Jay Sylvano. Games can help us prepare for, navigate, and endure times when we're under siege. We'll talk about the design and play that build up our values, communicate them to others, and mobilize us to sustain long-term empathy and action. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D007: "First Time METATOPIA Attendees" presented by Avonelle Wing. Join Avonelle Wing and others for a METATOPIA orientation. All types of attendee welcome. We'll talk about the philosophy behind this unique convention, answer questions and introduce you to each other. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D008: "Taxes For Game Designers" presented by Brad Hausman. A brief overview of tax considerations for a game company. Understanding what forms may need to be filed, and how the structure of your company can affect you. Friday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D009: "Running Successful Playtests" presented by Ann Stolinsky, Darren Watts, Tim Rodriguez, Justin Rogers. Running a successful playtest when it's your creation on the table is hard work. It goes beyond putting your game on the table and hoping for the best. Join our panelists for tips and tricks on how to get benefit from every session, including those that don't go according to script. Friday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D010: "Queer Game Design: More Than Just Representation" presented by Melissa Lewis-Gentry, Alex Roberts, Julia Ellingboe, Jennifer Gutterman. Inclusivity is a popular topic in game design, but queer gamers want more than just representation. Here designers and academics will talk about queer design, queering mechanics, and queer world-building. This is an intermediate level discussion about queer game design, so there is an expectation of understanding of feminism, gender studies, and intersectionality. Friday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D011: "How To Demo A Board/Card Game At A Convention" presented by Gil Hova, Heather O'Neill, Melissa Lewis-Gentry, JR Honeycutt. Are you a publisher showing your games at conventions? Maybe you're a booth helper? Join us as we discuss the best ways to demo a game at a convention. We're not talking about teaching games in general; we're talking, very specifically, about showing players the heartbeat of a board game in as short a period of time as possible in a noisy, crowded environment. Friday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D012: "Patreon: How Do I Use This?" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. Most independent games are funded through platforms Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Patreon is fantastic way to provide you with support while you prepare to publish and keep you in touch with your audience. Friday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D013: "When Safety Isn't Safe" presented by Brand Robins, Moyra Turkington, Sara Williamson, Rachel E.S. Walton. There is a lot of important work being done on safety in roleplaying. This panel will discuss how different communities and play approaches define and delimit different needs and approaches to safety, and those, in turn form and constrain what we can express and explore. What happens when our safety mechanics don't work? What about when they make some people safer some of the time, and other people less safe all of the time? And how do we move forward? Friday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D014: "Golden Cobra Announcement" presented by Jason Morningstar, Sara Williamson, Evan Torner. The Golden Cobra Challenge is a friendly contest open to anyone interested in writing and playing freeform games that ran through the month of October. Now we're ready to discuss our methodology, submission trends, and what we've learned about freeform in the process. And, of course, announce the winners! Join us for an informal discussion and awards ceremony. The winning games will be offered throughout METATOPIA, so come play with the judges as well. Friday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D015: "Writing Religion into Your Game Respectfully" presented by Julia Ellingboe, Jess Banks. Our panelists will talk about about incorporating actual real life systems of faith into settings, themes, and conflicts, rather than to making up a religion for a game. Let's talk about about writing about faith, particularly when it's different from our own. Friday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D016: "Do I Want To Be In The Game Publishing Business?" presented by Michelle Lyons, Danielle Lauzon, Pete Petrusha, Maury Brown, Cam Banks. It's relatively easy to make a game in this day and age. Making a business is harder. How much effort do you want to put into bringing a game to market/getting some revenue for your work? What are your options? How will you know what you want until you do it? Come join us for a panel discussing the whys and wherefores of game publication and where people choose to land on that spectrum. Friday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D017: "Crowdfunding Retailer Tiers: Dos And Don'ts" presented by Melissa Lewis-Gentry, Brian Dalrymple. So you're planning crowdfunding for your game, and have heard that Retail is important. Maybe you did a retail tier in a previous Kickstarter and had no one buy it, or maybe you lost money by creating that tier. Regardless, the industry is changing faster than we can keep up. Learn from Retailers on what they want and what they won't back for 2018 Kickstarters & IndieGoGos. Learn from Expert Campaigners on the pitfalls of building tiers. Be sure to bring questions about your upcoming campaign, we want to hear them. Friday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D018: "Actual Play Podcasts & Game Design: The Meeting Point" presented by James Malloy, Meghan Dornbrock, Senda Linaugh, James D'Amato. If you listen to a tabletop gaming actual play podcast it more than likely takes the form of a group who put a mic down in the middle of the table and recorded a play session. As actual play podcasts have become more popular, the people producing them responded by increasing the quality of the podcasts. Is the future of actual play podcasts simply limited to better mics and editing? Do we have to podcast play the same way we play in real life? Will we see games designed to be played on a podcast? How can game designers or podcasters incorporate listeners/viewers into their content? Friday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D019: "Accessible Game Design" presented by Maury Brown, Shoshana Kessock, Elsa Henry, Kate Beaman-Martinez, Mandy Perry. When designing a game - whether a LARP, board/card game, or RPG - designers need to take into account the wide range of potential players, who have varying abilities and experiences that affect how they will access the game. Panel members, who are gamers and game designers, will discuss physical accessibility, neurotypicality, past trauma, chronic health conditions, reading/learning differences, and social capital as considerations for ensuring your game is accessible. Friday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D020: "Don't Shred Your Game: Coming Back From A Tough Playtest" presented by Dev Purkayastha. A workshop for designers who have playtested their game - here or elsewhere - and have gotten challenging feedback. It's easy to feel discouraged, but it's important to take the next step. The goal of this workshop is to provide encouragement towards the ongoing process, rather than workshopping specific feedback. Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D021: "How To Work With Artists" presented by Jack Parra, Scott Bowmanchester, Chris Kreuter. The panelists will touch on the process of how to find and approach artists, negotiate the contract, and then successfully work together. It's important that publishers get an artist's-eye-view of things so they can better understand what we do, the process, and the time involved and plan projects accordingly. Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D022: "Building Game Design Communities" presented by Gerald King, Jonathan Gilmour, Avonelle Wing, JR Honeycutt. Nothing makes your game better than a community of dedicated playtesters eager to give you feedback and Game Designers who are happy to help you when you hit a wall. Sadly this kind of community is hard to find outside of amazing conventions like this, so Ultimate Team-Up and Friends are here to give you some tips on how to build a community around game design in your area. If you have the will and energy to organize events this is something you should do, not just to make your own games better, but to give other Game Designers the chance to take advantage of the community as well. Friday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D023: "Professionalization: How Can Gaming Grow Up?" presented by Michelle Lyons, Jason Pitre, Matthew McFarland. Professionalization has been defined as "transformation into a profession of the highest integrity and competence." Integrity and competence are laudable goals for the profession as a whole, but how do we get there? What practices should we pursue? How do we differentiate between industry/business/community relationships, and are we willing to do so? This roundtable will try to hit on some best practices and identify the obstacles that stand in our way. Friday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D024: "Demonstrating A Game To Sell It" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl, Jim McClure, Zev Shlasinger. Demoing is one of the best ways to sell a game, but it's different than regular play. James and Kat demo games for a living on ONE SHOT. They'll let you in on what they have learned about showing off a game to prospective customers. Friday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D025: "Interview Techniques For In-Game Exposition" presented by Alex Roberts. Whether you're a journalist in an intergalactic war, or a palm reader at a wizard school, there are ways to use active listening and interview techniques to help other players explore their characters, keep information economies moving, and build emotionally satisfying scenes. This workshop will introduce you to the basics, and then involve a little role-play practice! Friday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D026: "Writing More Inclusive Alternate Histories" presented by Eric Simon, Darren Watts, Shoshana Kessock, Elsa Henry. From the implicit imperialism of steampunk to the complicated controversy of HBO's Confederate, it seems like alternate history is often fraught with problems. We provide you with techniques and ideas for writing, designing, and playing with historical and alternate historical themes in ways that are positive, inclusive, respectful, and productive. Friday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D027: "Red Flags of Game Text and Play Spaces" presented by John Adamus, Jacqueline Bryk. As much as we'd like to avoid talking about them, there are some really significant not-great ideas when it comes to writing games and playing them at tables. This seminar will spotlight a few AND provide practical fixes so that people can have space and play the game without significant issue. Friday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D028: "Failing Forward" presented by Joshua Yearsley, Hannah Shaffer, Mark Richardson. Being competent at something just means you've already made all the mistakes, so come learn from ours! We'll discuss some of our own juiciest mistakes and setbacks from our years of games work - maybe even some from projects we've worked on together? - and explore how we used those experiences to grow, improve our craft, and do better the next time. Friday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D029: "Towards a Design Vocabulary of Awe" presented by Kenneth Hite. Fantasy gaming is inextricably linked with supernatural power, and frequently with the divine. Even supposedly secular science fiction invokes a "sense of wonder." How can we present the numinous in game text, rules, and at the table? Kenneth Hite doesn't know either, but he'd love to think out loud about it with you. Friday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages.
D030: "We Have Always GMed: Advice by Women for Women" presented by Kate Bullock, Michelle Lyons, Kathryn Miller, Anna Kreider. As much as we'd like to banish "Women in Gaming" panels to the depths of our historic archives, there is still value in addressing the fact that being there are challenges for women at the gaming table that different than those faced by our male counterparts. This panel will talk about the ways women have always contributed to gaming, and how to handle some of the more nuanced situations that still come up. Friday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D031: "What Scares You About Making Your Game?" presented by Darren Watts, Christopher O'Neill, Roberta Taylor. You've got a board game, card game, RPG or LARP in your head, but something's stopping you from settling down and doing the work to get it done and out there in the world. What is it? Let's get into your head and smack down the voices telling you it can't be done. Friday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D032: "Anatomy of a Fight: The Experiment to Create a Realistic Combat System" presented by Michael Malecki, Elsa Henry, Shervyn von Hoerl, Monica Speca. Join us for a workshop to create a combat system that could possibly allow for the fluid and chaotic nature of combat but not be overwhelmingly disruptive to play style. The first half of the panel will cover offensive and defensive theories. We will go over the positives and negatives of things such as Narrative play, Slow-Fu, and Physical Combat. After a brief Q&A, those who building a system are welcome to stay and workshop with experts. Friday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D033: "Designer Playtest Events - What Types are There, What's Trending, How Do I Start One?" presented by Kiva Fecteau, Tim Blank, Banana Chan, Benjamin Begeal, Suzanne Zinsli, Matt Fantastic. When you're ready to take your game beyond the dining room table, there are a number of places you can get others to playtest it for you. You can find players anywhere from your FLGS or Meetup groups to major conventions. What types of events are there? What benefits and drawbacks are there for each type? What does it take to create an event of your own and what might it look like? Friday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D034: "Human-Centered Game Design" presented by Stephanie Nudelman. In this two-hour workshop, you'll learn how to apply the design thinking process used by IDEO and IBM to make games that make behavioral change. You'll get a crash course in design thinking concepts and terminology, see a model of using the design thinking process to create a game, then do a 90 minute step by step design sprint to prototype games that meet each other's needs. Arrive with a frustrating behavioral problem you want to solve, leave with the beginnings of a game that solves that problem. Note: examples of game solve-able problems are "I want to eat healthier", "my son keeps missing the school bus", or "my company's departments don't communicate with each other". Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D035: "Herding One Large Cat: Collaborative Design" presented by Jason Morningstar, Alex Roberts, Jenn Martin. Game design in dyads and larger teams - how does it work? Where does it fail? Is it more threat or menace? Friday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D036: "How To Pitch" presented by Jennifer Gutterman, Joshua Yearsley, Melissa Lewis-Gentry, Zev Shlasinger. You made a game! Congratulations! Now explain your incredible game in one sentence. That isn't as easy as it sounds. You want people to buy into your game as players, as investors, or as retailers. You will only have one chance to make that first impression. It needs to have impact. If you want to see your game successful on a crowdfunding site, or sold by your local game store, then you need to know what kind of pitch types and styles to maximize both what you say and target the right audience. This panel will cover it all, from the one sentence pitch through pitches for retailers, and the many options in between. Friday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D037: "Podcast Editing LIVE" presented by Gil Hova. Do you edit podcasts, or are you looking into the possibility? Are you self-taught? Want to get better at it? Join us as we edit a podcast live in front of you! You'll learn about noise reduction, dynamic compression, hard limiters, and parametric equalizers. You'll also see and hear what you should edit out, what you should leave in, and what makes a good edit good. Friday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D038: "Games, Learning, and Social Change" presented by Tam Myaing, Heather Wilson. Games by their nature are learning tools. When we play games, we are, at a minimum, learning the mechanics and the boundaries of the game space. Can we use this 'learning mechanic' to design better games, and better players? The panel will explore the mechanics of learning in games and their potential to reach beyond the game space. Friday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D039: "From Imposter Syndrome to Arrogance - Knowing When To Step Back" presented by Kiva Fecteau, Beth Rimmels, Doug Levandowski, James Dagg, Nicole Perry. How do you measure your success in a field where most people don't have salaries or corporate titles to compare, "bad" games can be hugely popular, and the timeline of creative spark to marketable product can often be years? In other words, when are you an "Industry Pro?" No matter how much they've done, some people continue to feel that they haven't yet hit the mark. Yet others who are completely new to the industry may feel that they have all the answers. Both attitudes can hold back your ability to flourish in the gaming industry. Friday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D040: "Positive Encounter Management In LARPing" presented by Kelvin Ortega, Jeramy Merritt, Michelle Stagnitta. There are so many of us who manage or participate in running ongoing larp campaigns. And, we've all been in those situations where an encounter begins to get away from us. Maybe we run into an unforeseen bottleneck that only engages a small number of the players in the encounter? Maybe the players come up with a plan that is far outside of the scope we expected for the encounter? Perhaps some crucial prop or set piece flat out malfunctions or breaks all together. This panel will discuss positive ways of dealing with unforeseen issues while running LARP encounters, as well as suggesting simple game running philosophies that will keep you and your players engaged in these types of moments. Friday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D041: "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The Forge (But Were Afraid To Ask)" presented by Bill White, Joshua A.C. Newman, Brennan Taylor, Lisa Padol, Evan Torner. The Forge (www.indie-rpgs.com) was an online discussion site for indie TRPG design, publication, and play that was active from 2001 to 2012. Across tens of thousands of discussion threads, Forge participants hashed out new ways of understanding the dynamics of tabletop RPG play, and developed a new conceptual language for talking about game design, as part of a larger project of promulgating the "indie RPG" message that anyone can design and publish the game they want. This larger mission largely accomplished by 2010, according to its founders, the Forge closed its forums in 2012. But the ideas it offered still have value, and so five years after the closing of the Forge we look back and assess its insights, its accomplishments, and its imbroglios. Presented by Bill White, game designer and game studies scholar currently working on a book about the Forge, along with several regular posters from that era. Saturday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D042: "Art For Your Game Without Breaking The Bank" presented by Jack Parra, Scott Bowmanchester, Lissanne Lake. Getting high-quality art is key to making a product look professional. How do publishers do it without breaking the bank? Our panel makes with the tips and tricks. Saturday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D043: "The Law For Creatives: A 101 For Game Designers" presented by Evan Michaels. Join Evan Michaels (from The Michaels Firm Creative Advocacy) for an engaging panel designed to foster confidence in the creative community as to what their basic legal rights are when creating games, LARPs and interactive experiences. Evan has transitioned his professional practice to focus on representing creating professionals from a variety of gaming disciplines. Come get answers to your questions about Copyright, Trademarks, business formation, licensing, contracts, and deal negotiations. Saturday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D044: "Generic But Indie: Setting-Agnostic Games" presented by Jason Pitre, Brennan Taylor, Hannah Shaffer. Many new designers begin their careers by designing generic game systems, with flexibility for future expansion and innovative mechanics. This style of game has its strengths and weaknesses, and we will explore each in turn from the perspective of experienced publishers in the industry. Saturday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D045: "Writing Rulebooks: An Introduction and Workshop" presented by Joshua Yearsley. Trying to write your first (or seventh) rulebook? Want to build a solid foundation on rules writing fundamentals? Ready to get your hands dirty with real rules revisions? This is for you. We'll first explore why rulebooks are so difficult to get right, discuss the goals of the rulebook itself, and then jump into the fundamentals. You'll learn a new language for describing rules, the theory and application of rules structure, and tons of tips and tricks to improve flow. After the talk, we'll break into groups and put these skills to use, workshopping badly written rules into better ones, guided by a professional rules writer and editor. This talk + workshop was first given as part of a course on game design taught by Rob Daviau, co-designer of Pandemic Legacy, at Hampshire College, where it received a great response (though the METATOPIA version probably won't give you college credit). Saturday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D046: "Mental Illness and Addiction: You Can Still Make Your Game" presented by John Adamus, Jess Banks, Mark Richardson, Anna Kreider. Gaming is done by people. And people often struggle with mental illness and addiction. So let's talk about. Let's not let it be a stigma or a scary thing in the closet. Let's be proactive and positive and not let these things define us. Saturday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D047: "Cooling Down the Hot Take: A Look at Hierarchical Thinking in Gaming" presented by Gil Hova, Jonathan Gilmour. From Jones Theory to "this game fired that game", hierarchical thinking - comparing one thing to another in a way that ranks one as better than the other - is very popular in the gaming world. How useful is it? Are there situations where it hurts us? We will talk about the pros and cons of hierarchical thinking, and dive into why it's so appealing to us game fans. Saturday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D048: "Critique: Giving, Receiving, Rejecting" presented by Joshua A. C. Newman, Hannah Shaffer, Rachel E.S. Walton, Rebecca Jane Stokes. Giving skillful critique and knowing how to receive and reject it is a skill all creators must foster. METATOPIA is a great place to gain those skills and share their fruits with your fellow game designers! Join Joshua A.C. Newman (Shock:), Hannah Shaffer (Damn the Man, Save the Music!), Rachel E.S. Walton (Long Orbit), and playwright Rebecca Jane Stokes as we discuss the techniques we've learned and how to make them work to produce the best creative output. Saturday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D049: "Ask a Marketing Expert: A Q&A for the Game Industry" presented by Beth Rimmels, Banana Chan, Mike Roberts. Getting word out about your game or company is essential for success. In this seminar you can ask your burning questions about video marketing, social media marketing and search engine optimization (SEO). If time allows we'll do a few quick web site/social media audits/video critiques. Our experts include social media marketer Beth Rimmels, video marketer/videographer Barbara Chan, and SEO data analyst Mike Roberts. Saturday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D050: "Reboots, Revisions, and Retcons: Bringing Back Old Games for New Audiences" presented by Cam Banks, Darren Watts, Bill White, Jason Walters. We discuss writing, designing, and updating older games, especially RPGs, for a new market or for existing fans. We bring in experience in crafting updates, new editions, and repackaging older ideas as we give suggestions on how to use those lessons in your own design, published or not. Saturday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D051: "Sales Pitches That Set A Positive Tone" presented by John Adamus, Jacqueline Bryk. Building a pitch that captures the atmosphere of the game in a positive, rather than exclusionary way is a huge part of growing an audience and a community around your work. It sets a tone and conveys a lot of info. Let's give you a roadmap for success! Saturday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D052: "When It's Not All Fun and Games - How to Set Boundaries When Facilitating an RPG" presented by Kathryn Miller. Managing a game table can be hard - at a con, at home, or in a game store. Knowing how to set good boundaries can help navigating the space between what one player wants and what another player needs. When the game stops being fun because of the boundary pushing behavior of one player, good boundaries make it easier to recognize and remove a problem allowing the game to continue. Join Kat Miller for a conversation about how to culture your table to be successful, how to identify when you need to step in, and how to call for help if a situation becomes more than you can manage. Saturday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D053: "Resolving Disputes, In Games and Life" presented by Cam Banks. Humans do not always get along, even when they are friends. And whether you're playing with somebody who you're butting heads with, working on a design project with somebody you can't deal with, or sitting on a panel with somebody you can't agree with, you need to get through it somehow. We'll discuss ways to get along, ways to stand up for yourself, and ways to resolve issues and be happier. Saturday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D054: "Developing A Marketing Plan For Your Game" presented by Steve Radabaugh, Beth Rimmels, Jason Pitre. I will be taking what Marketing Genius Seth Godin teaches about Marketing and helping you apply it to your game/brand. You will work in a small group to discuss how the information applies to you, and you will fill out a marketing plan template. Saturday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D055: "Hacking Apocalypse World" presented by Brendan Conway, Justin Rogers. Ever wanted to learn how to make a Powered by the Apocalypse world game of your own? Help Brendan Conway design a game from scratch in this hands-on, skills-focused workshop that will leave you ready to start writing basic moves and playbooks for your very own game. Saturday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D056: "Building Narrative Arc Into Board Game Design" presented by Roberta Taylor, Curt Covert. Everyone loves a good story, whether it's in a book or on a screen, but what about memorable story in boardgames. What does story look like in a boardgame? How is story different from theme? How does the designer partner with players to tell a story? What are the limitations and where is the creative space wide open? Saturday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D057: "Data Safety" presented by Tim Rodriguez, Rowan Cota. "If it's not in three places, it doesn't exist". Many of us rely on data in our local computers and in the cloud. But what if that computer or access to that cloud system suddenly disappears? We'll talk about data safety strategies covering topics from backups to encryption to redundancy. Saturday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D058: "Dungeons & Dialectic" presented by Kate Beaman-Martinez, Jacqueline Bryk. The act of play allows you to access elements of yourself that wouldn't normally be available. But how do you properly deal with those emotions and experiences? This panel will discuss ways to practice good self-care while playing, handling emotional issues at game, and using self-observation to improve your experience. The panelists are not medical professions. However, they have years of struggling through their own mental illnesses and have learned to live and cope with their own . This panel will make suggestions based on the therapies that they have used as well as what has worked for this. Saturday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D059: "Prototyping Cards Digitally" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. Bring your laptops to this introductory workshop on free software to quickly and easily create cards, boards, tokens and more. We will cover the basics of the Cardmaker program, beginning with a card layout then merging spreadsheets and images into full card sets. Follow along with a sample project, or start trying to create cards for your own game. Provided everyone is making progress, we will move on to using Paint.net for image editing, Google Drive for project organization and how to import a project into Tabletop Simulator. This is meant to be a hands-on workshop, please bring a laptop if you can. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D060: "My Games Are Unapologetically Political" presented by Shoshana Kessock, Neall Price, Susanne Vejdemo, Joshua A. C. Newman. Art is and has always been political, and game design is no different. In this panel, we'll talk about developing games with political agendas not only wholly in mind, but front and center. We'll tackle discussions about the hard topics that come up in political games, whether or not you design for unity or for controversy, how to use game design to create the political message of your games, and how to design games with political messages in the current charged political world. Saturday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D061: "Understanding Regulations for Crowdfunding and Other Ways of Raising Capital" presented by Brad Hausman. A brief overview of SEC and some state regulations regarding crowdfunding, and other forms of raising capital, and registering your campaign. Saturday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D062: "Cartography Of Fictional Worlds" presented by Mark Richardson. A discussion of how a fictional world is visualized and constructed. Learn to manage all of your world's information and build it in an effective way. Get the map you want, whether you're the illustrator or the writer. This presentation will include case studies presented in Mark's Ennie award winning work for the 7th Sea. Saturday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D063: "The Business Side of Gaming" presented by Marie Poole. Join us for an in-depth conversation about best-practices for running your game company like a business. We'll cover a little bit of everything - Financial practices, hiring a lawyer (and what you might hire one for), working with professionals, being a professional. Saturday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D064: "Kickstarter Of Horror: Mistakes We Made Kickstarting Our First Game" presented by Diane Sauer, Nick Sauer. We will review and discuss the many mistakes Shoot Again Games made with Legends and Lies and its Kickstarter. Hopefully, our mistakes will help contribute to your success. Saturday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D065: "LARP Facilitation Skills: A Roundtable" presented by Alex Roberts. Can I facilitate a LARP if I've never played one? How do I get "good" at it? Can facilitation be creative? Elegant? Inspiring? What are the skills I'd need to get there? YOU have the answers - Alex is just going to keep the conversation going. Saturday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D066: "Criticism and Feedback: How to Talk about that Game You Just Played" presented by Tim Hutchings, Jay Sylvano, James D'Amato, Evan Torner. How do we talk about games in a productive, useful way? The panel will discuss methods and tools for giving useful, critical feedback for the game play experience. We will introduce critical methods from the creative arts and inclusivity-promoting discussion tools pioneered by Games to Gather in Portland, Oregon. Saturday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D067: "The Artist's Process: Game Illustration From Start To Finish." presented by Jack Parra, Leslie Casilli, Lissanne Lake. Our panelists go over the process they go through when creating a finished illustration, and the different approaches they take. This panel is about helping artists of all levels improve. Saturday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D068: "The Search for Designer Collaboration: Best Practices, Current and Future" presented by Kiva Fecteau, Jonathan Gilmour, Doug Levandowski, Diane Sauer. Many of the most well-known board game designers are individual men. But there are also designers who partner with others to create their games, sometimes as an established design team and other times with a changing cast of co-designers. When, where, and how do designers currently establish collaborative efforts? What can we do to make these collaborations more demographically diverse? Saturday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D069: "Game Evolution: The Process Of Design Iteration" presented by Jason Morningstar, Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. We'll trace the development process of two games - one tabletop and one LARP - looking at design artifacts and learning how the affordances of rules and play materials both reflected and influenced their evolution. Saturday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D070: "Player in Three Persons - Studying the Theme/Mechanism Join of Board Games" presented by Gil Hova. "This game is so immersive!" "This theme is pasted on!" "Should designers start with theme or mechanism?" Lots of board game fans like to debate theme and mechanism. This panel is a technical deep-dive into the fascinating join of theme and mechanism of a commercial board game, and why the two don't always get along. Saturday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D071: "Capture the Heart! - Designing Emotionally Evocative Games" presented by Curt Covert. There are may approaches to game design. Come learn about one specific style focused on stirring the emotions during play as the core design thrust. How does this design style contrast to other approaches? What is its benefit? How can you apply these principles to your own designs? Curt Covert of Smirk & Dagger / Smirk & Laughter discusses. Saturday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D072: "Beyond Musical Chairs: Music & Game Design" presented by Natalia Granger, Laura Simpson, Vicki Bloom, Dev Purkayastha. Gaming often integrates other media, notably visual arts and writing. What about music? This panel will discuss RPGs and LARPs that make music a central part of the game: To set the mood in the game room, to create cultural flavor within the game, and even as a mechanical component that directly impacts gameplay. Saturday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D073: "Going Dark: On the Value of High-Impact Play" presented by Tayler Stokes, Kate Bullock, Moyra Turkington, Jason Morningstar. This is intended to be both a peek behind the curtain in regards to why we play and make intense games about serious things, as well as a discussion about how to do serious topics justice as a player and designer. If you are curious why people are interested in games like this, we will be able to shed some light on that for you. If you are considering designing a game that goes dark yourself, you're in the right place. And if you have designed such a game, we'd love to have your thoughts! This panel will explore the following questions: What do we get out of playing and making high-impact games? How do we support the players through practice and design? How do you authentically and responsibly represent serious subjects through play techniques? Saturday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D074: "Fiction and Game Writing" presented by Elsa Henry, Lauren Roy. Fiction writing and game writing are definitely two separate skillsets, but they are complimentary. This panel will feature people who do both, discussing how to develop these skillsets to further both parts of your career, with extra attention to the ways they diverge and how to know which skills to use. Where do these skillsets not overlap, how do they fight against one another? What are the best ways to develop both skills without shortchanging one or the other. Saturday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D075: "Crafting a Great Introductory Gaming Experience" presented by Rach Shelkey, Benjamin Morrow, Natalia Granger. Any game session could be a someone's first game session. That first impression is vital to how a person will feel about a game and the gaming community as a whole. Pitches, presentation, accessibility tools and safely tools can all be leveraged to lower barriers and welcome a new player as a friend. We'll discuss how to craft a encouraging and supportive first game that encourages players to come back for more! Saturday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D076: "Positive Aesthetic Sexy Times Discussion" presented by Whitney Delaglio, Brand Robins. Sexy Times in-game can be serious business, but it doesn't have to be! Join us for a discussion about using artwork and tone to encourage fun and playful exploration of intimacy in games. Saturday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
D077: "Structure Matters: Layout Needs For Writers & Editors" presented by Jason Pitre, Matthias Bonnici, Will Hindmarch. Producing a book involves communication and negotiation between the layout professional, writers, editors, and art-directors. In this panel, we will talk about how to establish structures that work for everyone, and point out some ways to keep your layout gal happy. Saturday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D078: "How to Ally - a True 101" presented by Avonelle Wing, Michelle Lyons, Rob Donoghue, Jess Banks. Join our panelists for a heartfelt, judgment free conversation about how to engage in matters of diversity, representation, power redistribution and other efforts in a productive, safe-for-all fashion. Saturday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D079: "Difficult Fun: Designing Games on Difficult Topics" presented by Shawn Roske, Elsa Henry, Vicki Bloom. It can be hard to design a game that treats culturally taboo topics in a way that is sensitive, mature and thought provoking. We'll talk about challenges in understanding design goals and communicating intent to players both during the pitch and during the play. For this discussion we have a case study of a game about human sexuality, disability, and blurred lines between public and private spaces to highlight problems in development. Some questions we will cover include: How to pitch these games? How to design for differing starting levels of knowledge about the topic? How to redirect a game moving in an inappropriate direction? Why do some larpers balk at heavy games that aren't "fun" while others seek them out? Saturday, 10:00PM - 11:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D080: "The Shape Of Your Game" presented by Peter Hayward. Every game has a shape. Beginning, middle, end, turn structure, round structure, end-game condition, victory condition. Learn about common shapes, the direction that games are evolving, and how to make sure that YOUR game has an appealing and suitable shape for the modern board gamer. Saturday, 11:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D081: "Escape Room Games: Where Puzzles, Haunted Houses and LARP Meet" presented by Erica Noordermeer. This seminar will discuss the history/evolution of escape room games, including the recent boom in North America and also the design elements and special challenges that they involve (players break things... but you have more players starting in ten minutes; or how do you convince the players that this piece logically goes with this piece?), and fun and creative things that the industry is doing with escape room games. Saturday, 11:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D082: "Using Small-Scale Ventures to "Train Up" the Next Generation of Designers" presented by Avonelle Wing, Susanne Vejdemo. The nordic countries are in the middle of a grass root explosion of new LARP designers - at least half of them female or non-binary. They got their wings in the small scale, low threshold blackbox scene - and then ventured out everywhere. Is the same thing happening in the US? Join us to discuss the process and impact of small scale ventures such as #Feminism to empower new designers. Saturday, 11:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D083: "Tea and Biscuits With Hannah" presented by Hannah Shaffer. Join Hannah Sunday morning for a friendly, casual tea & biscuits hangout. We'll talk about tea, making friends in the industry, working towards a more inclusive gaming sphere, what videogames can teach tabletop RPGs, and gay things. There will be a sampling of fancy tea and cookies to share. Sunday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Fun, All Ages.
D084: "Designing the "For GMs" Section of your RPG" presented by Phil Vecchione, Will Hindmarch, Beth Rimmels. GMing sections of RPGs are often a collection of rules, advice, etc, but they are not always effective. In addition, there is a host of great, generic GMing advice in both blog and podcast form, that no longer needs to be included in an RPG. What can we, as game designers, do when we design the GMing section of a game to better empower GMs to run the games we are creating? Sunday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D085: "Shock: A Retrospective" presented by Joshua A. C. Newman. In the 12 years since Shock:Social Science Fiction debuted, I've had a lot of opportunities to see how it fails and how it works. As I move toward Shock:2, I want to share those experiences and gather yours as I develop it. Bring your funny stories, your frustrating stories, your favorite stories, the stories you wished you could have done with Shock: but didn't! Sunday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D086: "Disability At The Forefront: A Workshop" presented by Elsa Henry. This workshop will teach you how to actively choose not to inflict further damage on your disabled players and customers. Disability tropes are toxic because they infect the whole system. Tropes like the blind seer tell me you don't see any other place for blind characters. Ableist images on the cover of your game? I don't bother playing because I know how you view my place in your setting. Make disability only a negative trait instead of a neutral and I hack your system instead of using the game as it was written, and I don't have time for that anymore. So I just won't play. Ask questions, be prepared to be challenged. Write in the workshop and learn from potential mistakes. This workshop is taught by Elsa Sjunneson-Henry, author of the Fate Accessibility Toolkit, and disability consultant for three gaming conventions nearly a dozen tabletop games. Sunday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages.
D087: "Stop Working On Your Game And Publish It!" presented by Jason Walters, JR Honeycutt, Brennan Taylor, James Dagg. We'll talk about how to accept that your game will never be perfect and how to know when it's ready to publish anyway. Sunday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D088: "What Game Design Can Learn From Instructional Design" presented by Sarah Judd, Maury Brown. When designing a game, you have to consider how to explain mechanics, tone and broad ideas of your game to people. As instructional designers, we do the same thing. How can we use pedagogy to improve our gaming experiences? Sunday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D089: "Who, What, Why? Presents: Live Design - Board Game Brainstorm" presented by Michael Bonet. On my show, I often record short game jams where guest(s) and myself riff on designing a game based on a single piece of inspiration - typically old school video games. I would like to bring this to metatopia in a live format with a larger panel of diverse designers and a whole bunch of pieces of inspiration to get the designers talking and showing people what it looks like to craft an idea. Sunday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D090: "Selling The Goods: Choosing Your Sales Channels" presented by Jason Pitre, Jim Crocker, Avonelle Wing, Jason Walters. Congratulations on producing your game! Now, you have to decide how you want to sell it. This panel will talk about all of the different ways you can sell games and the costs associated with each of them. We will help you pick which options are best for you, based on your product and priorities. Sunday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D091: "Replication vs. Reinvention" presented by Brendan Conway, Kevin Kulp. When you're designing a game, you often start by picking a kind of genre, or even a particular work, that you'd love to experience as an RPG. But many of the strongest games out there take it beyond just replicating a particular story; they say something new or different. How do you do that, and why should you spend the time to make sure you do? Sunday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D092: "Harnessing the Healing Power of Play" presented by Tayler Stokes, Jacqueline Bryk, Brand Robins. The purpose of this roundtable is both to reflect upon and inquire into play as healing. What capacity do we heal as we play? Why is that important? As facilitators, how can we support players who are consciously or unconsciously experiencing healing in play? As designers, how can we encourage healing experiences in people who play our games? As community organizers, how do we harness this potential for the better? In this panel we invite open - and possibly personal - discussion about how our play experiences have been or may be healing, and how we can take that potential forward in whatever role we serve within our play communities. Sunday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D093: "Blank Sheets, Our Interface To Your Game" presented by Mark Richardson, Lisa Padol. A discussion from graphic designers and writers on how to make effective sheets for your game players. Don't just leave it up to your layout, think about what matters to your design and make sure people play it as intended. Sunday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D094: "Crowdfunding Strategy On A Budget" presented by James D'Amato, Jim McClure, Laura Simpson. It is tempting to pour money into marketing a crowdfunding project. We'll discuss strategies you can use that take your project further without breaking your marketing budget. Sunday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
D095: "Step Up With Me - Announcing Jellybean Games' Board Game Designer Scholarship for Women" presented by Nicole Perry. Join Nicole Perry of Jellybean Games for a special announcement and a workshop around that announcement. Jellybean Games is introducing a scholarship for women working in board game design, to connect them with mentors and resources. If you're somebody who might benefit from the scholarship, come talk to us about what our invite should say to make sure you know you're welcome. If you think you might be a resource, come talk to us about what the vision is. Sunday, 1:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages.
L096: [BETA TEST] "Such Joyous News" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. A Golden Cobra 2017 submission. In this LARP we will play alien surveyors saying goodbye to our best friends (who are also trees) before departing the planet. This LARP will involve walking down to the local park, and performing general outdoor activities (walking, sitting, and standing for long periods of time). All players should bring a smartphone or other device capable of taking photos/selfies. We will play rain or shine, so bring a raincoat and an umbrella if you need to! Friday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 15 seats left.
[FILLED] B097: [BETA TEST] "Cards of Impact: Choose Your Destiny" by CBR Solutions; presented by Grant Peirce. Engage. Choose. Win by growing from strength to strength. Impact your relationships! This character-based card game will challenge your assumptions about your instincts and values. You will know yourself and your fellow players in new and intriguing ways. Successful players will seize their destiny! This game uses reality-based Challenge, Choice, and Character cards. Players choose from variations of the game based on age, skill level, time, competitive/collaborative modes, and what is most fun for them! Created by Susanne - a relationship coach, Grant - a psychometrician, and Johann - a financial analyst. The world is a crazy place, so we decided to create a reality-based card game to help us survive, connect, and thrive. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B098: [BETA TEST] "Cartrigia" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A retro tile based light dungeon crawler with the feel of classic RPGs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Zelda. Players control a group of 1 to 6 asymetrical heroes while they explore the dungeon, battle classic monsters, gain valuable items, and if they're good enough - and can stay alive long enough - defeat the Dungeon Lord. Features multiple difficulty levels from easy to epic - no two games the same! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B099: [BETA TEST] "Devil from the Sea" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. A fully cooperative game where players work together to defend their Scottish isle from the mythic beast known as the Nuckelavee. You'll have to plan your moves carefully to build up your strength all while avoiding the monster's worst attacks. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B100: [BETA TEST] "Everyone's a Suspect" presented by Kristin Firth. It's a small town and somebody has been murdered. Everyone is a suspect. Including everyone at this table. *Especially* everyone at this table. This is a card-based mystery game, in the tradition of storytelling games (like Once Upon a Time). Taking turns, we will tell the story of a group of characters in a murder victim's life and how the murder affects them. The murderer will be determined at the end of the game. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B101: [BETA TEST] "Gizmos" presented by Randall Buck. Control a powerful association of sentient machines as it explores a new world, competes for raw materials, and evolves. Players will use a simple tile laying mechanism to determine the powers and abilities of each piece, or gizmo, that they bring into play. Every tile also contributes to the growing terrain as well as to a novel resource generation system, giving players control over every aspect of the game board as it develops. Victory is achieved by gathering and cleverly managing resources. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B102: [BETA TEST] "Human Era" by Lay Waste Games; presented by Jake Given. A social deduction game where you and your crew are aboard the last time machine to save space and time from the chaos unleashed by the haphazard time traveling of humans. However, among your crew are machines and cyborgs disguised as humans with their own goals in mind. Achieve your goal of repairing or destroying the space-time continuum before fuel runs out! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B103: [BETA TEST] "Lords of Shadowtree" by Grim Fantasy Games; presented by Conner Cole. An adventure strategy board game. Players take on the role of a Lord seeking to either establish their kingdom first or slay all other players for domination. However, monsters roam near and far, wreaking havoc upon all in their way. Foes might be forced band together to survive, only to then backstab each other, or align for mutual victory. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B104: [BETA TEST] "Miner Rings" presented by Charlie Hoopes. A pick-up-and-deliver game where players can move the destinations. You are captain of a freighter making deliveries between space stations orbiting a ringed planet. Earn the best reputation by hauling the most cargo and colonists between space stations. Sometimes it is best to fly your rocket to a space station, others it will be more efficient to move the space station to your rocket. While using fuel will get you there quicker, your supply is limited, so choose wisely when to burn and when to conserve. In this game, everyone shares the same dice rolls, so you can't blame how you roll. Miner Rings is an evolution of Planet Chasers, a finalist in the 2016 Cardboard Edison prototype of the year award. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B105: [BETA TEST] "Missile Silo" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A multi-room, group game about the stress, morality, and tragedy of nuclear war. Players divide into three rooms and begin a real-time, gamified dramatization of a chilling situation. The game starts at the precipice of a world war. Teams represent two of the nine countries that presently possess a nuclear arsenal. The remaining countries are represented as NPCs. Missile commanders are sequestered in closed rooms that represent isolated, underground missile silos. Other players are the presidents of the two nations. As world events evolve, the presidents must make strategic decisions related to the use of their devastating weaponry. The encrypted messages the silo teams receive require puzzle-solving skills in order to decode. The choices made by the presidents and the missile commanders will determine the fate of civilization. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B106: [BETA TEST] "ORDS" by EverTech Products; presented by Felix Cruz. Galactic Strategy and Tactical Board/Card Game. Win the game by eliminating all opponents and becoming Emperor/Empress of the Milky Way Galaxy. Includes a short version of play to allow a winner within a couple of hours. Players move their token pieces around the board by spaceships, weapon cards, Star Systems (Star cards), and win Yeps (monies), etc. Players will transport, at a cost, spaceships into different Galactic Quadrants to challenge opponents to battle to control Galactic Quadrants, conquer Star Systems (Star cards), destroy opponents' spaceships, and win Quadrant prizes. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B107: [ALPHA TEST] "Pre-Wild" by Flatout Games; presented by Shawn Stankewich. A co-operative tile-laying, pool-building game. In Pre-wild players take on the role of ancient woodland creatures who must fight against the pollution and greed of an ancient human civilization to create the wilderness we know today. During the day, the animals must manage resources as they move throughout the land, returning the corrupt cities to nature and building shelter against the impending attacks...for when night falls, the cities lash out and raid the natural areas and the animals who occupy them. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B108: [BETA TEST] "Reigning Cats and Dogs" presented by Wayne Bowmanchester. This light strategy game starts with a group of animals escaping from the pound, each one with the belief that they should be the to rule the neighborhood. Race your competitors to mark your territory, steal areas from your enemies, and explore your community. The fur will fly until the winning pet is crowned! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B109: [BETA TEST] "Sharknado: The Board Game!" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. The officially-licensed tabletop game of the cult-hit franchise, Sharknado: The Board Game! is a cooperative, scenario-based game for 2 to 4 players, ages 15 and up. Players assume the roles of brave citizens of a coastal city, working together to battle hordes of man-eating sharks as they attempt to thwart the ultimate weather phenomenon! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B110: [BETA TEST] "Smirk & Dagger Smash Lab" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. Four good games that need to be great. Break em and build them to new heights. Rescue dogs at a shelter and find them the perfect home / Bluff the biggest Fish Tale ever / Robbery gone very, very bad. And more. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B111: [BETA TEST] "Thing Quest" presented by Michael Scott Matecha. Word manipulation meets story improv! The players (wizards) will pull 1 card from each of 3 common decks of sleeved word cards (things) on which they will use their magic (dry erase pens) to add, remove or change letters and create new words (useful items and spell effects) to overcome the encounter cards with magic arts (light storytelling improv). The players win when everyone reaches a certain number of successes encouraging players to support those lagging behind. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B112: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 7 seats left.
B113: [BETA TEST] "VerboCity" presented by Travis Magrum, Jonathan Gilmour. Players are spelling words to put tiles into their city. The bigger the word you spell, the more tiles you can move into your city. Compete to build the best city! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] L114: [ALPHA TEST] "Last Item on the Agenda" presented by Shawn Roske. The monthly staff meeting is almost over, but it's about to get heated. Working in a group home, living where you work, gets intense. Everyone knows how messy it is to deal with the daily affairs of residents. Staff want to be protected by rules and guidelines. Live-in staff are banned from having private visitors, and it seems impossible to deal compassionately with sexuality. One of the winners of the 2017 Civic Games Contest. The current version is being published academically. This playtest will review the mechanics and construction of the script of the LARP for ease of understanding and ways to simplify the setup in order to release a more playable version. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R115: [BETA TEST] "Atitlan Riders" by Alles ist Zahl; presented by Gerrit Reininghaus. A PbtA game about the dramatic lives and emotional struggles of young men and women living in the largest indigenous Maya town of Central America Santiago Atitlan. Tension is released through secret Tuktuk races, the three-wheeled taxis cruising the steep and narrow streets of the town - giving the game a Fast & Furious feeling. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R116: [ALPHA TEST] "Legacy" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Michelle Lyons. A game based on the Gumshoe system in which players uncover a mystery that has haunted a family through generations and put an end to it before it destroys them all. This game is designed to emulate Gothic literature in that it a) centers on a specific family, b) takes place in a specific location, and c) involves a complex, knotty mystery that stretches across time and space, affecting multiple generations. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R117: [BETA TEST] "NOVA6 Accelerated (Character Design)" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. NOVA6 is a rules-lite OGL system we are leveraging for multi-genre play. To expand on that effort, we have created an accelerated version of NOVA6 to facilitate quick character creation and enable rapid play and engagement. While the full NOVA6 rules are well suited to long-term campaign play, we want the accelerated version to serve as a great foundation for one-shot stories, especially where you want the players to be invested with their own characters rather than pregens. We will be playtesting character creation for multiple themes and maybe do a little testing of the characters as well. Help us make this design process fast, easy, and engaging. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R118: [BETA TEST] "Project: Wingspan" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. A duet game, played in pairs of GMs and players, Project: Wingspan tells the story of one soldier who could change the course of a war. Merovia, a country from a fictional past is surrounded by hostile nations. To save themselves they use mysterious technologies and turn an ordinary person into a living weapon. You are the result of Project: Wingspan. You fly above the battlefield shattering enemy forces with a thought. For this session the testers will be given an abridged rulebook and asked to work through the introductory tutorials together. The designer will moderate as needed. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R119: [BETA TEST] "Secret Journey Monsters" presented by Graham Gentz. A game about discovery. Players create and portray adolescents, Wayfarers, setting out on a rags-to-rich pilgrimage, finding and entreating the many monsters and spirits of their world to accompany them on your adventure. Other Wayfarers travel parallel journeys to yours and if you meet them on the road, they will want to test the elemental prowess of their monster partners against yours in ritualistic combat! Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R120: [BETA TEST] "Writers, Retreat!" presented by Alex Tully. "You have been officially accepted to the prestigious Weeks' Writers' Retreat in historic South Falmouth, Massachusetts," the invitation reads. A weekend away might just be the thing to help you finish your next big piece, assuming you can survive your stay. Writers, Retreat! is a story driven, survival horror role playing game which utilizes mechanics inspired by blackout poetry to tell as thrilling a tale as your creativity allows. Is the pen really mightier? Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
L121: [BETA TEST] "Guest Suite, Part One" by Bully Pulpit Games, LLC; presented by Jason Morningstar. A LARP about the VIP lounge at a large fandom convention. You'll play an author, actor, performer, or other luminary on the nerd circuit, killing time between panels, eating complimentary snacks and maybe re-kindling old feuds and romances. It's a silly game that not-so-obliquely reflects on our cultural adoration of celebrities in a not-so-silly way. Players MUST participate in both parts of this game. The first event is an orientation and the second event is the actual game. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 7 seats left.
[FILLED] R122: [FOCUS GROUP] "Princess World" presented by Kevin Petker. A game about girls who rule. Tough, capable heroines struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place... or create one of their own. Working alone and together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World. Powered by the Apocalypse. Friday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B123: [BETA TEST] "#refugee card game" by Forstle LLC; presented by Thomas Mon. A turn-based strategy card game in which players assume the roles of countries attempting to address an acute global influx of refugees. Players take turns discovering certain facts and pieces of information about each refugee. Leveraging this knowledge, players then make choices on how best to manage the effects that these refugees will have on the security of their borders and countries. #refugee card game affords players flexibility the form of alternate win-conditions as well as ad-hoc collaboration in games with more than 2 players. Will you try to allow as many refugees as possible into your country or will you try to eliminate your opponents by redirecting "undesirable" refugees away from your borders? Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B124: [BETA TEST] "Art 101" by WizKids; presented by Zev Shlasinger. Hi, Class! Welcome to your first day of Art 101. Throughout this course you will be using color theory to make a mosaic. While this is a group project, you will be graded individually. Your grade for this course will be the combination of your participation and project scores. Get to work and make your mosaic. In Art 101, players will roll dice that will determine which mosaic tiles they get and which color theory is available to them. Mix, substitute, and gain colors as well as use the color wheel for complementary, adjacent, and triatic color shifts. Use the colors you gain to add to the mosaic. Building quickly is important but so is the size of areas you are playing. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B125: [BETA TEST] "Bigfoot vs. Yeti" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer. A battle is brewing between the undisputed king of the cryptids Bigfoot and his stone cold cousin the Yeti, who is sick of being left out in the cold playing second fiddle. In Bigfoot vs. Yeti you are an up and coming cryptozoologist mounting expeditions in the hopes of proving the existence of unknown creatures such as Bigfoot, Yeti, The Loch Ness Monster, the Jersey Devil or Chupacabra. Somehow you have landed smack dab in the middle of a feud between Bigfoot and Yeti so it's time to choose your side as it will help shape the fate of your research and ultimately your success! Note - We are testing bonus cards for Kickstarter. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B126: [BETA TEST] "Communique" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. Your team of Cold War spies has to interpret a series of coded messages--or communiques--to hit three checkpoints all while avoiding a growing number of enemy agents. If you enjoy team clue-giving games like Codenames, Mysterium and Spyfall, this is the game for you! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B127: [BETA TEST] "Doomsday Prepper" by Strange Theory Games; presented by Jeff Fraser. The end is nigh! Doomsday Prepper is a comedic tableau-building game where you try to prepare for the end of the world - and see who can last the longest! In the preparation phase, you'll recruit fellow survivalists to help build a bunker and stock up on enough food, morale, and useful items to last for years underground. Once Doomsday hits, you'll see how long your supplies last and how well you can deal with disasters that befall you and your bunkermates. The last player standing is declared the winner. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B128: [ALPHA TEST] "Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. The original game of kinetic mayhem came out in 1986. This restored version features fully revamped play with some light programming, hand management, take that, and press-your-luck. Players race around the island, gathering (or stealing) treasures, all the while dodging a host of hazards but mostly FIREBALLS. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B129: [BETA TEST] "First Responders, Inc." by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. Play as one of the four corporations competing to privatize First Reponse units in the distant future. Prove that you deserve the city's exclusive contract by building and upgrading your fleet of police, fire, and medical vehicles, hiring dispatchers to increase response time, responding to emergencies, completing crisis cards, and working towards secret objectives. Each corporation has a unique feel with variable powers and player boards in this light Euro-inspired board game. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B130: [BETA TEST] "Human Sacrifice" by Aggressively Playable Games; presented by Noah Anderson. You are a member of the Community of United Local Townsfolk. Help your fellow CULTists prepare for the coming of the Dark One in the light, fun card game where death isn't an obstacle, reading from the book is a given, and evil always wins. A competitive/cooperative card game. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B131: [BETA TEST] "I Hunger" by Labyrinth Games; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. Yet another board game of Zombie Survival. Though with this one there is a twist. You are the Zombie trying to survive. Come shamble through the streets trying to evolve and escape. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B132: [BETA TEST] "It Figures" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. A game system that resembles Boggle, but for math, and with the flexibility to let you play the way you want to. Roll dice into a grid or a circle, add extra rules or challenges to each round, or play the set collection variant where you have to include or exclude specific elements. Only unique equations allow you to score. This game can make you math differently every time you play it! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B133: [BETA TEST] "Lazer Ryderz: Expansions" by Cardboard Fortress Games; presented by Anthony Amato, Nicole Kline. It's season 2 of the radical 80s trackless racing game LAZER RYDERZ! After passing through the dimensional portals, our heroes find themselves in The Danger Zone. Test out strange new phenomena, exciting new characters, and the effects of terrain in our upcoming expansion. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B134: [BETA TEST] "Mayday Mixup" by Mayday Games; presented by Daniel Peterson. Join Daniel Peterson from Mayday Games to look at two potential new titles! Roman Riot by Erik Dresner is a real time sorting game where players compete to build the Ancient Roman Monuments. Will you quickly outsmart your opponents and place your building resources in the correct spots first? Brilliance by Nate Jones is a gem market game. The gem market is a volatile place. The cost of Gems change constantly. You are placing cards to acquire Gems. Cards placed also change the cost of the gems. Can you sell high and lower the cost of other players gems? Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B135: [BETA TEST] "Microtanks" presented by Michael Scott Matecha. A complete WWII miniatures tank battle that fits in your pocket! Cloth map, 22 cards, 24 markers, 4 dice, rules and 20 3d metal miniature tanks that fit in...a standard poker card box! The intended audience is mid-hardcore gamers. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B136: [BETA TEST] "Midnight at the Well of Souls" by Critical-Hits Studios LLC; presented by David Chalker. You've gone through a Markovian Gate and emerged on the Well World, a planet-sized computer made up of hexes, each of which contains its own alien lifeform and biosphere. Explore the Well World and piece together clues to find the Well of Souls, the key to unmatched power over reality, in this adventure/puzzle board game, based on the novels by Jack L. Chalker. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B137: [BETA TEST] "Myth and Mettle" presented by ErikPeter Walker. A cooperative, monster-slaying card game set in Ancient Greece. The heroes attempt to slay three legendary monsters, like Chimera or Medusa. Tactically play cards to maneuver and attack, while mitigating the attacks of the monsters. Each hero and monster has their own unique abilities, encouraging players to explore new strategies from battle to battle. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B138: [BETA TEST] "Nassau" presented by Tim Armstrong. Build trade routes and fulfill orders in the Lucayan Archipelago. Nassau is a light strategy game that implements tile drafting/placement and resource management. Each trade route tile has its own trade action. Placing a new trade route not only triggers that tile's action, but also triggers certain adjacent tiles in a chain reaction. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B139: [BETA TEST] "NextNote" presented by Janna Bramhill. A fun way to learn music notes and a fun game to play even if you already know all your notes. Improve your speed at recognizing notes, octaves, note names, length, and building familiarity with chords and triads. Ideal for families with kids learning to read music and to complement musical instruction. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 5 seats left.
B140: [BETA TEST] "Nyctophobia" presented by Jonathan Gilmour. One player is a killer, the other players are being hunted in the woods. Try to survive and make it to the car before the hunter takes one of you down. This game has a unique twist that makes it unlike any other game of this type. This game is designed by Catherine Stippell, and being developed by Jonathan Gilmour. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B141: [BETA TEST] "Palette Gamut" by HitMouse Productions; presented by Joshua Ferraiuolo. A card game about collecting pigments and mixing paint. Collected pigments are combined with binders and solvents to form the colors according to their recipe. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B142: [BETA TEST] "Please Drive-Thru" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. Can you build a chain of fast food restaurants that meets the changing demands of customers on the busiest boulevard in town. Over a series of 3 dinner rush drive-thru phases, players will use simultaneous hidden action selection to manipulate their restaurants supplies, locations, inventory, and even influence customer demands. After 2-4 actions are taken, the customers drive thru and buy up as much of your supplies as they desire. The game uses a deep thinking strategy of measuring supply and demand and spacial positioning to make you the wealthiest Fast Food Drive-Thru empire in town. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B143: [BETA TEST] "Reigning Cats and Dogs" presented by Wayne Bowmanchester. This light strategy game starts with a group of animals escaping from the pound, each one with the belief that they should be the to rule the neighborhood. Race your competitors to mark your territory, steal areas from your enemies, and explore your community. The fur will fly until the winning pet is crowned! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B144: [ALPHA TEST] "Rise of Shadow Moon" by Cap & Beard; presented by Nicholas Favia. Once every 103 years, a dark moon rises into the night sky, the Shadow Moon. It brings the darkness out of the corners of your room and The Shadow Lady's minions begin to seep in. Take on the role of children's toys and fight off hordes of shadows, keep them off the bed to keep the child safe! Can you protect the child from The Shadow Lady? Or will their spirit be dragged off to The Shadowlands only to be consumed? Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B145: [BETA TEST] "Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. In Soaring Rhino's follow-up expansion to Shifting Realms, players delve into three new realms that can be added to the base game. Build towers that feed the demons and take control of fierce gargoyles. See what is new in Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B146: [BETA TEST] "Space Pirate Booty" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. It's time to gather your crew for a space pirate journey. In this tricky trick taking game, players bid for cards to complete their crew. Pirate meld cards, special score cards, and trick score cards make every round a different experience. Who will cleverly walk away with the most booty in this pirate card game from Soaring Rhino? Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B147: [BETA TEST] "The Duel: Point of Honor" by Ironmark Games; presented by Mike Sette. A 2 player tactical card game about robots fighting for honor. A story of dueling, which became a legend in the army, runs through the epic of imperial wars. To the surprise and admiration of their fellows, two officers, like insane artists trying to gild refined gold or paint the lily, pursued a private contest through the years of universal carnage...also robots. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B148: [BETA TEST] "The Lion & The Eagle" by Arbor Games; presented by Jerry Wang. A World War II hybrid Euro/wargaming experience in which players relive some of the great strategic dilemmas that defined the contest between Albion's Lion and the Eagle of the Third Reich. Taking over in High Command, players will use their decks and the game board to plan their strategies, appoint Commanders and enact Policies, fight battles at sea and in the skies, and ultimately, achieve victory for their side. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B149: [BETA TEST] "The Stars May Swallow Us" by Tekkactus Games; presented by Jeff Gum. A modular hidden-role card game. Trapped on a broken down spacecraft with failing life support, players need to race against the clock to repair their engine before their air supply runs out, while also defending against attacks from the saboteur who caused this mess to begin with. If you've ever thought Werewolf could use some card counting deduction, or if Love Letter needed more accusatory pointing, this might be the testing session for you! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 7 seats left.
B150: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B151: [BETA TEST] "Truckaroo" presented by Megan Knouff. Run your own food truck! Prices for ingredients change daily, so try to get the best deals and get the most customers. Hang on to repeat customers for extra bonuses! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B152: [BETA TEST] "Z4X" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. Spread across the stars and become the strongest empire in the galaxy. Race the other players to achieve galactic objectives by exploring new sectors or fighting over established territory. Featuring gameplay elements from Eclipse, Concordia, multi-use cards, dice combat, and exploring the vastness of space. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
L153: [BETA TEST] "Let Go My Love" presented by Johannes Oppermann. An experience about space in a couple relationship, about breaking up and new beginnings. The couple was deeply in love, but something has entered their relationship that made it dark and stifling. They don’t know what it is, but both feel it when an opportunity for change presents itself. Do they act on the new possibility and let go of what they had? Or do they stay together and hold on to what they feel has turned to a dark place? This chamber LARP, involves touch, ars amandi, some silent scenes. Playtested once. 7 Players: 1 facilitator, 2 Protagonists (the couple), and 4 emotions (2 each play a connection, 2 each play a distance) Themes: Alienation - Breaking up - Loss - Enticement - Disappointment - New beginnings - Symmetry Friday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] L154: [BETA TEST] "Wight Wedding" by Damocles Thread Development; presented by Jacqueline Bryk. A freeform LARP about a wedding like any other -- except half the guests are dead, and some have unfinished business. This is a comedy game with some horror and tragedy elements. We will be testing the character generation mechanic and the scene-based system, as well as some visual and somatic elements. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R155: [ALPHA TEST] "Armored Society" by Magpie Games; presented by Brendan Conway. In Serland, armor is more than just protection from the monsters that roam the land - it's protection from the monsters that live at court, the kind that kill with words and smiles. Do you what it takes to survive and thrive in this world of politics, desire, and danger? Come playtest the new character creation system for this latest version of the Powered by the Apocalypse game inspired by the works of Jane Austen and Game of Thrones. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R156: [BETA TEST] "BFF" by Heart of the Deernicorn; presented by Ross Cowman. Wanna hangout? BFF is storytelling game about slumber parties, pillow forts, made-up words, stinky feet, secret handshakes, all night movie fests, video games, too many chips, and laughing till your face hurts. It's basically just tween girl BEST FRIENDS doing things BEST FRIENDS do, lots of colorful art, something called Friendship Cards, and a die we roll sometimes. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R157: [BETA TEST] "Bullets in the Mountain" by Radical Bomb Games; presented by Steve Radabaugh. A town struggles to survive on the Wyoming frontier as bandits, native conflicts, and nature threaten to take everything. A powered by the Apocalypse game that focuses on your reputation in the town. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R158: [BETA TEST] "Circles of Power" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. A game about individuals who have suffered oppression, and have gained magic to balance the karmic scales. In this game, you play one of the Wise who arise from marginalized communities. You cast your spells to ward off the Doom and to earn valuable favours from the Society. The designer is looking for individuals with experience with multiple axes of marginalization and/or activism. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R159: [BETA TEST] "Damn the Man, Save the Music" by Make Big Things; presented by Hannah Shaffer. Play a ragtag group of indie record store employees trying to save your store from the oppressive hands of the Man and keep the music playing! A role playing game inspired by Empire Records and a love for the 90s. No knowledge of the source material necessary to enjoy the game. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R160: [BETA TEST] "Death Knights" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. The Apocalypse Needs You. You swore revenge on an unfeeling universe, and it listened - you were hand picked to be one of the harbingers of destruction that unmakes creation itself. The ties of your former humanity pull at you, though, and make your duty difficult to reconcile. Can you overcome love and plunge the world into oblivion? Or will you be destined to fail and watch reality thrive? Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R161: [BETA TEST] "Demihumans" by Robert Bohl Games; presented by Robert Bohl. The Golden Age is ending, and soon all that will be left is humanity. Play elves, halflings, trolls, and other fantasy peoples as they face physical and cultural extinction in a world that no longer has any place for them. You'll be able to choose between a character/world creation session or playing a first episode with premade situation. Demihumans is more an Apocalypse World hack than a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so AW veterans, come my way. But anyone who has played a fantasy video game or seen Lord of the Rings is welcome. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R162: [BETA TEST] "Hydro Hacker Operatives" by Encoded Designs; presented by Phil Vecchione. This is a test of the Hydro Hacker Operatives RPG, a Powered by the Apocalypse game. You are Hydro-Punk Robin Hood’s who steal water from Corporations to keep your Neighborhood alive. Players will make characters from the 6 available playbooks and solve a small problem in their neighborhood. This test is to highlight the playbooks and basic moves of the game. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R163: [ALPHA TEST] "Immortal Flight" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions; presented by Shoshana Kessock. A tabletop RPG about power, choice, and responsibility as players taken on the role of half-angel, half-human Nephilim in an urban fantasy world of angels, demons, and supernatural threats. Stuck between heaven and earth, between angels and the Unclean below, what will you choose? Immortal Flight sports a new system and in-depth setting folklore based on angel mythology reinterpreted for the modern day. Rated mature for violence and serious themes, these playtests will look at character creation and game mechanics. Friday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R164: [BETA TEST] "Nahual" presented by Miguel Angel Espinoza. A Mexican role playing game Powered by the Apocalypse set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operacion Bolivar. In Nahual players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales that fought against the invading angels that came with the conquistadores. They have the dormant gifts that allow them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders. Many angel hunters just struggle for survival, some crave power, others look for answers—at the end they all agree in one thing: A nahual lives to hunt down angels. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R165: [BETA TEST] "Prism" by Little Wish Productions; presented by Whitney Delaglio. An aquatic role playing game about conflict resolution and relationships. There are six realms in the game with their own culture, code of ethics, and deity. Recommended for gamers that like intimacy, merfolk, and social combat. The rules for the game are finished. This is not a playtest. This is so players and publishers alike can poke at the rules with a stick, and let the creator know if any of the content breaks their collective brains. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R166: [BETA TEST] "The City Afterlife" presented by Rob Deobald. A diceless, cooperative/GM-less, urban fantasy, PbtA RPG that draws inspiration from Avery Alder's Dream Askew with bits borrowed from Matthijs Holter and Jason Morningstar's Love in the itme of Khvareneh. Awareness of a supernatural reality has slithered into public consciousness. We stand in the threshold between an ancient facade and this brave new world. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R167: [BETA TEST] "The Excellents" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather Wilson. So there you were, just living your life, doing the things people do, when - BAM! - there's an explosion of light and sound! You find yourself in the AWESOME WORLD. You've earned a sword! You've been given a crown! Now you have a responsibility to help keep Awesome World awesome and safe. Are you PRINCESS enough?! In the Excellents you take on the role of an Excellent Princess who defends their "thing" against evil and makes Awesome World a better place. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R168: [FOCUS GROUP] "Thousand Arrows" by Galileo Games, Inc.; presented by Brennan Taylor. Samurai adventure by way of Kurosawa, set in the historical Warring States period. Play as samurai, spies, monks, and spirits. Thousand Arrows is Powered by the Apocalypse. Friday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R169: [BETA TEST] "Timepeekers" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Matthew McFarland. A Powered by the Apocalypse game about growing up, childhood adventures, and a looming crisis of apocalyptic proportions. You can fight, or even solve, that crisis now, if you're willing to learn a little bit too much about your own future in the process. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R170: [ALPHA TEST] "Velvet Generation" presented by Richard Ranallo. The Starchildren crossed the galaxy looking for the home planet of rock & roll. But by the time they arrive, Earth has changed for the worse. The oppressive Ministry of Music has all but stamped out free expression of any kind. The Starchildren and their Earthling allies in the rock & roll underground have no choice but to fight back with the power of music! (Neotraditional RPG, homebrew dice pool-based system.) Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R171: [ALPHA TEST] "Xenolanguage" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. It's five minutes in the future and we've made first contact. In Xenolanguage, you are a linguist tasked with deciphering an alien language. As you gain fluency, you begin to see the world differently. In this Alpha workshop, we will experiment with different techniques for deciphering the language. Come prepared to mainly experiment with mechanics and engage in design discussions. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B172: [BETA TEST] "#refugee card game" by Forstle LLC; presented by Thomas Mon. A turn-based strategy card game in which players assume the roles of countries attempting to address an acute global influx of refugees. Players take turns discovering certain facts and pieces of information about each refugee. Leveraging this knowledge, players then make choices on how best to manage the effects that these refugees will have on the security of their borders and countries. #refugee card game affords players flexibility the form of alternate win-conditions as well as ad-hoc collaboration in games with more than 2 players. Will you try to allow as many refugees as possible into your country or will you try to eliminate your opponents by redirecting "undesirable" refugees away from your borders? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B173: [BETA TEST] "...And John Kills Us All" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. A semi-cooperative trick-taking card game in which the players are psychic time travelers. They must prevent John from pushing the button and killing everyone, while still trying to achieve their secret objective. But watch out for the Nihilist - they win if everyone dies. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B174: [BETA TEST] "Agency" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A tense and breathless strategy card game that allows two to five players to explore a the ruthless underworld of espionage. There is a deck of agents and a deck of assets from which players draw and a field is created. You must think on your toes to make the best decisions with just two cards at the beginning of your turn. Will you confront an opponent, make contact with the field, or move assets to your safehouse? You advance by dominating the city. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B175: [BETA TEST] "Armies of Olympus" by Mayday Games; presented by Daniel Peterson. Players recruit armies and collect resources to destroy attacking Greek monsters. Can you out wit your opponents and destroy more monsters then them? A potential new Mayday title by Mark Hanny. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B176: [BETA TEST] "Big Top" presented by Dan Cassar. A two-player microgame that challenges players to manipulate circus performers like the Human Cannonball, the Tightrope Walker and the Strong Man to enable their own evil clown to escape the Big Top. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B177: [BETA TEST] "Capodecina" presented by Jessie Yaternick. A gangster card game where players try to build themselves a crew to successfully pull off heists. You can choose to work with other players to complete the crew and share the rewards of a job. You can help other players out of jail or the hospital but you also have the choice to rat them out, shoot them, or steal their crew members. The first player to obtain enough reputation becomes the new "Boss" and wins. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B178: [BETA TEST] "Cartrigia" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A retro tile based light dungeon crawler with the feel of classic RPGs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Zelda. Players control a group of 1 to 6 asymetrical heroes while they explore the dungeon, battle classic monsters, gain valuable items, and if they're good enough - and can stay alive long enough - defeat the Dungeon Lord. Features multiple difficulty levels from easy to epic - no two games the same! Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B179: [ALPHA TEST] "Chronicle of Kings" by Pendelhaven; presented by Andrew Valkauskas. Set during the Viking age in the Fate of the Norns universe. Players take on a dynasty of Viking rulers who wish to be immortalized in legend. Each turn spans several years, meaning that the bloodline will need to plan for marriage and children. Victory is achieved by being the bloodline with the most renown, and the game rewards players for memorable play. There are many ways to achieve renown, allowing players to pursue different paths to victory (ie. quests, military conquests, trade/raid, diplomatic intrigue, etc.). Rather than a mundane actions, players initiate scenes filled with drama, conflict and tension. All of the memories are created and situated upon a world map. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B180: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B181: [BETA TEST] "Cupcake Clash" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. A food fight breaks out and suddenly cupcakes are flying everywhere! Draft the most advantageous hand of cupcake cards, then lay them out so that each one is directed toward one of the other players, except one that you hold in reserve. Fling cupcakes to score points, eat them to get your energy back up, deflect them to another player, or just shield yourself from the mess. Guessing what other players are likely to do can help you arrange your own cards, but once airborne, who knows where a cupcake may land? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B182: [BETA TEST] "Everyone's a Suspect" presented by Kristin Firth. It's a small town and somebody has been murdered. Everyone is a suspect. Including everyone at this table. *Especially* everyone at this table. This is a card-based mystery game, in the tradition of storytelling games (like Once Upon a Time). Taking turns, we will tell the story of a group of characters in a murder victim's life and how the murder affects them. The murderer will be determined at the end of the game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B183: [BETA TEST] "F.L.O.W." by Wee Big Games; presented by Tam Myaing. A cooperative time-traveling game where you are an agent of F.L.O.W., the Federal Land and Oceanic Workforce, entrusted with maintaining the Temporal Continuum and the fate of the human race. Open time portals to pivotal locations in time, travel to these locations, and shape incidents to architect a favorable ripple effect through the continuum. Can you and your team of F.L.O.W. agents complete the directives before time runs out? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B184: [BETA TEST] "Good Dog, Bad Zombie" by Make Big Things; presented by Hannah Shaffer. A cooperative game where Homeward Bound meets The Walking Dead. Together, you and your doggo pack will have to rescue enough hoomans in a crumbling metropolis and bring them back to the home you're building in Central Bark. Can you save enough people before you go feral and you forget what it means to feel the love of a hooman? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B185: [BETA TEST] "Hero: Tales of the Tomes" presented by Jimmy Ellerth. A multiplayer card game in which each of the players takes the role of a legendary hero and battles it out until only one is left standing. All players play off of one shared deck together, so no prior deck building or collecting is required. The gameplay is fast and exciting. With all the potential for twists and comebacks, you'll never truly feel out of the game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B186: [BETA TEST] "Heroball" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Geoffrey Engelstein. What do superheroes do in their spare time? Play Heroball! Heroball is a simple, fast, and fun two-player game that brings the classic vibrating electric football game to a modern audience. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B187: [BETA TEST] "Imagine Majesty" by Imagine Majesty Productions, LLC; presented by Davin Loegering. A game with multiple play scenarios: 4X campaign, cooperative wave defense, and solo/team skirmish with sci-fi/fantasy and historical/epic fantasy components. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B188: [BETA TEST] "Martian Badlands" by Space Lion Games; presented by Sara Perry. In the Martian Badlands, there are no laws and the corporations know it. You are the original colonists of Mars fighting tooth and nail to protect your land as encroaching corporations try to take it from you. Work together with your eccentric neighbors to build your dice pool and successfully fend off the corporate thieves. Martian Badlands is a cooperative, dice building and worker placement game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B189: [BETA TEST] "Mining Colony" presented by Anthony Fiumano. A Worker placement type game where each turn players are taking an action to help contribute to the Colony as a whole. At the end of 6 rounds the person who has contributed the most (gotten the most Victory Points) will have won. Players gain VP by Reproducing, Constructing Buildings, Crafting Items, Slaying Monsters, Gathering Animals, or creating Farms for the Colony. It's your adventure to do as you see fit. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B190: [BETA TEST] "Pinball Showdown: Wizard Mode Expansion" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer. Players are the pinball steering into a wide array of playfield devices while trying to score combinations, activate Wizard Mode and become the highest scoring pinball. To do this they must maintain a critical balance between speed and control. Go too slow and it will limit what you can score and put you at risk for draining, but go too fast and you may lose control! May the best pinball win! Experience pinball from the pinball's point of view. Score playfield devices, collide with other pinballs and score those sweet combos for bonuses. It's not as easy as it looks! Note - We are testing new devices, new combos and five player rules for the Wizard Mode expansion. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B191: [BETA TEST] "Plutocracy" presented by Chris Anderson. Six empires battle for dominance of the galaxy. But you don't control any of them. You are an influencer using your connections to manipulate all of the empires to your own benefit. Build up economies, start wars, expand control and, when it suits you, change sides and bring the empire you helped build crashing back down for a tidy profit. Plutocracy is a 4X game with a focus on manipulating economies. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B192: [BETA TEST] "QuestFour" presented by Robert Brown. Place one of your pieces, then turn any tile. It seems simple to win, just get four of your pieces in a row. But is it that simple? Players must think in multiple dimensions while adapting to an ever changing playing field. Just when you think you've won, your opponent can take it away with the twist of a board. QuestFour is a 4D spatial strategy game where players use their pieces in multiple dimensions while adapting to a dynamic playing field. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B193: [ALPHA TEST] "Rover" by Runaway Parade Games; presented by Gwen Ruelle. A new planet has been discovered and your company has dispatched a squadron of rovers to explore its surface and dig for precious minerals. Unfortunately your robots are not alone on the delivery ship, as a hard fought compromise has filled the cargo bay with hardware bearing the logos of several powerful corporations. Your company lawyers have informed you that the contract only guarantees cooperation on the delivery ship and mentions nothing about conduct on the surface. Direct your rover quickly and safely across the planet and fight back against your opponents by acquiring new cards and creating powerful combinations in this light hearted, deck building adventure that features a modular board and endless possibilities. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B194: [BETA TEST] "Russian Rocket Roulette" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. Can you make it to space, and race to the stars? Or will your efforts catastrophically explode?! Only you and your competition can tell. Take a spin on this space race themed game! Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B195: [BETA TEST] "Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. In Soaring Rhino's follow-up expansion to Shifting Realms, players delve into three new realms that can be added to the base game. Build towers that feed the demons and take control of fierce gargoyles. See what is new in Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B196: [BETA TEST] "Space Runners" presented by Robin Liu. A press your luck adventure card game. Each player selects a hero and tries to run through each location, encountering creatures and traps on the way, while he/she tries to lockdown the location for extra points. Space Runners can be played cooperatively or against each other in teams or free for all. A quick and fun game that is simple to pick up and play with family and friends. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B197: [BETA TEST] "Speculate" by Snowman Games; presented by Mike Schuller. Can you manage your resources in different stock market sectors to collect more fame and fortune than your opponents? This new trick taking game lets you manage your assets as different assets will be valued differently as the game progresses. Play testers will be asked to provide feedback on several rule variants as well as comment on the game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B198: [BETA TEST] "Spirit Realms: Tengoku-SR" by The Raven & The Widow, LLC; presented by Ted Gerard. An army fort builder card game that revolves around a retelling of the gods as animal warrior spirits called Spirit Masters. Each warrior is Ruler of 1 of the 9 realms in the world of Tengoku, SR Prime being the first realm. Each realm is represented by a Spirit Master who comes with his own deck of power, each deck with it's own strengths and weakness. Players must protect their throne by defending their forts from being destroyed while attempting to capture their opponent's Throne. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B199: [BETA TEST] "Sword of Kings" by Red Knight Card Games; presented by Mathew Rutan. This game consists of 108 beautifully crafted cards. The goal for each knight is to build a unique tunnel to their dragon’s Lair. While building their tunnel, knights will discover various magical treasures and encounter friendly people to help them on their quest. At the same time, Knights will find evil creatures and various obstacles they can play on the other knights to slow their progress. Once inside the lair, knights must fight the dragon that is defending the sword. The first knight to defeat the dragon claims the Sword of Kings and wins the game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B200: [BETA TEST] "T.I.G.A.R. 9000" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. The International Great Animal Race - In the distant future the TIGAR 9000 is the ultimate race. This game features to phases. The first phase players negotiate and build their decks. In the second phase they race. Who will win, the squirrel riding the cheetah, the chicken riding the pig, or maybe the lemur riding the rhino. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B201: [BETA TEST] "The Art of Mutiny" by The Art of Mutiny; presented by Benjamin Bral. A funny, pirate-themed bidding game, where you play as a disgruntled pirate on a pirate ship. You hate the captain, and you think you could be a much better captain than he is, but you need other crew members to agree with you. You therefore bribe other crew members (cards) into joining your side. Whoever convinces 8 crew members to join his/her side wins! Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Silly, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B202: [BETA TEST] "The Big Dig" by Flatout Games; presented by Shawn Stankewich. The Big Dig is a trick-taking, tableau-building, bag-pulling expedition into ancient buried chambers to uncover precious jewels. Players use character cards to win tricks and build their teams for the ultimate showdown when the legendary chamber is unearthed. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B203: [BETA TEST] "The Networks: Executives" by Formal Ferret Games; presented by Gil Hova. So you've run a TV network in The Networks. Big deal. Can you do it with an Executive? The Networks: Executives is the first major expansion for the strategy board game The Networks. In it, you'll choose an Executive who will give you a special power (and a special liability) during the game. Can you master your Executive's idiosyncrasies and come out on top? This is a BLIND TEST of the expansion's rulebook, so it helps to have played The Networks before! Friday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B204: [BETA TEST] "Thing Quest" presented by Michael Scott Matecha. Word manipulation meets story improv! The players (wizards) will pull 1 card from each of 3 common decks of sleeved word cards (things) on which they will use their magic (dry erase pens) to add, remove or change letters and create new words (useful items and spell effects) to overcome the encounter cards with magic arts (light storytelling improv). The players win when everyone reaches a certain number of successes encouraging players to support those lagging behind. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B205: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B206: [BETA TEST] "Wayward Crowns" by Thursday Games; presented by Beth Erikson. A land of four kingdoms. A shattered empire. A balance to be restored. Chaos has spread and the courts are scattered. In Wayward Crowns, you must hunt down your kingdom's missing nobles, repair your ancient artifact and restore balance before the other players and before chaos takes over completely. In this board game, players will choose a kingdom (Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs or Spades), each with different skills. Players will then face encounters, earn magical items and explore the kingdoms to find and rescue their nobles. Players must be careful in their journey though, or the chaos could corrupt them. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B207: [BETA TEST] "WBW: World Beats Wrestling" by Single Helix Studios; presented by Noah Cohen. A rhythm based card game? Don't overthink, bid to the beat! WBW: World Beats Wrestling puts a new spin on blind bidding games by adding rhythm. Players start with cards numbered 1-8 in their hands, then put on a song and take turns playing cards face down onto any of four piles while keeping up with the beat. Because each player bids face down, you can see where people are putting their cards, but not where they're putting their value. Keeping up with the beat dishes up a delightful dollop of disorder, disrupts your plans and doles out laughs. Win a pile by having the highest sum once everyone’s cards are down to improve your reputation and win fans. Race to build your fan base so the league will let you win bigger matches and become the face of the WBW. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
B208: [ALPHA TEST] "Writer's Room" presented by John Adamus. A card game where players compete against one another to try and develop the best storyline for a fictional TV pilot, using everything from Protagonists to Plot Twists in an effort to be the first Writer to successfully accomplish their goal. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B209: [BETA TEST] "YouRateDogs" by Silverback Press; presented by Darren Watts. A fun, relatively light family card game for 3-6 players, licensed from and based on the popular WeRateDogs Twitter account, with adorable dog pictures and hilarious commentary from WeRateDogs creator Matt Nelson! Players draft dogs into their kennels, and then put them up for competition based on their "stats" like Floof, Sass, and Ears. Remember, they're all good dogs, Brent, so everybody's stats are at least 10/10 and go up from there (except for the dreaded Your Dog Is Actually A Baby Hippo In Disguise card!). Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
L210: [BETA TEST] "Behind the Magic" by Diegetic Games; presented by Randy Lubin. Players create a fantasy mockumentary that is "Lord of the Rings" meets "This is Spinal Tap". They play a group of adventurers that range from incompetent to egotistical as they bumble their way along the quest. Players will take turns setting scenes for each other and also have "confessionals" with the bard that is documenting the journey. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
L211: [BETA TEST] "Did I Fall Asleep?" presented by David Leaman. When you first sold your body into their service, the Company wiped your brain of all personality and memories. Then over and over they imprinted you with new minds, sent you out on missions and wiped your brain again. Now that your term of service is over, you are being given the chance to go back to who you originally were and to be released back into the world. But when you learn who you were, will you want to go back to that life? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
L212: The Golden Cobra Contest Winner Showcase. The winners are in. The judges have explained the contest. Now, let's play some games! Due to the nature of the contest, we won't know until just before the convention what will be running. We encourage you to be flexible when you show up for this event. Based on audience preference, number of players who arrive and various other factors (entirely left to the discretion of our crack facilitator team!), any or all games of each winning category might run. Categories include: Most Convention-Ready, Most Appealing to Newcomers, Cleverest Design and Game We're Most Eager to Play. Each game will run a minimum of once during the convention. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] L213: [BETA TEST] "Uncanny Valley" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. A parlor LARP about an android who has been assaulted by a hacker. Gameplay takes place several hours after the assault, as the android attempts to file a police report about the incident only to find prejudice in the eyes of the officers. Severe Content Warning: Sexual assault themes, victim blaming, systemic racism, confronting an abuser, misuse of authority, and powerlessness. Play if you want an emotionally charged experience and opportunity to examine and discuss these themes against a sci-fi backdrop. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R214: [BETA TEST] "Battenburgh" by Posthuman Studios; presented by Jack Graham. A Fiasco-like story game about overachieving families, their quirks, and their dysfunctions. If you love the family comedies of Wes Anderson (such as The Royal Tennenbaums, The Fantastic Mister Fox, The Darjeeling Limited, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou), this game is for you - especially if you look at one of these films and think, "Oh crap, that's my family." Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R215: [BETA TEST] "Companions' Tale: Guardians of the Arcane City" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Laura Simpson. A map-making storytelling game where you tell the tale of an epic hero, righting wrongs and saving kingdoms. The hero acts, and leaves others to tell the tale. You are those others: the hero's closest companions. Whose version of the heroic tale will become canon, and whose will be a footnote to history? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R216: [BETA TEST] "Cortex Prime: Hammerheads" by Magic Vacuum Design Studio; presented by Cam Banks. Join Cortex Prime designer Cam Banks in the first playtest of this setting of global disaster relief. As members of the world-famous rescue team, the Hammerheads, you'll use your skills and specialized vehicles to respond to a major environmental disaster. This setting aims to pull away from the traditional "heroes vs. villains" approach in action-adventure and focus more on daring rescue efforts in the face of catastrophe. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R217: [BETA TEST] "Crossroads Carnival" presented by Kate Bullock. In 1930's Dustbowl America, a carnival is ground zero for the final war between good and evil. Play as supernatural sideshows who are trying to stop the encroaching darkness while clinging to what little humanity they have left. Crossroads Carnival is a powered by the apocalypse game of desperate souls beneath the midway lights striving to save a world that hates and fears them. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R218: [BETA TEST] "Enemy of the Revolution" by Cloven Pine Games; presented by Alexi Sargeant. A hidden agenda storytelling game. Players take on the roles of revolutionary squad members embarking on a dangerous, frequently lethal mission - or they play as infiltrators on that same squad, secret counter-revolutionaries trying to strike a blow against Glorious Revolutionary Comrade Leader. Players generate shibboleths to identify their true allies and enemies during the game. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
[FILLED] R219: [BETA TEST] "Family Without Values" presented by Justin Rogers. A dysfunctional family comedy RPG built off the mechanics of the game Swords Without Master by Epidiah Ravachol. In it, each player will choose a playbook a la Apocalypse World and answer some questions to create their scheming, narcissistic, and foolish family member, then begin playing out scenes as creators, actors, and audience. Dice are rolled to determine the overtone of the scene and the tone of each action -- will they be "Cheeky and Fun," or "Tragic and Cruel"? Players slip and struggle against the manipulations of other family members and their own inadequacies until, presumably, nothing is accomplished. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R220: [BETA TEST] "Fedora Noir" presented by Joseph Greathead. 1930s America; the country is recovering from a depression, Hollywood is in an upswing, alcohol is legal again, and someone has come knocking on the Detective's door. There's a missing person, and it's up to the Detective and their lucky hat to find out what happened to them. Fedora Noir, a serious, scene-focused story telling game explores what happens when a run-down Detective with a checkered past must rely on the only two people still willing to speak to them. Learn about the rotten underbelly of the city, rediscover the questionable choices you forgot about, and connect the facts of the case to find out what's really happening. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R221: [BETA TEST] "Interstellar Interventions" by Wrecking Ball Game Labs; presented by Henry Ulrich. a game about trying to change the universe by force and the consequences thereof, one mecha-equipped armed conflict at a time. All manner of high tech polity and transplanetary state vie for influence and control across human occupied space, and now their proxy wars are in your back yard. With the technology, skills, and determination at your disposal you can grasp the power to remove the tyrannical regime controlling your world, but what will be broken, who will die, and what will you do when the fallout of a successful mission can be as dangerous as a failed one? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R222: [BETA TEST] "Love Each Other" by Special Snowflake Games; presented by Gavin White. A queer & peri-apocalyptic narrative story-game for two players, in which we craft a world that reflects our characters' inner lives and explore themes of love and community-formation. It asks us whether we can love each other well enough that our community has a chance to survive (though we ourselves will probably not). We'll be playtesting methods for introducing and teaching some fiddly mechanical bits. The mechanics in question model our natural human resistance to connection in the face of our fears, and give the players a choice: say yes, say no, or roll dice. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R223: [ALPHA TEST] "Odd Luck Charms" presented by Jason Tocci. A rules-light RPG about sketchy collectors, amateurish heists, and ordinary objects with uncanny powers. All resolution is handled with a standard deck of poker cards, using briefly descriptive traits (akin to Fate's "aspects") to describe characteristics and consequences alike. How far would you go to secure a briefcase that opens to reveal a fresh plate of pasta, every time? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R224: [BETA TEST] "Pasión de las Pasiones" by Stop, Hack & Roll; presented by Brandon Leon-Gambetta. Sit down on the couch with la familia and turn on Pasión de las Pasiones! Pasión de las Pasiones is a Powered by the Apocalypse game of desire, betrayal, and family inspired by the telenovelas of Latin America. You'll play the characters in a telenovela; beautiful lovers, cruel villains, and those just desperately trying to stop this family from falling apart. You'll also play a family gasping, jeering, and falling in love along with the story. Lies will be exposed, plots will be shattered, hearts will be broken. If you're very lucky, maybe you'll even throw El Generalísimo off a boat and get to a happy ending filled with flowers, dancing, and passion. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R225: [BETA TEST] "Propylon" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. As a member of Propylon Team Delta, your mission is to explore previously unexplored worlds connected to the propylon network, negotiate strategic alliances, and secure technology that would assist in defending Earth from alien invasion. My love letter to mid-90's sci-fi, especially Stargate. Hack of Dogs in the Vineyard. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R226: [ALPHA TEST] "Pulp Era" by TSR Games; presented by James Carpio. A tabletop role playing game set in the pulp era of the 1930s-1940s. Pulp Era is a restructuring of the Lucky 13 system found in TSR's new Top Secret: New World Order RPG to create a cinematic counterpart.In this session, I would like to have a brainstorming session on combat. Look at the combat system compared to it's current and more tactical counterpart and create something unique and more story focused. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R227: [ALPHA TEST] "Retrievers" by Saddle Shaped Games; presented by James Dagg. The Retrievers' Guild is a trans-continental organization of treasure hunters. Have you lost something important due to the injustice of others, cruel, greedy, and uncaring? Is it too dangerous for you to get it yourself? Retrievers is a heist game focused on escalating tension, resource management, and playing to your strengths. The focus of the session will be examining the moment-to-moment mechanics and their interaction with the Tension and GM resource systems, hoping to ensure things get more dangerous and exciting over time. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
R228: [BETA TEST] "Save the Universe" presented by Don Bisdorf. A sci-fi adventure roleplaying game about veteran warriors, sly scoundrels, and mysterious seers who battle against a galactic menace that the players create. The rules-light system supports improvisation and collaboration, and encourages players to portray personal drama side-by-side with desperate starfighter battles. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R229: [BETA TEST] "Secret Journey Monsters" presented by Graham Gentz. A game about discovery. Players create and portray adolescents, Wayfarers, setting out on a rags-to-rich pilgrimage, finding and entreating the many monsters and spirits of their world to accompany them on your adventure. Other Wayfarers travel parallel journeys to yours and if you meet them on the road, they will want to test the elemental prowess of their monster partners against yours in ritualistic combat! Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R230: [BETA TEST] "Serial Homicide Unit 2.0" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kathryn Miller. There is a killer out on the streets tonight. They are hunting and they know their prey. Tomorrow all the papers will be talking about them and the things that they did. This game is about tonight. This game is about the people they hunt, the lives full of hopes and dreams. Who are these people? What had they wanted more than anything before they became a serial killer's next victim? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R231: [BETA TEST] "The Art of Power" by Galileo Games, Inc.; presented by Brennan Taylor. Medieval power politics in a land ruled by women. This new system is meant to simulate Game of Thrones-style power politics. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R232: [BETA TEST] "The Harnessed" presented by Ian Jarrard. A home-brewed d6 system set in the distant future - a place where heroes shape the very fabric of reality. Their goals: to transform a shattered galaxy into a new age for humankind, while combating multidimensional horrors from an uncertain past. It has been over a thousand years since the Harnessed battled Prions and their Omni progenitors, a battle fought using repurposed powers melded with human will. A thousand years of civilizations rising and falling in the relative peace from a greater war now mostly forgotten. But that peace is unraveling. Harbingers of that terrible war are emerging, and Prions once again walk between the worlds. Will the Harnessed be able to stop them? Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R233: [BETA TEST] "Treads" by Green Hat Designs; presented by Mark Richardson. An RPG story game set against the chaos and uncertainty of the second world war. You play the Crew of a single M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank on the front lines of the war. These playtests will involve focus group style discussion as well as testing of various game elements such as: character creation, interaction, mission flow and combat. The system is original, untested and uses standard playing cards. Play to find out if you can all live. And maybe you all can't. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R234: [BETA TEST] "Warriors of the Realm" by Four-in-Hand Games; presented by Eric Simon. The Throne needs you to stop Lucifer's growing army, but you have your own choices to make and your own consequences to bear. Can you overcome the forces of darkness even as you sink into corruption? A card-driven RPG about angels fighting the War in Heaven, based on the Christian science fiction work of David M. Taylor II. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B235: [BETA TEST] "A Sargasso Sea of Space (and others)" presented by Tim Hutchings. A melange of atypical card games, leaning toward the 'party' end of the fun meter. In A Sargasso Sea of Space describe alien artifacts discovered in a cosmic vortex, in Cryptoquick try to get a photograph of the notorious Big Foot, help Santa load his sled in Santa's Toyline, marvel at the desolation of the moon in "Basalt and Pumice" and more. These are all quick, easy games ranging from Alpha to Beta testing. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B236: [BETA TEST] "Because... CATS!" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. You are a cat, doing cat things. Knocking things over, stealing things, clawing things to destruction... and driving your human insane as they try to clean up your mess. Why? Because... Cats! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B237: [BETA TEST] "Call to Ares" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. The chaotic greek god of war, Ares, has called warriors from different times and cultures to his arena to determine who are the best fighters. In this dice-building game take control of two heroes and battle the enemy heroes in the arena to earn rewards from Ares. As you fight, search for artifacts, pay homage to Ares at his altars, and gain crowns of courage. Which heroes will prove the fiercest? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B238: [BETA TEST] "Can We Talk?" by Gontza Games; presented by Ann Stolinsky. Joan Rivers made this saying famous. We're making it funny. Gontza Games' newest design is a combination of chatter, wits, and endurance. Can you talk about a subject for 30 seconds without stammering or pausing? Come play Can We Talk? to find out. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
B239: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 5 seats left.
B240: [BETA TEST] "Draught Draft/Flowerpot" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. Two short games from Zintis May-Krumins: Draught Draft is a quick card drafting game where the players take the role of bar owners, keeping their bars stocked to attract customers, and advertising to create new customers. Featuring multi-use cards and a 4 round pass-draft. Flower Pot is a quick card drafting/tableau building game where players take the role of flower shop owners fulfilling bouquet orders for clients. Pick up, stack, and re-order clear cards so the right flower colors are visible in your vases. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B241: [BETA TEST] "DRIVE-IN!" by Tabletop Tiki; presented by Daniel Kitchen. In this turn-based game, collect Ticket and Action Cards and battle for the best spots to park your cars on a game board reminiscent of a retro-style 1950's Drive-In Movie Theater. Download the free companion app (NOT required) to any smart phone or tablet device and magically transform the game board into a miniature Drive-In Theater complete with 15 classic 1950's sci-fi Movie Trailers. Collect Movie Cards to park during your favorite B Movies Trailers to earn bonus points. During intermissions you'll have a change to visit our delicious Snack Bar and earn extra points in a confection themed dice battle mini game. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B242: [FOCUS GROUP] "Fantasy Fantasy Football" presented by James Malloy. You are wealthy nobles who have entered into a social competition to claim the title of 'Most Excellent at Managing an Adventuring Party.' Hire on wizards and fighters and mercenary bands. Place bets within your social circle, trade adventurers, and backstab the other nobles against whom you compete. Only the strongest and most successful adventuring bands will earn the right to fight the greatest beasts of the land and win the greatest treasures. Surely that adventuring team will be flying your flag. Fantasy Fantasy Football is a party game in the style of The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen that uses an actual league of fantasy football as it's core mechanic. A loose rule-set helps you interpret the events of your weekly fantasy football matchup's into the tales of fantasy world. Friday, 4:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B243: [BETA TEST] "Faulty Maps" presented by Tim Armstrong. Four pirates are on the hunt for buried treasure! Bet on which pirate will get the closest and then stack the odds in your favor by secretly tampering with their treasure maps. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B244: [ALPHA TEST] "Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. The original game of kinetic mayhem came out in 1986. This restored version features fully revamped play with some light programming, hand management, take that, and press-your-luck. Players race around the island, gathering (or stealing) treasures, all the while dodging a host of hazards but mostly FIREBALLS. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B245: [BETA TEST] "Gerrymandering" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. All things being equal the next election could go either way. It's up to you to make sure it swings in your party's favor. Campaign to encourage your voters and discourage your opponent's, change voter trends, and manipulate political boundaries to make sure your party gets into office. Players rearrange, flip, and replace tiles while manipulating the borders that make up the districts in game about American politics. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B246: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B247: [BETA TEST] "Human Era" by Lay Waste Games; presented by Jake Given. A social deduction game where you and your crew are aboard the last time machine to save space and time from the chaos unleashed by the haphazard time traveling of humans. However, among your crew are machines and cyborgs disguised as humans with their own goals in mind. Achieve your goal of repairing or destroying the space-time continuum before fuel runs out! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B248: [BETA TEST] "In-App Purchases" by Ironmark Games; presented by Mike Sette. This family/casual game moves the popular (and infuriating) match three puzzle genre from the phone to the table. Players can "pay for power" just like in any "free" app, but they may end up getting more than they bargain for. In-App Purchases is perfect for casual gamers, and features intuitive mechanisms, and meaningful decisions. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B249: [BETA TEST] "Konspiracy in Kurdistan" presented by Noah Arjomand. Assemble a cabal of state officials, guerilla fighters and rogue agents in this aggressively satirical deck-building card game set in the Middle East. Gain an edge over rival factions by recruiting or assassinating their cadres and use your own cabal to plot lucrative conspiracies as you vie to control a newly independent Kurdistan. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
B250: [BETA TEST] "Lazer Ryderz: Expansions" by Cardboard Fortress Games; presented by Anthony Amato, Nicole Kline. It's season 2 of the radical 80s trackless racing game LAZER RYDERZ! After passing through the dimensional portals, our heroes find themselves in The Danger Zone. Test out strange new phenomena, exciting new characters, and the effects of terrain in our upcoming expansion. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B251: [BETA TEST] "Mamma Maxie's Midway" presented by David Joria. A light Worker Placement Board Game - You are a booth owner at Mamma Maxie's Midway, looking to expand your corner of the carnival. Will you focus on flash or substance? Will you give the rubes a family-friendly experience, or cheat them out of every last penny? Can you rake in enough tickets to inherit the key to the midway? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B252: [BETA TEST] "Meeple Party" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather O'Neill. Tonight you are throwing a party with your roommates! Will it go down in history as the BEST PARTY EVER?! In this cooperative strategy board game you take advantage of photo opportunities to keep the party cranking while trying to avoid disasters that could end the party! Once there are 3 disasters it's 3 strikes you're out! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B253: [BETA TEST] "Microtanks" presented by Michael Scott Matecha. A complete WWII miniatures tank battle that fits in your pocket! Cloth map, 22 cards, 24 markers, 4 dice, rules and 20 3d metal miniature tanks that fit in...a standard poker card box! The intended audience is mid-hardcore gamers. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B254: [BETA TEST] "New Beeginnings" by Blue Fairy Games; presented by Matt Parish. It is Springtime in the local beehive and the queen is ready to swarm to seek out and establish a new home. To prepare, she is holding a competition for the hive to see which bees are best fit to go with her. As a player, you take on the role of a team of bees competing in this game. Can you be more efficient than your opponents in collecting resources for the hive, manage new growth, and protecting the hive from danger and disease? Only the best will get to go with the queen on this new adventure! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B255: [BETA TEST] "NextNote" presented by Janna Bramhill. A fun way to learn music notes and a fun game to play even if you already know all your notes. Improve your speed at recognizing notes, octaves, note names, length, and building familiarity with chords and triads. Ideal for families with kids learning to read music and to complement musical instruction. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 6 seats left.
B256: [BETA TEST] "Nocturnes" by Branum Games; presented by Tiffany Branum. In this tile-based game, you are all research subjects trapped in a nightmarish dream state, trying to stay sane. As the nightmare expands, you will begin to lose your sanity. Travel across the nightmare tiles and use cards from your hand to impact game play. Try holding onto your sanity as long as possible because the last person with any left is the only one who wakes up psychologically intact! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B257: [BETA TEST] "ORDS" by EverTech Products; presented by Felix Cruz. Galactic Strategy and Tactical Board/Card Game. Win the game by eliminating all opponents and becoming Emperor/Empress of the Milky Way Galaxy. Includes a short version of play to allow a winner within a couple of hours. Players move their token pieces around the board by spaceships, weapon cards, Star Systems (Star cards), and win Yeps (monies), etc. Players will transport, at a cost, spaceships into different Galactic Quadrants to challenge opponents to battle to control Galactic Quadrants, conquer Star Systems (Star cards), destroy opponents' spaceships, and win Quadrant prizes. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B258: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Caleb Stokes. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B259: [BETA TEST] "Pod People" presented by Chris Anderson. Some strange things have been going on in town lately. Some people aren't acting like themselves. It's almost as if they have been changed into Pod People! Pod People is a social deduction game where all players start human, but soon some will be secretly changed to Pod People. You must work with your fellow players to go around town and collect items to complete missions before the Pod People take over. But who can you trust? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 10 seats left.
B260: [BETA TEST] "Salvage" presented by Nolan James. A space-themed strategy game where you collect sets of stray 'Ship Parts' from the board. Armed with Movement, Rotation, Attack, and Defense cards, players maneuver between debris to outwit and disarm their opponents. The first player to put their ship back together and escape wins! We're testing a smaller board for 2-3 players. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B261: [BETA TEST] "Seek and Go Hyde" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. A territory control game of dual moralities. Play as famous mad scientists of the 1800s and their assistants as you rummage through the recently deceased Henry Jekyll's home in search of his discoveries. But your assistants are thirsty, and we all know where that leads... Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B262: [BETA TEST] "Show & Tile" by Jellybean Games; presented by Peter Hayward. Can't draw? No problem! Show & Tile is a Pictionary-like game with no artistic talent required. Instead of making your artwork with a pen and pencil, you use tangram tiles! Get your ideas into shape in this fast, fun, creative party game. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B263: [BETA TEST] "Simple Machines" presented by Doug Levandowski. You and your fellow engineers are confronted with weird problems every day, and you have to design machines to solve them. In this loud, wacky party game, you and your team compete to draw the best machines to solve the problem the judges throw at you - all while using the materials they tell you to use and suffer the drawbacks they make you suffer! After you draw it, the judges will interpret your plans and choose a winner. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 7 seats left.
B264: [BETA TEST] "Superluminal" by Strange Theory Games; presented by Jeff Fraser. An epic sci-fi strategy game where 3-6 heavily asymmetric factions battle for control of an artificial wormhole system that connects the Milky Way together. To win, you’ll need to spread your influence across sectors and planets, build up your economy and military forces, form alliances with other players, and use your faction’s unique abilities to overpower or outwit your enemies. This 4X game uses token-based simultaneous action-selection similar to Game of Thrones: The Board Game or Forbidden Stars, with heavy emphasis on diplomacy and tactical positioning. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B265: [BETA TEST] "Symposium" presented by Dan Cassar. A game about competing scientific theories. Is phlogiston theory going to explain combustion? Or is Oxygen Theory going to sway public opinion? Will studies prove that disease is caused by exposure to miasma (bad air)? Or will the scientific community embrace Germ Theory? This medium-weight, traditional-feel card game casts players as patrons of the sciences in the early days of the Age of Reason. The patrons seek to back the right theory at the right time through two scoring rounds - first a local Colloquium, then at game end, the Great Symposium. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B266: [BETA TEST] "T.I.G.A.R. 9000" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. The International Great Animal Race - In the distant future the TIGAR 9000 is the ultimate race. This game features to phases. The first phase players negotiate and build their decks. In the second phase they race. Who will win, the squirrel riding the cheetah, the chicken riding the pig, or maybe the lemur riding the rhino. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B267: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B268: [ALPHA TEST] "Towering Flight" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. There's nothing dragons like more than to spend a lazy morning catching a thermal and flying as high as they can. But even in their leisure activities, dragons are known to be somewhat competitive. "Towering Flight" is one game being developed for possible inclusion in a set that will use a common tarot-size deck of dragon cards. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B269: [BETA TEST] "Truckaroo" presented by Megan Knouff. Run your own food truck! Prices for ingredients change daily, so try to get the best deals and get the most customers. Hang on to repeat customers for extra bonuses! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B270: [BETA TEST] "Vinyl" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are aspiring vinyl collectors. They have a glimpse of knowledge of what they would like to collect, but immediately get immersed into the experience. Players will acquire morsels of information after visiting the "Mag Rack". That information will lead them to the bins where they select albums to add and expand their collection. Albums can be played at the listening booth to future increase the value of a player's collection and their ability to collect even more albums. Unfortunately, the inventory is limited and other customers may be after the same vinyl gems. After the final round is concluded, players will tally their collection's value and determine who is the Elite Vinyl Collector! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B271: [BETA TEST] "Wayward" presented by Jonathan Gilmour. A cooperative game where players are a group of powered teenagers in Japan fighting Yokai to protect the threads of fate. Based on the Image Comic Book written by Jim Zub. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B272: [BETA TEST] "Wizards With Bazookas" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A fast, high-energy, rowdy, rules-light, slugfest card game for two players in a new genre we call a "real-time deck-builder." Your wizard has spells to cast and a bazooka to fire, so take aim at your opponent along their wizard line and let all hell break loose. You'll begin with a fixed deck then find upgrades as you wander the battlefield. As the frenzy of the battle escalates, your abilities will become fine-tuned and explosive. You are, of course, sagacious, but to win this fight you'll have to be good with a gun as well. Speed and dexterity must be wedded with strategy and instinct in order to make it out alive. Have faith and give it your best shot! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
L273: [BETA TEST] "Guest Suite, Part Two" by Bully Pulpit Games, LLC; presented by Jason Morningstar. A LARP about the VIP lounge at a large fandom convention. You'll play an author, actor, performer, or other luminary on the nerd circuit, killing time between panels, eating complimentary snacks and maybe re-kindling old feuds and romances. It's a silly game that not-so-obliquely reflects on our cultural adoration of celebrities in a not-so-silly way. Players MUST participate in both parts of this game. The first event is an orientation and the second event is the actual game. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 7 seats left.
L274: [BETA TEST] "Happy Birthday, Invincible Emperor!" presented by Chad Wolf. In the last days of a crumbling fascist state, mid level bureaucrats meet to celebrate the birthday of their leader known only as the Invincible Emperor. Many people at the party are just following orders, some are true loyalists, and a couple might be spies. Inside, you are eating cake. Outside, people starve and your country's army is in tatters. Still, this party represents a rare opportunity to socialize, find allies, and learn of loved ones out on the front lines. This game takes place in the Western United States, which is at war with the Eastern United States. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
L275: [BETA TEST] "Manic Pixie Dream Girls Anonymous" presented by Jenn Martin. You are a magical being- the perfect person to Save a Boy. To put him back on the path to confidence and acclaim. Only... what about you? You are more than your hair color and a quirky hobby. You deserve your own story. You are a group of Manic Pixie Dream Girls on a weekend support retreat. Play this game if you want to be seen and heard. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
L276: [BETA TEST] "The Maenads" presented by J. Dymphna Coy. Miracles abound. The earth yields flowers and fruit wherever you step. You hunt with the leopards and nurse fawns at your breast. You have surrendered to the divine, and it has welcomed you with open arms and sharpened teeth... In ancient Greece, a diverse group of women throws of the constraints of their repressive society and joins together, roving the countryside in worship of the god of wine and ecstacy. What will come of their communion? Euripedes' The Bacchae is turned on its head in this intense freeform LARP that explores the passions and rage of the maenads. No special knowledge of Greek mythology required; all character roles are feminine. Friday, 4:00PM - 8:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R277: [BETA TEST] "183 Days" presented by James Stuart, Sara Williamson. Sam can see the future. Dylan can see many possible futures. Tomorrow, they go on a date. When the two of them intersect, can their relationship end in anything but tragedy, or is there more than one way life can turn out? In 183 Days, you and a partner, with no GM, will play out the relationship between Sam and Dylan, the only two clairvoyants in the world. These will be full playtests of the game, but we will be asking you to take notes on any unclear cards/rules, or any points in the game that were confusing. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] R278: [BETA TEST] "Alter Arms" presented by Christopher Duffy Austin. A rules-lite, narrative based tabletop RPG set in a world populated by Japanese-style transforming super heroes in the style of Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Sailor Moon. Gameplay revolves around the effects of escalation: You can transform into your most powerful form and increase your likelihood of success but at the cost of becoming quickly overwhelmed, or you could rely on your natural talents, and have a better handle on the situation in exchange for not having access to miraculous powers. Are you a monster in disguise? A super robot made to look human? Do you gain powers from a cool belt? Or transform into enchanted royalty by drawing power from celestial bodies? What will you become? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R279: [BETA TEST] "Awesome 8's" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Beth Rimmels. An easy, intuitive RPG designed for both absolute beginners and experienced players who prefer to focus on character and story rather than rules. This play test will feature a location limited, modern day, urban fantasy scenario to test the magic rules, and how they interact with the core rules. Characters will be members of a team, some of whom use magic and some don't. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R280: [BETA TEST] "BFF" by Heart of the Deernicorn; presented by Ross Cowman. Wanna hangout? BFF is storytelling game about slumber parties, pillow forts, made-up words, stinky feet, secret handshakes, all night movie fests, video games, too many chips, and laughing till your face hurts. It's basically just tween girl BEST FRIENDS doing things BEST FRIENDS do, lots of colorful art, something called Friendship Cards, and a die we roll sometimes. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R281: [BETA TEST] "Gears of Defiance" by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. Players take on the role of a tightly knit family treated like second-class citizens by the authoritative "Empire" in this steampunk RPG drama. Each character must struggle to find their place in the growing resistance movement while the decisions they make will test the bonds they've made with their family. Players must closely monitor their character's Alignment, lest they find themselves slipping dangerously close to radicalization in their attempt to unseat the Empire and bring sweeping change to their nation. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R282: [ALPHA TEST] "Into That Dark Night" presented by Rach Shelkey. A stranger is found on the edge of town, the last scraps of a fallen civilization clenched in their frail hands. The banner is a beautiful piece of art beyond the skills of your own people; bright pieces of fabric reveal scenes of joy and sorrow, although the deeper meaning is lost without the stranger's guidance. In this post-apocalyptic story game of quilting and oblivion, players will reveal the stories the stranger carries in their heart and the secrets crafted into the banner. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R283: [BETA TEST] "ISSUES! The Comic Book Continuity Building Game" by 9th Level Games; presented by Christopher O'Neill. Players take on the roles of the CREATIVE and EDITORIAL TEAMS of a shared comic book company. Over the course of the game, players take turns with the different roles, creating stories and bringing them to resolution - creating a continuity for a comic book across years or possibly decades. ISSUES! features aspects of story games, character generation, comic book lore and history, and some unique play all its own. ISSUES! doesn't require any artistic talent, but may require you to draw a stick figure or 2. It does require your full attention as the game mostly an interplay between the players. The game requires a fair amount of writing. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R284: [BETA TEST] "King of the Streetfighters" presented by Morgan Ellis. You are professional street fighters, vigilante martial artists, and lone ninja warriors who fight for justice, glory, and honor. You also all have reasons to fight, but are you a bad enough dude to unleash your fatal fury in a final fight on the streets of rage in a contest of mortal combat to prove you have mastered the art of fighting and crown your self the King of the Streetfighters? A game inspired by classic arcade fighting games and side scrolling beat 'em ups, using the Fate system. Focusing on Martial Arts Action, Tournament Fights, Fights on the Streets, and the Melodramatic Reasons to Fight. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R285: [BETA TEST] "Magimundi: Bad Blood" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Walker. An RPG scenario by Jason Morningstar being tested in a Fate-based system developed by Ben Walker. Bad Blood is an alternately light-hearted and terrifying adventure taking place in the early-nineties. In America's Pacific Northwest, the band anointed as the rising star of the local music scene finds itself at the epicenter of a seismic shift in power as two vampire clans go to war over territory and raw ambition. Can a grungy rock band and their fans survive a storm of power and dominance with the established magical order - one that threatens to bring both the mundane and the magical world tumbling down? Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R286: [BETA TEST] "Mission: Accomplished" presented by Jeff Stormer. You did it! You and your team of super-spies have saved the world once again. Now comes the hard part: the debriefing session. Each player will file a written report to Mission Control, who will then interrogate the players to find what went wrong, what went right, who deserves a promotion, and who is getting burned. A tongue-in-cheek, semi-competitive, improvised storytelling game of social spin doctoring, convoluted explanations, and unreliable narrators. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R287: [BETA TEST] "Nahual" presented by Miguel Angel Espinoza. A Mexican role playing game Powered by the Apocalypse set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operacion Bolivar. In Nahual players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales that fought against the invading angels that came with the conquistadores. They have the dormant gifts that allow them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders. Many angel hunters just struggle for survival, some crave power, others look for answers—at the end they all agree in one thing: A nahual lives to hunt down angels. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R288: [BETA TEST] "Nementia" by Labyrinth Games; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. A world inspired by Welsh myth and legends and set within the time of industrial steampunk. The adventure unfolds, A conference has been called between the great City Dwr, and those that live in the wilderness as to how everyone can come to a settlement in regards to the ever expanding railway. At the conference a series of murders is taking place. This is an adult story, with violence and dead folk. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R289: [BETA TEST] "Pantheon" presented by Corinne Taylor. You know the stories. Anubis weighs hearts against feathers. Zeus and Hera are sibling gods in a troubled marriage. Thor is the son of Odin, god of thunder, and wielder of Mjölnir. But those are the stories of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Norse. What about your stories? Perhaps in your pantheon, the god of Death wears a 3 piece suit and waltzes mortal souls into the afterlife. Or maybe the god of Soccer Moms wages an eternal war against The Manager. Pantheon is a collaborative storygame about building mythology. Players create each god, give them domains, depictions, names and titles, and then tell myths about them to define their relationships to one another. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R290: [BETA TEST] "Project #GUMTHEWS Fantasy Gumshoe" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Kevin Kulp. Sword & sorcery, in the spirit of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Presented by Kevin Kulp, to be published by Pelgrane Press. This 3-hour beta playtest focuses specifically on the game's rules for political factions, dungeon delving, traps, sorcery, and creative combat. Friday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R291: [ALPHA TEST] "Project Violacea" by Wrong Brothers Gaming; presented by Colin Kyle. Help us playtest the tabletop RPG version of a game and setting designed by Keisha Howard and her organization, the Sugar Gamers, which advocates for underrepresented demographics in the video gaming and geek community. The game is set in a dystopian future controlled by a global, totalitarian oligarchy, where a rebellion has taken root. A group of fugitive scientists and philosophers have developed an implant called Violacea that enhances human abilities-but in unexpected and volatile ways. Fueled by the new, untested power of Violacea, individuals like you and me wage a secret uprising through the spread of information and carefully coordinated strikes. The rebellion is growing, and we here at Sugar Gamers want you to be a part of it. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R292: [BETA TEST] "Robot Cities" presented by Melissa Lewis-Gentry. You have just rebooted after the Great Experiment. Why you chose to break robot law and experience emotions, only you know. Now the experiment is over, and the memories of your robot life have returned, along with the knowledge that will be hunted if your secrets are discovered. Robot Cities is a PbtA/Fate mashup that leans heavily on the Skeletons by Melissa Lewis-Gentry. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R293: [ALPHA TEST] "Salted Earth" by Imaginary Audience; presented by Danielle Lauzon. A game about saving the world from certain an inevitable destruction by traveling through the multiverse and making small changes that ripple back to your own world. Inspired by media like Sliders, Quantum Leap, and The Flash (the CW show). Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R294: [BETA TEST] "Sentinel Comics RPG" by Critical-Hits Studios LLC; presented by David Chalker. Based on the Sentinels of the Multiverse world from Greater Than Games, this new RPG is coming in 2018. Help us finalize the character creation process by doing a "blind test" - we'll give you the rules and you make a character, learning right from the text. We'll step in if there's any major stumbling blocks. Come help us make the text as understandable as possible and walk away with your own superhero. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
R295: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
R296: [BETA TEST] "The City" presented by Jefferson Lee. The COMPANY barely tolerates operations by The OPPOSITION, even if they all act under the same OATH, but sometimes national security requires their special brand of graceful brutality. So when something terrible happens and The Opposition shows up in your city, you know that there will be very little room for Traitors like you. You have to do what you can to protect your secrets, your future, and in the process, maybe do some good in the city that you love. The City is a Poker card based game that takes place in Portland, OR. It is a rules-lite storytelling game that has its heart in noir, but borrows some of its style and class from an espionage thriller. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R297: [ALPHA TEST] "The March" presented by Jess Banks. This game invites players to explore the boundary of love and fear, as they take a role in a protest march. Characters encounter changes and challenges that that force emotional engagement and moral choices in and out of the game. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R298: [ALPHA TEST] "Trinity" by Mor Games; presented by William Moomaw. This neo-traditional tabletop RPG approaches the fantasy genre by situating characters at the nexus of marital, social and mystical progressive tracks. Players choose their motivations for each of these tracks (fate, passion, or skill). Each type of motivation provides guidance for roleplaying, the mechanics used to determine the success of actions, and possible powers granted to the character. Depending on your choices, dice or cards will be used to help determine the level of success. This is an early playtest to test the core mechanics of skills and combat. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R299: [BETA TEST] "WAR BIRDS Rosenstrasse" by Unruly Designs; presented by Moyra Turkington. Berlin, 1943: Following a decade-long erosion of civil liberties, German women in mixed marriages stand in defiance of the Third Reich after their Jewish husbands are seized for deportation to Auschwitz. In the very heart of darkness, is such resistance even possible? Note: This is not a full run of the game, players will be helping perform a continuity check. Historical Drama. Content Warning: Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, War. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R300: [BETA TEST] "Wizards of the Three Moons" by Parenthesis Press; presented by Neal Stidham. Under a bleak crimson sun, amid the decaying splendor of the Three Moons, wizards scheme. Play those wizards, as well as the pawns they send on their esoteric errands. Built to tell sprawling interwoven tales inspired by Jack Vance and Clark Ashton Smith, Wizards of the Three Moons uses a Tarot deck and a token draw system to tell tales of a decadent and weird future. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R301: [BETA TEST] "Zombie World" by Magpie Games; presented by Brendan Conway. The dead are walking, and the world as you know it has ended. And all you have in your favor are some fences, a few bullets, and the people around you...if you can trust them. Come playtest the latest version of this Powered by the Apocalypse game about surviving in a world full of zombies. Friday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R302: [FOCUS GROUP] "PSICOM" by Saddle Shaped Games; presented by James Dagg. In 3127, PSICOM, the Psychokinetic Soldier Initiative/Command, was created to fulfill the Galactic Coalition's need for a highly-mobile special investigative and reconnaissance force. With full latitude and unlimited jurisdiction, they can set foot anywhere in the galaxy and solve problems with a single surgical strike. They make a potent assault force, sure. But who else in the galaxy can scan latent psychoempathic resonance in an area to track an escaped criminal, feel lies as surely as they can feel raindrops on their skin, or blast away an entire enemy squad with a blast of pure force with a wave of their hand? PSICOM's role is to fill in the gaps - they do what Coalition Security can't. This focus group will analyze the game's core themes, desired emotional and tactical gameplay, and hopefully find a direction to mechanically reinforce those goals. Friday, 5:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
L303: [FOCUS GROUP] "Autocrat's Gala" presented by Michael Meinberg. A parlor style LARP where the players take on the roles of characters from a wide range of social classes, set in a city where capitalism has taken absolute control. The Autocrats stand at the top and even in their Gala must devote their energy to managing the affairs of their corporations, represented by a high stakes worker placement game that happens throughout the LARP. Meanwhile, the other characters scheme to improve their own positions or to tear the entire system down. Friday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
L304: [BETA TEST] "Immerton: The Initiation" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Maury Brown, Katherine Jones. The Initiation - Set in the world of Immerton, an all-woman phasic society, you'll play an initiate who has had a breakthrough and found her way to Immerton for the first time. After creating a character, you'll experience an initiation, meet your pillar and crowbar, then have one or more blackbox scenes in the Goddess Chamber where you may aspect one of the four goddesses. All characters are women, and the LARP is about exploring women's issues. Players may be of any gender, with the understanding that they will be asked to respectfully and sensitively portray diverse and intersectional women. Friday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
R305: [BETA TEST] "Scherzando!" by hamZardo; presented by Arthur Gilchrist. Scherzando! is a setting-agnostic one-shot game involving musical improvisation. Players will take turns playing music on the fly to provide the backtrack of the game - no musical experience needed. The mechanics revolve around trying to communicate emotional states through music and play, and listening to what other people are trying to communicate. The game is designed with a focus on listening and collaboration, but results in stories which are explosive and dynamic. It's a brand new way to experience a game. Friday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
R306: [BETA TEST] "Seeds of Insidiae: The Monolith and the Spine" by World War Kaan; presented by Kaan Emirier. A father and a secret police census chief, a machine born seductress of flesh, her towering bioroid guardian, a mutant crone, and an officer in charge of a unit made of genetically enhanced sacrificial lambs. You are all dead. Or, you were dead. Yanked without warning from that sweet euphoria, you realize that you are no longer alone in your bodies, and that your passengers have made you whole again. Whole and more, much more than you were before. Now, you see each other across the battlefield with new eyes. In your midst stands a monolith, the objective you killed each other for. Drawn together and instilled with a purpose you can't fully fathom, a shared question echoing in each of your minds: "So, how do you want to do this?" Friday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
B307: [BETA TEST] "A Sargasso Sea of Space (and others)" presented by Tim Hutchings. A melange of atypical card games, leaning toward the 'party' end of the fun meter. In A Sargasso Sea of Space describe alien artifacts discovered in a cosmic vortex, in Cryptoquick try to get a photograph of the notorious Big Foot, help Santa load his sled in Santa's Toyline, marvel at the desolation of the moon in "Basalt and Pumice" and more. These are all quick, easy games ranging from Alpha to Beta testing. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B308: [BETA TEST] "Block Game" presented by Jonathan Gilmour. In this Cooperative game with a possibility of a hidden traitor, Players are corporate drones in a dystopian future performing a team-building exercise for their corporation. They will have to work together to build a structure using limited information, with the possibility that one of them is not working with the group's best interest in mind. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B309: [BETA TEST] "Born to Serve" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer. Players are recently unemployed second tier superheroes in competition for a single wait staff job at a restaurant. Players serve tables by placing their time markers on them and ultimately the player who spends the most time on a table wins the table's tip. Players can also spend their time markers on the restaurant staff who allow them to use additional abilities to gain additional money or shift the odds in their favor on a table. Of course, being superheroes, each player also has a (nominally useful) power that allows them to bend certain strategies in their favor. The player who earns the most money in tips wins the job and the game. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B310: [BETA TEST] "Cards of Impact: Choose Your Destiny" by CBR Solutions; presented by Grant Peirce. Engage. Choose. Win by growing from strength to strength. Impact your relationships! This character-based card game will challenge your assumptions about your instincts and values. You will know yourself and your fellow players in new and intriguing ways. Successful players will seize their destiny! This game uses reality-based Challenge, Choice, and Character cards. Players choose from variations of the game based on age, skill level, time, competitive/collaborative modes, and what is most fun for them! Created by Susanne - a relationship coach, Grant - a psychometrician, and Johann - a financial analyst. The world is a crazy place, so we decided to create a reality-based card game to help us survive, connect, and thrive. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B311: [ALPHA TEST] "Chronicle of Kings" by Pendelhaven; presented by Andrew Valkauskas. Set during the Viking age in the Fate of the Norns universe. Players take on a dynasty of Viking rulers who wish to be immortalized in legend. Each turn spans several years, meaning that the bloodline will need to plan for marriage and children. Victory is achieved by being the bloodline with the most renown, and the game rewards players for memorable play. There are many ways to achieve renown, allowing players to pursue different paths to victory (ie. quests, military conquests, trade/raid, diplomatic intrigue, etc.). Rather than a mundane actions, players initiate scenes filled with drama, conflict and tension. All of the memories are created and situated upon a world map. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B312: [BETA TEST] "Cinder Spires Privateers" by Brooklyn Indie Games; presented by Tim Rodriguez. A pick-up-and-deliver deckbuilding game that puts you in command of a privateering ship. Manage your hand well to fulfill contracts and deliver commodities to bolster your reputation. This session is intended to focus on testing antagonistic play. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B313: [BETA TEST] "Clash of Corgis" presented by Deric Drazich. A fun and casual card game that takes a minute to setup, 2 minutes to learn, and 15 minutes to play! During the course of the game, players compete against eachother to be the first player to build a clan of 7 corgis of the same color. Players can make combos with their corgis to increase the size of their own clan(s) or use combos to deter other players from doing the same. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B314: [ALPHA TEST] "Cooperatization" by Interactivities Ink; presented by Mike Young. You work together to build a civilization making decisions like what policies to adopt, how to deal with crisis, how to grow your civilization, and how to deal with other civilizations using card drafting and area control. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B315: [BETA TEST] "Doomtrain" by Inverted Illuminati; presented by Peter Ciccolo. The legendary Doomtrain has exploded, as post-apocalyptic fortress-trains are known to do. Now its parts and crew are flying through the air as you and your rivals race to lay claim to the corpse of this behemoth and the treasures that lie within it. Doomtrain is a competitive deck / tableau building game for 2 players, in the style of Ascension, Star Realms, or Dominion. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B316: [BETA TEST] "Downforce Expansion" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. Downforce is a critically acclaimed, card-driven racing game with an auction and betting mechanic in addition to the racing. The base game features a double-sided board with two different tracks and asymmetrical player powers. The expansion offers two new tracks and six new powers for more variety. Shanghai Nights includes splits in the track and roundabouts that allow cars in the rear to block cars in the lead. Cliffs of Downforce introduces danger spaces, which allow cars to pass others, but you can't end your movement there. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B317: [BETA TEST] "Drive Fighter" presented by Phillip Steinberg. A two-player action card game. Players take on the role of a tactician and control a faction of creatures with the goal of defeating their opponent's General. The game features several different mechanics that make card Manipulation have a tangible and a visual effect. The game features a mechanic that allows players to climb back from the jaws of defeat through clever resource usage. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B318: [ALPHA TEST] "Empire Ship Builder" by Ironmark Games; presented by Mike Sette. A worker placement game with variable and randomized placements. Empire Ship Builder has players repairing and building space ships for the 4x game the other guys will be playing. Who cares about exploration, expansion, exploitation, and extermination? You can be making that that sweet cheddar while the other guys do all the work. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
B319: [BETA TEST] "F.L.O.W." by Wee Big Games; presented by Tam Myaing. A cooperative time-traveling game where you are an agent of F.L.O.W., the Federal Land and Oceanic Workforce, entrusted with maintaining the Temporal Continuum and the fate of the human race. Open time portals to pivotal locations in time, travel to these locations, and shape incidents to architect a favorable ripple effect through the continuum. Can you and your team of F.L.O.W. agents complete the directives before time runs out? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B320: [BETA TEST] "Fire Tower" by Runaway Parade Games; presented by Gwen Ruelle. A fire rages somewhere in the heart of the forest. From the height of a fire tower, you command the efforts to contain the inferno, coordinating air drops of water, fire engines, and the construction of fire breaks. Each turn the wind increases the strength of the burn, and the fire grows. Compete with rival fire departments who will stop at nothing to protect their towers. Fire Tower is a fast-paced, competitive hand management and grid movement game. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B321: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B322: [BETA TEST] "Great Aunt Gertie's Attic" presented by Doug Levandowski. You and your cousins might hate each other, but you love your Great Aunt Gertie. She has invited you all over to help her clean out her attic, but she's going to make you work together before you get anything! In this fast-paced negotiation game, players compete to collect the best sets in exactly three minutes - and the more you trade, the more you get! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B323: [BETA TEST] "Koi" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A tranquil abstract game in which players assume the roles of koi in a Japanese pond. Players play a combination of movement and environmental cards in a hex grid in an attempt to eat 7 Dragonflies while playing cards to prevent your opponents from doing the same. Koi introduces a unique weather mechanic where during each day (round) the weather changes and affects the game's rules- creating hindrances or opportunities for the players. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B324: [ALPHA TEST] "Loot & Plunder" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. Being the captain of a space pirate fleet is great, as long as you and the other captain in your sector can scavenge enough loot to keep the Pirate King happy. Work together to send off enough full ships while looting and plundering your opponent, because if the cargo you personally provide isn't the most valuable, off with your head! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B325: [BETA TEST] "Midwinter Fair" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. A Euro-style worker-placement game in which you play a crafter and shop owner, working to become the next Master Crafter. Send adventurers on quests to acquire special resources, fulfill special orders for nobles, improve your workshop, and sell your wares at the eponymous Midwinter Fair. Similar in style to Lords of Waterdeep and Agricola, with some story game flair. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B326: [BETA TEST] "Mining Colony" presented by Anthony Fiumano. A Worker placement type game where each turn players are taking an action to help contribute to the Colony as a whole. At the end of 6 rounds the person who has contributed the most (gotten the most Victory Points) will have won. Players gain VP by Reproducing, Constructing Buildings, Crafting Items, Slaying Monsters, Gathering Animals, or creating Farms for the Colony. It's your adventure to do as you see fit. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B327: [BETA TEST] "No Holds Bard" by Cloven Pine Games; presented by Alexi Sargeant. A Shakespearean fighting game. Hamstring as Hamlet, beatdown as Beatrice, or pursue as the Bear! Over twenty different Shakespearean characters brawl for victory in a last-character-standing melee. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B328: [BETA TEST] "NUT SO FAST" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. It's the lightning-fast, party game where players sit on the edge of their seat, waiting to grab wooden nuts out from the other player's noses! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B329: [BETA TEST] "Panda Craves Danger" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. You and your fellow pandas have grown tired of bamboo and are craving something more exciting. The trouble is, you have a hard time telling what's food and what's not. In this dice-throwing push-your-luck game, throw caution to the wind and eat whatever you can to gain the most Prestige. But be careful: the world is full of dangerous things, and you may end up biting off more than you can chew! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B330: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Spencer Harris. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B331: [BETA TEST] "Raccoon Ragu" presented by Tim Armstrong. Dip your paws into Raccoon cookery in this light winston drafting strategy game. Rummage through trash cans to assemble the right ingredients - the moldier the better. Then cook your dishes to take the top spot on the menu. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B332: [ALPHA TEST] "Rise of Shadow Moon" by Cap & Beard; presented by Nicholas Favia. Once every 103 years, a dark moon rises into the night sky, the Shadow Moon. It brings the darkness out of the corners of your room and The Shadow Lady's minions begin to seep in. Take on the role of children's toys and fight off hordes of shadows, keep them off the bed to keep the child safe! Can you protect the child from The Shadow Lady? Or will their spirit be dragged off to The Shadowlands only to be consumed? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B333: [BETA TEST] "Salt" by Unpossible Game Labs; presented by Orion McClelland. A medium weight 4x game set in an alternate reality Wild West world. In Salt, you will be exploring the land, mining for resources, gathering, collecting, and skirmishing with other players. You play one of five different gangs pushing in on a newly discovered land to be the gang that has acquired the most salt. Salt uses few resources and a card driven mechanic making it easier for new players to enjoy this normally complex genre. Several paths to victory and asymmetric abilities and upgrades provide longevity and replay. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B334: [BETA TEST] "Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. In Soaring Rhino's follow-up expansion to Shifting Realms, players delve into three new realms that can be added to the base game. Build towers that feed the demons and take control of fierce gargoyles. See what is new in Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B335: [BETA TEST] "Siege" by Aggressively Playable Games; presented by Noah Anderson. Work with a friend to stop the march of the cards. Beware: Your resources weaken over time, and the deck is relentlessly alive. Siege is a colorful, cooperative game for two players who love a tense, difficult challenge. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B336: [BETA TEST] "Space Pirate Booty" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. It's time to gather your crew for a space pirate journey. In this tricky trick taking game, players bid for cards to complete their crew. Pirate meld cards, special score cards, and trick score cards make every round a different experience. Who will cleverly walk away with the most booty in this pirate card game from Soaring Rhino? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B337: [BETA TEST] "Space Runners" presented by Robin Liu. A press your luck adventure card game. Each player selects a hero and tries to run through each location, encountering creatures and traps on the way, while he/she tries to lockdown the location for extra points. Space Runners can be played cooperatively or against each other in teams or free for all. A quick and fun game that is simple to pick up and play with family and friends. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B338: [BETA TEST] "Speculate" by Snowman Games; presented by Mike Schuller. Can you manage your resources in different stock market sectors to collect more fame and fortune than your opponents? This new trick taking game lets you manage your assets as different assets will be valued differently as the game progresses. Play testers will be asked to provide feedback on several rule variants as well as comment on the game. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B339: [BETA TEST] "Spirit Realms: Tengoku-SR" by The Raven & The Widow, LLC; presented by Ted Gerard. An army fort builder card game that revolves around a retelling of the gods as animal warrior spirits called Spirit Masters. Each warrior is Ruler of 1 of the 9 realms in the world of Tengoku, SR Prime being the first realm. Each realm is represented by a Spirit Master who comes with his own deck of power, each deck with it's own strengths and weakness. Players must protect their throne by defending their forts from being destroyed while attempting to capture their opponent's Throne. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B340: [BETA TEST] "Taking Stock" by Spare the Rod Games; presented by Rod Currie. Taking Stock is a trick-taking stock market manipulation game. In this game, you will play cards to both manipulate stock prices and try to win tricks which will give you shares of those stocks. More shares in stocks with higher prices earn you more money. The most money wins. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B341: [BETA TEST] "The Lion & The Eagle" by Arbor Games; presented by Jerry Wang. A World War II hybrid Euro/wargaming experience in which players relive some of the great strategic dilemmas that defined the contest between Albion's Lion and the Eagle of the Third Reich. Taking over in High Command, players will use their decks and the game board to plan their strategies, appoint Commanders and enact Policies, fight battles at sea and in the skies, and ultimately, achieve victory for their side. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B342: [BETA TEST] "Wind Sabers" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. Turn-based, turn-based (not a typo) card combat with a spin. Twist. Kick. Punch. Players control a pair of Disciples, who tag team together to beat their opponent's duo using all manner of card-rotating maneuvers. Combat is direction-based, and maneuvers turn your characters' cards, so you must strategically chain your attacks together. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B343: [BETA TEST] "You Are Not Alone" by 9 Kingdoms Publications; presented by Ivan Turner. You don't know how long you and the others have been trapped inside of the house. You all want to be free. But the only way to leave is when someone new enters. Someone new has just entered. You Are Not Alone is a card game where you desperately try to map an escape route through a deck of location cards. Armed with your own deck of "stock" cards, you'll populate locations on your "track" and try to implement a strategy that sees you through the exit before any of your opponents. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
L344: [BETA TEST] "Behind the Magic" by Diegetic Games; presented by Randy Lubin. Players create a fantasy mockumentary that is "Lord of the Rings" meets "This is Spinal Tap". They play a group of adventurers that range from incompetent to egotistical as they bumble their way along the quest. Players will take turns setting scenes for each other and also have "confessionals" with the bard that is documenting the journey. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] L345: [BETA TEST] "Silent Conversation" by Event Horizon LLC; presented by Ben Schwartz. Twenty years after their homeworld was destroyed, the Gyra have found a new planet to call their own. Representatives from different Gyra cultures have come together for an evening of storytelling as they attempt to reconstruct their lost mythologies and sign language. This is a quiet, ritualistic game, meant to evoke stargazing and telling tales on a beach. The game mixes spoken storytelling, physical acting (in mime), and sign language. We're hoping to test some ways to use our workshopping to establish tone and comfort with movement, as well as develop and refine the ways new signs get introduced into the signing lexicon of the game. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L346: [BETA TEST] "The Wounded King" by Games to Gather; presented by Tayler Stokes. The Wounded King will finally perish, and their realm with them. On this night, the eve of the king's death, they are visited by a host of ghosts of this land's past rulers. As the Wounded King partakes in the ritual that sustains them for the last time, they finally face the legacy of ruin they have left for the people of this land. The Wounded King is a scenario about unresolved shame inspired by the legend or The Fisher King and the Holy Grail. Players will take the role of the Wounded King and the ghosts, and through the influence of sacred treasures accept their failures, their legacies, and perhaps themselves. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R347: [BETA TEST] "After the War" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. A science-fiction, memetic horror roleplaying game. After an alien force twisted the minds of galactic fleet, a massive war was triggered. Ten years later, survivors and refugees try to build a tight-knit community on an alien world. The designer is looking for experienced designers to refine procedures of creation/play, as well as identify any concealed emergent properties of the design. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R348: [ALPHA TEST] "Amazing Adventures in Space" by Dust Pan Games; presented by Neal Tanner. Tired of polishing bulkheads? Sick of scrubbing power conduits? Feel like making a difference to the galaxy at large? Join the Explorer's Guild! We're always in need of enterprising individuals seeking glory and wealth for exploration and salvage missions. Meet new and interesting people from across the galaxy! Explore alien ruins and abandoned ships! Confront exciting new life forms and new civilizations! And of course: bring home lots and lots of treasure! Minus our fee and any medical/funeral expenses, of course, but that hardly ever happens. Really. Join now and get a spiffy recruit's uniform, complete with the official Explorer's red shirt! Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R349: [ALPHA TEST] "Chromeshoe" by Nothing Ventured Games; presented by Paul Stefko. When those in power can edit the truth in real time, you have to be crafty to expose their lies. Resistance is about getting the word out to those who cannot even hear it. A GUMSHOE system cyberpunk game in early alpha, looking to explore what parts of the genre are most essential. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R350: [BETA TEST] "Degrees of Difficulty" by DDGaming; presented by Daniel Berryman. Decks and Dice gaming presents Degrees of Difficulty, a gaming system where our goal is to give players the freedom and flexibility to build truly one of a kind characters. With that in mind the DoD system has no classes or character levels to get in the way of how you build your character. In a world where magic is control, the greatest empire ever built has been destroyed. After the fall of the empire, the slaves are finally free to live how they desire but do they still have the willpower to survive? When a new threat emerges, will the next generation be able to hold onto the freedom their fathers died for? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] R351: [BETA TEST] "Flying Circus" by Newstand Press; presented by Erika Chappell. As mercenary pilots in a fantasy world of magic and machine, take to the skies in rickety aircraft and battle bandits, rival companies, and the sinister forces of darkness for as long as your engine holds out. Flying Circus is a blend of Powered by the Apocalypse and old-school crunch, featuring a highly detailed air combat system that still runs in theatre of mind. In this test, players will take to the air with premade characters and in pre-made planes and run through a "routine" of air and ground gameplay. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R352: [BETA TEST] "Interstellar Interventions" by Wrecking Ball Game Labs; presented by Henry Ulrich. A game about trying to change the universe by force and the consequences thereof, one mecha-equipped armed conflict at a time. All manner of high tech polity and transplanetary state vie for influence and control across human occupied space, and now their proxy wars are in your back yard. With the technology, skills, and determination at your disposal you can grasp the power to remove the tyrannical regime controlling your world, but what will be broken, who will die, and what will you do when the fallout of a successful mission can be as dangerous as a failed one? Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R353: [BETA TEST] "Love Commander" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Dev Purkayastha. A card-driven story-game where a human commander and a crew of aliens must unite to reveal secrets, earn trust, save the universe, and start an ill-considered romance - all in an hour. It's tone is a loud, boisterous, funny party game where you re-use sci-fi tropes and tell a story. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R354: [ALPHA TEST] "Mermaids & Sailors" presented by Johannes Oppermann. A mapmaking story game about building a relationship as a collaborative work of art. A facilitator takes a couple through the creation of a love and a love story by shared storytelling and asking leading questions. The couple draw a map of their relationship together. This game is in alpha phase - meaning I have tested it once, but it's still very rough and the playtest will not be the full finished game experience. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R355: [BETA TEST] "Nots & Crosses" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather Wilson. Tic, tac, toe meets a tween H.P. Lovecraft in this short two-player storytelling game. All you need is a d10, a writing implement, and piece of paper to outwit the monsters (or eat the middle schoolers...). Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R356: [BETA TEST] "One Child's Heart" by Analog Letters; presented by Camdon Wright. There are moments from childhood that alter the course of a life with their weight. Science has given you the chance to enter the memories of a child drifting toward life's darkness. Can you, and the rest of your team, support, nurture, and protect a stranger when they need you the most? A heart is a fragile object that contains the power of humanity. Trigger warning: This game explores traumatic childhood issues like poverty, neglect, malnutrition, and bullying. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R357: [BETA TEST] "Pillar of Fire" by Atlas Games; presented by Cam Banks. Once again Atlas Games' far future of epic space gods and multi-generational sagas returns to Metatopia for another round of beta testing. This time, we're going to try out the campaign creation and generational play structure that utilizes tarot-like card placements to generate what's been left behind, what's at stake, and what is to come. Join designer-developer Cam Banks in revealing the destiny of humanity. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R358: [BETA TEST] "Silicon Shores" presented by Julia Krystosek. A tabletop role playing game of nautical adventure, exploration, and some robots. Out of the remains of a drowned world comes a motley new civilization, bent on exploring the dangerous seas and learning the secrets hidden in the worst storms. A few six-sided dice are all that is needed to venture to the bustling ports and desolate islands of the Known Sea and find your future there. Silicon Shores is in the early stages of alpha playtesting and this session will be a general test of the rules and mechanics as well as a preview of the setting. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R359: [ALPHA TEST] "Thousand Arrows" by Galileo Games, Inc.; presented by Brennan Taylor. Samurai adventure by way of Kurosawa, set in the historical Warring States period. Play as samurai, spies, monks, and spirits. Thousand Arrows is Powered by the Apocalypse. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R360: [BETA TEST] "Toads on a Train" presented by Michael Meinberg. A narrative heavy, rules light game in which the players take on the role of Toads and attempt to maintain the railway. If the train stops then the world stops, but when the train comes to town everything changes and Toads are fragile to change. The Toads must gather copper to keep the train functioning, while also growing enough to become able to survive the train's arrival. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R361: [ALPHA TEST] "Trinity" by Mor Games; presented by William Moomaw. This neo-traditional tabletop RPG approaches the fantasy genre by situating characters at the nexus of marital, social and mystical progressive tracks. Players choose their motivations for each of these tracks (fate, passion, or skill). Each type of motivation provides guidance for roleplaying, the mechanics used to determine the success of actions, and possible powers granted to the character. Depending on your choices, dice or cards will be used to help determine the level of success. This is an early playtest to test the core mechanics of skills and combat. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R362: [FOCUS GROUP] "Truth and Daring" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. A comedic fantasy RPG that blends roleplaying with truth or dare and strip poker. Mechanics call for players to take off clothes and kiss each other. Friday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R363: [ALPHA TEST] "Xenolanguage" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. It's five minutes in the future and we've made first contact. In Xenolanguage, you are a linguist tasked with deciphering an alien language. As you gain fluency, you begin to see the world differently. In this Alpha workshop, we will experiment with different techniques for deciphering the language. Come prepared to mainly experiment with mechanics and engage in design discussions. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
L364: [FOCUS GROUP] "Oddball's Curious Convention of Curiosities" by Labyrinth Games; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. A LARP set within a Dystopic Future of gene manipulation, heroes and villains. With this workshop I am hoping to fine tune the base system and combat. Friday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B365: [BETA TEST] "Animus" by Zero Budget Geek; presented by Eriberto Rodriguez. A small, two-player card game inspired by fighting video games and turn-based monster combat RPGs. The game has players drafting a team of 9 unique characters from a spanning multiverse to compete while leading their team with one of 6 Entity cards. Every game will have a completely new roster! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B366: [BETA TEST] "Ark Worlds" by Unpossible Game Labs; presented by Orion McClelland. A 2-player skirmish inspired by MOBAs and hero based team shooters. Ark Worlds takes an approach that simplifies the laning in MOBAs and emphasizes the team fight in order to gain strategic advantage. In Ark Worlds, you will gather a team of 6 heroes, Each player will deploy 4 heroes per engagement and activate abilities back and force until all actions have been exhausted. The team with the highest total dominance when the dust clears will control the objective. This game appeals to people who like the gameplay of Magic or Net Runner but do notwant to sift the hundreds of cards. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B367: [BETA TEST] "Bidrock" by Formal Ferret Games; presented by Gil Hova. Scrape the skies! You are a real estate developer in competition with your opponents to build the tallest skyscraper in the city. Bidrock is a strategy board game centered around a tricky auction. Bid for turn order, which will get you first crack at the resources you need to fulfill your architects' blueprints. But seeing as how a person can only find love and happiness through tremendous financial wealth (at least, that's what everyone else says), make sure you don't go too deep into debt, and you're not the poorest player by the end of the game! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R368: [BETA TEST] "Boldly Go" by Geoffquest; presented by Geoff Bottone. A role playing game based on (but intellectually distinct from) a long-running sci-fi franchise! Design your ship! Design your crew! Explore the stars! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] B369: [BETA TEST] "Clash of Corgis" presented by Deric Drazich. A fun and casual card game that takes a minute to setup, 2 minutes to learn, and 15 minutes to play! During the course of the game, players compete against eachother to be the first player to build a clan of 7 corgis of the same color. Players can make combos with their corgis to increase the size of their own clan(s) or use combos to deter other players from doing the same. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B370: [BETA TEST] "Clear the Decks!" by Crispy Games Company; presented by Christopher Pinyan. A cooperative card game for 1-4 players depicting naval warfare during the age of sail. Players each command 3 cannon and use a variety of ammunition, tactics and officers to destroy the enemy ship structures, guns and crew. Can you and your shipmates work together to sink the enemy before all of your cannon are destroyed? Its time to prepare for action and Clear the Decks! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B371: [BETA TEST] "Cube of Death" by Studio187; presented by Peter Bryant. a trivia card game that incorporates role playing mechanics. Adventures can be run with simplistic characters using trivia questions to resolve conflicts, dice to deliver damage, and magic items to enhance the dynamic. Last person with hits wins. There is also a trick taking version for simplistic fast play. This game is 90% finished and is going to Kickstarter in mid-February. The designer is looking for one final round of play testing to try out the final revisions from the previous play tests. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B372: [BETA TEST] "Cupcake Clash" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. A food fight breaks out and suddenly cupcakes are flying everywhere! Draft the most advantageous hand of cupcake cards, then lay them out so that each one is directed toward one of the other players, except one that you hold in reserve. Fling cupcakes to score points, eat them to get your energy back up, deflect them to another player, or just shield yourself from the mess. Guessing what other players are likely to do can help you arrange your own cards, but once airborne, who knows where a cupcake may land? Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B373: [BETA TEST] "Doomtrain" by Inverted Illuminati; presented by Peter Ciccolo. The legendary Doomtrain has exploded, as post-apocalyptic fortress-trains are known to do. Now its parts and crew are flying through the air as you and your rivals race to lay claim to the corpse of this behemoth and the treasures that lie within it. Doomtrain is a competitive deck / tableau building game for 2 players, in the style of Ascension, Star Realms, or Dominion. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B374: [BETA TEST] "Dragon's In Love" by Gontza Games; presented by Ann Stolinsky. The dragon is awake again! The villagers are frightened, and prepare to defeat him. But this time, he's not looking for places to burn, or humans to eat; he's searching for his mate. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B375: [BETA TEST] "DRIVE-IN!" by Tabletop Tiki; presented by Daniel Kitchen. In this turn-based game, collect Ticket and Action Cards and battle for the best spots to park your cars on a game board reminiscent of a retro-style 1950's Drive-In Movie Theater. Download the free companion app (NOT required) to any smart phone or tablet device and magically transform the game board into a miniature Drive-In Theater complete with 15 classic 1950's sci-fi Movie Trailers. Collect Movie Cards to park during your favorite B Movies Trailers to earn bonus points. During intermissions you'll have a change to visit our delicious Snack Bar and earn extra points in a confection themed dice battle mini game. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B376: [BETA TEST] "Florafiora" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. An artistic co-operative exploration game where players manage little beings called Seedizens, and send them to far-off planets to colonize and connect together while being assaulted by a relentless winter. Different races of Seedizens interact differently with the various planets, and players must work together to discover their universe and return home safely. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B377: [BETA TEST] "Hero: Tales of the Tomes" presented by Jimmy Ellerth. A multiplayer card game in which each of the players takes the role of a legendary hero and battles it out until only one is left standing. All players play off of one shared deck together, so no prior deck building or collecting is required. The gameplay is fast and exciting. With all the potential for twists and comebacks, you'll never truly feel out of the game. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B378: [BETA TEST] "Hidden Panda" by Jellybean Games; presented by Peter Hayward. One of you is a panda, trying to collect their panda babies. One of you is an innocent grandma...who looks strangely like a panda. The rest of you are either poachers or preservationists - it's up to you! Hidden Panda is a new social deduction game, with an emphasis on cute. And pandas. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 7 seats left.
[FILLED] B379: [BETA TEST] "Imagine Majesty" by Imagine Majesty Productions, LLC; presented by Davin Loegering. A game with multiple play scenarios: 4X campaign, cooperative wave defense, and solo/team skirmish with sci-fi/fantasy and historical/epic fantasy components. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B380: [BETA TEST] "MEGAJAIL" presented by Rocco Privetera. A tense sci-fi co-op card game with hidden goals and possibly a hidden traitor. Players take the form of Wardens running parts of a campy, sci-fi jail, managing the prisoners which are aliens, robots and worse. Players use anti-set collection to house Cons, drafting to see who gets what, and try to hold off a megariot until reinforcements arrive. Players may also have their own special goals or be trying to tank the prison. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B381: [BETA TEST] "Mill City" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are responsible for ordering flour from flour mills and shipping it via boxcars to distribution centers. In order to process flour, the flour mills convert the water power of the St. Anthonys Falls into the mechanical power needed to mill grain into flour. Once production is completed, the flour is loaded into boxcars and shipped to distribution centers. The player who can successfully balance production and shipping based on the available water power and shipping capacity, and invest in the rising flour mills will win the game. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B382: [BETA TEST] "Orphanage of Fear" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. Abandoned and unwanted with the dust bowl blotting out the sun and all hope, children have begun to disappear. Boogeymen have descended on the Shining Hope Orphanage, and are feeding on the children there. Using what few possessions they have, the remaining children must attempt to ferret out who among them have been replaced by dark fey before it is too late. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 18 seats left.
B383: [BETA TEST] "Palette Gamut" by HitMouse Productions; presented by Joshua Ferraiuolo. A card game about collecting pigments and mixing paint. Collected pigments are combined with binders and solvents to form the colors according to their recipe. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B384: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Caleb Stokes. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B385: [BETA TEST] "QuestFour" presented by Robert Brown. Place one of your pieces, then turn any tile. It seems simple to win, just get four of your pieces in a row. But is it that simple? Players must think in multiple dimensions while adapting to an ever changing playing field. Just when you think you've won, your opponent can take it away with the twist of a board. QuestFour is a 4D spatial strategy game where players use their pieces in multiple dimensions while adapting to a dynamic playing field. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
B386: [BETA TEST] "Rampaging Jotunn: Winter War 4-Player Expansion" by Lost Cog Games; presented by Matthias Bonnici. Return to the unnamed island in this exciting 4 player expansion to Rampaging Jotunn! This massive expansion includes complete with new land types, new land boards that further expand the borders of the unnamed island. There are 2 new armies, new rules for 2, 3 and 4 players, armor, weapons, new cards, new powers, and new components that expand the Rampaging Jotunn Saga... and did we mention the 2nd Jotunn? Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B387: [BETA TEST] "Salvage" presented by Nolan James. A space-themed strategy game where you collect sets of stray 'Ship Parts' from the board. Armed with Movement, Rotation, Attack, and Defense cards, players maneuver between debris to outwit and disarm their opponents. The first player to put their ship back together and escape wins! We're testing a smaller board for 2-3 players. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B388: [BETA TEST] "Slack Jack" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. A series of treasures have been discovered on Pirate Island. The captain needs to put together search parties to find and claim the loot... but they need to be careful, some members of the crew are only in it for themselves and would happily lie and convince the captain to take them along... only to steal the loot from the whole party and leave the others with nothing. In Slack Jack players receive a hidden pirate card that gives them some value on their shipmates. Hidden in the midst of the ships crew are Slack Jack and Slack Jane... the liars that will say anything the captain wants to hear to weasel their way onto the right team. Who's lying? Who has a hidden agenda? Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 9 seats left.
B389: [BETA TEST] "Team Evl" by Infinite Lives, LLC; presented by Ethan Weber. A UN-cooperative game of wit, deception, and deduction. Join team evl to cure boredom, and release evil back into the world. CAUTION: As you play, evil whispers destroy your once noble thoughts. You will seek the ruin of your friends and to rule the world through the absolute power of evil. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B390: [BETA TEST] "The Dungeon Dome Card Game" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. Based on the ONE SHOT Network's Dungeon Dome actual play series, this game pits players against one another in fast-paced strategy-driven battles. In seconds players create their own team of fighters to bring into the arena to fight for glory. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B391: [BETA TEST] "The Pirate's Lost Booty" by Red Knight Card Games; presented by Mathew Rutan. Have you ever wanted to be a rich and famous pirate? Well Shiver me timbers, this is your chance. A hurricane has forced a pirate ship to run aground on a deserted island. Now it's treasure and valuable equipment are scattered across the island. So Heave Ho and claim all you can...but beware, because they set traps to stop all you Landlubbers from taking The Pirate's Lost Booty. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B392: [BETA TEST] "The Stars May Swallow Us" by Tekkactus Games; presented by Jeff Gum. A modular hidden-role card game. Trapped on a broken down spacecraft with failing life support, players need to race against the clock to repair their engine before their air supply runs out, while also defending against attacks from the saboteur who caused this mess to begin with. If you've ever thought Werewolf could use some card counting deduction, or if Love Letter needed more accusatory pointing, this might be the testing session for you! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B393: [BETA TEST] "Up and Over" presented by Beau LaManna. A two-player strategy boardgame where both sides advance their forces across No-Man's Land on a WW1 themed battlefield, using artillery and a variety of units to force their way behind enemy lines and claim victory. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B394: [BETA TEST] "Wayward Crowns" by Thursday Games; presented by Beth Erikson. A land of four kingdoms. A shattered empire. A balance to be restored. Chaos has spread and the courts are scattered. In Wayward Crowns, you must hunt down your kingdom's missing nobles, repair your ancient artifact and restore balance before the other players and before chaos takes over completely. In this board game, players will choose a kingdom (Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs or Spades), each with different skills. Players will then face encounters, earn magical items and explore the kingdoms to find and rescue their nobles. Players must be careful in their journey though, or the chaos could corrupt them. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B395: [BETA TEST] "WBW: World Beats Wrestling" by Single Helix Studios; presented by Noah Cohen. A rhythm based card game? Don't overthink, bid to the beat! WBW: World Beats Wrestling puts a new spin on blind bidding games by adding rhythm. Players start with cards numbered 1-8 in their hands, then put on a song and take turns playing cards face down onto any of four piles while keeping up with the beat. Because each player bids face down, you can see where people are putting their cards, but not where they're putting their value. Keeping up with the beat dishes up a delightful dollop of disorder, disrupts your plans and doles out laughs. Win a pile by having the highest sum once everyone’s cards are down to improve your reputation and win fans. Race to build your fan base so the league will let you win bigger matches and become the face of the WBW. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B396: [BETA TEST] "Wizarding Trials" by Paw-Warrior Games; presented by Josh Paugh, Ben Krieger. Get ready for the ultimate wizard showdown as players face off in a series of magical trials to put your skills to the test. Each player will be fighting for superiority in the various magical categories by using their action cards to raise their skills, hinder their opponents, or throw a little chaos into the mix. This light-strategy game includes elements of a take-that style game and will keep you guessing about your opponents' strategies as each trial gets closer to completion. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B397: [BETA TEST] "You've Been Poisoned 2" by Gameworthy Labs; presented by Tim Blank. A 10-minute, escape-style game that's played with an elaborate set-up on a tabletop. You've been poisoned in the Laboratory of the evil Dr. Mortimer Thornblood. Lucky for you, he's left clues around that will help you figure out where the antidote is. Find it within 10 minutes and get out with your life! But be careful - take too long and the poison will take hold, or pick the wrong one and you'll drink a catalyst that will kill you instantly! Looking for players who are fans of short puzzles and familiar with the concept of escape-style games. The game requires light physical activity (lifting up things, opening up boxes, etc.), quick puzzle solving skills, and the ability to play under pressure; is played standing up and typically requires some moving around, too. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
L398: [BETA TEST] "Disaster Reporting in Absurdistan" presented by Noah Arjomand. There has been an explosion on a Caspian Sea oil rig off the cost of post-communist Absurdistan. Foreign journalists scramble to cover the story with help from local fixers. Players will take on the roles of correspondents, fixers, editors and local interviewees to simulate the excitement, creativity and confusion of international newsmaking. The LARP will be followed by a discussion of how knowledge gets transformed through translation and in the reporting process. NOTE: Half the players will need a phone running iOS or Android and headphones (several pairs of the latter will be available to borrow). Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 7 seats left.
L399: [BETA TEST] "Gather" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. A hybrid LARP/tabletop game inspired thematically by worldbuilding games such as The Quiet Year. It is time again within the Great Tree for the annual Gather of kinships. You are the speaker for your kinship and have been sent to the Gather to speak on their behalf. Gather is a worldbuilding game with legacy elements. Game mechanics involve quickly improvising answers to question prompts without the assistance of other players, so improvisational skills are a plus. Content Warning: Question prompts may encourage conflict between players. Players are required to say opposing statements in unison with each other while also listening to the other players, which may generate additional difficulties for players who have hearing, speech, or sensory overload difficulties. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] L400: [BETA TEST] "My Jam" presented by Jeffrey Dieterle. The Beltane dance is the biggest event of the year at Robert Johnson Memorial High School, and it's happening tonight. Players are students who are also Phonomancers - magicians who focus their powers through music. You've already requested your favorite song, so the dance is your best opportunity to show off, unleash magical mayhem on your classmates, and maybe even do some dancing. If you’re skilled, lucky, or popular enough, you'll be elected Dance Monarch, and harness all the emotional and magical energy released at the dance into a powerful ritual that has the potential to reshape reality itself. My Jam is a freeform-inspired LARP based loosely on Kieron Gillen and Jaime McElvie's Phonogram comic series, and aims to combine the teen emotional drama of games like Monsterhearts with the atmosphere of a slightly awkward dance party. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L401: [ALPHA TEST] "WAR BIRDS Comforts Committee" by Unruly Designs; presented by Moyra Turkington. In England during WWII Members of the Royal Air Force Volunteer Comforts Committee come together to knit and crochet woolens for the war effort. The sweaters, scarves, socks and hats they make warm and comfort those serving the war abroad, and the act of coming together bring comfort to those on the uncertain home front. Note: This is a playstorm, not a finished game - it is also a knitting game (beginners welcome) please bring a WIP if possible.Historical Drama. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R402: [BETA TEST] "5 Across the Heart" by Newstand Press; presented by Erika Chappell. The world is in the grip of the forces of darkness, which have ruled it undisputed for thousands of years. It's up to a group of teenage girls granted magical powers to stop them, with the power of love and friendship! 5 Across the Heart is a Magical Girl game about revolution, girl power, and putting everything you have into getting everything you want. In this test, players will take premade characters through a typical "episode" to put the system through its paces, getting through their high school life and battling monsters. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R403: [BETA TEST] "Barely Legal Transgender Certified Public Accountants" by Games By Play Date; presented by Glenn Given. A moderated but collaborative RPG storygame of transhuman cyberpunk superheroes in a weird future. Players will portray a supergroup of bizarre heroes fighting even weirder foes to stop their nefarious plans. Expect a high energy, momentum focused collaborative storygame where wild ideas are welcome. This genderqueer game uses challenging themes including body horror, sexuality, drug use and violence. Players should expect physical movement by way of regular dance and karaoke interludes. Loud music and flashing lights will be used in the presentation. Friday, 10:00PM - 1:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R404: [BETA TEST] "Blades of the Elf-Queen" by Parenthesis Press; presented by Neal Stidham. The immortal plant spirits called elves have built the greatest Empire the world has yet seen. You're one of the Elf-Queen's top operatives - the best of the best with spell, sword, and seduction. Along with your fellow Blades, your mission is to quell threats to the Empire by any means necessary. A deck of playing cards is your key to a world of airships, blackpowder, and swashbuckling adventure. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R405: [BETA TEST] "BLOCKBUSTER!" presented by Christopher Duffy Austin. In an attempt to save their failing studio Formula Pictures has used most of their upcoming film’s budget hiring the most famous actors they can find. Turns out you can save a ton by not hiring writers or directors. Play as outlandish actors competing to be the star of a film they make up on the fly, changing the genre to suit your needs and hindering your opponents with dreaded studio notes! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Silly, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R406: [BETA TEST] "Cobblestone" presented by Jacqueline Beckwith. A gothic horror PbtA game where the mundane walk among the monstrous. How do you handle being powerless in a world of strange power? How do you make your own empowerment? Manage the delicate balance of your mind and emotions as you seek to understand, destroy, or simply cope with the supernatural. In the end, maybe the true horror is in how we handle it. Take up your lanterns and walk the Cobblestone. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R407: [BETA TEST] "Lovecraft Rules" presented by Tim Hutchings. A tabletop story game using simple but novel dice mechanics. Players share protagonists, with the roles of player and GM fluidly moving around the table. The system seeks to emulate the style of Lovecraftian narrative, using epistolary story telling and other tricks to emulate the author's style. This is a late Beta test of a sturdy game. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R408: [BETA TEST] "Magimundi: Vacant Chair" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Walker. An RPG scenario by Jason Morningstar being tested in a Fate-based system developed by Ben Walker. The Vacant Chair is a sprawling, action and magic-filled adventure set during the final year of the American Civil War. In it, you will find intrigue, treachery, strange beasts and stranger spells, both railroad tracks and ley lines twisted and wrecked by unstoppable armies, and - perhaps - the end of a great terror that threatens to upend the world. Follows Sherman's march to Savannah and a parallel story of magical terror taking place in the Magimundi. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
R409: [ALPHA TEST] "Nitrous!" by TSR Games; presented by James Carpio. A semi-cooperative post-apocalypse tabletop role-playing game. The game has two components, a role-playing element for player/character interaction. The second is a cooperative tactical vehicle combat system that encompasses character roles to determine outcomes. The playtest is to test the tactical vehicle combat system, gather feedback, and take in suggestions on how to improve. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 6 seats left.
R410: [ALPHA TEST] "Red Carnations on a Black Grave" presented by Catherine Ramen. For just over two months in 1871, the Paris Commune tried to make an egalitarian, socialist state a reality despite disagreement within their walls and attacks from outside it. This is the story of 12 Communards, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? A story game very much in the tradition of "Montsegur: 1244" and "Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne". Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R411: [BETA TEST] "Save the Universe" presented by Don Bisdorf. A sci-fi adventure roleplaying game about veteran warriors, sly scoundrels, and mysterious seers who battle against a galactic menace that the players create. The rules-light system supports improvisation and collaboration, and encourages players to portray personal drama side-by-side with desperate starfighter battles. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R412: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R413: [BETA TEST] "The City" presented by Jefferson Lee. The COMPANY barely tolerates operations by The OPPOSITION, even if they all act under the same OATH, but sometimes national security requires their special brand of graceful brutality. So when something terrible happens and The Opposition shows up in your city, you know that there will be very little room for Traitors like you. You have to do what you can to protect your secrets, your future, and in the process, maybe do some good in the city that you love. The City is a Poker card based game that takes place in Portland, OR. It is a rules-lite storytelling game that has its heart in noir, but borrows some of its style and class from an espionage thriller. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R414: [BETA TEST] "Treads" by Green Hat Designs; presented by Mark Richardson. An RPG story game set against the chaos and uncertainty of the second world war. You play the Crew of a single M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank on the front lines of the war. These playtests will involve focus group style discussion as well as testing of various game elements such as: character creation, interaction, mission flow and combat. The system is original, untested and uses standard playing cards. Play to find out if you can all live. And maybe you all can't. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R415: [BETA TEST] "Warriors of the Realm" by Four-in-Hand Games; presented by Eric Simon. The Throne needs you to stop Lucifer's growing army, but you have your own choices to make and your own consequences to bear. Can you overcome the forces of darkness even as you sink into corruption? A card-driven RPG about angels fighting the War in Heaven, based on the Christian science fiction work of David M. Taylor II. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B416: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Friday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
L417: [BETA TEST] "The First Harrowing" by Damocles Thread Development; presented by Jacqueline Bryk. Wraiths speak in whispers of Charon, the Father of Stygia and the Breaker of Guilds. Everyone knows who they are. Few know who they are. Charon has not been seen since the last Great Maelstrom. Some think they Transcended. Others think, perhaps, they don't exist at all. The truth is, Charon is (or was) a Wraith, like any other. That much is true. Theirs was the first Harrowing - and whether or not they survive it is up to the players. The First Harrowing is a freeform LARP based on Wraith: the Oblivion, that follows Charon's journey through the underworld using low light and multiple characters per player. We will be stress-testing the game as a whole, to see if it holds up. Friday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
L418: [BETA TEST] "Such Joyous News" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. A Golden Cobra 2017 submission. In this LARP we will play alien surveyors saying goodbye to our best friends (who are also trees) before departing the planet. This LARP will involve walking down to the local park, and performing general outdoor activities (walking, sitting, and standing for long periods of time). All players should bring a smartphone or other device capable of taking photos/selfies. We will play rain or shine, so bring a raincoat and an umbrella if you need to! Saturday, 8:00AM - 9:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 18 seats left.
B419: [BETA TEST] "...And John Kills Us All" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. A semi-cooperative trick-taking card game in which the players are psychic time travelers. They must prevent John from pushing the button and killing everyone, while still trying to achieve their secret objective. But watch out for the Nihilist - they win if everyone dies. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
B420: [BETA TEST] "Adventures of the Cimmerian Forest" by Mayham Games; presented by Isaac Gibbs. One of three finalists for most dynamic game at the 2017 Boston FIG, this is a co-operative card game where players play as a group of survivalist trappers tasked to build elaborate traps and weapons using 3 basic resources found in the forest. It is a great introduction to the world of hobby board games by putting a unique spin on the use of simple mechanics such as set collection, resource management, and trading. Adventures of the Cimmerian Forest makes co-op play incredibly accessible for all ages with its limited use of text and use of simplistic and abstract card design. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B421: [BETA TEST] "Born to Serve" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer, Nick Sauer. Players are recently unemployed second tier superheroes in competition for a single wait staff job at a restaurant. Players serve tables by placing their time markers on them and ultimately the player who spends the most time on a table wins the table's tip. Players can also spend their time markers on the restaurant staff who allow them to use additional abilities to gain additional money or shift the odds in their favor on a table. Of course, being superheroes, each player also has a (nominally useful) power that allows them to bend certain strategies in their favor. The player who earns the most money in tips wins the job and the game. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B422: [BETA TEST] "Call to Ares" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. The chaotic greek god of war, Ares, has called warriors from different times and cultures to his arena to determine who are the best fighters. In this dice-building game take control of two heroes and battle the enemy heroes in the arena to earn rewards from Ares. As you fight, search for artifacts, pay homage to Ares at his altars, and gain crowns of courage. Which heroes will prove the fiercest? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B423: [BETA TEST] "Downforce Expansion" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. Downforce is a critically acclaimed, card-driven racing game with an auction and betting mechanic in addition to the racing. The base game features a double-sided board with two different tracks and asymmetrical player powers. The expansion offers two new tracks and six new powers for more variety. Shanghai Nights includes splits in the track and roundabouts that allow cars in the rear to block cars in the lead. Cliffs of Downforce introduces danger spaces, which allow cars to pass others, but you can't end your movement there. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B424: [BETA TEST] "Earthforge" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Jordan Mathews. A fast-paced, competitive, arena-brawler for 2 to 4 players. Taking control of powerful Valkyries from around the world, players will use their unique powers to battle their way through other champions and fearsome beasts in order to take control of the legendary Earthforge. Using its vast power, a Valkyrie may reshape the world in their image. Will you seize victory from your foes, or will you cower in their shadow? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B425: [BETA TEST] "Gerrymandering" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. All things being equal the next election could go either way. It's up to you to make sure it swings in your party's favor. Campaign to encourage your voters and discourage your opponent's, change voter trends, and manipulate political boundaries to make sure your party gets into office. Players rearrange, flip, and replace tiles while manipulating the borders that make up the districts in game about American politics. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B426: [BETA TEST] "Gizmos" presented by Randall Buck. Control a powerful association of sentient machines as it explores a new world, competes for raw materials, and evolves. Players will use a simple tile laying mechanism to determine the powers and abilities of each piece, or gizmo, that they bring into play. Every tile also contributes to the growing terrain as well as to a novel resource generation system, giving players control over every aspect of the game board as it develops. Victory is achieved by gathering and cleverly managing resources. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B427: [BETA TEST] "Halcyon City Adventures" by Magpie Games; presented by Brendan Conway. Halcyon City is under attack, and it's down to you and your team to defend it! Come playtest this co-operative board game, set in the same worlds as the Masks: A New Generation RPG, featuring individual characters with unique decks and some deck-building elements. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B428: [BETA TEST] "Human Era" by Lay Waste Games; presented by Jake Given. A social deduction game where you and your crew are aboard the last time machine to save space and time from the chaos unleashed by the haphazard time traveling of humans. However, among your crew are machines and cyborgs disguised as humans with their own goals in mind. Achieve your goal of repairing or destroying the space-time continuum before fuel runs out! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B429: [BETA TEST] "Lazer Ryderz: Expansions" by Cardboard Fortress Games; presented by Anthony Amato, Nicole Kline. It's season 2 of the radical 80s trackless racing game LAZER RYDERZ! After passing through the dimensional portals, our heroes find themselves in The Danger Zone. Test out strange new phenomena, exciting new characters, and the effects of terrain in our upcoming expansion. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B430: [BETA TEST] "Magnificent Movie Moguls" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. You are a movie producer in the "Golden Age of Cinema". You are competing with other studios in the acquisition of resources (Leading Ladies, Directors, etc.), soliciting money, paying off critics for good reviews among other things to produce Westerns, Comedies, Musicals and Mystery/Thrillers. By doing so you hope to gain enough prestige and money to create your "Epic" movie before any other studio. Beware, other players are trying to do so as well. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
B431: [BETA TEST] "Meeple Party" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather O'Neill. Tonight you are throwing a party with your roommates! Will it go down in history as the BEST PARTY EVER?! In this cooperative strategy board game you take advantage of photo opportunities to keep the party cranking while trying to avoid disasters that could end the party! Once there are 3 disasters it's 3 strikes you're out! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B432: [BETA TEST] "Miner Rings" presented by Charlie Hoopes. A pick-up-and-deliver game where players can move the destinations. You are captain of a freighter making deliveries between space stations orbiting a ringed planet. Earn the best reputation by hauling the most cargo and colonists between space stations. Sometimes it is best to fly your rocket to a space station, others it will be more efficient to move the space station to your rocket. While using fuel will get you there quicker, your supply is limited, so choose wisely when to burn and when to conserve. In this game, everyone shares the same dice rolls, so you can't blame how you roll. Miner Rings is an evolution of Planet Chasers, a finalist in the 2016 Cardboard Edison prototype of the year award. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
B433: [BETA TEST] "Myth and Mettle" presented by ErikPeter Walker. A cooperative, monster-slaying card game set in Ancient Greece. The heroes attempt to slay three legendary monsters, like Chimera or Medusa. Tactically play cards to maneuver and attack, while mitigating the attacks of the monsters. Each hero and monster has their own unique abilities, encouraging players to explore new strategies from battle to battle. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B434: [BETA TEST] "NextNote" presented by Janna Bramhill. A fun way to learn music notes and a fun game to play even if you already know all your notes. Improve your speed at recognizing notes, octaves, note names, length, and building familiarity with chords and triads. Ideal for families with kids learning to read music and to complement musical instruction. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. [NDA REQUIRED] This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
B435: [BETA TEST] "Panda Craves Danger" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. You and your fellow pandas have grown tired of bamboo and are craving something more exciting. The trouble is, you have a hard time telling what's food and what's not. In this dice-throwing push-your-luck game, throw caution to the wind and eat whatever you can to gain the most Prestige. But be careful: the world is full of dangerous things, and you may end up biting off more than you can chew! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B436: [BETA TEST] "Quantum Quest" by Black Furnace Games; presented by Michael DeAngelo. A dungeon crawler card game that pits you against your friends in a game that never plays the same way twice. Players put together teams of adventurers and travel through the dungeon, encountering chambers that will hurt you unless you capture them. You can only capture chambers if you have enough mana, and an adventurer that matches the room’s class type. Once you own the chambers, you decide how they harm your opponents when they land there. Claim victory if you are the only survivor! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B437: [BETA TEST] "Reigning Cats and Dogs" presented by Wayne Bowmanchester. This light strategy game starts with a group of animals escaping from the pound, each one with the belief that they should be the to rule the neighborhood. Race your competitors to mark your territory, steal areas from your enemies, and explore your community. The fur will fly until the winning pet is crowned! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B438: [ALPHA TEST] "Rise of Shadow Moon" by Cap & Beard; presented by Nicholas Favia. Once every 103 years, a dark moon rises into the night sky, the Shadow Moon. It brings the darkness out of the corners of your room and The Shadow Lady's minions begin to seep in. Take on the role of children's toys and fight off hordes of shadows, keep them off the bed to keep the child safe! Can you protect the child from The Shadow Lady? Or will their spirit be dragged off to The Shadowlands only to be consumed? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B439: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B440: [BETA TEST] "Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. In Soaring Rhino's follow-up expansion to Shifting Realms, players delve into three new realms that can be added to the base game. Build towers that feed the demons and take control of fierce gargoyles. See what is new in Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B441: [BETA TEST] "Smirk & Dagger Smash Lab" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. Four good games that need to be great. Break em and build them to new heights. Rescue dogs at a shelter and find them the perfect home / Bluff the biggest Fish Tale ever / Robbery gone very, very bad. And more. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B442: [BETA TEST] "Speculate" by Snowman Games; presented by Mike Schuller. Can you manage your resources in different stock market sectors to collect more fame and fortune than your opponents? This new trick taking game lets you manage your assets as different assets will be valued differently as the game progresses. Play testers will be asked to provide feedback on several rule variants as well as comment on the game. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B443: [BETA TEST] "Spell Casters" presented by Travis Magrum. In this cooperative game, players spell the big words to gain the elements to cast magical spells. Can our wizards stop the monsters from destroying the Grand Library? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B444: [BETA TEST] "Steam Masters" by Branum Games; presented by Tiffany Branum. This is a steampunk inspired game about investing during the Age of Steam. Play as aristocrats investing in steam inventors who create a variety of intriguing items. Through three rounds, you will commission your chosen inventors, and for each round the most successful inventors will be tallied up. Whoever backs the most successful overall inventor wins the game! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B445: [BETA TEST] "Symposium" presented by Dan Cassar. A game about competing scientific theories. Is phlogiston theory going to explain combustion? Or is Oxygen Theory going to sway public opinion? Will studies prove that disease is caused by exposure to miasma (bad air)? Or will the scientific community embrace Germ Theory? This medium-weight, traditional-feel card game casts players as patrons of the sciences in the early days of the Age of Reason. The patrons seek to back the right theory at the right time through two scoring rounds - first a local Colloquium, then at game end, the Great Symposium. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B446: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B447: [BETA TEST] "Truckaroo" presented by Megan Knouff. Run your own food truck! Prices for ingredients change daily, so try to get the best deals and get the most customers. Hang on to repeat customers for extra bonuses! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B448: [BETA TEST] "You Are Not Alone" by 9 Kingdoms Publications; presented by Ivan Turner. You don't know how long you and the others have been trapped inside of the house. You all want to be free. But the only way to leave is when someone new enters. Someone new has just entered. You Are Not Alone is a card game where you desperately try to map an escape route through a deck of location cards. Armed with your own deck of "stock" cards, you'll populate locations on your "track" and try to implement a strategy that sees you through the exit before any of your opponents. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] L449: [BETA TEST] "American Housewives: Food and Feminism" presented by Avital Lubin. Play American housewives who have gathered together at a dinner party to confront issues relating to second wave feminism. This Larp takes place from 1961-1965 in suburban America. Characters will be wrestling with topics such as adultery, motherhood, women in the workforce, abuse, reproductive rights, and Civil Rights. So, the table is meticulously set and each course has been lovingly prepared by the guests - will you be there to join the conversation? High bleed. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
L450: [BETA TEST] "In the Vein" by Trackers Earth; presented by Jeeyon Shim. Your last year at Fog Mountain's School of Magic feels as though it will never end - not least because you managed to land yourself, yet again, in advisory review. You and your other unfortunate peers must pass the school's most dangerous professor's tests of your knowledge - even if it costs you your life. In this Trackers Earth LARP, intense interpersonal drama intertwines with herbalism and our Curriculum of Shadows, Trackers' unique method of teaching stealth and tracking. Players will learn an introduction to the vast array of medicinal - and poisonous - plants that grow in California as well as camouflage with natural materials. Be prepared to get dirty! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] L451: [BETA TEST] "Redshift" by Games to Gather; presented by Tayler Stokes. A science fiction scenario that explores the implications of the time dilation resulting from interstellar travel at near light speeds. Players take the role of a space crew on a recovery mission. Each crew member has committed themselves to a mission that will return them to Earth as an outsider with a blank slate; who would want this and why? Each of the crew members has a difficult and unreconciled past; players will be dropped into this information in play. This is a high-activity scenario - please wear clothing you are comfortable moving around in. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R452: [BETA TEST] "Atitlan Riders" by Alles ist Zahl; presented by Gerrit Reininghaus. A PbtA game about the dramatic lives and emotional struggles of young men and women living in the largest indigenous Maya town of Central America Santiago Atitlan. Tension is released through secret Tuktuk races, the three-wheeled taxis cruising the steep and narrow streets of the town - giving the game a Fast & Furious feeling. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R453: [BETA TEST] "Battenburgh" by Posthuman Studios; presented by Jack Graham. A Fiasco-like story game about overachieving families, their quirks, and their dysfunctions. If you love the family comedies of Wes Anderson (such as The Royal Tennenbaums, The Fantastic Mister Fox, The Darjeeling Limited, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou), this game is for you - especially if you look at one of these films and think, "Oh crap, that's my family." Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R454: [ALPHA TEST] "Blue Collar Man" presented by Shawn Roske. Maintenance workers, cleaners, and security personnel work in liminal spaces where the public is absent. The work is often solitary. This is a game about silent and hidden experiences. It is about men being alone. It is about masculinity, stillness, and integrity. The intent is to examine masculinity on its own. We will discuss design choices for a game that moves between the loudness of society and the quiet of service. We will focus on mechanics to emphasize stillness and isolation. We will focus on mechanics that juxtapose life outside work as cacophonous and overwhelming while depicting labor as quiet and simple. GMless, contains LARP elements. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R455: [BETA TEST] "Companions' Tale: Creation Myth" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Laura Simpson. A map-making storytelling game where you tell the tale of an epic hero, righting wrongs and saving kingdoms. The hero acts, and leaves others to tell the tale. You are those others: the hero's closest companions. Whose version of the heroic tale will become canon, and whose will be a footnote to history? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R456: [BETA TEST] "Fedora Noir" presented by Joseph Greathead. 1930s America; the country is recovering from a depression, Hollywood is in an upswing, alcohol is legal again, and someone has come knocking on the Detective's door. There's a missing person, and it's up to the Detective and their lucky hat to find out what happened to them. Fedora Noir, a serious, scene-focused story telling game explores what happens when a run-down Detective with a checkered past must rely on the only two people still willing to speak to them. Learn about the rotten underbelly of the city, rediscover the questionable choices you forgot about, and connect the facts of the case to find out what's really happening. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R457: [ALPHA TEST] "Into That Dark Night" presented by Rach Shelkey. A stranger is found on the edge of town, the last scraps of a fallen civilization clenched in their frail hands. The banner is a beautiful piece of art beyond the skills of your own people; bright pieces of fabric reveal scenes of joy and sorrow, although the deeper meaning is lost without the stranger's guidance. In this post-apocalyptic story game of quilting and oblivion, players will reveal the stories the stranger carries in their heart and the secrets crafted into the banner. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R458: [ALPHA TEST] "Legacy" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Michelle Lyons. A game based on the Gumshoe system in which players uncover a mystery that has haunted a family through generations and put an end to it before it destroys them all. This game is designed to emulate Gothic literature in that it a) centers on a specific family, b) takes place in a specific location, and c) involves a complex, knotty mystery that stretches across time and space, affecting multiple generations. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R459: [FOCUS GROUP] "Magicademia" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Walker, Benjamin Morrow. We want to create an RPG system that models advancement of the learning process, exemplified through school. We're trying to have the conditions that impact learning, such as focus, introversion, motivation, wellness, etc. to directly correlate to how well you advance in your studies. Join us to talk about what this might look like and how it might be both fun and useful to breaking down all the variables that affect how well you "school." Saturday, 9:00AM - 10:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R460: [BETA TEST] "Over the Edge" by Atlas Games; presented by Cam Banks. Return again to the island of Al Amarja in Jonathan Tweet's award-winning game of surreal danger and weird conspiracy. This time around Jonathan's completely rewritten the rules and we're looking for help to make it better. Join developer Cam Banks of Atlas Games in this playtest scenario. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R461: [BETA TEST] "Perfect Crime" presented by Daniel Thoreson. You've accepted an invitation to a fancy dinner party, only to find yourself trapped inside until you kill a fellow guest... without getting caught. An over-the-top murder mystery game where both the murder and the mystery are up to you and your fellow players! This is a rules-lite system where each player role plays more than one character, so people that love games with heavy storytelling and role play elements are strongly encouraged to play. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R462: [BETA TEST] "Prism" by Little Wish Productions; presented by Whitney Delaglio. An aquatic role playing game about conflict resolution and relationships. There are six realms in the game with their own culture, code of ethics, and deity. Recommended for gamers that like intimacy, merfolk, and social combat. The rules for the game are finished. This is not a playtest. This is so players and publishers alike can poke at the rules with a stick, and let the creator know if any of the content breaks their collective brains. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R463: [BETA TEST] "Secret Journey Monsters" presented by Graham Gentz. A game about discovery. Players create and portray adolescents, Wayfarers, setting out on a rags-to-rich pilgrimage, finding and entreating the many monsters and spirits of their world to accompany them on your adventure. Other Wayfarers travel parallel journeys to yours and if you meet them on the road, they will want to test the elemental prowess of their monster partners against yours in ritualistic combat! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R464: [BETA TEST] "Writers, Retreat!" presented by Alex Tully. "You have been officially accepted to the prestigious Weeks' Writers' Retreat in historic South Falmouth, Massachusetts," the invitation reads. A weekend away might just be the thing to help you finish your next big piece, assuming you can survive your stay. Writers, Retreat! is a story driven, survival horror role playing game which utilizes mechanics inspired by blackout poetry to tell as thrilling a tale as your creativity allows. Is the pen really mightier? Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R465: [FOCUS GROUP] "Rest in Pieces" by Imagining Games; presented by Pete Petrusha. Death is what happens while you're making your plans. Rest in Pieces is a dark comedy RPG about the inevitable damage having the Grim Reaper as a friend can be. Each scenario is played using a multicolored jenga tower. Collect colors to sway outcomes before the tower falls. When we see red, the Grim Reaper does what it does best. Can you make things right before Death fucks it up? We are going to talk about game mechanics, game appeal, and player investment. Saturday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R466: [FOCUS GROUP] "SemiGods" presented by Kevin Petker. The ancient legends tell us of valiant heroes and noble gods, pure of heart, wise, generous and kind; inspiring examples to live by. These are the stories of what REALLY happened. A comedic game of heroes and demigods trying to save the world and their place in legend, while putting their rivals in their place. Powered by the Apocalypse. Saturday, 10:00AM - 11:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B467: [BETA TEST] "#refugee card game" by Forstle LLC; presented by Thomas Mon. A turn-based strategy card game in which players assume the roles of countries attempting to address an acute global influx of refugees. Players take turns discovering certain facts and pieces of information about each refugee. Leveraging this knowledge, players then make choices on how best to manage the effects that these refugees will have on the security of their borders and countries. #refugee card game affords players flexibility the form of alternate win-conditions as well as ad-hoc collaboration in games with more than 2 players. Will you try to allow as many refugees as possible into your country or will you try to eliminate your opponents by redirecting "undesirable" refugees away from your borders? Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B468: [ALPHA TEST] "A Mining Robot Reprogrammed to be a Doctor Robot" presented by Tim Hutchings. A "role taking" game in which shirking astronauts try to convince a poorly programmed doctor robot that they are sick and deserve to laze in bed all day. There's not really card play involved, though that's what it feels very similar to, it floats somewhere between RPG, party game, and tabletop something or another. This is a weird, funny game that needs your help to fix it. Very much an Alpha Test. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B469: [BETA TEST] "Ace Tabula" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. A 2-4 player card game. Players primarly rely on concentration, attention, and memory in order to win. Ace Tabula is for all ages but is geared to an older, more serious audience. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 2 seats left.
B470: [BETA TEST] "Agency" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A tense and breathless strategy card game that allows two to five players to explore a the ruthless underworld of espionage. There is a deck of agents and a deck of assets from which players draw and a field is created. You must think on your toes to make the best decisions with just two cards at the beginning of your turn. Will you confront an opponent, make contact with the field, or move assets to your safehouse? You advance by dominating the city. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B471: [BETA TEST] "Art 101" by WizKids; presented by Zev Shlasinger. Hi, Class! Welcome to your first day of Art 101. Throughout this course you will be using color theory to make a mosaic. While this is a group project, you will be graded individually. Your grade for this course will be the combination of your participation and project scores. Get to work and make your mosaic. In Art 101, players will roll dice that will determine which mosaic tiles they get and which color theory is available to them. Mix, substitute, and gain colors as well as use the color wheel for complementary, adjacent, and triatic color shifts. Use the colors you gain to add to the mosaic. Building quickly is important but so is the size of areas you are playing. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B472: [BETA TEST] "Can We Talk?" by Gontza Games; presented by Ann Stolinsky. Joan Rivers made this saying famous. We're making it funny. Gontza Games' newest design is a combination of chatter, wits, and endurance. Can you talk about a subject for 30 seconds without stammering or pausing? Come play Can We Talk? to find out. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B473: [ALPHA TEST] "Chronicle of Kings" by Pendelhaven; presented by Andrew Valkauskas. Set during the Viking age in the Fate of the Norns universe. Players take on a dynasty of Viking rulers who wish to be immortalized in legend. Each turn spans several years, meaning that the bloodline will need to plan for marriage and children. Victory is achieved by being the bloodline with the most renown, and the game rewards players for memorable play. There are many ways to achieve renown, allowing players to pursue different paths to victory (ie. quests, military conquests, trade/raid, diplomatic intrigue, etc.). Rather than a mundane actions, players initiate scenes filled with drama, conflict and tension. All of the memories are created and situated upon a world map. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B474: [BETA TEST] "Communique" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. Your team of Cold War spies has to interpret a series of coded messages--or communiques--to hit three checkpoints all while avoiding a growing number of enemy agents. If you enjoy team clue-giving games like Codenames, Mysterium and Spyfall, this is the game for you! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B475: [BETA TEST] "DRIVE-IN!" by Tabletop Tiki; presented by Daniel Kitchen. In this turn-based game, collect Ticket and Action Cards and battle for the best spots to park your cars on a game board reminiscent of a retro-style 1950's Drive-In Movie Theater. Download the free companion app (NOT required) to any smart phone or tablet device and magically transform the game board into a miniature Drive-In Theater complete with 15 classic 1950's sci-fi Movie Trailers. Collect Movie Cards to park during your favorite B Movies Trailers to earn bonus points. During intermissions you'll have a change to visit our delicious Snack Bar and earn extra points in a confection themed dice battle mini game. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B476: [BETA TEST] "Fired (Expansions)" presented by Doug Levandowski, Matthias Bonnici. All the rumors are true and the inevitable has happened: the company you work for has been acquired by Super Mega Corp, and they've decided one division is all they need. Your incompetent boss has asked you to make sure your division survives. Players will be helping to test two expansions to the game - but no experience with the base game necessary. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B477: [BETA TEST] "I Hunger" by Labyrinth Games; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. Yet another board game of Zombie Survival. Though with this one there is a twist. You are the Zombie trying to survive. Come shamble through the streets trying to evolve and escape. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B478: [BETA TEST] "It Figures" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. A game system that resembles Boggle, but for math, and with the flexibility to let you play the way you want to. Roll dice into a grid or a circle, add extra rules or challenges to each round, or play the set collection variant where you have to include or exclude specific elements. Only unique equations allow you to score. This game can make you math differently every time you play it! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B479: [BETA TEST] "Magnolia Sun" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Morrow, Mike Young. In this cooperative storytelling adventure board game by Mike Young, you'll create a character (a student at Magnolia Sun primaschola in Solaris Province), and go from scene to scene on adventure after adventure. You'll work together with your fellow students to solve mysteries, overcome obstacles, and combat dangerous creatures. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B480: [BETA TEST] "Martian Badlands" by Space Lion Games; presented by Sara Perry. In the Martian Badlands, there are no laws and the corporations know it. You are the original colonists of Mars fighting tooth and nail to protect your land as encroaching corporations try to take it from you. Work together with your eccentric neighbors to build your dice pool and successfully fend off the corporate thieves. Martian Badlands is a cooperative, dice building and worker placement game. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B481: [BETA TEST] "Mill City" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are responsible for ordering flour from flour mills and shipping it via boxcars to distribution centers. In order to process flour, the flour mills convert the water power of the St. Anthonys Falls into the mechanical power needed to mill grain into flour. Once production is completed, the flour is loaded into boxcars and shipped to distribution centers. The player who can successfully balance production and shipping based on the available water power and shipping capacity, and invest in the rising flour mills will win the game. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B482: [BETA TEST] "ORDS" by EverTech Products; presented by Felix Cruz. Galactic Strategy and Tactical Board/Card Game. Win the game by eliminating all opponents and becoming Emperor/Empress of the Milky Way Galaxy. Includes a short version of play to allow a winner within a couple of hours. Players move their token pieces around the board by spaceships, weapon cards, Star Systems (Star cards), and win Yeps (monies), etc. Players will transport, at a cost, spaceships into different Galactic Quadrants to challenge opponents to battle to control Galactic Quadrants, conquer Star Systems (Star cards), destroy opponents' spaceships, and win Quadrant prizes. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B483: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Spencer Harris. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B484: [BETA TEST] "Quantum Quest" by Black Furnace Games; presented by Michael DeAngelo. A dungeon crawler card game that pits you against your friends in a game that never plays the same way twice. Players put together teams of adventurers and travel through the dungeon, encountering chambers that will hurt you unless you capture them. You can only capture chambers if you have enough mana, and an adventurer that matches the room’s class type. Once you own the chambers, you decide how they harm your opponents when they land there. Claim victory if you are the only survivor! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B485: [BETA TEST] "Race 2 Place" presented by Zachary Huff. You are a horse whisperer, down on your luck and looking for a big score. In an effort to stay under the radar, you have quietly bet everything that you own that your chosen horse will place in the next race. Unfortunately, several other horse whisperers have chosen the same race with similar plans. Even worse, the race track has gotten wind of a rise in horse whispering and will investigate anyone who's horse crosses the finish line first. Manage your hand with grace, keep an eye on the pace, and maybe your horse will win the Race 2 Place! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B486: [BETA TEST] "Reigning Cats and Dogs" presented by Wayne Bowmanchester. This light strategy game starts with a group of animals escaping from the pound, each one with the belief that they should be the to rule the neighborhood. Race your competitors to mark your territory, steal areas from your enemies, and explore your community. The fur will fly until the winning pet is crowned! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B487: [BETA TEST] "Savage Strikers" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The Deck Building Fighting Game! Take on your opponent in a one on one street fight and be the first to knock them out in a best of 3 match. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B488: [BETA TEST] "Singularity" by Strange Theory Games; presented by Jeff Fraser. It's the year 2350, and the Earth is a hazardous wasteland. The only hope for humanity's survivors is to go virtual -- upload their consciousness to a software paradise run by the five artificial Superintelligences that dominate the solar system. You play as an AI servant of the SIs, whose job is to find surviving humans and upload them. Each round, you and your opponents will distribute hidden agents on Earth. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B489: [BETA TEST] "Sky Pirates" presented by Roberta Taylor. A swashbuckling deck builder that has you sailing the skies in search of bounty, upgrading your ship, hiring crew and fighting monsters in an attempt to become the most renowned captain in the air. Deck building and lots of dice rolling are the primary mechanics in this game. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B490: [BETA TEST] "Steepseers" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Eric Kovatchitch. You, a Steepseer, with the ability to foresee prophetic events by brewing tea and manipulating its Steam, are vanishing from a world of fading Belief. Collect your tea ingredients by rolling dice, fill your teapots, remember their contents, and pour delicious brews in order to collect powerful vision cards and restore the people's Belief in you. After 12 rounds, the Steepseer with the most Belief is regarded as the Savior of all Steepseers. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B491: [BETA TEST] "The Big Dig" by Flatout Games; presented by Shawn Stankewich. The Big Dig is a trick-taking, tableau-building, bag-pulling expedition into ancient buried chambers to uncover precious jewels. Players use character cards to win tricks and build their teams for the ultimate showdown when the legendary chamber is unearthed. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B492: [BETA TEST] "The Vulture Club" presented by Noah Arjomand. In this card game spoof on international journalism, you play a freelance reporter trying to make a name for yourself in a war zone and outmaneuver your competitors. Travel from cities to the front lines to meet contacts and gather story elements (or steal and barter your way to breaking news scoops), then use the deck you have built to create narratives that wow newsreaders back home. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B493: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B494: [BETA TEST] "Up and Over" presented by Beau LaManna. A two-player strategy boardgame where both sides advance their forces across No-Man's Land on a WW1 themed battlefield, using artillery and a variety of units to force their way behind enemy lines and claim victory. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B495: [BETA TEST] "WBW: World Beats Wrestling" by Single Helix Studios; presented by Noah Cohen. A rhythm based card game? Don't overthink, bid to the beat! WBW: World Beats Wrestling puts a new spin on blind bidding games by adding rhythm. Players start with cards numbered 1-8 in their hands, then put on a song and take turns playing cards face down onto any of four piles while keeping up with the beat. Because each player bids face down, you can see where people are putting their cards, but not where they're putting their value. Keeping up with the beat dishes up a delightful dollop of disorder, disrupts your plans and doles out laughs. Win a pile by having the highest sum once everyone’s cards are down to improve your reputation and win fans. Race to build your fan base so the league will let you win bigger matches and become the face of the WBW. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B496: [BETA TEST] "Wizarding Trials" by Paw-Warrior Games; presented by Josh Paugh, Ben Krieger. Get ready for the ultimate wizard showdown as players face off in a series of magical trials to put your skills to the test. Each player will be fighting for superiority in the various magical categories by using their action cards to raise their skills, hinder their opponents, or throw a little chaos into the mix. This light-strategy game includes elements of a take-that style game and will keep you guessing about your opponents' strategies as each trial gets closer to completion. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B497: [BETA TEST] "Z4X" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. Spread across the stars and become the strongest empire in the galaxy. Race the other players to achieve galactic objectives by exploring new sectors or fighting over established territory. Featuring gameplay elements from Eclipse, Concordia, multi-use cards, dice combat, and exploring the vastness of space. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L498: [BETA TEST] "American Housewives: Food and Feminism" presented by Avital Lubin. Play American housewives who have gathered together at a dinner party to confront issues relating to second wave feminism. This Larp takes place from 1961-1965 in suburban America. Characters will be wrestling with topics such as adultery, motherhood, women in the workforce, abuse, reproductive rights, and Civil Rights. So, the table is meticulously set and each course has been lovingly prepared by the guests - will you be there to join the conversation? High bleed. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L499: [BETA TEST] "Behind the Magic" by Diegetic Games; presented by Randy Lubin. Players create a fantasy mockumentary that is "Lord of the Rings" meets "This is Spinal Tap". They play a group of adventurers that range from incompetent to egotistical as they bumble their way along the quest. Players will take turns setting scenes for each other and also have "confessionals" with the bard that is documenting the journey. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L500: [BETA TEST] "Let Go My Love" presented by Johannes Oppermann. An experience about space in a couple relationship, about breaking up and new beginnings. The couple was deeply in love, but something has entered their relationship that made it dark and stifling. They don’t know what it is, but both feel it when an opportunity for change presents itself. Do they act on the new possibility and let go of what they had? Or do they stay together and hold on to what they feel has turned to a dark place? This chamber LARP, involves touch, ars amandi, some silent scenes. Playtested once. 7 Players: 1 facilitator, 2 Protagonists (the couple), and 4 emotions (2 each play a connection, 2 each play a distance) Themes: Alienation - Breaking up - Loss - Enticement - Disappointment - New beginnings - Symmetry. Saturday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L501: [BETA TEST] "Public Memory" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Maury Brown. A freeform LARP, told in three acts. It is about what happens when your views about history are challenged, both as new information is discovered and social norms begin to change. It wrestles with the ideas of who gets to decide how history remembers a person, and what to do when that person is complicated - neither a true hero or villain. Trigger Warning: Players will be wrestling with personal and institutional racism, with safety tools and debriefs to help with bleed and boundaries. Saturday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R502: [BETA TEST] "(Superhero) ISSUES! The Comic Book Continuity Building Game" by 9th Level Games; presented by Christopher O'Neill. Players take on the roles of the CREATIVE and EDITORIAL TEAMS of a shared comic book company. Over the course of the game, players take turns with the different roles, creating stories and bringing them to resolution - creating a continuity for a comic book across years or possibly decades. ISSUES! features aspects of story games, character generation, comic book lore and history, and some unique play all its own. ISSUES! doesn't require any artistic talent, but may require you to draw a stick figure or 2. It does require your full attention as the game mostly an interplay between the players. The game requires a fair amount of writing. This session of ISSUES! is specifically going to focus on a SUPERHERO series of books - so being into Superhero Comics helps. If you have played ISSUES! before, I am doubly interested in your input as the game has some significant change. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R503: [ALPHA TEST] "Atomic Witch" presented by Karaktakus Audel. The year: 1961. You're just a simple stay at home mom, wife…and witch. In a world designed by men, for men, what will it take for you to smash the bonds of patriarchy and claim your true power? Come test new mechanics designed to create a conversation about power dynamics, shame, and what it would take for you to become a wicked witch. The design is something between Sorcerer, Blades in the Dark, and Mad Men. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R504: [BETA TEST] "Blightrealms RPG" by Golden Dragon Studio; presented by Thomas Toynton. Confront evil in a world of eldritch fantasy where humanity is waging a desperate war against incursions of fiendish undead and their allies." Play a short one-shot adventure that introduces the Blightrealms Universe and Adventure Dice RPG System - a skill-based D6 dice pool system that strives for functional simplicity. The adventure also utilizes the current beta version of Terrain Tiles - 5x5 modular tiles for use with 18mm miniatures. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R505: [BETA TEST] "City of Winter" by Heart of the Deernicorn; presented by Ross Cowman. A fantasy storytelling game about a family who is forced to leave their home and make the difficult journey to the City of Winter. In it we explore themes of immigration, family, and tradition as we discover through play how the immigrant experience changes who we are and how we relate as a family. City of Winter uses a similar map based scene framing mechanic to Fall of Magic and Life on Mars with the addition of Tradition cards that allow us to influence the scenes. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R506: [BETA TEST] "Crossroads Carnival" presented by Kate Bullock. In 1930's Dustbowl America, a carnival is ground zero for the final war between good and evil. Play as supernatural sideshows who are trying to stop the encroaching darkness while clinging to what little humanity they have left. Crossroads Carnival is a powered by the apocalypse game of desperate souls beneath the midway lights striving to save a world that hates and fears them. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R507: [BETA TEST] "Death Knights" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. The Apocalypse Needs You. You swore revenge on an unfeeling universe, and it listened - you were hand picked to be one of the harbingers of destruction that unmakes creation itself. The ties of your former humanity pull at you, though, and make your duty difficult to reconcile. Can you overcome love and plunge the world into oblivion? Or will you be destined to fail and watch reality thrive? Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R508: [ALPHA TEST] "Gatejack" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions; presented by Josh Harrison. Synthwave style and cosmic horror collide in Gatejack, a cyberpunk dive into the neon eldritch. Gatejack is an asymmetrical tabletop game that blends two separate, parallel play tracks: A card game focusing on more complex mechanics, and an interpretive, interactive-fiction style role play scenario. You'll choose one of these tracks and cooperatively face challenges alongside the other players: Actions taken in one play track often affect the other, with both groups working toward a mutual goal. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R509: [BETA TEST] "Harsh Generation" presented by Emily O'Neil. An electrogrunge storytelling game that relies on improvisation and card-based prompts to set up and navigate the ruined theocracy of America in 2300. Storytellers must leverage their networks, street smarts, and high tech body modifications in order to narrate their way through the city of Delphia while simultaneously satisfying the brutal demands of their faith. Players control all aspects of their scenes with a Moderator embodying chance and the environment. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R510: [BETA TEST] "Hydro Hacker Operatives Neighborhood" by Encoded Designs; presented by Phil Vecchione. This is a test of the Neighborhood Mechanics in the Hydro Hacker Operatives RPG (a PbtA game). In this sub-system, players will create a neighborhood and then simulate the End of Story actions, in multiple cycles. This subsystem is a Resource Allocation mechanic, and players will make decisions on how to manage and enhance their neighborhood. No characters will be created. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R511: [ALPHA TEST] "Imperiums: Character Creation" by Mór Games; presented by William Moomaw. Building upon the core mechanics of 5E, the Imperiums Campaign Setting reenvisions several core features of the base ruleset. This character creation playtest will look at the new modular races and classes, as well as an alternate alignment system designed to enhance players roleplaying experience. I hope to gain feedback not only on the "numbers" for these new alternatives, but also on the more roleplay focused features. Additionally, as this setting incorporates options for varying genders and non-European influenced characters, playtesters who are interested in evaluating the presentation of such material would be highly appreciated. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R512: [BETA TEST] "Interstellar Interventions" by Wrecking Ball Game Labs; presented by Henry Ulrich. a game about trying to change the universe by force and the consequences thereof, one mecha-equipped armed conflict at a time. All manner of high tech polity and transplanetary state vie for influence and control across human occupied space, and now their proxy wars are in your back yard. With the technology, skills, and determination at your disposal you can grasp the power to remove the tyrannical regime controlling your world, but what will be broken, who will die, and what will you do when the fallout of a successful mission can be as dangerous as a failed one? Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R513: [BETA TEST] "King of the Streetfighters" presented by Morgan Ellis. You are professional street fighters, vigilante martial artists, and lone ninja warriors who fight for justice, glory, and honor. You also all have reasons to fight, but are you a bad enough dude to unleash your fatal fury in a final fight on the streets of rage in a contest of mortal combat to prove you have mastered the art of fighting and crown your self the King of the Streetfighters? A game inspired by classic arcade fighting games and side scrolling beat 'em ups, using the Fate system. Focusing on Martial Arts Action, Tournament Fights, Fights on the Streets, and the Melodramatic Reasons to Fight. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R514: [BETA TEST] "Nahual" presented by Miguel Angel Espinoza. A Mexican role playing game Powered by the Apocalypse set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operacion Bolivar. In Nahual players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales that fought against the invading angels that came with the conquistadores. They have the dormant gifts that allow them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders. Many angel hunters just struggle for survival, some crave power, others look for answers—at the end they all agree in one thing: A nahual lives to hunt down angels. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R515: [ALPHA TEST] "Retrievers" by Saddle Shaped Games; presented by James Dagg. The Retrievers' Guild is a trans-continental organization of treasure hunters. Have you lost something important due to the injustice of others, cruel, greedy, and uncaring? Is it too dangerous for you to get it yourself? Retrievers is a heist game focused on escalating tension, resource management, and playing to your strengths. The focus of the session will be examining the moment-to-moment mechanics and their interaction with the Tension and GM resource systems, hoping to ensure things get more dangerous and exciting over time. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R516: [ALPHA TEST] "Salted Earth" by Imaginary Audience; presented by Danielle Lauzon. A game about saving the world from certain an inevitable destruction by traveling through the multiverse and making small changes that ripple back to your own world. Inspired by media like Sliders, Quantum Leap, and The Flash (the CW show). Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R517: [BETA TEST] "Sentinel Comics RPG" by Critical-Hits Studios LLC; presented by David Chalker. Based on the Sentinels of the Multiverse world from Greater Than Games, this new RPG is coming in 2018. Help us finalize the character creation process by doing a "blind test" - we'll give you the rules and you make a character, learning right from the text. We'll step in if there's any major stumbling blocks. Come help us make the text as understandable as possible and walk away with your own superhero. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R518: [ALPHA TEST] "Space Ice Hauler Heartbreak" presented by James Malloy. You've just met the person of your dreams. You've fallen madly in love. It is an intense and unexpected love. Unfortunately one of you has a contract with a major ice hauling corporation. You'll have to venture out into the dangers of deep space to fulfill the contract and free yourself to spending the rest of your life with your loved one. This game for two players follows the relationship and lives of two people who have to spend much of their time apart. Through a series of debriefing sessions, you will reconnect with your loved one, share experiences, and make up for lost time. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R519: [BETA TEST] "Tension" presented by Alex Roberts. Tension is the 2-player Jenga-based RPG of forbidden love. Play two people who really really want to, but really really shouldn't. If the tower falls, restraint gives way, and your characters' feelings become impossible to deny. But this game is about what happens before then. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R520: [BETA TEST] "The Harnessed" presented by Ian Jarrard. A home-brewed d6 system set in the distant future - a place where heroes shape the very fabric of reality. Their goals: to transform a shattered galaxy into a new age for humankind, while combating multidimensional horrors from an uncertain past. It has been over a thousand years since the Harnessed battled Prions and their Omni progenitors, a battle fought using repurposed powers melded with human will. A thousand years of civilizations rising and falling in the relative peace from a greater war now mostly forgotten. But that peace is unraveling. Harbingers of that terrible war are emerging, and Prions once again walk between the worlds. Will the Harnessed be able to stop them? Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R521: [BETA TEST] "To Serve Her Wintry Hunger" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. The winter has come, and you live to serve. Yuki Onna hungers and has called upon you, Her spirits of snow, to gather sustenance for her. She has summoned forth a terrible winter storm and cast you out to capture human lost within it. Game mechanics involve improvising answers to question prompts, so improvisational skills are a plus. Content Warning: belittling, teasing, and bullying. Death and themes of human suffering set against a dark fairy tale backdrop. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R522: [BETA TEST] "Toads on a Train" presented by Michael Meinberg. A narrative heavy, rules light game in which the players take on the role of Toads and attempt to maintain the railway. If the train stops then the world stops, but when the train comes to town everything changes and Toads are fragile to change. The Toads must gather copper to keep the train functioning, while also growing enough to become able to survive the train's arrival. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R523: [BETA TEST] "Treads" by Green Hat Designs; presented by Mark Richardson. An RPG story game set against the chaos and uncertainty of the second world war. You play the Crew of a single M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank on the front lines of the war. These playtests will involve focus group style discussion as well as testing of various game elements such as: character creation, interaction, mission flow and combat. The system is original, untested and uses standard playing cards. Play to find out if you can all live. And maybe you all can't. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R524: [ALPHA TEST] "Untitled Space Empire Game" by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. The Galaxy is in crisis; can you seize the opportunity and improve your fortunes or will you be overtaken by events? In this hack of Undying (a diceless Powered by the Apocalypse game), players will take the roles of powerful factions vying for status and influence in a sprawling sci-fi empire. Join us for an alpha test of this system: pick your faction and watch your fortunes play out over generations. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B525: [BETA TEST] "Avoiding Glory" presented by Zachary Huff. Terrible threats have befallen your alliance of kingdoms as of late - and you'd rather not be the one that has to deal with them. You see, fighting back the threats brings glory to your kingdom... along with crippling financial burdens and tremendous casualties. For as long as anyone can remember, athletic competitions have been held to determine who will be bestowed the honor of defending the alliance. You have discovered an invaluable resource: terrible athletes that fill the local taverns. Unfortunately, the other kingdoms have caught on and seek out their competitors from the same pool. Analyze the threats (and their unique characteristics), draft the best worst athletes, and manage your team in the hopes of Avoiding Glory! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B526: [BETA TEST] "Born to Serve" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer, Nick Sauer. Players are recently unemployed second tier superheroes in competition for a single wait staff job at a restaurant. Players serve tables by placing their time markers on them and ultimately the player who spends the most time on a table wins the table's tip. Players can also spend their time markers on the restaurant staff who allow them to use additional abilities to gain additional money or shift the odds in their favor on a table. Of course, being superheroes, each player also has a (nominally useful) power that allows them to bend certain strategies in their favor. The player who earns the most money in tips wins the job and the game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B527: [BETA TEST] "Devil from the Sea" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. A fully cooperative game where players work together to defend their Scottish isle from the mythic beast known as the Nuckelavee. You'll have to plan your moves carefully to build up your strength all while avoiding the monster's worst attacks. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B528: [BETA TEST] "Dodge This" by Aggressively Playable Games; presented by Noah Anderson. It's all fun and games until someone gets slammed in the face. The neighborhood kids are all ready for knockdown, drag out brawl with rubber serving as their artillery. Draft your team, and command them to Dodgeball Glory! Dodge This is a competitive drafting/squad strategy game for two players. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B529: [BETA TEST] "Drive Fighter" presented by Phillip Steinberg. A two-player action card game. Players take on the role of a tactician and control a faction of creatures with the goal of defeating their opponent's General. The game features several different mechanics that make card Manipulation have a tangible and a visual effect. The game features a mechanic that allows players to climb back from the jaws of defeat through clever resource usage. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B530: [BETA TEST] "F.L.O.W." by Wee Big Games; presented by Tam Myaing. A cooperative time-traveling game where you are an agent of F.L.O.W., the Federal Land and Oceanic Workforce, entrusted with maintaining the Temporal Continuum and the fate of the human race. Open time portals to pivotal locations in time, travel to these locations, and shape incidents to architect a favorable ripple effect through the continuum. Can you and your team of F.L.O.W. agents complete the directives before time runs out? Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B531: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B532: [BETA TEST] "Heroball" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Geoffrey Engelstein. What do superheroes do in their spare time? Play Heroball! Heroball is a simple, fast, and fun two-player game that brings the classic vibrating electric football game to a modern audience. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B533: [BETA TEST] "Koi" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A tranquil abstract game in which players assume the roles of koi in a Japanese pond. Players play a combination of movement and environmental cards in a hex grid in an attempt to eat 7 Dragonflies while playing cards to prevent your opponents from doing the same. Koi introduces a unique weather mechanic where during each day (round) the weather changes and affects the game's rules- creating hindrances or opportunities for the players. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B534: [BETA TEST] "Magnificent Movie Moguls" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. You are a movie producer in the "Golden Age of Cinema". You are competing with other studios in the acquisition of resources (Leading Ladies, Directors, etc.), soliciting money, paying off critics for good reviews among other things to produce Westerns, Comedies, Musicals and Mystery/Thrillers. By doing so you hope to gain enough prestige and money to create your "Epic" movie before any other studio. Beware, other players are trying to do so as well. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B535: [BETA TEST] "Nassau" presented by Tim Armstrong. Build trade routes and fulfill orders in the Lucayan Archipelago. Nassau is a light strategy game that implements tile drafting/placement and resource management. Each trade route tile has its own trade action. Placing a new trade route not only triggers that tile's action, but also triggers certain adjacent tiles in a chain reaction. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B536: [BETA TEST] "Nyctophobia" presented by Jonathan Gilmour. One player is a killer, the other players are being hunted in the woods. Try to survive and make it to the car before the hunter takes one of you down. This game has a unique twist that makes it unlike any other game of this type. This game is designed by Catherine Stippell, and being developed by Jonathan Gilmour. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B537: [BETA TEST] "One Minute Movies" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather O'Neill. Let's make a Movie...right now! Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame by collaborating with your friends to make the best movie - YOURS! A party game where the budget sets the amount of time you have in each round to draw or name something in the movie. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B538: [BETA TEST] "Palette Gamut" by HitMouse Productions; presented by Joshua Ferraiuolo. A card game about collecting pigments and mixing paint. Collected pigments are combined with binders and solvents to form the colors according to their recipe. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B539: [BETA TEST] "Plutocracy" presented by Chris Anderson. Six empires battle for dominance of the galaxy. But you don't control any of them. You are an influencer using your connections to manipulate all of the empires to your own benefit. Build up economies, start wars, expand control and, when it suits you, change sides and bring the empire you helped build crashing back down for a tidy profit. Plutocracy is a 4X game with a focus on manipulating economies. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B540: [BETA TEST] "Quarantine Heroes" presented by Jessie Yaternick. A cooperative card game where the players must keep themselves and civilians alive against the threat of disease. Your team must handle exposures and control infections by finding and equipping gear, managing resources, and sheer luck. If anyone player or a civilian dies, then the game is lost. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B541: [BETA TEST] "Rambo: The Board Game" by Everything Epic Games; presented by Christopher Batarlis. A thematic, cooperative, tactical, miniatures, scenario-based campaign game that allows players to experience the events they remember from the film as well as embark on new, never-before-seen missions. The game provides sealed "Self-Expanding" mission envelopes that gradually add to the game as each mission started and completed. Each mission tells a story and takes the players on a unique adventure to various locations to save POWs, escape a military prison, raid a jungle encampment, defend a secret air base, survive a treacherous jungle, and more! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B542: [BETA TEST] "Ravenspurn Abbey" presented by David Joria. A gothic mystery board game - The year is 1839. You have spent many weeks with Baron Ravenspurn - the captivating yet taciturn widower whom you adore. He has invited you to stay with him, but before you accept, you must learn if the stories about him are true. Is he a fraud and a killer, or are those merely malicious rumors? Search the forgotten corners of the abbey. Find the clues. Some people in the manor will be willing to help you, whilst others will stand in your way. Will you find paradise or peril in Ravenspurn Abbey? Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B543: [ALPHA TEST] "Rover" by Runaway Parade Games; presented by Gwen Ruelle. A new planet has been discovered and your company has dispatched a squadron of rovers to explore its surface and dig for precious minerals. Unfortunately your robots are not alone on the delivery ship, as a hard fought compromise has filled the cargo bay with hardware bearing the logos of several powerful corporations. Your company lawyers have informed you that the contract only guarantees cooperation on the delivery ship and mentions nothing about conduct on the surface. Direct your rover quickly and safely across the planet and fight back against your opponents by acquiring new cards and creating powerful combinations in this light hearted, deck building adventure that features a modular board and endless possibilities. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B544: [BETA TEST] "Show & Tile" by Jellybean Games; presented by Peter Hayward. Can't draw? No problem! Show & Tile is a Pictionary-like game with no artistic talent required. Instead of making your artwork with a pen and pencil, you use tangram tiles! Get your ideas into shape in this fast, fun, creative party game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B545: [BETA TEST] "Symposium" presented by Dan Cassar. A game about competing scientific theories. Is phlogiston theory going to explain combustion? Or is Oxygen Theory going to sway public opinion? Will studies prove that disease is caused by exposure to miasma (bad air)? Or will the scientific community embrace Germ Theory? This medium-weight, traditional-feel card game casts players as patrons of the sciences in the early days of the Age of Reason. The patrons seek to back the right theory at the right time through two scoring rounds - first a local Colloquium, then at game end, the Great Symposium. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B546: [BETA TEST] "The Duel: Point of Honor" by Ironmark Games; presented by Mike Sette. A 2 player tactical card game about robots fighting for honor. A story of dueling, which became a legend in the army, runs through the epic of imperial wars. To the surprise and admiration of their fellows, two officers, like insane artists trying to gild refined gold or paint the lily, pursued a private contest through the years of universal carnage...also robots. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B547: [BETA TEST] "The Networks: Executives" by Formal Ferret Games; presented by Gil Hova. So you've run a TV network in The Networks. Big deal. Can you do it with an Executive? The Networks: Executives is the first major expansion for the strategy board game The Networks. In it, you'll choose an Executive who will give you a special power (and a special liability) during the game. Can you master your Executive's idiosyncrasies and come out on top? This is a BLIND TEST of the expansion's rulebook, so it helps to have played The Networks before! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B548: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B549: [BETA TEST] "Wayward Crowns" by Thursday Games; presented by Beth Erikson. A land of four kingdoms. A shattered empire. A balance to be restored. Chaos has spread and the courts are scattered. In Wayward Crowns, you must hunt down your kingdom's missing nobles, repair your ancient artifact and restore balance before the other players and before chaos takes over completely. In this board game, players will choose a kingdom (Diamonds, Hearts, Clubs or Spades), each with different skills. Players will then face encounters, earn magical items and explore the kingdoms to find and rescue their nobles. Players must be careful in their journey though, or the chaos could corrupt them. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B550: [BETA TEST] "YouRateDogs" by Silverback Press; presented by Darren Watts. A fun, relatively light family card game for 3-6 players, licensed from and based on the popular WeRateDogs Twitter account, with adorable dog pictures and hilarious commentary from WeRateDogs creator Matt Nelson! Players draft dogs into their kennels, and then put them up for competition based on their "stats" like Floof, Sass, and Ears. Remember, they're all good dogs, Brent, so everybody's stats are at least 10/10 and go up from there (except for the dreaded Your Dog Is Actually A Baby Hippo In Disguise card!). Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] L551: [BETA TEST] "Hell is Other Vampires" by Analog Game Studios; presented by Evan Torner. A stand-alone, American freeform larp scenario loosely set in the World of Darkness universe (no foreknowledge thereof required to play). Players take on the role of vampires in an abandoned church hatching a plan to overthrow their Prince, but these characters may succumb to their own petty jealousies and problems. Think No Exit meets Reservoir Dogs meets Vampire: The Masquerade. The scenario won the "Bespoke Rules" category in the 2017 World of Darkness Berlin Scenario Competition... but needs some Metatopia tweaking. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L552: [BETA TEST] "Manic Pixie Dream Girls Anonymous" presented by Jenn Martin. You are a magical being- the perfect person to Save a Boy. To put him back on the path to confidence and acclaim. Only... what about you? You are more than your hair color and a quirky hobby. You deserve your own story. You are a group of Manic Pixie Dream Girls on a weekend support retreat. Play this game if you want to be seen and heard. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
L553: [BETA TEST] "Stowaways" by Event Horizon LLC; presented by Ben Schwartz. In a time when psychic powers have been outlawed, a group of travelers from different backgrounds find themselves all hiding aboard the same starship. When the ship gets boarded by the authorities, tensions flare among those hiding down below. This is a game of quiet tension, atmospheric fear, and interpersonal drama, with an emphasis on finding excuses to spill secrets and get in arguments. For our playtest, we're looking to explore character dynamics and find ways to ramp up tension without spilling over into violence. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R554: [BETA TEST] "(Non-Superhero Comics) ISSUES! The Comic Book Continuity Building Game" by 9th Level Games; presented by Christopher O'Neill. Players take on the roles of the CREATIVE and EDITORIAL TEAMS of a shared comic book company. Over the course of the game, players take turns with the different roles, creating stories and bringing them to resolution - creating a continuity for a comic book across years or possibly decades. ISSUES! features aspects of story games, character generation, comic book lore and history, and some unique play all its own. ISSUES! doesn't require any artistic talent, but may require you to draw a stick figure or 2. It does require your full attention as the game mostly an interplay between the players. The game requires a fair amount of writing. This session of ISSUES! is specifically going to focus on NON-SUPERHERO BOOKS - whether that ends up being Horror Comics, Romance books, Indie Comix, Archie, etc. - as long as it's NOT ABOUT SUPERHEROES. If you despise mainstream superhero big 2 books, but love comics, we need you voice here. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
R555: [BETA TEST] "Alter Arms" presented by Christopher Duffy Austin. A rules-lite, narrative based tabletop RPG set in a world populated by Japanese-style transforming super heroes in the style of Super Sentai, Kamen Rider, and Sailor Moon. Gameplay revolves around the effects of escalation: You can transform into your most powerful form and increase your likelihood of success but at the cost of becoming quickly overwhelmed, or you could rely on your natural talents, and have a better handle on the situation in exchange for not having access to miraculous powers. Are you a monster in disguise? A super robot made to look human? Do you gain powers from a cool belt? Or transform into enchanted royalty by drawing power from celestial bodies? What will you become? Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R556: [BETA TEST] "Bullets in the Mountain" by Radical Bomb Games; presented by Steve Radabaugh. A town struggles to survive on the Wyoming frontier as bandits, native conflicts, and nature threaten to take everything. A powered by the Apocalypse game that focuses on your reputation in the town. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R557: [ALPHA TEST] "Chromeshoe" by Nothing Ventured Games; presented by Paul Stefko. When those in power can edit the truth in real time, you have to be crafty to expose their lies. Resistance is about getting the word out to those who cannot even hear it. A GUMSHOE system cyberpunk game in early alpha, looking to explore what parts of the genre are most essential. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R558: [BETA TEST] "Demihumans" by Robert Bohl Games; presented by Robert Bohl. The Golden Age is ending, and soon all that will be left is humanity. Play elves, halflings, trolls, and other fantasy peoples as they face physical and cultural extinction in a world that no longer has any place for them. You'll be able to choose between a character/world creation session or playing a first episode with premade situation. Demihumans is more an Apocalypse World hack than a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so AW veterans, come my way. But anyone who has played a fantasy video game or seen Lord of the Rings is welcome. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R559: [BETA TEST] "Enemy of the Revolution" by Cloven Pine Games; presented by Alexi Sargeant. A hidden agenda storytelling game. Players take on the roles of revolutionary squad members embarking on a dangerous, frequently lethal mission - or they play as infiltrators on that same squad, secret counter-revolutionaries trying to strike a blow against Glorious Revolutionary Comrade Leader. Players generate shibboleths to identify their true allies and enemies during the game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 9 seats left.
[FILLED] R560: [ALPHA TEST] "Into That Dark Night" presented by Rach Shelkey. A stranger is found on the edge of town, the last scraps of a fallen civilization clenched in their frail hands. The banner is a beautiful piece of art beyond the skills of your own people; bright pieces of fabric reveal scenes of joy and sorrow, although the deeper meaning is lost without the stranger's guidance. In this post-apocalyptic story game of quilting and oblivion, players will reveal the stories the stranger carries in their heart and the secrets crafted into the banner. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R561: [ALPHA TEST] Event Canceled. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R562: [BETA TEST] "Kids on Bikes" presented by Doug Levandowski, Jonathan Gilmour. Strange things are happening in your sleepy little town, and it's up to you and your friends to figure out what's going on in this rules-light RPG that's an homage to the 80s. This session will feature pre-generated characters and will focus on mechanics surrounding a co-controlled powered character. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R563: [BETA TEST] "Love Commander" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Dev Purkayastha. A card-driven story-game where a human commander and a crew of aliens must unite to reveal secrets, earn trust, save the universe, and start an ill-considered romance - all in an hour. It's tone is a loud, boisterous, funny party game where you re-use sci-fi tropes and tell a story. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R564: [BETA TEST] "Mission: Accomplished" presented by Jeff Stormer. You did it! You and your team of super-spies have saved the world once again. Now comes the hard part: the debriefing session. Each player will file a written report to Mission Control, who will then interrogate the players to find what went wrong, what went right, who deserves a promotion, and who is getting burned. A tongue-in-cheek, semi-competitive, improvised storytelling game of social spin doctoring, convoluted explanations, and unreliable narrators. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R565: [ALPHA TEST] "Nitrous!" by TSR Games; presented by James Carpio. A semi-cooperative post-apocalypse tabletop role-playing game. The game has two components, a role-playing element for player/character interaction. The second is a cooperative tactical vehicle combat system that encompasses character roles to determine outcomes. The playtest is to test the role-playing mechanics, combat, and character abilities. Also, take a look at the game's themes. I hope to gather feedback, and take in suggestions on how to improve. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
R566: [ALPHA TEST] "Project Violacea" by Wrong Brothers Gaming; presented by Colin Kyle. Help us playtest the tabletop RPG version of a game and setting designed by Keisha Howard and her organization, the Sugar Gamers, which advocates for underrepresented demographics in the video gaming and geek community. The game is set in a dystopian future controlled by a global, totalitarian oligarchy, where a rebellion has taken root. A group of fugitive scientists and philosophers have developed an implant called Violacea that enhances human abilities-but in unexpected and volatile ways. Fueled by the new, untested power of Violacea, individuals like you and me wage a secret uprising through the spread of information and carefully coordinated strikes. The rebellion is growing, and we here at Sugar Gamers want you to be a part of it. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R567: [BETA TEST] "Propylon" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. As a member of Propylon Team Delta, your mission is to explore previously unexplored worlds connected to the propylon network, negotiate strategic alliances, and secure technology that would assist in defending Earth from alien invasion. My love letter to mid-90's sci-fi, especially Stargate. Hack of Dogs in the Vineyard. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R568: [ALPHA TEST] "Red Carnations on a Black Grave" presented by Catherine Ramen. For just over two months in 1871, the Paris Commune tried to make an egalitarian, socialist state a reality despite disagreement within their walls and attacks from outside it. This is the story of 12 Communards, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? A story game very much in the tradition of "Montsegur: 1244" and "Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne". Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R569: [BETA TEST] "Serial Homicide Unit 2.0" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kathryn Miller. There is a killer out on the streets tonight. They are hunting and they know their prey. Tomorrow all the papers will be talking about them and the things that they did. This game is about tonight. This game is about the people they hunt, the lives full of hopes and dreams. Who are these people? What had they wanted more than anything before they became a serial killer's next victim? Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R570: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R571: [FOCUS GROUP] "Tension" presented by Alex Roberts. Tension is the 2-player Jenga-based RPG of forbidden love. This is a group discussion between designers and retail and distribution professionals about the design of the game from a production perspective: how should it be produced, packaged, and distributed? Saturday, 2:00PM - 3:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R572: [BETA TEST] "The Art of Power" by Galileo Games, Inc.; presented by Brennan Taylor. Medieval power politics in a land ruled by women. This new system is meant to simulate Game of Thrones-style power politics. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R573: [BETA TEST] "The Excellents" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather Wilson. So there you were, just living your life, doing the things people do, when - BAM! - there's an explosion of light and sound! You find yourself in the AWESOME WORLD. You've earned a sword! You've been given a crown! Now you have a responsibility to help keep Awesome World awesome and safe. Are you PRINCESS enough?! In the Excellents you take on the role of an Excellent Princess who defends their "thing" against evil and makes Awesome World a better place. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R574: [ALPHA TEST] "The Record Store at the End of the Universe" by Make Big Things; presented by Hannah Shaffer. Nestled among the dying stars of ancient galaxies, in the part of the universe your mom doesn't want you to visit, lies the record store at the end of the universe. Travel to the end of time in a last-ditch effort to save a time-and-space-bending record store from the galaxy's president, Tromp Bobblenob! A brand-new, Douglas Adams-inspired hack of Damn the Man, Save the Music! Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R575: [BETA TEST] "Timepeekers" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Matthew McFarland. A Powered by the Apocalypse game about growing up, childhood adventures, and a looming crisis of apocalyptic proportions. You can fight, or even solve, that crisis now, if you're willing to learn a little bit too much about your own future in the process. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R576: [BETA TEST] "Warriors of the Realm" by Four-in-Hand Games; presented by Eric Simon. The Throne needs you to stop Lucifer's growing army, but you have your own choices to make and your own consequences to bear. Can you overcome the forces of darkness even as you sink into corruption? A card-driven RPG about angels fighting the War in Heaven, based on the Christian science fiction work of David M. Taylor II. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R577: [FOCUS GROUP] "The In Between" by Imagining Games; presented by Pete Petrusha. Our world was stripped of warmth by a long cold. Our people had to move in order to find warmth. Some of us found it in a home above the clouds. Some, below the frigid barren surface. The rest? No one knows. After a thousand years apart, our world is changing again. How much have we changed? Can WE ever be us again? The In between is a Dreamchaser: A Game of Destiny setting. We are going to talk about a species that adapt far faster than human beings. How much have they changed or "adapted" to their new surroundings. How different have they become? Saturday, 3:00PM - 4:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B578: [BETA TEST] "Abstract Academy" by Flatout Games; presented by Shawn Stankewich. Art students compete for the top grade by creating paintings that appeal to their zany professors. Players take turns creating a colorful mosaic, then manipulate it to advance their own play areas through various actions. This fast-paced visual puzzle card game has an ounce of take-that and demands shifting strategies from round to round. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B579: [ALPHA TEST] "Chronicle of Kings" by Pendelhaven; presented by Andrew Valkauskas. Set during the Viking age in the Fate of the Norns universe. Players take on a dynasty of Viking rulers who wish to be immortalized in legend. Each turn spans several years, meaning that the bloodline will need to plan for marriage and children. Victory is achieved by being the bloodline with the most renown, and the game rewards players for memorable play. There are many ways to achieve renown, allowing players to pursue different paths to victory (ie. quests, military conquests, trade/raid, diplomatic intrigue, etc.). Rather than a mundane actions, players initiate scenes filled with drama, conflict and tension. All of the memories are created and situated upon a world map. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B580: [BETA TEST] "Cinder Spires Privateers" by Brooklyn Indie Games; presented by Tim Rodriguez. A pick-up-and-deliver deckbuilding game that puts you in command of a privateering ship. Manage your hand well to fulfill contracts and deliver commodities to bolster your reputation. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B581: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B582: [BETA TEST] "Cube of Death" by Studio187; presented by Peter Bryant. a trivia card game that incorporates role playing mechanics. Adventures can be run with simplistic characters using trivia questions to resolve conflicts, dice to deliver damage, and magic items to enhance the dynamic. Last person with hits wins. There is also a trick taking version for simplistic fast play. This game is 90% finished and is going to Kickstarter in mid-February. The designer is looking for one final round of play testing to try out the final revisions from the previous play tests. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B583: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B584: [BETA TEST] "Glory Hounds" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. Congratulations, your plan has succeeded and the Generalismo is dead! Now to eliminate your co-conspirators and become the new Generalismo. But what's this? The peasants have broken out in revolt to throw off your oppressive yolk? That cannot stand! Take the on the role of a general in a banana republic suppressing a democratic revolution. Throw your troops into the meatgrinder of war, and more importantly, gain glory from their sacrifices and the sacrifices of those of your soon to be erstwhile allies while denying them the glory and notoriety of claiming victory. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B585: [BETA TEST] "Good Dog, Bad Zombie" by Make Big Things; presented by Hannah Shaffer. A cooperative game where Homeward Bound meets The Walking Dead. Together, you and your doggo pack will have to rescue enough hoomans in a crumbling metropolis and bring them back to the home you're building in Central Bark. Can you save enough people before you go feral and you forget what it means to feel the love of a hooman? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B586: [BETA TEST] "Imagine Majesty" by Imagine Majesty Productions, LLC; presented by Davin Loegering. A game with multiple play scenarios: 4X campaign, cooperative wave defense, and solo/team skirmish with sci-fi/fantasy and historical/epic fantasy components. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B587: [BETA TEST] "Lazer Ryderz: Expansions" by Cardboard Fortress Games; presented by Anthony Amato, Nicole Kline. It's season 2 of the radical 80s trackless racing game LAZER RYDERZ! After passing through the dimensional portals, our heroes find themselves in The Danger Zone. Test out strange new phenomena, exciting new characters, and the effects of terrain in our upcoming expansion. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B588: [BETA TEST] "Lords of Shadowtree" by Grim Fantasy Games; presented by Conner Cole. An adventure strategy board game. Players take on the role of a Lord seeking to either establish their kingdom first or slay all other players for domination. However, monsters roam near and far, wreaking havoc upon all in their way. Foes might be forced band together to survive, only to then backstab each other, or align for mutual victory. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B589: [BETA TEST] "Martian Badlands" by Space Lion Games; presented by Sara Perry. In the Martian Badlands, there are no laws and the corporations know it. You are the original colonists of Mars fighting tooth and nail to protect your land as encroaching corporations try to take it from you. Work together with your eccentric neighbors to build your dice pool and successfully fend off the corporate thieves. Martian Badlands is a cooperative, dice building and worker placement game. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B590: [BETA TEST] "Midwinter Fair" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. A Euro-style worker-placement game in which you play a crafter and shop owner, working to become the next Master Crafter. Send adventurers on quests to acquire special resources, fulfill special orders for nobles, improve your workshop, and sell your wares at the eponymous Midwinter Fair. Similar in style to Lords of Waterdeep and Agricola, with some story game flair. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B591: [BETA TEST] "Mining Colony" presented by Anthony Fiumano. A Worker placement type game where each turn players are taking an action to help contribute to the Colony as a whole. At the end of 6 rounds the person who has contributed the most (gotten the most Victory Points) will have won. Players gain VP by Reproducing, Constructing Buildings, Crafting Items, Slaying Monsters, Gathering Animals, or creating Farms for the Colony. It's your adventure to do as you see fit. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B592: [BETA TEST] "New Beeginnings" by Blue Fairy Games; presented by Matt Parish. It is Springtime in the local beehive and the queen is ready to swarm to seek out and establish a new home. To prepare, she is holding a competition for the hive to see which bees are best fit to go with her. As a player, you take on the role of a team of bees competing in this game. Can you be more efficient than your opponents in collecting resources for the hive, manage new growth, and protecting the hive from danger and disease? Only the best will get to go with the queen on this new adventure! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B593: [BETA TEST] "Please Drive-Thru" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. Can you build a chain of fast food restaurants that meets the changing demands of customers on the busiest boulevard in town. Over a series of 3 dinner rush drive-thru phases, players will use simultaneous hidden action selection to manipulate their restaurants supplies, locations, inventory, and even influence customer demands. After 2-4 actions are taken, the customers drive thru and buy up as much of your supplies as they desire. The game uses a deep thinking strategy of measuring supply and demand and spacial positioning to make you the wealthiest Fast Food Drive-Thru empire in town. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B594: [BETA TEST] "Rambo: The Board Game" by Everything Epic Games; presented by Christopher Batarlis. A thematic, cooperative, tactical, miniatures, scenario-based campaign game that allows players to experience the events they remember from the film as well as embark on new, never-before-seen missions. The game provides sealed "Self-Expanding" mission envelopes that gradually add to the game as each mission started and completed. Each mission tells a story and takes the players on a unique adventure to various locations to save POWs, escape a military prison, raid a jungle encampment, defend a secret air base, survive a treacherous jungle, and more! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B595: [BETA TEST] "Salvage" presented by Nolan James. A space-themed strategy game where you collect sets of stray 'Ship Parts' from the board. Armed with Movement, Rotation, Attack, and Defense cards, players maneuver between debris to outwit and disarm their opponents. The first player to put their ship back together and escape wins! We're testing a smaller board for 2-3 players. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B596: [BETA TEST] "Seek and Go Hyde" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. A territory control game of dual moralities. Play as famous mad scientists of the 1800s and their assistants as you rummage through the recently deceased Henry Jekyll's home in search of his discoveries. But your assistants are thirsty, and we all know where that leads... Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B597: [BETA TEST] "Sharknado: The Board Game!" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. The officially-licensed tabletop game of the cult-hit franchise, Sharknado: The Board Game! is a cooperative, scenario-based game for 2 to 4 players, ages 15 and up. Players assume the roles of brave citizens of a coastal city, working together to battle hordes of man-eating sharks as they attempt to thwart the ultimate weather phenomenon! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B598: [BETA TEST] "Space Farm" presented by Travis Magrum. Mine for interplanetary resources to sell for profit or improve your mining operation in this competitive engine- and deck-builder. Getting useful cards back out of your deck is as important as gaining them in the first place. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B599: [BETA TEST] "Space Runners" presented by Robin Liu. A press your luck adventure card game. Each player selects a hero and tries to run through each location, encountering creatures and traps on the way, while he/she tries to lockdown the location for extra points. Space Runners can be played cooperatively or against each other in teams or free for all. A quick and fun game that is simple to pick up and play with family and friends. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B600: [BETA TEST] "Speculate" by Snowman Games; presented by Mike Schuller. Can you manage your resources in different stock market sectors to collect more fame and fortune than your opponents? This new trick taking game lets you manage your assets as different assets will be valued differently as the game progresses. Play testers will be asked to provide feedback on several rule variants as well as comment on the game. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] B601: [BETA TEST] "Spirit Realms: Tengoku-SR" by The Raven & The Widow, LLC; presented by Ted Gerard. An army fort builder card game that revolves around a retelling of the gods as animal warrior spirits called Spirit Masters. Each warrior is Ruler of 1 of the 9 realms in the world of Tengoku, SR Prime being the first realm. Each realm is represented by a Spirit Master who comes with his own deck of power, each deck with it's own strengths and weakness. Players must protect their throne by defending their forts from being destroyed while attempting to capture their opponent's Throne. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B602: [BETA TEST] "Splatterbomb" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The run and shoot board game! Score the highest points by moving around the Stage while spraying the field and knocking your opponent's out for more advance sprays. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B603: [BETA TEST] "Steepseers" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Eric Kovatchitch. You, a Steepseer, with the ability to foresee prophetic events by brewing tea and manipulating its Steam, are vanishing from a world of fading Belief. Collect your tea ingredients by rolling dice, fill your teapots, remember their contents, and pour delicious brews in order to collect powerful vision cards and restore the people's Belief in you. After 12 rounds, the Steepseer with the most Belief is regarded as the Savior of all Steepseers. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B604: [BETA TEST] "Taking Stock" by Spare the Rod Games; presented by Rod Currie. Taking Stock is a trick-taking stock market manipulation game. In this game, you will play cards to both manipulate stock prices and try to win tricks which will give you shares of those stocks. More shares in stocks with higher prices earn you more money. The most money wins. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B605: [BETA TEST] "Team Evl" by Infinite Lives, LLC; presented by Ethan Weber. A UN-cooperative game of wit, deception, and deduction. Join team evl to cure boredom, and release evil back into the world. CAUTION: As you play, evil whispers destroy your once noble thoughts. You will seek the ruin of your friends and to rule the world through the absolute power of evil. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B606: [BETA TEST] "The Lion & The Eagle" by Arbor Games; presented by Jerry Wang. A World War II hybrid Euro/wargaming experience in which players relive some of the great strategic dilemmas that defined the contest between Albion's Lion and the Eagle of the Third Reich. Taking over in High Command, players will use their decks and the game board to plan their strategies, appoint Commanders and enact Policies, fight battles at sea and in the skies, and ultimately, achieve victory for their side. Saturday, 4:00PM - 8:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B607: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B608: [BETA TEST] "Vanilla" presented by Chris Anderson. The production of vanilla is a very delicate process. The plants must be pollinated by hand, carefully harvested, and cured. At any point in the process mistakes can lower the quality of your harvest. Vanilla is an economic, farming euro. Each player starts with a small vanilla plantation. Use the profits from your harvest to expand your plantation and upgrade your equipment. Should you take it slow and make the highest quality vanilla? Or rush to produce a large harvest of lower quality? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B609: [BETA TEST] "Vinyl" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are aspiring vinyl collectors. They have a glimpse of knowledge of what they would like to collect, but immediately get immersed into the experience. Players will acquire morsels of information after visiting the "Mag Rack". That information will lead them to the bins where they select albums to add and expand their collection. Albums can be played at the listening booth to future increase the value of a player's collection and their ability to collect even more albums. Unfortunately, the inventory is limited and other customers may be after the same vinyl gems. After the final round is concluded, players will tally their collection’s value and determine who is the Elite Vinyl Collector! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B610: [ALPHA TEST] "Writer's Room" presented by John Adamus. A card game where players compete against one another to try and develop the best storyline for a fictional TV pilot, using everything from Protagonists to Plot Twists in an effort to be the first Writer to successfully accomplish their goal. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B611: [BETA TEST] "XCENDANCY" presented by Rocco Privetera. A competitive sci-fi themed very lite 4x style game. Players take turns playing single action turns to build up their empire's tableau to gain various resources, explore for new systems, build upgrades and research tech, deal with events, and compete against other players to become a full empire first. Gameplay is fast and elegant, and reminiscent of Machi Koro and Splendor, while still scratching the 4x itch. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B612: [BETA TEST] "YouRateDogs" by Silverback Press; presented by Darren Watts. A fun, relatively light family card game for 3-6 players, licensed from and based on the popular WeRateDogs Twitter account, with adorable dog pictures and hilarious commentary from WeRateDogs creator Matt Nelson! Players draft dogs into their kennels, and then put them up for competition based on their "stats" like Floof, Sass, and Ears. Remember, they're all good dogs, Brent, so everybody's stats are at least 10/10 and go up from there (except for the dreaded Your Dog Is Actually A Baby Hippo In Disguise card!). Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
L613: [BETA TEST] "Aurum" by Absolute Zero Gaming; presented by Kelvin Ortega. This gaslight fantasy full boffer LARP is set in a world where steam-tech is on the rise and magic is slowly fading away. With the discovery of a new continent to the south, the movers and shakers of the world are vying to be the first to colonize the new continent and look to those with the spirit of adventure to help them do it. This beta test will be focused primarily on stress testing our systems. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 9 seats left.
[FILLED] L614: [BETA TEST] "Did I Fall Asleep?" presented by David Leaman. When you first sold your body into their service, the Company wiped your brain of all personality and memories. Then over and over they imprinted you with new minds, sent you out on missions and wiped your brain again. Now that your term of service is over, you are being given the chance to go back to who you originally were and to be released back into the world. But when you learn who you were, will you want to go back to that life? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L615: [ALPHA TEST] "Murder Penis" by Games to Gather; presented by Tayler Stokes. A freeform scenario about sexual entitlement and rampage shootings. Players will follow four young white men from romantic rejection to violent restoration in a sequence of scenes that employ explicit materials and subject matter. Play makes use of smartphones and dildos. This is an early alpha-test. We may play some things out, but mostly we are going to talk/think/feel through it. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
L616: [ALPHA TEST] "Pass On" presented by Johannes Oppermann. An experience about facing trauma. This game is in a pre-alpha phase, meaning my main interest is trying out game mechanics and metatechniques that will help it achieve its goal: making an abstract story about facing and overcoming trauma through transformation an experience that is interesting and enlightening for all participants. This chamber LARP involves touch, serious tone, elements and techniques that borrow from psychodrama. 6 participants: Facilitator, Protagonist, Time, Trauma, 2 Resources. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
L617: The Golden Cobra Contest Winner Showcase. The winners are in. The judges have explained the contest. Now, let's play some games! Due to the nature of the contest, we won't know until just before the convention what will be running. We encourage you to be flexible when you show up for this event. Based on audience preference, number of players who arrive and various other factors (entirely left to the discretion of our crack facilitator team!), any or all games of each winning category might run. Categories include: Most Convention-Ready, Most Appealing to Newcomers, Cleverest Design and Game We're Most Eager to Play. Each game will run a minimum of once during the convention. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 13 seats left.
[FILLED] R618: [BETA TEST] "183 Days" presented by James Stuart, Sara Williamson. Sam can see the future. Dylan can see many possible futures. Tomorrow, they go on a date. When the two of them intersect, can their relationship end in anything but tragedy, or is there more than one way life can turn out? In 183 Days, you and a partner, with no GM, will play out the relationship between Sam and Dylan, the only two clairvoyants in the world. These will be full playtests of the game, but we will be asking you to take notes on any unclear cards/rules, or any points in the game that were confusing. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R619: [ALPHA TEST] "Amazing Adventures in Space" by Dust Pan Games; presented by Neal Tanner. Tired of polishing bulkheads? Sick of scrubbing power conduits? Feel like making a difference to the galaxy at large? Join the Explorer's Guild! We're always in need of enterprising individuals seeking glory and wealth for exploration and salvage missions. Meet new and interesting people from across the galaxy! Explore alien ruins and abandoned ships! Confront exciting new life forms and new civilizations! And of course: bring home lots and lots of treasure! Minus our fee and any medical/funeral expenses, of course, but that hardly ever happens. Really. Join now and get a spiffy recruit's uniform, complete with the official Explorer's red shirt! Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R620: [BETA TEST] "Awesome 8's" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Beth Rimmels. An easy, intuitive RPG designed for both absolute beginners and experienced players who prefer to focus on character and story rather than rules. This play test will feature a location limited, modern day, urban fantasy scenario to test the magic rules, and how they interact with the core rules. Characters will be members of a team, some of whom use magic and some don't. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R621: [BETA TEST] "Beyonder RPG: Legends of Tamarra" by Flying NightBear Games; presented by Robin McEntire, Caleb McEntire. The hearts of the planet Ethem beat in powerful asynchrony as It sleeps. From Its wombs bubble up rich life in gelid black ocean, in waterless desert. But those are not the organs you're exploring today: no, you're part of the pioneering team of Geoanatomists who will descend into the depths of the Kellith Sea to explore Ethem's lung, a miles-wide pocket of air that persists against all laws of nature beneath miles of salt water. Your team knows little except that these are unexplored depths - and that the anatomy of the planet can often contain more than you bargained for. Saturday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R622: [BETA TEST] "Blades of the Elf-Queen" by Parenthesis Press; presented by Neal Stidham. The immortal plant spirits called elves have built the greatest Empire the world has yet seen. You're one of the Elf-Queen's top operatives - the best of the best with spell, sword, and seduction. Along with your fellow Blades, your mission is to quell threats to the Empire by any means necessary. A deck of playing cards is your key to a world of airships, blackpowder, and swashbuckling adventure. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R623: [BETA TEST] "Blightrealms RPG" by Golden Dragon Studio; presented by Thomas Toynton. Confront evil in a world of eldritch fantasy where humanity is waging a desperate war against incursions of fiendish undead and their allies." Play a short one-shot adventure that introduces the Blightrealms Universe and Adventure Dice RPG System - a skill-based D6 dice pool system that strives for functional simplicity. The adventure also utilizes the current beta version of Terrain Tiles - 5x5 modular tiles for use with 18mm miniatures. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R624: [BETA TEST] "Companions' Tale: An Endless Wheel" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Laura Simpson. A map-making storytelling game where you tell the tale of an epic hero, righting wrongs and saving kingdoms. The hero acts, and leaves others to tell the tale. You are those others: the hero's closest companions. Whose version of the heroic tale will become canon, and whose will be a footnote to history? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R625: [BETA TEST] "Crossroads Carnival" presented by Kate Bullock. In 1930's Dustbowl America, a carnival is ground zero for the final war between good and evil. Play as supernatural sideshows who are trying to stop the encroaching darkness while clinging to what little humanity they have left. Crossroads Carnival is a powered by the apocalypse game of desperate souls beneath the midway lights striving to save a world that hates and fears them. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R626: [BETA TEST] "EnTropey" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. A card based beer and pretzels RPG where players solve problems using tropes from film, television, and video games. Find fun in justifying wild story changes that surprise even the people who initiate them. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R627: [BETA TEST] "Family Without Values" presented by Justin Rogers. A dysfunctional family comedy RPG built off the mechanics of the game Swords Without Master by Epidiah Ravachol. In it, each player will choose a playbook a la Apocalypse World and answer some questions to create their scheming, narcissistic, and foolish family member, then begin playing out scenes as creators, actors, and audience. Dice are rolled to determine the overtone of the scene and the tone of each action -- will they be "Cheeky and Fun," or "Tragic and Cruel"? Players slip and struggle against the manipulations of other family members and their own inadequacies until, presumably, nothing is accomplished. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R628: [BETA TEST] "Gears of Defiance" by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. Players take on the role of a tightly knit family treated like second-class citizens by the authoritative "Empire" in this steampunk RPG drama. Each character must struggle to find their place in the growing resistance movement while the decisions they make will test the bonds they've made with their family. Players must closely monitor their character's Alignment, lest they find themselves slipping dangerously close to radicalization in their attempt to unseat the Empire and bring sweeping change to their nation. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R629: [BETA TEST] "Love Each Other" by Special Snowflake Games; presented by Gavin White. A queer & peri-apocalyptic narrative story-game for two players, in which we craft a world that reflects our characters' inner lives and explore themes of love and community-formation. It asks us whether we can love each other well enough that our community has a chance to survive (though we ourselves will probably not). We'll be playtesting methods for introducing and teaching some fiddly mechanical bits. The mechanics in question model our natural human resistance to connection in the face of our fears, and give the players a choice: say yes, say no, or roll dice. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R630: [BETA TEST] "Magimundi: Bad Blood" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Walker. An RPG scenario by Jason Morningstar being tested in a Fate-based system developed by Ben Walker. Bad Blood is an alternately light-hearted and terrifying adventure taking place in the early-nineties. In America's Pacific Northwest, the band anointed as the rising star of the local music scene finds itself at the epicenter of a seismic shift in power as two vampire clans go to war over territory and raw ambition. Can a grungy rock band and their fans survive a storm of power and dominance with the established magical order - one that threatens to bring both the mundane and the magical world tumbling down? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R631: [BETA TEST] "Nahual" presented by Miguel Angel Espinoza. A Mexican role playing game Powered by the Apocalypse set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operacion Bolivar. In Nahual players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales that fought against the invading angels that came with the conquistadores. They have the dormant gifts that allow them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders. Many angel hunters just struggle for survival, some crave power, others look for answers—at the end they all agree in one thing: A nahual lives to hunt down angels. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R632: [BETA TEST] "Nementia" by Labyrinth Games; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. A world inspired by Welsh myth and legends and set within the time of industrial steampunk. The adventure unfolds, A conference has been called between the great City Dwr, and those that live in the wilderness as to how everyone can come to a settlement in regards to the ever expanding railway. At the conference a series of murders is taking place. This is an adult story, with violence and dead folk. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R633: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R634: [BETA TEST] "One Child's Heart" by Analog Letters; presented by Camdon Wright. There are moments from childhood that alter the course of a life with their weight. Science has given you the chance to enter the memories of a child drifting toward life's darkness. Can you, and the rest of your team, support, nurture, and protect a stranger when they need you the most? A heart is a fragile object that contains the power of humanity. Trigger warning: This game explores traumatic childhood issues like poverty, neglect, malnutrition, and bullying. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R635: [BETA TEST] "Pantheon" presented by Corinne Taylor. You know the stories. Anubis weighs hearts against feathers. Zeus and Hera are sibling gods in a troubled marriage. Thor is the son of Odin, god of thunder, and wielder of Mjölnir. But those are the stories of the Egyptians, Greeks, and Norse. What about your stories? Perhaps in your pantheon, the god of Death wears a 3 piece suit and waltzes mortal souls into the afterlife. Or maybe the god of Soccer Moms wages an eternal war against The Manager. Pantheon is a collaborative storygame about building mythology. Players create each god, give them domains, depictions, names and titles, and then tell myths about them to define their relationships to one another. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R636: [BETA TEST] "Perfect Crime" presented by Daniel Thoreson. You've accepted an invitation to a fancy dinner party, only to find yourself trapped inside until you kill a fellow guest... without getting caught. An over-the-top murder mystery game where both the murder and the mystery are up to you and your fellow players! This is a rules-lite system where each player role plays more than one character, so people that love games with heavy storytelling and role play elements are strongly encouraged to play. Saturday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R637: [ALPHA TEST] "Retrievers" by Saddle Shaped Games; presented by James Dagg. The Retrievers' Guild is a trans-continental organization of treasure hunters. Have you lost something important due to the injustice of others, cruel, greedy, and uncaring? Is it too dangerous for you to get it yourself? Retrievers is a heist game focused on escalating tension, resource management, and playing to your strengths. The focus of the session will be examining the moment-to-moment mechanics and their interaction with the Tension and GM resource systems, hoping to ensure things get more dangerous and exciting over time. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R638: [BETA TEST] "Save the Universe" presented by Don Bisdorf. A sci-fi adventure role playing game about veteran warriors, sly scoundrels, and mysterious seers who battle against a galactic menace that the players create. The rules-light system supports improvisation and collaboration, and encourages players to portray personal drama side-by-side with desperate starfighter battles. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R639: [BETA TEST] "The City Afterlife" presented by Rob Deobald. A diceless, cooperative/GM-less, urban fantasy, PbtA RPG that draws inspiration from Avery Alder's Dream Askew with bits borrowed from Matthijs Holter and Jason Morningstar's Love in the itme of Khvareneh. Awareness of a supernatural reality has slithered into public consciousness. We stand in the threshold between an ancient facade and this brave new world. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
R640: [ALPHA TEST] "The March" presented by Jess Banks. This game invites players to explore the boundary of love and fear, as they take a role in a protest march. Characters encounter changes and challenges that that force emotional engagement and moral choices in and out of the game. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
R641: [ALPHA TEST] "Through My Eyes" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Maury Brown. This is an experimental card-based game that is rather larp-y but can be played at a table (e.g. you RP from a perspective of a character for a short while). Participants draw an artifact, which is a picture of a monument or symbol from history, and then take on varying perspectives of what you see and feel and think when you see that artifact, with other players assisting with freeform techniques to draw the scene. The game will include some actual testimony from marginalized groups about what they see/feel/think so that players can see through their eyes. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R642: [ALPHA TEST] "Turning Point" by Encoded Designs; presented by Phil Vecchione, Senda Linaugh. This is a collaborative, dramatic, decision engine, where the group plays a single character who is facing a life-changing dilemma. Using story game mechanics the group will explore past incidents in the character's life to determine what emotions are the most important to make this decision. Through play, a decision will be made for the character. This game may have emotional bleed and sensitive topics. Safety mechanisms will be used throughout. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R643: [BETA TEST] "Writers, Retreat!" presented by Alex Tully. "You have been officially accepted to the prestigious Weeks' Writers' Retreat in historic South Falmouth, Massachusetts," the invitation reads. A weekend away might just be the thing to help you finish your next big piece, assuming you can survive your stay. Writers, Retreat! is a story driven, survival horror role playing game which utilizes mechanics inspired by blackout poetry to tell as thrilling a tale as your creativity allows. Is the pen really mightier? Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R644: [BETA TEST] "Zombie World" by Magpie Games; presented by Brendan Conway. The dead are walking, and the world as you know it has ended. And all you have in your favor are some fences, a few bullets, and the people around you...if you can trust them. Come playtest the latest version of this Powered by the Apocalypse game about surviving in a world full of zombies. Saturday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B645: [FOCUS GROUP] "Proving Ground" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. We've spent a few years designing "Raid on Gingerbread Lane,' a co-opetition tabletop game about feeding waves of monsters cupcakes so they don't eat your town. Now we're creating a world around it, with plans for a worker placement game as well as "Proving Ground," a dark fantasy tower defense game. I'd like some help thinking through what character ability discovery and evolution might look like for this game. Whatever we develop will influence the design of the other two games as well. Saturday, 6:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R646: [ALPHA TEST] "Immortal Flight" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions; presented by Shoshana Kessock. A tabletop RPG about power, choice, and responsibility as players taken on the role of half-angel, half-human Nephilim in an urban fantasy world of angels, demons, and supernatural threats. Stuck between heaven and earth, between angels and the Unclean below, what will you choose? Immortal Flight sports a new system and in-depth setting folklore based on angel mythology reinterpreted for the modern day. Rated mature for violence and serious themes, these playtests will look at character creation and game mechanics. Saturday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
L647: [FOCUS GROUP] "Perdition U" presented by Michael Meinberg. An episodic game set in an university where conspiracies reign in the shadows but only through strong bonds can individuals endure. The game is designed to be released with multiple supplements that extend the core scenario and open up more mechanical options for the players. Saturday, 7:00PM - 8:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R648: [BETA TEST] "Barely Legal Transgender Certified Public Accountants" by Games By Play Date; presented by Glenn Given. A moderated but collaborative RPG storygame of transhuman cyberpunk superheroes in a weird future. Players will portray a supergroup of bizarre heroes fighting even weirder foes to stop their nefarious plans. Expect a high energy, momentum focused collaborative storygame where wild ideas are welcome. This genderqueer game uses challenging themes including body horror, sexuality, drug use and violence. Players should expect physical movement by way of regular dance and karaoke interludes. Loud music and flashing lights will be used in the presentation. Saturday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R649: [BETA TEST] "Scherzando!" by hamZardo; presented by Arthur Gilchrist. Scherzando! is a setting-agnostic one-shot game involving musical improvisation. Players will take turns playing music on the fly to provide the backtrack of the game - no musical experience needed. The mechanics revolve around trying to communicate emotional states through music and play, and listening to what other people are trying to communicate. The game is designed with a focus on listening and collaboration, but results in stories which are explosive and dynamic. It's a brand new way to experience a game. Saturday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R650: [BETA TEST] "Seeds of Insidiae: The Monolith and the Spine" by World War Kaan; presented by Kaan Emirier. A father and a secret police census chief, a machine born seductress of flesh, her towering bioroid guardian, a mutant crone, and an officer in charge of a unit made of genetically enhanced sacrificial lambs. You are all dead. Or, you were dead. Yanked without warning from that sweet euphoria, you realize that you are no longer alone in your bodies, and that your passengers have made you whole again. Whole and more, much more than you were before. Now, you see each other across the battlefield with new eyes. In your midst stands a monolith, the objective you killed each other for. Drawn together and instilled with a purpose you can't fully fathom, a shared question echoing in each of your minds: "So, how do you want to do this?" Saturday, 7:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B651: [BETA TEST] "Adventures of the Cimmerian Forest" by Mayham Games; presented by Isaac Gibbs. One of three finalists for most dynamic game at the 2017 Boston FIG, this is a co-operative card game where players play as a group of survivalist trappers tasked to build elaborate traps and weapons using 3 basic resources found in the forest. It is a great introduction to the world of hobby board games by putting a unique spin on the use of simple mechanics such as set collection, resource management, and trading. Adventures of the Cimmerian Forest makes co-op play incredibly accessible for all ages with its limited use of text and use of simplistic and abstract card design. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B652: [BETA TEST] "AEGIS Tacticlash" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. A tactical card combat game based around combining robots. Players buy robots from a shared deck, which they then use to tactically move and attack. These robots generate energy, which allows you to buy more robots, and combine then together into more powerful forms. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B653: [BETA TEST] "Animus" by Zero Budget Geek; presented by Eriberto Rodriguez. A small, two-player card game inspired by fighting video games and turn-based monster combat RPGs. The game has players drafting a team of 9 unique characters from a spanning multiverse to compete while leading their team with one of 6 Entity cards. Every game will have a completely new roster! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B654: [BETA TEST] "Ark Worlds" by Unpossible Game Labs; presented by Orion McClelland. A 2-player skirmish inspired by MOBAs and hero based team shooters. Ark Worlds takes an approach that simplifies the laning in MOBAs and emphasizes the team fight in order to gain strategic advantage. In Ark Worlds, you will gather a team of 6 heroes, Each player will deploy 4 heroes per engagement and activate abilities back and force until all actions have been exhausted. The team with the highest total dominance when the dust clears will control the objective. This game appeals to people who like the gameplay of Magic or Net Runner but do notwant to sift the hundreds of cards. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B655: [BETA TEST] "Big Top" presented by Dan Cassar. A two-player microgame that challenges players to manipulate circus performers like the Human Cannonball, the Tightrope Walker and the Strong Man to enable their own evil clown to escape the Big Top. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B656: [BETA TEST] "Cards of Impact: Choose Your Destiny" by CBR Solutions; presented by Grant Peirce. Engage. Choose. Win by growing from strength to strength. Impact your relationships! This character-based card game will challenge your assumptions about your instincts and values. You will know yourself and your fellow players in new and intriguing ways. Successful players will seize their destiny! This game uses reality-based Challenge, Choice, and Character cards. Players choose from variations of the game based on age, skill level, time, competitive/collaborative modes, and what is most fun for them! Created by Susanne - a relationship coach, Grant - a psychometrician, and Johann - a financial analyst. The world is a crazy place, so we decided to create a reality-based card game to help us survive, connect, and thrive. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B657: [BETA TEST] "Cartrigia" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A retro tile based light dungeon crawler with the feel of classic RPGs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Zelda. Players control a group of 1 to 6 asymetrical heroes while they explore the dungeon, battle classic monsters, gain valuable items, and if they're good enough - and can stay alive long enough - defeat the Dungeon Lord. Features multiple difficulty levels from easy to epic - no two games the same! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B658: [BETA TEST] "Clear the Decks!" by Crispy Games Company; presented by Christopher Pinyan. A cooperative card game for 1-4 players depicting naval warfare during the age of sail. Players each command 3 cannon and use a variety of ammunition, tactics and officers to destroy the enemy ship structures, guns and crew. Can you and your shipmates work together to sink the enemy before all of your cannon are destroyed? Its time to prepare for action and Clear the Decks! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B659: [BETA TEST] "Cook-Off: Diced Expansion" by Critical-Hits Studios LLC; presented by David Chalker. The first planned expansion for Cook-Off, a real time speed dice game of cooking dishes and serving meals coming in 2018. In this variant, each chef is given four mystery box ingredients and must use them all in the best dish and to serve the judges based on their individual preferences. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B660: [BETA TEST] "Cube of Death" by Studio187; presented by Peter Bryant. a trivia card game that incorporates role playing mechanics. Adventures can be run with simplistic characters using trivia questions to resolve conflicts, dice to deliver damage, and magic items to enhance the dynamic. Last person with hits wins. There is also a trick taking version for simplistic fast play. This game is 90% finished and is going to Kickstarter in mid-February. The designer is looking for one final round of play testing to try out the final revisions from the previous play tests. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B661: [BETA TEST] "Earthforge" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Jordan Mathews. A fast-paced, competitive, arena-brawler for 2 to 4 players. Taking control of powerful Valkyries from around the world, players will use their unique powers to battle their way through other champions and fearsome beasts in order to take control of the legendary Earthforge. Using its vast power, a Valkyrie may reshape the world in their image. Will you seize victory from your foes, or will you cower in their shadow? Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B662: [BETA TEST] "Everyone's a Suspect" presented by Kristin Firth. It's a small town and somebody has been murdered. Everyone is a suspect. Including everyone at this table. *Especially* everyone at this table. This is a card-based mystery game, in the tradition of storytelling games (like Once Upon a Time). Taking turns, we will tell the story of a group of characters in a murder victim's life and how the murder affects them. The murderer will be determined at the end of the game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B663: [BETA TEST] "First Responders, Inc." by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. Play as one of the four corporations competing to privatize First Reponse units in the distant future. Prove that you deserve the city's exclusive contract by building and upgrading your fleet of police, fire, and medical vehicles, hiring dispatchers to increase response time, responding to emergencies, completing crisis cards, and working towards secret objectives. Each corporation has a unique feel with variable powers and player boards in this light Euro-inspired board game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B664: [BETA TEST] "Great Aunt Gertie's Attic" presented by Doug Levandowski. You and your cousins might hate each other, but you love your Great Aunt Gertie. She has invited you all over to help her clean out her attic, but she's going to make you work together before you get anything! In this fast-paced negotiation game, players compete to collect the best sets in exactly three minutes - and the more you trade, the more you get! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B665: [BETA TEST] "Hero: Tales of the Tomes" presented by Jimmy Ellerth. A multiplayer card game in which each of the players takes the role of a legendary hero and battles it out until only one is left standing. All players play off of one shared deck together, so no prior deck building or collecting is required. The gameplay is fast and exciting. With all the potential for twists and comebacks, you'll never truly feel out of the game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B666: [BETA TEST] "Human Era" by Lay Waste Games; presented by Jake Given. A social deduction game where you and your crew are aboard the last time machine to save space and time from the chaos unleashed by the haphazard time traveling of humans. However, among your crew are machines and cyborgs disguised as humans with their own goals in mind. Achieve your goal of repairing or destroying the space-time continuum before fuel runs out! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
B667: [BETA TEST] "Id, Ego, Eye" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. You're under attack! Shield your mind, build up its strength, and choose whether to fight back using your Id, Ego, Third Eye, or some combination of all of them. Play with one of our prebuilt decks of cards or advance to creating your own. Experience the fast and furious tug-of-war as players fight to keep from losing their minds! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B668: [BETA TEST] "Magnolia Sun" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Morrow, Mike Young. In this cooperative storytelling adventure board game by Mike Young, you'll create a character (a student at Magnolia Sun primaschola in Solaris Province), and go from scene to scene on adventure after adventure. You'll work together with your fellow students to solve mysteries, overcome obstacles, and combat dangerous creatures. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B669: [BETA TEST] "Martian Badlands" by Space Lion Games; presented by Sara Perry. In the Martian Badlands, there are no laws and the corporations know it. You are the original colonists of Mars fighting tooth and nail to protect your land as encroaching corporations try to take it from you. Work together with your eccentric neighbors to build your dice pool and successfully fend off the corporate thieves. Martian Badlands is a cooperative, dice building and worker placement game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B670: [BETA TEST] "Mining Colony" presented by Anthony Fiumano. A Worker placement type game where each turn players are taking an action to help contribute to the Colony as a whole. At the end of 6 rounds the person who has contributed the most (gotten the most Victory Points) will have won. Players gain VP by Reproducing, Constructing Buildings, Crafting Items, Slaying Monsters, Gathering Animals, or creating Farms for the Colony. It's your adventure to do as you see fit. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B671: [BETA TEST] "Myth and Mettle" presented by ErikPeter Walker. A cooperative, monster-slaying card game set in Ancient Greece. The heroes attempt to slay three legendary monsters, like Chimera or Medusa. Tactically play cards to maneuver and attack, while mitigating the attacks of the monsters. Each hero and monster has their own unique abilities, encouraging players to explore new strategies from battle to battle. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B672: [BETA TEST] "Narco-State: Afghanistan" presented by Noah Arjomand. Players take the role of provincial warlords, Taliban insurgents or foreign governments, all seeking to maximize their own prestige in the quagmire of post-2001 Afghanistan. Use opium revenues and aid money to strengthen your forces and pay off rivals. Choose the right combination of fighting, peaceful negotiating, and political patronage in pursuit of prestige. Narco-State: Afghanistan uses fun, light gameplay to satire a serious topic. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
B673: [BETA TEST] "Obelisk" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. The chess of blocks. Obelisk is a high-end, custom two player board game where players must construct their blocks three dimensionally before their opponent does. Similar to its companion product, Aporia, a player's ability to strategize future moves is at hand. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B674: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Caleb Stokes. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
B675: [BETA TEST] "Quantum Quest" by Black Furnace Games; presented by Michael DeAngelo. A dungeon crawler card game that pits you against your friends in a game that never plays the same way twice. Players put together teams of adventurers and travel through the dungeon, encountering chambers that will hurt you unless you capture them. You can only capture chambers if you have enough mana, and an adventurer that matches the room’s class type. Once you own the chambers, you decide how they harm your opponents when they land there. Claim victory if you are the only survivor! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B676: [BETA TEST] "QuestFour" presented by Robert Brown. Place one of your pieces, then turn any tile. It seems simple to win, just get four of your pieces in a row. But is it that simple? Players must think in multiple dimensions while adapting to an ever changing playing field. Just when you think you've won, your opponent can take it away with the twist of a board. QuestFour is a 4D spatial strategy game where players use their pieces in multiple dimensions while adapting to a dynamic playing field. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B677: [BETA TEST] "Rambo: The Board Game" by Everything Epic Games; presented by Christopher Batarlis. A thematic, cooperative, tactical, miniatures, scenario-based campaign game that allows players to experience the events they remember from the film as well as embark on new, never-before-seen missions. The game provides sealed "Self-Expanding" mission envelopes that gradually add to the game as each mission started and completed. Each mission tells a story and takes the players on a unique adventure to various locations to save POWs, escape a military prison, raid a jungle encampment, defend a secret air base, survive a treacherous jungle, and more! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B678: [BETA TEST] "Rampaging Jotunn: Winter War 4-Player Expansion" by Lost Cog Games; presented by Matthias Bonnici. Return to the unnamed island in this exciting 4 player expansion to Rampaging Jotunn! This massive expansion includes complete with new land types, new land boards that further expand the borders of the unnamed island. There are 2 new armies, new rules for 2, 3 and 4 players, armor, weapons, new cards, new powers, and new components that expand the Rampaging Jotunn Saga... and did we mention the 2nd Jotunn? Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B679: [ALPHA TEST] "Rover" by Runaway Parade Games; presented by Gwen Ruelle. A new planet has been discovered and your company has dispatched a squadron of rovers to explore its surface and dig for precious minerals. Unfortunately your robots are not alone on the delivery ship, as a hard fought compromise has filled the cargo bay with hardware bearing the logos of several powerful corporations. Your company lawyers have informed you that the contract only guarantees cooperation on the delivery ship and mentions nothing about conduct on the surface. Direct your rover quickly and safely across the planet and fight back against your opponents by acquiring new cards and creating powerful combinations in this light hearted, deck building adventure that features a modular board and endless possibilities. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
B680: [BETA TEST] "Sharknado: The Board Game!" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. The officially-licensed tabletop game of the cult-hit franchise, Sharknado: The Board Game! is a cooperative, scenario-based game for 2 to 4 players, ages 15 and up. Players assume the roles of brave citizens of a coastal city, working together to battle hordes of man-eating sharks as they attempt to thwart the ultimate weather phenomenon! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B681: [BETA TEST] "Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Jeffrey Van Ness. In Soaring Rhino's follow-up expansion to Shifting Realms, players delve into three new realms that can be added to the base game. Build towers that feed the demons and take control of fierce gargoyles. See what is new in Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B682: [BETA TEST] "Steam Masters" by Branum Games; presented by Tiffany Branum. This is a steampunk inspired game about investing during the Age of Steam. Play as aristocrats investing in steam inventors who create a variety of intriguing items. Through three rounds, you will commission your chosen inventors, and for each round the most successful inventors will be tallied up. Whoever backs the most successful overall inventor wins the game! Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B683: [BETA TEST] "Stellar Siege" by Paw-Warrior Games; presented by Josh Paugh, Ben Krieger. A two-player strategy card game where each player is playing as a different alien species vying for control of a distant star system. Gain control of as many planets as you can by playing more of your aliens to the planet than your opponent. Each of the 8 planets in the star system is represented by a number (1-8). The number of cards in your hand will determine the planet number you are allowed to play to for your turn, so hand-size management is key. During gameplay, you will be activating effects of your alien cards, as well as the planets themselves to manipulate your hand size to plan your next move, as well as thwart your opponent's strategy. This game has a simple core mechanic, but allows for in depth decision making that will keep you in suspense until the end of the game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B684: [BETA TEST] "Sword of Kings" by Red Knight Card Games; presented by Mathew Rutan. This game consists of 108 beautifully crafted cards. The goal for each knight is to build a unique tunnel to their dragon’s Lair. While building their tunnel, knights will discover various magical treasures and encounter friendly people to help them on their quest. At the same time, Knights will find evil creatures and various obstacles they can play on the other knights to slow their progress. Once inside the lair, knights must fight the dragon that is defending the sword. The first knight to defeat the dragon claims the Sword of Kings and wins the game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
B685: [BETA TEST] "The Aura Masters of Avin" by Geoffquest; presented by Geoff Bottone. Explore an isolated fantasy world of strange powers, social strife, and omnipresent paranoia, where old enemies gather in the shadows on every side. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B686: [BETA TEST] "The Council" by Jellybean Games; presented by Peter Hayward. The government has discovered that the high council has been infiltrated, and they're offering generous bounties to whoever can identify them. A new social deduction game with a bidding element, The Council is for people who want to take Werewolf/Mafia/The Resistance to the next level. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 10 seats left.
B687: [BETA TEST] "They" by Wee Big Games; presented by Tam Myaing. A competitive resource management strategy game where you command a flying saucer and your task is to gather food for your dying planet. Disseminate feeding tubes to terrestrial sites and harvest food from various sources. Upgrade your saucer and improve your food production. Fill up your craft with nutrients and be the first to be awarded the Honor of the Mother. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B688: [BETA TEST] "WBW: World Beats Wrestling" by Single Helix Studios; presented by Noah Cohen. A rhythm based card game? Don't overthink, bid to the beat! WBW: World Beats Wrestling puts a new spin on blind bidding games by adding rhythm. Players start with cards numbered 1-8 in their hands, then put on a song and take turns playing cards face down onto any of four piles while keeping up with the beat. Because each player bids face down, you can see where people are putting their cards, but not where they're putting their value. Keeping up with the beat dishes up a delightful dollop of disorder, disrupts your plans and doles out laughs. Win a pile by having the highest sum once everyone’s cards are down to improve your reputation and win fans. Race to build your fan base so the league will let you win bigger matches and become the face of the WBW. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B689: [BETA TEST] "You Are Not Alone" by 9 Kingdoms Publications; presented by Ivan Turner. You don't know how long you and the others have been trapped inside of the house. You all want to be free. But the only way to leave is when someone new enters. Someone new has just entered. You Are Not Alone is a card game where you desperately try to map an escape route through a deck of location cards. Armed with your own deck of "stock" cards, you'll populate locations on your "track" and try to implement a strategy that sees you through the exit before any of your opponents. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B690: [BETA TEST] "Zeno" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Brian Engelstein. A quick-playing, casual, deck-building game. Players flip cards from a personal deck in an attempt to have the second highest total at the table. Cards are then drafted to improve the decks and the next round begins. This game is perfect for players of all ages and experience levels. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B691: [BETA TEST] "Zombie Kitten Factory" by Soaring Rhino Inc.; presented by Craig Van Ness. The Kitten Toy Factory was a nice place to work for kittens until the zombie kittens invaded. Players will need to work together in this cooperative game to complete their kittens' factory orders. Placers race against a timer to trade cards and plan out their best paths to complete their factory orders while trying to avoid the zombie kittens. The bad thing about zombie kittens is... they keep coming. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] L692: [BETA TEST] "Gather" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. A hybrid LARP/tabletop game inspired thematically by worldbuilding games such as The Quiet Year. It is time again within the Great Tree for the annual Gather of kinships. You are the speaker for your kinship and have been sent to the Gather to speak on their behalf. Gather is a worldbuilding game with legacy elements. Game mechanics involve quickly improvising answers to question prompts without the assistance of other players, so improvisational skills are a plus. Content Warning: Question prompts may encourage conflict between players. Players are required to say opposing statements in unison with each other while also listening to the other players, which may generate additional difficulties for players who have hearing, speech, or sensory overload difficulties. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
L693: [BETA TEST] "Model United Nations: Bosnian Crisis Council" by Damocles Thread Development; presented by Jacqueline Bryk. It is March of 1992. Yugoslavia has been teetering on the edge of total collapse for five years. Croatia and Slovenia have already seceded, and Bosnia-Herzegovina looks like it will be next. The Serbian government views this as a betrayal of the Serbian nationals within the border of the region, and would like nothing more than to stop that from happening. Talk of war is in the air, and the entire region is preparing. NATO and the UN are frantically trying to keep the peace. What happens next is in your hands. This LARP will be run exactly like a high school Model UN crisis council simulation. Parliamentary procedure ("parlipro") will be observed - to a point. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
L694: The Golden Cobra Contest Winner Showcase. The winners are in. The judges have explained the contest. Now, let's play some games! Due to the nature of the contest, we won't know until just before the convention what will be running. We encourage you to be flexible when you show up for this event. Based on audience preference, number of players who arrive and various other factors (entirely left to the discretion of our crack facilitator team!), any or all games of each winning category might run. Categories include: Most Convention-Ready, Most Appealing to Newcomers, Cleverest Design and Game We're Most Eager to Play. Each game will run a minimum of once during the convention. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 14 seats left.
[FILLED] L695: [BETA TEST] "The Visiting Room" presented by Tim Hutchings. The Visiting Room explores end of life issues, bucket lists, and virtual spaces as a family comes together to say goodbye to a loved one. The game utilizes a novel, real-time scene making mechanic built around the creative possibilities of virtual space. Expect hope, sadness, selfishness, and a bit of panic. The Visiting Room does not use actual VR equipment, it is entirely an analog game. This game has had one solid run, and is considered a Beta Test. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R696: [BETA TEST] "5 Across the Heart" by Newstand Press; presented by Erika Chappell. The world is in the grip of the forces of darkness, which have ruled it undisputed for thousands of years. It's up to a group of teenage girls granted magical powers to stop them, with the power of love and friendship! 5 Across the Heart is a Magical Girl game about revolution, girl power, and putting everything you have into getting everything you want. In this test, players will be creating custom characters to explore the character creation rules, before putting them through a brief set-piece to see how they work out. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R697: [BETA TEST] "After the War" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Kevin Farnworth. A science-fiction, memetic horror roleplaying game. After an alien force twisted the minds of galactic fleet, a massive war was triggered. Ten years later, survivors and refugees try to build a tight-knit community on an alien world. Looking for a general audience of science fiction and horror fans. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R698: [BETA TEST] "Awesome 8's" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Beth Rimmels. An easy, intuitive RPG designed for both absolute beginners and experienced players who prefer to focus on character and story rather than rules. This play test will feature a location limited, modern day, urban fantasy scenario to test the magic rules, and how they interact with the core rules. Characters will be members of a team, some of whom use magic and some don't. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R699: [BETA TEST] "Battenburgh" by Posthuman Studios; presented by Jack Graham. A Fiasco-like story game about overachieving families, their quirks, and their dysfunctions. If you love the family comedies of Wes Anderson (such as The Royal Tennenbaums, The Fantastic Mister Fox, The Darjeeling Limited, and The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou), this game is for you - especially if you look at one of these films and think, "Oh crap, that's my family." Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R700: [ALPHA TEST] "Chromeshoe" by Nothing Ventured Games; presented by Paul Stefko. When those in power can edit the truth in real time, you have to be crafty to expose their lies. Resistance is about getting the word out to those who cannot even hear it. A GUMSHOE system cyberpunk game in early alpha, looking to explore what parts of the genre are most essential. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R701: [ALPHA TEST] "Death is Red in the World" presented by Catherine Ramen. A hack of Vincent Baker's "Dogs in the Vineyard". Russia, 1919: It is a time of Civil War. Whole provinces have been rendered lawless by counter-revolutionaries and bandits. That's where you come in: you're the militsiya, sent to police these towns and protect the Revolution. Can you keep your ideals in the face of terror? Where do you draw the line? We'll be looking specifically at designing towns for this environment. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R702: [BETA TEST] "Degrees of Difficulty" by DDGaming; presented by Daniel Berryman. Decks and Dice gaming presents Degrees of Difficulty, a gaming system where our goal is to give players the freedom and flexibility to build truly one of a kind characters. With that in mind the DoD system has no classes or character levels to get in the way of how you build your character. In a world where magic is control, the greatest empire ever built has been destroyed. After the fall of the empire, the slaves are finally free to live how they desire but do they still have the willpower to survive? When a new threat emerges, will the next generation be able to hold onto the freedom their fathers died for? Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R703: [BETA TEST] "EnTropey" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. A card based beer and pretzels RPG where players solve problems using tropes from film, television, and video games. Find fun in justifying wild story changes that surprise even the people who initiate them. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R704: [FOCUS GROUP] "Freebooters" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. Sig: Manual of the Primes is a cosmopolitan planar fantasy role playing game, set in a bizzare city of families, faith, and politics. Blades in the Dark is a game of scoundrels and criminals, who try to gain more power in a dark city full of hungry ghosts. In this focus group, we will look at how Blades in the Dark could be adapted to suit the planar setting of Sig. The designer is looking for people with familiarity with both Blades in the Dark and Sig/Planescape. Saturday, 8:00PM - 9:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
R705: [BETA TEST] "King of the Streetfighters" presented by Morgan Ellis. You are professional street fighters, vigilante martial artists, and lone ninja warriors who fight for justice, glory, and honor. You also all have reasons to fight, but are you a bad enough dude to unleash your fatal fury in a final fight on the streets of rage in a contest of mortal combat to prove you have mastered the art of fighting and crown your self the King of the Streetfighters? A game inspired by classic arcade fighting games and side scrolling beat 'em ups, using the Fate system. Focusing on Martial Arts Action, Tournament Fights, Fights on the Streets, and the Melodramatic Reasons to Fight. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R706: [ALPHA TEST] "Mermaids & Sailors" presented by Johannes Oppermann. A mapmaking story game about building a relationship as a collaborative work of art. A facilitator takes a couple through the creation of a love and a love story by shared storytelling and asking leading questions. The couple draw a map of their relationship together. This game is in alpha phase - meaning I have tested it once, but it's still very rough and the playtest will not be the full finished game experience. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R707: [BETA TEST] "Nots & Crosses" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather Wilson. Tic, tac, toe meets a tween H.P. Lovecraft in this short two-player storytelling game. All you need is a d10, a writing implement, and piece of paper to outwit the monsters (or eat the middle schoolers...). Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
R708: [BETA TEST] "NOVA6 Accelerated (Character Design)" by Legendsmiths; presented by Ryan O'Grady. NOVA6 is a rules-lite OGL system we are leveraging for multi-genre play. To expand on that effort, we have created an accelerated version of NOVA6 to facilitate quick character creation and enable rapid play and engagement. While the full NOVA6 rules are well suited to long-term campaign play, we want the accelerated version to serve as a great foundation for one-shot stories, especially where you want the players to be invested with their own characters rather than pregens. We will be playtesting character creation for multiple themes and maybe do a little testing of the characters as well. Help us make this design process fast, easy, and engaging. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R709: [ALPHA TEST] "Odd Luck Charms" presented by Jason Tocci. A rules-light RPG about sketchy collectors, amateurish heists, and ordinary objects with uncanny powers. All resolution is handled with a standard deck of poker cards, using briefly descriptive traits (akin to Fate's "aspects") to describe characteristics and consequences alike. How far would you go to secure a briefcase that opens to reveal a fresh plate of pasta, every time? Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R710: [BETA TEST] "Pasión de las Pasiones" by Stop, Hack & Roll; presented by Brandon Leon-Gambetta. Sit down on the couch with la familia and turn on Pasión de las Pasiones! Pasión de las Pasiones is a Powered by the Apocalypse game of desire, betrayal, and family inspired by the telenovelas of Latin America. You'll play the characters in a telenovela; beautiful lovers, cruel villains, and those just desperately trying to stop this family from falling apart. You'll also play a family gasping, jeering, and falling in love along with the story. Lies will be exposed, plots will be shattered, hearts will be broken. If you're very lucky, maybe you'll even throw El Generalísimo off a boat and get to a happy ending filled with flowers, dancing, and passion. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R711: [BETA TEST] "Project: Wingspan" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. A duet game, played in pairs of GMs and players, Project: Wingspan tells the story of one soldier who could change the course of a war. Merovia, a country from a fictional past is surrounded by hostile nations. To save themselves they use mysterious technologies and turn an ordinary person into a living weapon. You are the result of Project: Wingspan. You fly above the battlefield shattering enemy forces with a thought. For this session the testers will be given an abridged rulebook and asked to work through the introductory tutorials together. The designer will moderate as needed. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R712: [BETA TEST] "The City" presented by Jefferson Lee. The COMPANY barely tolerates operations by The OPPOSITION, even if they all act under the same OATH, but sometimes national security requires their special brand of graceful brutality. So when something terrible happens and The Opposition shows up in your city, you know that there will be very little room for Traitors like you. You have to do what you can to protect your secrets, your future, and in the process, maybe do some good in the city that you love. The City is a Poker card based game that takes place in Portland, OR. It is a rules-lite storytelling game that has its heart in noir, but borrows some of its style and class from an espionage thriller. Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
R713: [BETA TEST] "The Harnessed" presented by Ian Jarrard. A home-brewed d6 system set in the distant future - a place where heroes shape the very fabric of reality. Their goals: to transform a shattered galaxy into a new age for humankind, while combating multidimensional horrors from an uncertain past. It has been over a thousand years since the Harnessed battled Prions and their Omni progenitors, a battle fought using repurposed powers melded with human will. A thousand years of civilizations rising and falling in the relative peace from a greater war now mostly forgotten. But that peace is unraveling. Harbingers of that terrible war are emerging, and Prions once again walk between the worlds. Will the Harnessed be able to stop them? Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
R714: [ALPHA TEST] "Velvet Generation" presented by Richard Ranallo. The Starchildren crossed the galaxy looking for the home planet of rock & roll. But by the time they arrive, Earth has changed for the worse. The oppressive Ministry of Music has all but stamped out free expression of any kind. The Starchildren and their Earthling allies in the rock & roll underground have no choice but to fight back with the power of music! (Neotraditional RPG, homebrew dice pool-based system.) Saturday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R715: [FOCUS GROUP] "183 Days" presented by James Stuart, Sara Williamson. Sam can see the future. Dylan can see many possible futures. Tomorrow, they go on a date. When the two of them intersect, can their relationship end in anything but tragedy, or is there more than one way life can turn out? In 183 Days, you and a partner, with no GM, will play out the relationship between Sam and Dylan, the only two clairvoyants in the world. Saturday, 9:00PM - 10:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B716: [BETA TEST] "AEGIS Tacticlash" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. A tactical card combat game based around combining robots. Players buy robots from a shared deck, which they then use to tactically move and attack. These robots generate energy, which allows you to buy more robots, and combine then together into more powerful forms. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B717: [BETA TEST] "Agency" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A tense and breathless strategy card game that allows two to five players to explore a the ruthless underworld of espionage. There is a deck of agents and a deck of assets from which players draw and a field is created. You must think on your toes to make the best decisions with just two cards at the beginning of your turn. Will you confront an opponent, make contact with the field, or move assets to your safehouse? You advance by dominating the city. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B718: [BETA TEST] "Animus" by Zero Budget Geek; presented by Eriberto Rodriguez. A small, two-player card game inspired by fighting video games and turn-based monster combat RPGs. The game has players drafting a team of 9 unique characters from a spanning multiverse to compete while leading their team with one of 6 Entity cards. Every game will have a completely new roster! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B719: [BETA TEST] "Aporia" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. A high-end, custom two-player board game where players must outmaneuver each other using limited space and resources. Similar to its companion product, Obelisk, advanced "two or three move ahead" analytical strategy is put to the test during game play. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B720: [BETA TEST] "Arcana Magi Academy" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The shufflebuilding combat game! As Sensei, choose 2 sets of School Club cards and 1 set of Campus cards, then shuffle them into your deck and get ready for the annual school event...Battlerun! Be the first to score 10 Victory Points to win! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B721: [BETA TEST] "Avoiding Glory" presented by Zachary Huff. Terrible threats have befallen your alliance of kingdoms as of late - and you'd rather not be the one that has to deal with them. You see, fighting back the threats brings glory to your kingdom... along with crippling financial burdens and tremendous casualties. For as long as anyone can remember, athletic competitions have been held to determine who will be bestowed the honor of defending the alliance. You have discovered an invaluable resource: terrible athletes that fill the local taverns. Unfortunately, the other kingdoms have caught on and seek out their competitors from the same pool. Analyze the threats (and their unique characteristics), draft the best worst athletes, and manage your team in the hopes of Avoiding Glory! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B722: [BETA TEST] "Before there were Stars" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. A storytelling game in which each player tells the mythic creation story of 'their people.' Inspired Constellation cards, players craft tales about the creation of the world, the origins of civilization, the rise of a great hero, and the end of days. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B723: [BETA TEST] "Bidrock" by Formal Ferret Games; presented by Gil Hova. Scrape the skies! You are a real estate developer in competition with your opponents to build the tallest skyscraper in the city. Bidrock is a strategy board game centered around a tricky auction. Bid for turn order, which will get you first crack at the resources you need to fulfill your architects' blueprints. But seeing as how a person can only find love and happiness through tremendous financial wealth (at least, that's what everyone else says), make sure you don't go too deep into debt, and you're not the poorest player by the end of the game! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
B724: [BETA TEST] "Ceylon" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. The island of Ceylon was transformed by the tea trade in the 1800s, and in this medium-weight euro-style game your goal is to plant, harvest and sell tea to become the best tea company on the island. The game features a unique action-sharing mechanism that keeps you involved during every turn of the game. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B725: [BETA TEST] "Doomsday Prepper" by Strange Theory Games; presented by Jeff Fraser. The end is nigh! Doomsday Prepper is a comedic tableau-building game where you try to prepare for the end of the world - and see who can last the longest! In the preparation phase, you'll recruit fellow survivalists to help build a bunker and stock up on enough food, morale, and useful items to last for years underground. Once Doomsday hits, you'll see how long your supplies last and how well you can deal with disasters that befall you and your bunkermates. The last player standing is declared the winner. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B726: [BETA TEST] "Doomtrain" by Inverted Illuminati; presented by Peter Ciccolo. The legendary Doomtrain has exploded, as post-apocalyptic fortress-trains are known to do. Now its parts and crew are flying through the air as you and your rivals race to lay claim to the corpse of this behemoth and the treasures that lie within it. Doomtrain is a competitive deck / tableau building game for 2 players, in the style of Ascension, Star Realms, or Dominion. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B727: [BETA TEST] "Downforce Expansion" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. Downforce is a critically acclaimed, card-driven racing game with an auction and betting mechanic in addition to the racing. The base game features a double-sided board with two different tracks and asymmetrical player powers. The expansion offers two new tracks and six new powers for more variety. Shanghai Nights includes splits in the track and roundabouts that allow cars in the rear to block cars in the lead. Cliffs of Downforce introduces danger spaces, which allow cars to pass others, but you can't end your movement there. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B728: [BETA TEST] "Dragon's In Love" by Gontza Games; presented by Ann Stolinsky. The dragon is awake again! The villagers are frightened, and prepare to defeat him. But this time, he's not looking for places to burn, or humans to eat; he's searching for his mate. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B729: [BETA TEST] "Draught Draft/Flowerpot" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. Two short games from Zintis May-Krumins: Draught Draft is a quick card drafting game where the players take the role of bar owners, keeping their bars stocked to attract customers, and advertising to create new customers. Featuring multi-use cards and a 4 round pass-draft. Flower Pot is a quick card drafting/tableau building game where players take the role of flower shop owners fulfilling bouquet orders for clients. Pick up, stack, and re-order clear cards so the right flower colors are visible in your vases. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B730: [BETA TEST] "DRIVE-IN!" by Tabletop Tiki; presented by Daniel Kitchen. In this turn-based game, collect Ticket and Action Cards and battle for the best spots to park your cars on a game board reminiscent of a retro-style 1950's Drive-In Movie Theater. Download the free companion app (NOT required) to any smart phone or tablet device and magically transform the game board into a miniature Drive-In Theater complete with 15 classic 1950's sci-fi Movie Trailers. Collect Movie Cards to park during your favorite B Movies Trailers to earn bonus points. During intermissions you'll have a change to visit our delicious Snack Bar and earn extra points in a confection themed dice battle mini game. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B731: [BETA TEST] "Everyone's a Suspect" presented by Kristin Firth. It's a small town and somebody has been murdered. Everyone is a suspect. Including everyone at this table. *Especially* everyone at this table. This is a card-based mystery game, in the tradition of storytelling games (like Once Upon a Time). Taking turns, we will tell the story of a group of characters in a murder victim's life and how the murder affects them. The murderer will be determined at the end of the game. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B732: [BETA TEST] "Human Sacrifice" by Aggressively Playable Games; presented by Noah Anderson. You are a member of the Community of United Local Townsfolk. Help your fellow CULTists prepare for the coming of the Dark One in the light, fun card game where death isn't an obstacle, reading from the book is a given, and evil always wins. A competitive/cooperative card game. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B733: [BETA TEST] "Id, Ego, Eye" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. You're under attack! Shield your mind, build up its strength, and choose whether to fight back using your Id, Ego, Third Eye, or some combination of all of them. Play with one of our prebuilt decks of cards or advance to creating your own. Experience the fast and furious tug-of-war as players fight to keep from losing their minds! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B734: [BETA TEST] "No Holds Bard" by Cloven Pine Games; presented by Alexi Sargeant. A Shakespearean fighting game. Hamstring as Hamlet, beatdown as Beatrice, or pursue as the Bear! Over twenty different Shakespearean characters brawl for victory in a last-character-standing melee. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B735: [BETA TEST] "Orphanage of Fear" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. Abandoned and unwanted with the dust bowl blotting out the sun and all hope, children have begun to disappear. Boogeymen have descended on the Shining Hope Orphanage, and are feeding on the children there. Using what few possessions they have, the remaining children must attempt to ferret out who among them have been replaced by dark fey before it is too late. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 16 seats left.
[FILLED] B736: [BETA TEST] "Party Fowl" by Hebanon Games; presented by Spencer Harris. An area-control, modular-board card game designed for a party atmosphere. In the game, players assume the role of students at Duck U. It's the week before finals, and these ducks need to party! But partying is a delicate art, where the leader of the flock can quickly turn into a real lame duck. If you can navigate the social rapids, it only takes one great night to become big duck on campus. In Party Fowl, you move your duck around the house and start conversations that make you the life of the party. Just watch out for those basic hens and duck bois looking to sabotage your fun! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B737: [BETA TEST] "Russian Rocket Roulette" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. Can you make it to space, and race to the stars? Or will your efforts catastrophically explode?! Only you and your competition can tell. Take a spin on this space race themed game! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 8 seats left.
B738: [BETA TEST] "Salt" by Unpossible Game Labs; presented by Orion McClelland. A medium weight 4x game set in an alternate reality Wild West world. In Salt, you will be exploring the land, mining for resources, gathering, collecting, and skirmishing with other players. You play one of five different gangs pushing in on a newly discovered land to be the gang that has acquired the most salt. Salt uses few resources and a card driven mechanic making it easier for new players to enjoy this normally complex genre. Several paths to victory and asymmetric abilities and upgrades provide longevity and replay. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B739: [BETA TEST] "Slack Jack" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. A series of treasures have been discovered on Pirate Island. The captain needs to put together search parties to find and claim the loot... but they need to be careful, some members of the crew are only in it for themselves and would happily lie and convince the captain to take them along... only to steal the loot from the whole party and leave the others with nothing. In Slack Jack players receive a hidden pirate card that gives them some value on their shipmates. Hidden in the midst of the ships crew are Slack Jack and Slack Jane... the liars that will say anything the captain wants to hear to weasel their way onto the right team. Who's lying? Who has a hidden agenda? Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 9 seats left.
B740: [BETA TEST] "Space Runners" presented by Robin Liu. A press your luck adventure card game. Each player selects a hero and tries to run through each location, encountering creatures and traps on the way, while he/she tries to lockdown the location for extra points. Space Runners can be played cooperatively or against each other in teams or free for all. A quick and fun game that is simple to pick up and play with family and friends. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B741: [BETA TEST] "The Pirate's Lost Booty" by Red Knight Card Games; presented by Mathew Rutan. Have you ever wanted to be a rich and famous pirate? Well Shiver me timbers, this is your chance. A hurricane has forced a pirate ship to run aground on a deserted island. Now it's treasure and valuable equipment are scattered across the island. So Heave Ho and claim all you can...but beware, because they set traps to stop all you Landlubbers from taking The Pirate's Lost Booty. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B742: [BETA TEST] "The Stars May Swallow Us" by Tekkactus Games; presented by Jeff Gum. A modular hidden-role card game. Trapped on a broken down spacecraft with failing life support, players need to race against the clock to repair their engine before their air supply runs out, while also defending against attacks from the saboteur who caused this mess to begin with. If you've ever thought Werewolf could use some card counting deduction, or if Love Letter needed more accusatory pointing, this might be the testing session for you! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 8 seats left.
B743: [BETA TEST] "XCENDANCY" presented by Rocco Privatera. A competitive sci-fi themed very lite 4x style game. Players take turns playing single action turns to build up their empire's tableau to gain various resources, explore for new systems, build upgrades and research tech, deal with events, and compete against other players to become a full empire first. Gameplay is fast and elegant, and reminiscent of Machi Koro and Splendor, while still scratching the 4x itch. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B744: [BETA TEST] "You've Been Poisoned 2" by Gameworthy Labs; presented by Tim Blank. A 10-minute, escape-style game that's played with an elaborate set-up on a tabletop. You've been poisoned in the Laboratory of the evil Dr. Mortimer Thornblood. Lucky for you, he's left clues around that will help you figure out where the antidote is. Find it within 10 minutes and get out with your life! But be careful - take too long and the poison will take hold, or pick the wrong one and you'll drink a catalyst that will kill you instantly! Looking for players who are fans of short puzzles and familiar with the concept of escape-style games. The game requires light physical activity (lifting up things, opening up boxes, etc.), quick puzzle solving skills, and the ability to play under pressure; is played standing up and typically requires some moving around, too. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B745: [BETA TEST] "Zeno" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Brian Engelstein. A quick-playing, casual, deck-building game. Players flip cards from a personal deck in an attempt to have the second highest total at the table. Cards are then drafted to improve the decks and the next round begins. This game is perfect for players of all ages and experience levels. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
L746: [ALPHA TEST] "Hellboy LARP" by Trackers Earth; presented by Jeeyon Shim. Have you ever wanted to work alongside Hellboy as an investigator in the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense? Dark Horse Comics joins forces with Trackers Earth to bring you the only officially licensed Hellboy LARP in the country, a truly unique exploration of the supernatural and real world survival skills. Be the first to workshop this exciting collaboration! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B747: [BETA TEST] "Night Falls" by The Game Theater LLC; presented by Evan Michaels, Christopher Batarlis. Will you survive when Night Falls? Vampires, and those who hunt them, clash in the night. Use your cunning, wit, and charm to forge alliances, make enemies, and thrive under the cover of darkness. Join us and we will build your team to compete in a massive, interactive board game experience. The game supports a multitude of teams simultaneously for a one-of-a-kind competition that blends elements of role-play gaming, team-building, and war game/tactical decision making. Do not let the terms 'MegaGame' or 'Role Play' scare you off. You'll make decisions for your team that result in a thrilling conclusion! The rules are simple, easy to learn, and will be taught in 15 minutes. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 24 seats left.
[FILLED] R748: [BETA TEST] "Barely Legal Transgender Certified Public Accountants" by Games By Play Date; presented by Glenn Given. A moderated but collaborative RPG storygame of transhuman cyberpunk superheroes in a weird future. Players will portray a supergroup of bizarre heroes fighting even weirder foes to stop their nefarious plans. Expect a high energy, momentum focused collaborative storygame where wild ideas are welcome. This genderqueer game uses challenging themes including body horror, sexuality, drug use and violence. Players should expect physical movement by way of regular dance and karaoke interludes. Loud music and flashing lights will be used in the presentation. Saturday, 10:00PM - 1:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R749: [BETA TEST] "Beyonder RPG: Legends of Tamarra" by Flying NightBear Games; presented by Robin McEntire, Caleb McEntire. The hearts of the planet Ethem beat in powerful asynchrony as It sleeps. From Its wombs bubble up rich life in gelid black ocean, in waterless desert. But those are not the organs you're exploring today: no, you're part of the pioneering team of Geoanatomists who will descend into the depths of the Kellith Sea to explore Ethem's lung, a miles-wide pocket of air that persists against all laws of nature beneath miles of salt water. Your team knows little except that these are unexplored depths - and that the anatomy of the planet can often contain more than you bargained for. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R750: [BETA TEST] "Cobblestone" presented by Jacqueline Beckwith. A gothic horror PbtA game where the mundane walk among the monstrous. How do you handle being powerless in a world of strange power? How do you make your own empowerment? Manage the delicate balance of your mind and emotions as you seek to understand, destroy, or simply cope with the supernatural. In the end, maybe the true horror is in how we handle it. Take up your lanterns and walk the Cobblestone. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R751: [BETA TEST] "Fedora Noir" presented by Joseph Greathead. 1930s America; the country is recovering from a depression, Hollywood is in an upswing, alcohol is legal again, and someone has come knocking on the Detective's door. There's a missing person, and it's up to the Detective and their lucky hat to find out what happened to them. Fedora Noir, a serious, scene-focused story telling game explores what happens when a run-down Detective with a checkered past must rely on the only two people still willing to speak to them. Learn about the rotten underbelly of the city, rediscover the questionable choices you forgot about, and connect the facts of the case to find out what's really happening. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R752: [BETA TEST] "Flying Circus" by Newstand Press; presented by Erika Chappell. As mercenary pilots in a fantasy world of magic and machine, take to the skies in rickety aircraft and battle bandits, rival companies, and the sinister forces of darkness for as long as your engine holds out. Flying Circus is a blend of Powered by the Apocalypse and old-school crunch, featuring a highly detailed air combat system that still runs in theatre of mind. In this test, players will take to the air with premade characters and in pre-made planes and run through a "routine" of air and ground gameplay. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R753: [BETA TEST] "Imperiums: Campaign Setting" by Mór Games; presented by William Moomaw. Building upon the core mechanics of 5E, the Imperiums Campaign Setting reenvisions several core features of the base ruleset. Using pre-generated characters, this playtest examines new mechanics to expand the types of noncombat encounters and challenges in a story-driven game. These options include mechanics for Possession/Influence, Practical Magic, Communing with spirits. Players will also have the chance to test new character options. Additionally, as this setting incorporates options for varying genders and non-European influenced characters, playtesters who are interested in evaluating the presentation of such material would be highly appreciated. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R754: [BETA TEST] "Love Each Other" by Special Snowflake Games; presented by Gavin White. A queer & peri-apocalyptic narrative story-game for two players, in which we craft a world that reflects our characters' inner lives and explore themes of love and community-formation. It asks us whether we can love each other well enough that our community has a chance to survive (though we ourselves will probably not). We'll be playtesting methods for introducing and teaching some fiddly mechanical bits. The mechanics in question model our natural human resistance to connection in the face of our fears, and give the players a choice: say yes, say no, or roll dice. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
R755: [BETA TEST] "Lovecraft Rules" presented by Tim Hutchings. A tabletop story game using simple but novel dice mechanics. Players share protagonists, with the roles of player and GM fluidly moving around the table. The system seeks to emulate the style of Lovecraftian narrative, using epistolary story telling and other tricks to emulate the author's style. This is a late Beta test of a sturdy game. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R756: [BETA TEST] "Project #GUMTHEWS Fantasy Gumshoe" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Kevin Kulp. Sword & sorcery, in the spirit of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Presented by Kevin Kulp, to be published by Pelgrane Press. This 3-hour beta playtest focuses specifically on the game's rules for political factions, dungeon delving, traps, sorcery, and creative combat. Saturday, 10:00PM - 1:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R757: [BETA TEST] "Robot Cities" presented by Melissa Lewis-Gentry. You have just rebooted after the Great Experiment. Why you chose to break robot law and experience emotions, only you know. Now the experiment is over, and the memories of your robot life have returned, along with the knowledge that will be hunted if your secrets are discovered. Robot Cities is a PbtA/Fate mashup that leans heavily on the Skeletons by Melissa Lewis-Gentry. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R758: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R759: [BETA TEST] "Tension" presented by Alex Roberts. Tension is the 2-player Jenga-based RPG of forbidden love. Play two people who really really want to, but really really shouldn't. If the tower falls, restraint gives way, and your characters' feelings become impossible to deny. But this game is about what happens before then. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R760: [BETA TEST] "Treads" by Green Hat Designs; presented by Mark Richardson. An RPG story game set against the chaos and uncertainty of the second world war. You play the Crew of a single M4A3 Sherman Medium Tank on the front lines of the war. These playtests will involve focus group style discussion as well as testing of various game elements such as: character creation, interaction, mission flow and combat. The system is original, untested and uses standard playing cards. Play to find out if you can all live. And maybe you all can't. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R761: [BETA TEST] "Wizards of the Three Moons" by Parenthesis Press; presented by Neal Stidham. Under a bleak crimson sun, amid the decaying splendor of the Three Moons, wizards scheme. Play those wizards, as well as the pawns they send on their esoteric errands. Built to tell sprawling interwoven tales inspired by Jack Vance and Clark Ashton Smith, Wizards of the Three Moons uses a Tarot deck and a token draw system to tell tales of a decadent and weird future. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R762: [ALPHA TEST] "Xenolanguage" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. It's five minutes in the future and we've made first contact. In Xenolanguage, you are a linguist tasked with deciphering an alien language. As you gain fluency, you begin to see the world differently. In this Alpha workshop, we will experiment with different techniques for deciphering the language. Come prepared to mainly experiment with mechanics and engage in design discussions. Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B763: [BETA TEST] "Nocturnes" by Branum Games; presented by Tiffany Branum. In this tile-based game, you are all research subjects trapped in a nightmarish dream state, trying to stay sane. As the nightmare expands, you will begin to lose your sanity. Travel across the nightmare tiles and use cards from your hand to impact game play. Try holding onto your sanity as long as possible because the last person with any left is the only one who wakes up psychologically intact! Saturday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B764: [BETA TEST] "Ace Tabula" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. A 2-4 player card game. Players primarly rely on concentration, attention, and memory in order to win. Ace Tabula is for all ages but is geared to an older, more serious audience. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B765: [BETA TEST] "Alphabirds" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather Wilson. Making words with the help of birds! Alphabirds is word building card game featuring famous bird authors to offer you help when you get stuck. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] B766: [BETA TEST] "Clear the Decks!
" by Crispy Games Company; presented by Christopher Pinyan. A cooperative card game for 1-4 players depicting naval warfare during the age of sail. Players each command 3 cannon and use a variety of ammunition, tactics and officers to destroy the enemy ship structures, guns and crew. Can you and your shipmates work together to sink the enemy before all of your cannon are destroyed? Its time to prepare for action and Clear the Decks! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B767: [BETA TEST] "Dodgy Dungeons" by Critical-Hits Studios LLC; presented by David Chalker. Adventurers wanted... even ones as greedy and inept as you. Your hirelings run around the Keep on your behalf, preparing you to confront monsters in some chaotic caves. You then defeat monsters for profit, doing your best to find treasure as you wield silly magic items and walk away with the biggest coin purse. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B768: [BETA TEST] "Dollars to Donuts" by Flatout Games; presented by Shawn Stankewich. A puzzle-y spatial tile-laying and resource management game. Players race to fill their player boards and create the most delicious spread by matching donut halves (for cash or glory). With variable player-generated setup, each new game is an exciting new competitive puzzle. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B769: [BETA TEST] "Duchy" by Multinational Games LLC; presented by Jason Costa. Build a castle, control farms, and take land from your enemies. As duke or duchess, you begin with only a keep, an indestructible structure from which you will grow your dukedom. Claim new territory by building villages, armories, stables, walls, and towers. Clear forests and plow farm fields, but beware: your enemies will attempt to control those farms and plunder their output. As you grow more powerful, amass armies of soldiers and siege engines, and lay waste to the fortresses of your rivals. Duchy is played entirely with cards, which are arranged into a grid to form a dynamic board. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B770: [BETA TEST] "Gizmos" presented by Randall Buck. Control a powerful association of sentient machines as it explores a new world, competes for raw materials, and evolves. Players will use a simple tile laying mechanism to determine the powers and abilities of each piece, or gizmo, that they bring into play. Every tile also contributes to the growing terrain as well as to a novel resource generation system, giving players control over every aspect of the game board as it develops. Victory is achieved by gathering and cleverly managing resources. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B771: [BETA TEST] "Good Dog, Bad Zombie" by Make Big Things; presented by Hannah Shaffer. A cooperative game where Homeward Bound meets The Walking Dead. Together, you and your doggo pack will have to rescue enough hoomans in a crumbling metropolis and bring them back to the home you're building in Central Bark. Can you save enough people before you go feral and you forget what it means to feel the love of a hooman? Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B772: [BETA TEST] Event Canceled. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] B773: [BETA TEST] "Lords of Shadowtree" by Grim Fantasy Games; presented by Conner Cole. An adventure strategy board game. Players take on the role of a Lord seeking to either establish their kingdom first or slay all other players for domination. However, monsters roam near and far, wreaking havoc upon all in their way. Foes might be forced band together to survive, only to then backstab each other, or align for mutual victory. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B774: [BETA TEST] "Magnificent Movie Moguls" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. You are a movie producer in the "Golden Age of Cinema". You are competing with other studios in the acquisition of resources (Leading Ladies, Directors, etc.), soliciting money, paying off critics for good reviews among other things to produce Westerns, Comedies, Musicals and Mystery/Thrillers. By doing so you hope to gain enough prestige and money to create your "Epic" movie before any other studio. Beware, other players are trying to do so as well. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
B775: [BETA TEST] "Meeple Party" by 9th Level Games; presented by Heather O'Neill. Tonight you are throwing a party with your roommates! Will it go down in history as the BEST PARTY EVER?! In this cooperative strategy board game you take advantage of photo opportunities to keep the party cranking while trying to avoid disasters that could end the party! Once there are 3 disasters it's 3 strikes you're out! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B776: [BETA TEST] "Miner Rings" presented by Charlie Hoopes. A pick-up-and-deliver game where players can move the destinations. You are captain of a freighter making deliveries between space stations orbiting a ringed planet. Earn the best reputation by hauling the most cargo and colonists between space stations. Sometimes it is best to fly your rocket to a space station, others it will be more efficient to move the space station to your rocket. While using fuel will get you there quicker, your supply is limited, so choose wisely when to burn and when to conserve. In this game, everyone shares the same dice rolls, so you can't blame how you roll. Miner Rings is an evolution of Planet Chasers, a finalist in the 2016 Cardboard Edison prototype of the year award. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B777: [BETA TEST] "Panda Craves Danger" by Devious Devices, LLC; presented by Anthony Rando. You and your fellow pandas have grown tired of bamboo and are craving something more exciting. The trouble is, you have a hard time telling what's food and what's not. In this dice-throwing push-your-luck game, throw caution to the wind and eat whatever you can to gain the most Prestige. But be careful: the world is full of dangerous things, and you may end up biting off more than you can chew! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B778: [BETA TEST] "Philanthropy" by Cardboard Edison; presented by Chris Zinsli, Suzanne Zinsli. In this light game of money management, you'll play a wealthy supporter of charitable causes looking to give away your fortunes. But if you can be clever with how you give out your money, you'll be recognized as the most charitable of your peers. And after all, isn't that what charity is all about? Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B779: [ALPHA TEST] "Phoenix Rising" by Gontza Games; presented by Ann Stolinsky. Gontza Games' designer, Ann Stolinsky, is stuck on the mechanics for a game she's calling Phoenix Rising. Please help her sort it out. She's not designed a deck building game before. The game is based around the mythical phoenix, and its resurrection from the ashes. Thanks. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B780: [BETA TEST] "Pinball Showdown: Wizard Mode Expansion" by Shoot Again Games; presented by Diane Sauer, Nick Sauer. Players are the pinball steering into a wide array of playfield devices while trying to score combinations, activate Wizard Mode and become the highest scoring pinball. To do this they must maintain a critical balance between speed and control. Go too slow and it will limit what you can score and put you at risk for draining, but go too fast and you may lose control! May the best pinball win! Experience pinball from the pinball's point of view. Score playfield devices, collide with other pinballs and score those sweet combos for bonuses. It's not as easy as it looks! Note - We are testing new devices, new combos and five player rules for the Wizard Mode expansion. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] B781: [BETA TEST] "Please Drive-Thru" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. Can you build a chain of fast food restaurants that meets the changing demands of customers on the busiest boulevard in town. Over a series of 3 dinner rush drive-thru phases, players will use simultaneous hidden action selection to manipulate their restaurants supplies, locations, inventory, and even influence customer demands. After 2-4 actions are taken, the customers drive thru and buy up as much of your supplies as they desire. The game uses a deep thinking strategy of measuring supply and demand and spacial positioning to make you the wealthiest Fast Food Drive-Thru empire in town. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B782: [BETA TEST] "Race 2 Place" presented by Zachary Huff. You are a horse whisperer, down on your luck and looking for a big score. In an effort to stay under the radar, you have quietly bet everything that you own that your chosen horse will place in the next race. Unfortunately, several other horse whisperers have chosen the same race with similar plans. Even worse, the race track has gotten wind of a rise in horse whispering and will investigate anyone who's horse crosses the finish line first. Manage your hand with grace, keep an eye on the pace, and maybe your horse will win the Race 2 Place! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B783: [ALPHA TEST] "Rise of Shadow Moon" by Cap & Beard; presented by Nicholas Favia. Once every 103 years, a dark moon rises into the night sky, the Shadow Moon. It brings the darkness out of the corners of your room and The Shadow Lady's minions begin to seep in. Take on the role of children's toys and fight off hordes of shadows, keep them off the bed to keep the child safe! Can you protect the child from The Shadow Lady? Or will their spirit be dragged off to The Shadowlands only to be consumed? Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B784: [BETA TEST] "Savage Strikers" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The Deck Building Fighting Game! Take on your opponent in a one on one street fight and be the first to knock them out in a best of 3 match. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B785: [BETA TEST] "Smirk & Dagger Smash Lab" by Smirk & Dagger Games; presented by Curt Covert. Four good games that need to be great. Break em and build them to new heights. Rescue dogs at a shelter and find them the perfect home / Bluff the biggest Fish Tale ever / Robbery gone very, very bad. And more. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B786: [BETA TEST] "Space Farm" presented by Travis Magrum. Mine for interplanetary resources to sell for profit or improve your mining operation in this competitive engine- and deck-builder. Getting useful cards back out of your deck is as important as gaining them in the first place. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B787: [BETA TEST] "Speculate" by Snowman Games; presented by Mike Schuller. Can you manage your resources in different stock market sectors to collect more fame and fortune than your opponents? This new trick taking game lets you manage your assets as different assets will be valued differently as the game progresses. Play testers will be asked to provide feedback on several rule variants as well as comment on the game. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
[FILLED] B788: [BETA TEST] "Steepseers" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Jordan Mathews. You, a Steepseer, with the ability to foresee prophetic events by brewing tea and manipulating its Steam, are vanishing from a world of fading Belief. Collect your tea ingredients by rolling dice, fill your teapots, remember their contents, and pour delicious brews in order to collect powerful vision cards and restore the people's Belief in you. After 12 rounds, the Steepseer with the most Belief is regarded as the Savior of all Steepseers. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B789: [BETA TEST] "Team Evl" by Infinite Lives, LLC; presented by Ethan Weber. A UN-cooperative game of wit, deception, and deduction. Join team evl to cure boredom, and release evil back into the world. CAUTION: As you play, evil whispers destroy your once noble thoughts. You will seek the ruin of your friends and to rule the world through the absolute power of evil. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B790: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B791: [ALPHA TEST] "Towering Flight" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. There's nothing dragons like more than to spend a lazy morning catching a thermal and flying as high as they can. But even in their leisure activities, dragons are known to be somewhat competitive. "Towering Flight" is one game being developed for possible inclusion in a set that will use a common tarot-size deck of dragon cards. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B792: [BETA TEST] "Village Pillage" by Jellybean Games; presented by Peter Hayward. It's another beautiful day in the village! Your farms are making money, your walls are strong and true, and your army is a ragtag band of loveable underdogs. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for those HORRIBLE OTHER VILLAGES! Ugh, you hate them so much! In this fast-paced simultaneous action game, be the first to build a monument to celebrate your village's obvious superiority over your stupid neighbors, who are just the worst. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B793: [BETA TEST] "Wizarding Trials" by Paw-Warrior Games; presented by Josh Paugh, Ben Krieger. Get ready for the ultimate wizard showdown as players face off in a series of magical trials to put your skills to the test. Each player will be fighting for superiority in the various magical categories by using their action cards to raise their skills, hinder their opponents, or throw a little chaos into the mix. This light-strategy game includes elements of a take-that style game and will keep you guessing about your opponents' strategies as each trial gets closer to completion. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B794: [BETA TEST] "You've Been Poisoned 2" by Gameworthy Labs; presented by Tim Blank. A 10-minute, escape-style game that's played with an elaborate set-up on a tabletop. You've been poisoned in the Laboratory of the evil Dr. Mortimer Thornblood. Lucky for you, he's left clues around that will help you figure out where the antidote is. Find it within 10 minutes and get out with your life! But be careful - take too long and the poison will take hold, or pick the wrong one and you'll drink a catalyst that will kill you instantly! Looking for players who are fans of short puzzles and familiar with the concept of escape-style games. The game requires light physical activity (lifting up things, opening up boxes, etc.), quick puzzle solving skills, and the ability to play under pressure; is played standing up and typically requires some moving around, too. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R795: [ALPHA TEST] "Armored Society" by Magpie Games; presented by Brendan Conway. In Serland, armor is more than just protection from the monsters that roam the land - it's protection from the monsters that live at court, the kind that kill with words and smiles. Do you what it takes to survive and thrive in this world of politics, desire, and danger? Come playtest the new character creation system for this latest version of the Powered by the Apocalypse game inspired by the works of Jane Austen and Game of Thrones. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R796: [BETA TEST] "Bullets in the Mountain" by Radical Bomb Games; presented by Steve Radabaugh. A town struggles to survive on the Wyoming frontier as bandits, native conflicts, and nature threaten to take everything. A powered by the Apocalypse game that focuses on your reputation in the town. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R797: [BETA TEST] "Demihumans" by Robert Bohl Games; presented by Robert Bohl. The Golden Age is ending, and soon all that will be left is humanity. Play elves, halflings, trolls, and other fantasy peoples as they face physical and cultural extinction in a world that no longer has any place for them. You'll be able to choose between a character/world creation session or playing a first episode with premade situation. Demihumans is more an Apocalypse World hack than a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so AW veterans, come my way. But anyone who has played a fantasy video game or seen Lord of the Rings is welcome. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R798: [BETA TEST] "Harsh Generation" presented by Emily O'Neil. An electrogrunge storytelling game that relies on improvisation and card-based prompts to set up and navigate the ruined theocracy of America in 2300. Storytellers must leverage their networks, street smarts, and high tech body modifications in order to narrate their way through the city of Delphia while simultaneously satisfying the brutal demands of their faith. Players control all aspects of their scenes with a Moderator embodying chance and the environment. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R799: [ALPHA TEST] "Immortal Beloved" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kathryn Miller. This is a game about Love and Monsters, and the power of transformation. One player plays the Immortal, a being of inhuman power whose bond to the Beloved is also its vulnerability. One player plays the Beloved, a very powerless mortal who is drawn by empathy, fascination, and attraction to a dark otherworldly being - the Immortal. The rest of the players play the Chorus, taking on the roles of the important beings in the lives of the Immortal and the Beloved, guiding them into the conflicts that will determine whether the game is a romance or a tragedy. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R800: [ALPHA TEST] "Jersey Gore" presented by Karaktakus Audel. Welcome to Jersey Gore, the hit new reality show where Big Brother meets classic Horror Movie Monsters. Muscle worshiping villains fight out their petty jealousies while on the prowl for love and dinner. Design note: a GM-less nano game designed to mechanize supercritical states and make you hate your friends. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 5 seats left.
[FILLED] R801: [BETA TEST] "Love Commander" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Dev Purkayastha. A card-driven story-game where a human commander and a crew of aliens must unite to reveal secrets, earn trust, save the universe, and start an ill-considered romance - all in an hour. It's tone is a loud, boisterous, funny party game where you re-use sci-fi tropes and tell a story. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R802: [BETA TEST] "Love in the Afterworld" by Heart of the Deernicorn; presented by Ross Cowman. a storytelling game about love, survival, and the end of civilization. One of us plays the Survivor, lost on a long solo hike in the wilderness. The rest of us play the Loved Ones, and before they left on their journey, we all lived together in The City. While they were gone, something terrible happened and we may not have survived. Maybe they’ll make it back, maybe we survived and they’ll find us again. Either way, the life we knew is gone, and this is the Afterworld. Love in the Afterworld uses a procedurally generated map and unforgiving mechanics governing the health and well being of the Survivor juxtaposed with exploratory memory scenes of our life together back in the City. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R803: [BETA TEST] "Mission: Accomplished" presented by Jeff Stormer. You did it! You and your team of super-spies have saved the world once again. Now comes the hard part: the debriefing session. Each player will file a written report to Mission Control, who will then interrogate the players to find what went wrong, what went right, who deserves a promotion, and who is getting burned. A tongue-in-cheek, semi-competitive, improvised storytelling game of social spin doctoring, convoluted explanations, and unreliable narrators. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R804: [BETA TEST] "Nahual" presented by Miguel Angel Espinoza. A Mexican role playing game Powered by the Apocalypse set on the universe created by the comic book artist Edgar Clément, started in the graphic novel Operacion Bolivar. In Nahual players are angel hunters, descendants from the powerful brujos nahuales that fought against the invading angels that came with the conquistadores. They have the dormant gifts that allow them to touch the gods and their harbingers, but their memory is lost, impoverishing the greatness of these wonders. Many angel hunters just struggle for survival, some crave power, others look for answers—at the end they all agree in one thing: A nahual lives to hunt down angels. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R805: [ALPHA TEST] "New Frontiers" by Newstand Press; presented by Erika Chappell. In the distant future of 2179, humanity has put aside its differences and reached for the stars. As officers of the Union of Aligned Stars Astro Force, you are tasked with exploring the cosmos, solving problems and making first contact. Wrestle with your ethics as you confront otherworldly problems with violence, diplomacy, and science! In this alpha test of the rebuilt system, we’re mostly going to be playing with the numbers in the skill system and trying to get through a classic-style plot while the system inevitably implodes around us. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R806: [ALPHA TEST] "Pulp Era" by TSR Games; presented by James Carpio. A tabletop role playing game set in the pulp era of the 1930s-1940s. Pulp Era is a restructuring of the Lucky 13 system found in TSR's new Top Secret: New World Order RPG to create a cinematic counterpart.In this session, I would like to discuss resource economies and how best to implement them into the core system. Rules will be covered to give context. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R807: [ALPHA TEST] "Space Ice Hauler Heartbreak" presented by James Malloy. You've just met the person of your dreams. You've fallen madly in love. It is an intense and unexpected love. Unfortunately one of you has a contract with a major ice hauling corporation. You'll have to venture out into the dangers of deep space to fulfill the contract and free yourself to spending the rest of your life with your loved one. This game for two players follows the relationship and lives of two people who have to spend much of their time apart. Through a series of debriefing sessions, you will reconnect with your loved one, share experiences, and make up for lost time. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R808: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
R809: [BETA TEST] "The City Afterlife" presented by Rob Deobald. A diceless, cooperative/GM-less, urban fantasy, PbtA RPG that draws inspiration from Avery Alder's Dream Askew with bits borrowed from Matthijs Holter and Jason Morningstar's Love in the itme of Khvareneh. Awareness of a supernatural reality has slithered into public consciousness. We stand in the threshold between an ancient facade and this brave new world. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R810: [BETA TEST] "To Serve Her Wintry Hunger" by Cavalry Games; presented by Stephen Dewey. The winter has come, and you live to serve. Yuki Onna hungers and has called upon you, Her spirits of snow, to gather sustenance for her. She has summoned forth a terrible winter storm and cast you out to capture human lost within it. Game mechanics involve improvising answers to question prompts, so improvisational skills are a plus. Content Warning: belittling, teasing, and bullying. Death and themes of human suffering set against a dark fairy tale backdrop. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R811: [ALPHA TEST] "Untitled Space Empire Game" by Loremaster Games; presented by Ryan Schoon. The Galaxy is in crisis; can you seize the opportunity and improve your fortunes or will you be overtaken by events? In this hack of Undying (a diceless Powered by the Apocalypse game), players will take the roles of powerful factions vying for status and influence in a sprawling sci-fi empire. Join us for an alpha test of this system: pick your faction and watch your fortunes play out over generations. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] R812: [FOCUS GROUP] "Princess World" presented by Kevin Petker. A game about girls who rule. Tough, capable heroines struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place... or create one of their own. Working alone and together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World. Powered by the Apocalypse. Sunday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
B813: [BETA TEST] "Capodecina" presented by Jessie Yaternick. A gangster card game where players try to build themselves a crew to successfully pull off heists. You can choose to work with other players to complete the crew and share the rewards of a job. You can help other players out of jail or the hospital but you also have the choice to rat them out, shoot them, or steal their crew members. The first player to obtain enough reputation becomes the new "Boss" and wins. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B814: [BETA TEST] "Cards of Impact: Choose Your Destiny" by CBR Solutions; presented by Grant Peirce. Engage. Choose. Win by growing from strength to strength. Impact your relationships! This character-based card game will challenge your assumptions about your instincts and values. You will know yourself and your fellow players in new and intriguing ways. Successful players will seize their destiny! This game uses reality-based Challenge, Choice, and Character cards. Players choose from variations of the game based on age, skill level, time, competitive/collaborative modes, and what is most fun for them! Created by Susanne - a relationship coach, Grant - a psychometrician, and Johann - a financial analyst. The world is a crazy place, so we decided to create a reality-based card game to help us survive, connect, and thrive. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B815: [ALPHA TEST] "Chronicle of Kings" by Pendelhaven; presented by Andrew Valkauskas. Set during the Viking age in the Fate of the Norns universe. Players take on a dynasty of Viking rulers who wish to be immortalized in legend. Each turn spans several years, meaning that the bloodline will need to plan for marriage and children. Victory is achieved by being the bloodline with the most renown, and the game rewards players for memorable play. There are many ways to achieve renown, allowing players to pursue different paths to victory (ie. quests, military conquests, trade/raid, diplomatic intrigue, etc.). Rather than a mundane actions, players initiate scenes filled with drama, conflict and tension. All of the memories are created and situated upon a world map. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B816: [BETA TEST] "Cinder Spires Privateers" by Brooklyn Indie Games; presented by Tim Rodriguez. A pick-up-and-deliver deckbuilding game that puts you in command of a privateering ship. Manage your hand well to fulfill contracts and deliver commodities to bolster your reputation. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B817: [BETA TEST] "Cube of Death" by Studio187; presented by Peter Bryant. a trivia card game that incorporates role playing mechanics. Adventures can be run with simplistic characters using trivia questions to resolve conflicts, dice to deliver damage, and magic items to enhance the dynamic. Last person with hits wins. There is also a trick taking version for simplistic fast play. This game is 90% finished and is going to Kickstarter in mid-February. The designer is looking for one final round of play testing to try out the final revisions from the previous play tests. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B818: [BETA TEST] "Drive Fighter" presented by Phillip Steinberg. A two-player action card game. Players take on the role of a tactician and control a faction of creatures with the goal of defeating their opponent's General. The game features several different mechanics that make card Manipulation have a tangible and a visual effect. The game features a mechanic that allows players to climb back from the jaws of defeat through clever resource usage. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B819: [BETA TEST] "DRIVE-IN!" by Tabletop Tiki; presented by Daniel Kitchen. In this turn-based game, collect Ticket and Action Cards and battle for the best spots to park your cars on a game board reminiscent of a retro-style 1950's Drive-In Movie Theater. Download the free companion app (NOT required) to any smart phone or tablet device and magically transform the game board into a miniature Drive-In Theater complete with 15 classic 1950's sci-fi Movie Trailers. Collect Movie Cards to park during your favorite B Movies Trailers to earn bonus points. During intermissions you'll have a change to visit our delicious Snack Bar and earn extra points in a confection themed dice battle mini game. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B820: [BETA TEST] "Duchy" by Multinational Games LLC; presented by Jason Costa. Build a castle, control farms, and take land from your enemies. As duke or duchess, you begin with only a keep, an indestructible structure from which you will grow your dukedom. Claim new territory by building villages, armories, stables, walls, and towers. Clear forests and plow farm fields, but beware: your enemies will attempt to control those farms and plunder their output. As you grow more powerful, amass armies of soldiers and siege engines, and lay waste to the fortresses of your rivals. Duchy is played entirely with cards, which are arranged into a grid to form a dynamic board. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] B821: [BETA TEST] "Earthforge" by KinSoul Studio; presented by Jordan Mathews. A fast-paced, competitive, arena-brawler for 2 to 4 players. Taking control of powerful Valkyries from around the world, players will use their unique powers to battle their way through other champions and fearsome beasts in order to take control of the legendary Earthforge. Using its vast power, a Valkyrie may reshape the world in their image. Will you seize victory from your foes, or will you cower in their shadow? Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B822: [ALPHA TEST] "Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar" by Restoration Games, LLC; presented by Justin Jacobson. The original game of kinetic mayhem came out in 1986. This restored version features fully revamped play with some light programming, hand management, take that, and press-your-luck. Players race around the island, gathering (or stealing) treasures, all the while dodging a host of hazards but mostly FIREBALLS. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B823: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B824: [BETA TEST] "Herding Cats" by Geoffquest; presented by Geoff Bottone. It's adoption day at the Cat Rescue Center! Push your cat carrier around the back room and do the best you can to collect cats for your patrons. Don't worry! Everyone's getting adopted! Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B825: [BETA TEST] "Mamma Maxie's Midway" presented by David Joria. A light Worker Placement Board Game - You are a booth owner at Mamma Maxie's Midway, looking to expand your corner of the carnival. Will you focus on flash or substance? Will you give the rubes a family-friendly experience, or cheat them out of every last penny? Can you rake in enough tickets to inherit the key to the midway? Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B826: [BETA TEST] "Mill City" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are responsible for ordering flour from flour mills and shipping it via boxcars to distribution centers. In order to process flour, the flour mills convert the water power of the St. Anthonys Falls into the mechanical power needed to mill grain into flour. Once production is completed, the flour is loaded into boxcars and shipped to distribution centers. The player who can successfully balance production and shipping based on the available water power and shipping capacity, and invest in the rising flour mills will win the game. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B827: [BETA TEST] "Please Drive-Thru" by Split Brain Games; presented by Joel Colombo. Can you build a chain of fast food restaurants that meets the changing demands of customers on the busiest boulevard in town. Over a series of 3 dinner rush drive-thru phases, players will use simultaneous hidden action selection to manipulate their restaurants supplies, locations, inventory, and even influence customer demands. After 2-4 actions are taken, the customers drive thru and buy up as much of your supplies as they desire. The game uses a deep thinking strategy of measuring supply and demand and spacial positioning to make you the wealthiest Fast Food Drive-Thru empire in town. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B828: [BETA TEST] "Taking Stock" by Spare the Rod Games; presented by Rod Currie. Taking Stock is a trick-taking stock market manipulation game. In this game, you will play cards to both manipulate stock prices and try to win tricks which will give you shares of those stocks. More shares in stocks with higher prices earn you more money. The most money wins. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B829: [BETA TEST] "Tank Robbers!" by Cardboard Fortress Games; presented by Anthony Amato, Nicole Kline. Play as a rogue Tank crew in the last days of the war, hellbent on fame, fortune, and the ill-gotten loot hidden away in city of Bankensberg. Use a light programming system of cards to move, heal, and blow up other tanks. Maneuver through buildings for cover, or just crush them under treads to find hidden power-ups! Blast your enemies and steal their gold as you race to the be the first to gain victory in this light tabletop combat game. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B830: [BETA TEST] "The Dungeon Dome Card Game" presented by James D'Amato, Kat Kuhl. Based on the ONE SHOT Network's Dungeon Dome actual play series, this game pits players against one another in fast-paced strategy-driven battles. In seconds players create their own team of fighters to bring into the arena to fight for glory. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B831: "Top Secret From Essen" by Stronghold Games. Stronghold Games, a leading publisher in the hobby game industry, is just back from the Spiel in Essen Germany! We have brought with us many games that we need to evaluate for possible publication in North America. Stronghold Games also has a number of prototypes from designers that are under consideration for publication. We can't tell you any of the game names now, and in fact we will ask that you do not tell anyone of the names of these games after you play them, since this needs to be kept confidential. If you would like to play a part potentially in a future publication of a game from Stronghold Games, join us for this slot! Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B832: [BETA TEST] "Vanilla" presented by Chris Anderson. The production of vanilla is a very delicate process. The plants must be pollinated by hand, carefully harvested, and cured. At any point in the process mistakes can lower the quality of your harvest. Vanilla is an economic, farming euro. Each player starts with a small vanilla plantation. Use the profits from your harvest to expand your plantation and upgrade your equipment. Should you take it slow and make the highest quality vanilla? Or rush to produce a large harvest of lower quality? Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 2 seats left.
B833: [BETA TEST] "Wizards With Bazookas" by Outboard; presented by John Atwood. A fast, high-energy, rowdy, rules-light, slugfest card game for two players in a new genre we call a "real-time deck-builder." Your wizard has spells to cast and a bazooka to fire, so take aim at your opponent along their wizard line and let all hell break loose. You'll begin with a fixed deck then find upgrades as you wander the battlefield. As the frenzy of the battle escalates, your abilities will become fine-tuned and explosive. You are, of course, sagacious, but to win this fight you'll have to be good with a gun as well. Speed and dexterity must be wedded with strategy and instinct in order to make it out alive. Have faith and give it your best shot! Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B834: [BETA TEST] "XCENDANCY" presented by Rocco Privatera. A competitive sci-fi themed very lite 4x style game. Players take turns playing single action turns to build up their empire's tableau to gain various resources, explore for new systems, build upgrades and research tech, deal with events, and compete against other players to become a full empire first. Gameplay is fast and elegant, and reminiscent of Machi Koro and Splendor, while still scratching the 4x itch. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B835: [BETA TEST] "YouRateDogs" by Silverback Press; presented by Darren Watts. A fun, relatively light family card game for 3-6 players, licensed from and based on the popular WeRateDogs Twitter account, with adorable dog pictures and hilarious commentary from WeRateDogs creator Matt Nelson! Players draft dogs into their kennels, and then put them up for competition based on their "stats" like Floof, Sass, and Ears. Remember, they're all good dogs, Brent, so everybody's stats are at least 10/10 and go up from there (except for the dreaded Your Dog Is Actually A Baby Hippo In Disguise card!). Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
L836: [BETA TEST] "Search for Snow Dragon" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Morrow, Mike Young. A theatre-style larp set in the Magimundi using Mike Young's A Grandiose Disaster system. You'll make a character, make three relationships, then set out on an adventure to the far north of North America, in search of the wily and elusive snow dragon. No one has lived to tell about an expedition to search for the snow dragon - will you be the one to do so? Hint: nope. Sunday, 12:00PM - 3:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R837: [ALPHA TEST] "Atomic Witch" presented by Karaktakus Audel. The year: 1961. You're just a simple stay at home mom, wife…and witch. In a world designed by men, for men, what will it take for you to smash the bonds of patriarchy and claim your true power? Come test new mechanics designed to create a conversation about power dynamics, shame, and what it would take for you to become a wicked witch. The design is something between Sorcerer, Blades in the Dark, and Mad Men. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R838: [BETA TEST] "Beyonder RPG: Legends of Tamarra" by Flying NightBear Games; presented by Robin McEntire, Caleb McEntire. The hearts of the planet Ethem beat in powerful asynchrony as It sleeps. From Its wombs bubble up rich life in gelid black ocean, in waterless desert. But those are not the organs you're exploring today: no, you're part of the pioneering team of Geoanatomists who will descend into the depths of the Kellith Sea to explore Ethem's lung, a miles-wide pocket of air that persists against all laws of nature beneath miles of salt water. Your team knows little except that these are unexplored depths - and that the anatomy of the planet can often contain more than you bargained for. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
R839: [BETA TEST] "Blightrealms RPG (Spell Creation)" by Golden Dragon Studio; presented by Thomas Toynton. The Blightrealms Universe and Adventure Dice RPG System encourage players to create their own magic spells - the goal being a game world filled with creative, unique magic. Use the Magic Creation system comprised of 5 characteristics to design spells for utility, combat, or just plain silliness. Time will be given for playtesting the spells you create - utilizing them within a Blightrealms scenario of eldritch fantasy. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 3 seats left.
R840: [BETA TEST] "BLOCKBUSTER!" presented by Christopher Duffy Austin. In an attempt to save their failing studio Formula Pictures has used most of their upcoming film’s budget hiring the most famous actors they can find. Turns out you can save a ton by not hiring writers or directors. Play as outlandish actors competing to be the star of a film they make up on the fly, changing the genre to suit your needs and hindering your opponents with dreaded studio notes! Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Silly, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R841: [BETA TEST] "Family Without Values" presented by Justin Rogers. A dysfunctional family comedy RPG built off the mechanics of the game Swords Without Master by Epidiah Ravachol. In it, each player will choose a playbook a la Apocalypse World and answer some questions to create their scheming, narcissistic, and foolish family member, then begin playing out scenes as creators, actors, and audience. Dice are rolled to determine the overtone of the scene and the tone of each action -- will they be "Cheeky and Fun," or "Tragic and Cruel"? Players slip and struggle against the manipulations of other family members and their own inadequacies until, presumably, nothing is accomplished. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R842: [BETA TEST] "Imperiums: Campaign Setting" by Mór Games; presented by William Moomaw. Building upon the core mechanics of 5E, the Imperiums Campaign Setting reenvisions several core features of the base ruleset. Using pre-generated characters, this playtest examines new mechanics to expand the types of noncombat encounters and challenges in a story-driven game. These options include mechanics for Possession/Influence, Practical Magic, Communing with spirits. Players will also have the chance to test new character options. Additionally, as this setting incorporates options for varying genders and non-European influenced characters, playtesters who are interested in evaluating the presentation of such material would be highly appreciated. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R843: [ALPHA TEST] "Legacy" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Michelle Lyons. A game based on the Gumshoe system in which players uncover a mystery that has haunted a family through generations and put an end to it before it destroys them all. This game is designed to emulate Gothic literature in that it a) centers on a specific family, b) takes place in a specific location, and c) involves a complex, knotty mystery that stretches across time and space, affecting multiple generations. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
R844: [BETA TEST] "Magimundi: Vacant Chair" by Learn Larp LLC; presented by Benjamin Walker. An RPG scenario by Jason Morningstar being tested in a Fate-based system developed by Ben Walker. The Vacant Chair is a sprawling, action and magic-filled adventure set during the final year of the American Civil War. In it, you will find intrigue, treachery, strange beasts and stranger spells, both railroad tracks and ley lines twisted and wrecked by unstoppable armies, and - perhaps - the end of a great terror that threatens to upend the world. Follows Sherman's march to Savannah and a parallel story of magical terror taking place in the Magimundi. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R845: [BETA TEST] "Pasión de las Pasiones" by Stop, Hack & Roll; presented by Brandon Leon-Gambetta. Sit down on the couch with la familia and turn on Pasión de las Pasiones! Pasión de las Pasiones is a Powered by the Apocalypse game of desire, betrayal, and family inspired by the telenovelas of Latin America. You'll play the characters in a telenovela; beautiful lovers, cruel villains, and those just desperately trying to stop this family from falling apart. You'll also play a family gasping, jeering, and falling in love along with the story. Lies will be exposed, plots will be shattered, hearts will be broken. If you're very lucky, maybe you'll even throw El Generalísimo off a boat and get to a happy ending filled with flowers, dancing, and passion. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R846: [BETA TEST] "Perfect Crime" presented by Daniel Thoreson. You've accepted an invitation to a fancy dinner party, only to find yourself trapped inside until you kill a fellow guest... without getting caught. An over-the-top murder mystery game where both the murder and the mystery are up to you and your fellow players! This is a rules-lite system where each player role plays more than one character, so people that love games with heavy storytelling and role play elements are strongly encouraged to play. Sunday, 12:00PM - 3:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] R847: [ALPHA TEST] "Project Violacea" by Wrong Brothers Gaming; presented by Colin Kyle. Help us playtest the tabletop RPG version of a game and setting designed by Keisha Howard and her organization, the Sugar Gamers, which advocates for underrepresented demographics in the video gaming and geek community. The game is set in a dystopian future controlled by a global, totalitarian oligarchy, where a rebellion has taken root. A group of fugitive scientists and philosophers have developed an implant called Violacea that enhances human abilities-but in unexpected and volatile ways. Fueled by the new, untested power of Violacea, individuals like you and me wage a secret uprising through the spread of information and carefully coordinated strikes. The rebellion is growing, and we here at Sugar Gamers want you to be a part of it. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
R848: [FOCUS GROUP] "PSICOM" by Saddle Shaped Games; presented by James Dagg. In 3127, PSICOM, the Psychokinetic Soldier Initiative/Command, was created to fulfill the Galactic Coalition's need for a highly-mobile special investigative and reconnaissance force. With full latitude and unlimited jurisdiction, they can set foot anywhere in the galaxy and solve problems with a single surgical strike. They make a potent assault force, sure. But who else in the galaxy can scan latent psychoempathic resonance in an area to track an escaped criminal, feel lies as surely as they can feel raindrops on their skin, or blast away an entire enemy squad with a blast of pure force with a wave of their hand? PSICOM's role is to fill in the gaps - they do what Coalition Security can't. This focus group will analyze the game's core themes, desired emotional and tactical gameplay, and hopefully find a direction to mechanically reinforce those goals. Sunday, 12:00PM - 1:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
R849: [ALPHA TEST] "Salted Earth" by Imaginary Audience; presented by Danielle Lauzon. A game about saving the world from certain an inevitable destruction by traveling through the multiverse and making small changes that ripple back to your own world. Inspired by media like Sliders, Quantum Leap, and The Flash (the CW show). Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
R850: [BETA TEST] "Scherzando!" by hamZardo; presented by Arthur Gilchrist. Scherzando! is a setting-agnostic one-shot game involving musical improvisation. Players will take turns playing music on the fly to provide the backtrack of the game - no musical experience needed. The mechanics revolve around trying to communicate emotional states through music and play, and listening to what other people are trying to communicate. The game is designed with a focus on listening and collaboration, but results in stories which are explosive and dynamic. It's a brand new way to experience a game. Sunday, 12:00PM - 3:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 2 seats left.
R851: [BETA TEST] "Tactical Mech PVP" presented by Jared Tripp, Mick von Heyn. In a world where mech battles are a sports phenomenon, choose your mech and make your name! We've tried to find a balance between detailed mechanics and quick rules, and we need your help testing! Players will be divided into two teams and battle for victory! Fans of games like D&D 3.5, 4e, GURPS, XCOM, and Fallout 1 & 2 will find some mechanics familiar. Players of all experience levels are welcome, just be ready for basic math and fightin' mechs! Sessions will be casual; we're just looking for some feedback! Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
[FILLED] R852: [BETA TEST] "Timepeekers" by Growling Door Games, Inc.; presented by Matthew McFarland. A Powered by the Apocalypse game about growing up, childhood adventures, and a looming crisis of apocalyptic proportions. You can fight, or even solve, that crisis now, if you're willing to learn a little bit too much about your own future in the process. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R853: [ALPHA TEST] "Velvet Generation" presented by Richard Ranallo. The Starchildren crossed the galaxy looking for the home planet of rock & roll. But by the time they arrive, Earth has changed for the worse. The oppressive Ministry of Music has all but stamped out free expression of any kind. The Starchildren and their Earthling allies in the rock & roll underground have no choice but to fight back with the power of music! (Neotraditional RPG, homebrew dice pool-based system.) Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B854: [BETA TEST] "Animus" by Zero Budget Geek; presented by Eriberto Rodriguez. A small, two-player card game inspired by fighting video games and turn-based monster combat RPGs. The game has players drafting a team of 9 unique characters from a spanning multiverse to compete while leading their team with one of 6 Entity cards. Every game will have a completely new roster! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B855: [BETA TEST] "Cards of Impact: Choose Your Destiny" by CBR Solutions; presented by Grant Peirce. Engage. Choose. Win by growing from strength to strength. Impact your relationships! This character-based card game will challenge your assumptions about your instincts and values. You will know yourself and your fellow players in new and intriguing ways. Successful players will seize their destiny! This game uses reality-based Challenge, Choice, and Character cards. Players choose from variations of the game based on age, skill level, time, competitive/collaborative modes, and what is most fun for them! Created by Susanne - a relationship coach, Grant - a psychometrician, and Johann - a financial analyst. The world is a crazy place, so we decided to create a reality-based card game to help us survive, connect, and thrive. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B856: [BETA TEST] "Cartrigia" by Wandering Hearth Games; presented by Bill Lasek. A retro tile based light dungeon crawler with the feel of classic RPGs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, and Zelda. Players control a group of 1 to 6 asymetrical heroes while they explore the dungeon, battle classic monsters, gain valuable items, and if they're good enough - and can stay alive long enough - defeat the Dungeon Lord. Features multiple difficulty levels from easy to epic - no two games the same! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B857: [BETA TEST] "Dodge This" by Aggressively Playable Games; presented by Noah Anderson. It's all fun and games until someone gets slammed in the face. The neighborhood kids are all ready for knockdown, drag out brawl with rubber serving as their artillery. Draft your team, and command them to Dodgeball Glory! Dodge This is a competitive drafting/squad strategy game for two players. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B858: [BETA TEST] "Gladius" presented by Victoria Cana. A betting game about guts, glory, and gambling! Over the course of five rounds, players bet on teams of gladiators and play influence cards to alter the outcome of each event. Your goal is to make sure you're on the winning end by any means necessary. Can you outwit your opponents to profit off of the gladiatorial games, or will you be left empty-handed? Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B859: [BETA TEST] "Gobbins" presented by Zintis May-Krumins. The valley goblins have never been a smart bunch. They eat mushrooms, poke each other with sticks, and covet the shiny rocks found underground. The big hill in the valley has more shiny rocks than ever seen before, and you want them all! Take the role of a goblin chief in this light 4x game of exploring, gathering, building, upgrading, and fighting against the other goblin tribes! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B860: [BETA TEST] "Heroball" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Geoffrey Engelstein. What do superheroes do in their spare time? Play Heroball! Heroball is a simple, fast, and fun two-player game that brings the classic vibrating electric football game to a modern audience. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B861: [BETA TEST] "It Figures" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Kiva Fecteau. A game system that resembles Boggle, but for math, and with the flexibility to let you play the way you want to. Roll dice into a grid or a circle, add extra rules or challenges to each round, or play the set collection variant where you have to include or exclude specific elements. Only unique equations allow you to score. This game can make you math differently every time you play it! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B862: [ALPHA TEST] "Loot & Plunder" by Shadowsong Industries; presented by Adam Fischer. Being the captain of a space pirate fleet is great, as long as you and the other captain in your sector can scavenge enough loot to keep the Pirate King happy. Work together to send off enough full ships while looting and plundering your opponent, because if the cargo you personally provide isn't the most valuable, off with your head! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B863: [BETA TEST] "Obelisk" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. The chess of blocks. Obelisk is a high-end, custom two player board game where players must construct their blocks three dimensionally before their opponent does. Similar to its companion product, Aporia, a player's ability to strategize future moves is at hand. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B864: [BETA TEST] "ORDS" by EverTech Products; presented by Felix Cruz. Galactic Strategy and Tactical Board/Card Game. Win the game by eliminating all opponents and becoming Emperor/Empress of the Milky Way Galaxy. Includes a short version of play to allow a winner within a couple of hours. Players move their token pieces around the board by spaceships, weapon cards, Star Systems (Star cards), and win Yeps (monies), etc. Players will transport, at a cost, spaceships into different Galactic Quadrants to challenge opponents to battle to control Galactic Quadrants, conquer Star Systems (Star cards), destroy opponents' spaceships, and win Quadrant prizes. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B865: [BETA TEST] "QuestFour" presented by Robert Brown. Place one of your pieces, then turn any tile. It seems simple to win, just get four of your pieces in a row. But is it that simple? Players must think in multiple dimensions while adapting to an ever changing playing field. Just when you think you've won, your opponent can take it away with the twist of a board. QuestFour is a 4D spatial strategy game where players use their pieces in multiple dimensions while adapting to a dynamic playing field. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B866: [BETA TEST] "Rampaging Jotunn: Winter War 4-Player Expansion" by Lost Cog Games; presented by Matthias Bonnici. Return to the unnamed island in this exciting 4 player expansion to Rampaging Jotunn! This massive expansion includes complete with new land types, new land boards that further expand the borders of the unnamed island. There are 2 new armies, new rules for 2, 3 and 4 players, armor, weapons, new cards, new powers, and new components that expand the Rampaging Jotunn Saga... and did we mention the 2nd Jotunn? Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B867: [ALPHA TEST] "Resource Cubes" presented by Anthony Fiumano. In this Unique Deck Builder style game you are gaining cubes that you use as different types of resources to buy more cubes, Fight off Monsters, Create Building for yourself or Activate those buildings on your turn. But by the end of the game you are trying to be the person with the most Victory Points (VP). Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B868: [BETA TEST] "Russian Rocket Roulette" by Vanishing City Games; presented by John Dermody. Can you make it to space, and race to the stars? Or will your efforts catastrophically explode?! Only you and your competition can tell. Take a spin on this space race themed game! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 8 seats left.
B869: [BETA TEST] "Splatterbomb" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The run and shoot board game! Score the highest points by moving around the Stage while spraying the field and knocking your opponent's out for more advance sprays. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B870: [BETA TEST] "The Lion & The Eagle" by Arbor Games; presented by Jerry Wang. A World War II hybrid Euro/wargaming experience in which players relive some of the great strategic dilemmas that defined the contest between Albion's Lion and the Eagle of the Third Reich. Taking over in High Command, players will use their decks and the game board to plan their strategies, appoint Commanders and enact Policies, fight battles at sea and in the skies, and ultimately, achieve victory for their side. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B871: [BETA TEST] "The Stars May Swallow Us" by Tekkactus Games; presented by Jeff Gum. A modular hidden-role card game. Trapped on a broken down spacecraft with failing life support, players need to race against the clock to repair their engine before their air supply runs out, while also defending against attacks from the saboteur who caused this mess to begin with. If you've ever thought Werewolf could use some card counting deduction, or if Love Letter needed more accusatory pointing, this might be the testing session for you! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 6 seats left.
B872: [BETA TEST] "The Vulture Club" presented by Noah Arjomand. In this card game spoof on international journalism, you play a freelance reporter trying to make a name for yourself in a war zone and outmaneuver your competitors. Travel from cities to the front lines to meet contacts and gather story elements (or steal and barter your way to breaking news scoops), then use the deck you have built to create narratives that wow newsreaders back home. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 4 seats left.
B873: [BETA TEST] "VerboCity" presented by Jonathan Gilmour, Travis Magrum. Players are spelling words to put tiles into their city. The bigger the word you spell, the more tiles you can move into your city. Compete to build the best city! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
B874: [BETA TEST] "WBW: World Beats Wrestling" by Single Helix Studios; presented by Noah Cohen. A rhythm based card game? Don't overthink, bid to the beat! WBW: World Beats Wrestling puts a new spin on blind bidding games by adding rhythm. Players start with cards numbered 1-8 in their hands, then put on a song and take turns playing cards face down onto any of four piles while keeping up with the beat. Because each player bids face down, you can see where people are putting their cards, but not where they're putting their value. Keeping up with the beat dishes up a delightful dollop of disorder, disrupts your plans and doles out laughs. Win a pile by having the highest sum once everyone’s cards are down to improve your reputation and win fans. Race to build your fan base so the league will let you win bigger matches and become the face of the WBW. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B875: [BETA TEST] "Wind Sabers" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. Turn-based, turn-based (not a typo) card combat with a spin. Twist. Kick. Punch. Players control a pair of Disciples, who tag team together to beat their opponent's duo using all manner of card-rotating maneuvers. Combat is direction-based, and maneuvers turn your characters' cards, so you must strategically chain your attacks together. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 4 seats left.
B876: [ALPHA TEST] "Writer's Room" presented by John Adamus. A card game where players compete against one another to try and develop the best storyline for a fictional TV pilot, using everything from Protagonists to Plot Twists in an effort to be the first Writer to successfully accomplish their goal. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] L877: [BETA TEST] "American Housewives: Food and Feminism" presented by Avital Lubin. Play American housewives who have gathered together at a dinner party to confront issues relating to second wave feminism. This Larp takes place from 1961-1965 in suburban America. Characters will be wrestling with topics such as adultery, motherhood, women in the workforce, abuse, reproductive rights, and Civil Rights. So, the table is meticulously set and each course has been lovingly prepared by the guests - will you be there to join the conversation? High bleed. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. There are 0 seats left.
[FILLED] L878: [BETA TEST] "Behind the Magic" by Diegetic Games; presented by Randy Lubin. Players create a fantasy mockumentary that is "Lord of the Rings" meets "This is Spinal Tap". They play a group of adventurers that range from incompetent to egotistical as they bumble their way along the quest. Players will take turns setting scenes for each other and also have "confessionals" with the bard that is documenting the journey. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R879: [ALPHA TEST] "Amazing Adventures in Space" by Dust Pan Games; presented by Neal Tanner. Tired of polishing bulkheads? Sick of scrubbing power conduits? Feel like making a difference to the galaxy at large? Join the Explorer's Guild! We're always in need of enterprising individuals seeking glory and wealth for exploration and salvage missions. Meet new and interesting people from across the galaxy! Explore alien ruins and abandoned ships! Confront exciting new life forms and new civilizations! And of course: bring home lots and lots of treasure! Minus our fee and any medical/funeral expenses, of course, but that hardly ever happens. Really. Join now and get a spiffy recruit's uniform, complete with the official Explorer's red shirt! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] R880: [BETA TEST] "Companions' Tale: Corruption Within" by Sweet Potato Press; presented by Laura Simpson. A map-making storytelling game where you tell the tale of an epic hero, righting wrongs and saving kingdoms. The hero acts, and leaves others to tell the tale. You are those others: the hero's closest companions. Whose version of the heroic tale will become canon, and whose will be a footnote to history? Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
R881: [BETA TEST] "Degrees of Difficulty" by DDGaming; presented by Daniel Berryman. Decks and Dice gaming presents Degrees of Difficulty, a gaming system where our goal is to give players the freedom and flexibility to build truly one of a kind characters. With that in mind the DoD system has no classes or character levels to get in the way of how you build your character. In a world where magic is control, the greatest empire ever built has been destroyed. After the fall of the empire, the slaves are finally free to live how they desire but do they still have the willpower to survive? When a new threat emerges, will the next generation be able to hold onto the freedom their fathers died for? Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 3 seats left.
R882: [BETA TEST] "Secret Journey Monsters" presented by Graham Gentz. A game about discovery. Players create and portray adolescents, Wayfarers, setting out on a rags-to-rich pilgrimage, finding and entreating the many monsters and spirits of their world to accompany them on your adventure. Other Wayfarers travel parallel journeys to yours and if you meet them on the road, they will want to test the elemental prowess of their monster partners against yours in ritualistic combat! Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] R883: [BETA TEST] "The Art of Power" by Galileo Games, Inc.; presented by Brennan Taylor. Medieval power politics in a land ruled by women. This new system is meant to simulate Game of Thrones-style power politics. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B884: [BETA TEST] "Aporia" by SE2OND; presented by Adam Ciffone. A high-end, custom two-player board game where players must outmaneuver each other using limited space and resources. Similar to its companion product, Obelisk, advanced "two or three move ahead" analytical strategy is put to the test during game play. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. [NDA REQUIRED] There are 2 seats left.
B885: [BETA TEST] "Arcana Magi Academy" presented by Henry-Michael Brown. The shufflebuilding combat game! As Sensei, choose 2 sets of School Club cards and 1 set of Campus cards, then shuffle them into your deck and get ready for the annual school event...Battlerun! Be the first to score 10 Victory Points to win! Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
[FILLED] B886: [BETA TEST] "Florafiora" by Zephyr Workshop; presented by Breeze Grigas. An artistic co-operative exploration game where players manage little beings called Seedizens, and send them to far-off planets to colonize and connect together while being assaulted by a relentless winter. Different races of Seedizens interact differently with the various planets, and players must work together to discover their universe and return home safely. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B887: [BETA TEST] "Glory Hounds" by Slightly Offensive Games; presented by Thomas Hornemann. Congratulations, your plan has succeeded and the Generalismo is dead! Now to eliminate your co-conspirators and become the new Generalismo. But what's this? The peasants have broken out in revolt to throw off your oppressive yolk? That cannot stand! Take the on the role of a general in a banana republic suppressing a democratic revolution. Throw your troops into the meatgrinder of war, and more importantly, gain glory from their sacrifices and the sacrifices of those of your soon to be erstwhile allies while denying them the glory and notoriety of claiming victory. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 5 seats left.
B888: [BETA TEST] "Hero: Tales of the Tomes" presented by Jimmy Ellerth. A multiplayer card game in which each of the players takes the role of a legendary hero and battles it out until only one is left standing. All players play off of one shared deck together, so no prior deck building or collecting is required. The gameplay is fast and exciting. With all the potential for twists and comebacks, you'll never truly feel out of the game. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
B889: [BETA TEST] "ORDS" by EverTech Products; presented by Felix Cruz. Galactic Strategy and Tactical Board/Card Game. Win the game by eliminating all opponents and becoming Emperor/Empress of the Milky Way Galaxy. Includes a short version of play to allow a winner within a couple of hours. Players move their token pieces around the board by spaceships, weapon cards, Star Systems (Star cards), and win Yeps (monies), etc. Players will transport, at a cost, spaceships into different Galactic Quadrants to challenge opponents to battle to control Galactic Quadrants, conquer Star Systems (Star cards), destroy opponents' spaceships, and win Quadrant prizes. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
[FILLED] B890: [BETA TEST] "Quantum Quest" by Black Furnace Games; presented by Michael DeAngelo. A dungeon crawler card game that pits you against your friends in a game that never plays the same way twice. Players put together teams of adventurers and travel through the dungeon, encountering chambers that will hurt you unless you capture them. You can only capture chambers if you have enough mana, and an adventurer that matches the room’s class type. Once you own the chambers, you decide how they harm your opponents when they land there. Claim victory if you are the only survivor! Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 0 seats left.
B891: [BETA TEST] "Space Runners" presented by Robin Liu. A press your luck adventure card game. Each player selects a hero and tries to run through each location, encountering creatures and traps on the way, while he/she tries to lockdown the location for extra points. Space Runners can be played cooperatively or against each other in teams or free for all. A quick and fun game that is simple to pick up and play with family and friends. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. ***ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!***
[FILLED] B892: [BETA TEST] "The Art of Mutiny" by The Art of Mutiny; presented by Benjamin Bral. A funny, pirate-themed bidding game, where you play as a disgruntled pirate on a pirate ship. You hate the captain, and you think you could be a much better captain than he is, but you need other crew members to agree with you. You therefore bribe other crew members (cards) into joining your side. Whoever convinces 8 crew members to join his/her side wins! Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Silly, All Ages. This is a HI-TEST session. There are 0 seats left.
B893: [BETA TEST] "Vinyl" presented by Eric Alvarado. Players are aspiring vinyl collectors. They have a glimpse of knowledge of what they would like to collect, but immediately get immersed into the experience. Players will acquire morsels of information after visiting the "Mag Rack". That information will lead them to the bins where they select albums to add and expand their collection. Albums can be played at the listening booth to future increase the value of a player's collection and their ability to collect even more albums. Unfortunately, the inventory is limited and other customers may be after the same vinyl gems. After the final round is concluded, players will tally their collection’s value and determine who is the Elite Vinyl Collector! Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 3 seats left.
B894: [BETA TEST] "Zeno" by Mind Bullet Games; presented by Geoffrey Engelstein. A quick-playing, casual, deck-building game. Players flip cards from a personal deck in an attempt to have the second highest total at the table. Cards are then drafted to improve the decks and the next round begins. This game is perfect for players of all ages and experience levels. Sunday, 5:00PM - 7:00PM; Fun, All Ages. There are 2 seats left.
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