 Where America Comes to Play!
Wednesday, July 4 - Sunday, July 8, 2018
Role Playing ScheduleUpdated 7/4/18 at 11:15AM EDT. Emails have been processed to 12:30AM on 7/3/18
Wednesday Table Grid in PDF Format
Thursday Table Grid in PDF Format
Friday Table Grid in PDF Format
Saturday Table Grid in PDF Format
Sunday Table Grid in PDF Format
You may ONLY reserve seats in DEXCON 21 events if you are pre-registered. Click here to pre-register for DEXCON 21 if you have not already done so.
To reserve your spot in the events you want to play in, send eMail to: dexcon21@dexposure.com and include your name and the events you want to register for NOTE: You may ONLY choose Event Codes which are SHOWN IN GREEN. DO NOT CHOOSE CODES WHICH ARE SHOWN IN RED and have LOCKS on them. Red Event Codes indicate locked events which you cannot register for, later rounds in tournaments which you will be automatically advanced to from preliminary rounds, or events which have already filled up to capacity (this page will be updated several times before the convention starts).
NOTE: The CUTOFF for reserving events is 10:00AM EST on Wednesday, July 4. After that time, you can ONLY reserve events by physically entering your name on the Big Board when you arrive at the convention.
We allow you to select second and third choices for a given time slot; indicate this clearly in whatever fashion you'd like, otherwise we will just leave that slot open.
We will reply to your email with a confirmation that your reservations were received as quickly as possible. Note that you MUST include a valid eMail reply-to address for us to reach you to confirm. If you have previously selected LARPs and/or Signature Events, they will be included in this confirmation.
The Event Listing contains vital information about each event, in the format shown below:
Event ID; Type of Event; Event Name; Event Author. Event Description. Event Day & Time; Round (1); Materials (2). Level (3); Attitude (4), Age Notification (5). Next Round (6) (if applicable); See Also: Repetition of event or round (if applicable).
In the interest of conserving space, repeat listings of the same event or multiple round events will contain only the title, a reference to the first listing, time and round information. Note that prizes are usually NOT listed; all prizes will be gallery level certificates (or applicable awards), unless otherwise specified. In the case of cash prizes, Double Exposure reserves the right to withdraw the grand prize based on attendance of the specific event. Some cash value prizes will be awarded as certificates or shopping sprees for the Dealers' Room, and MAY be transferred to future Double Exposure conventions.
(1) One Session; One round; 1 of x = First round, etc.; 1A of x = Same round repeated elsewhere.
(2) All Materials Provided (except dice); All Materials Offered (except dice), but feel free to bring your own; Bring Your Own Materials (and characters, if applicable).
(3) Beginners ONLY; Beginners Welcome; Knowledge of rules Necessary; Experts ONLY.
(4) Very Silly; Silly; Fun; Serious; Very Serious.
(5) All Ages; Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance; 18 & Over ONLY; Young Players Encouraged.
(6) All "Next Round" listings show which specific round or session you will be scheduled for automatically if you advance. This information is vital, and you should be aware of it, although you CAN reserve an alternate selection which takes place at the same time as a future advancement round. At the appropriate time, you will cancel one or the other. Note that all available events are shown in GREEN, and all advancement rounds are shown in RED.
All Special Headline Events are shown in YELLOW.
R055: BASH (Basic Action Super Heroes); "The Menace of the Mech-Master" by Basic Action Games; presented by Scott Mina. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A simple rules-light game system where you can play comic book superheroes. It's easy to learn and beginners are welcome. You'll be playing Squadron Impossible, a team of superheroes who defend Central City against bizarre and super-powered villains. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R193.
R056: Cthulhu Dark; "College Bound" by Graham Walmsley; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! An education abroad program goes horrible awry when the participants unravel secrets better left unrevealed! The syllabus promised "a new appreciation for diversity" but "a practicum on survival of the fittest" may have been more accurate. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R057: Dread; "13: Sleepless Night" by The Impossible Dream; presented by EmJay Turner. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This sleepover was supposed to be the best moment of your childhood but now it's all gone wrong. Awoken in an unfamiliar house, you find yourself amongst strangers as you begin to question not only their sanity, but yours. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R075, R173, R197, R249.
R058: Librete; "The Cloud Fortress" by Vivien Feasson; presented by Christo Meid. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! They say some of the children that go astray and wander into the City of Rain find their way home: You have not. You are exhausted from being ruthlessly hunted by insatiable sirains in this warped copy of our world where the torrential rain never stops and where you cannot find a safe place to rest... Librete is a gritty, Powered by the Apocalypse Game created by the French designer Vivien Feasson. The game is set in a miserable rainy world where there are only children, the abandoned city, and the horrible abominations that hunt children, the sirains. There will be drama, confiding of secrets, and desperate, often violent struggles to survive as our heroes search for the safe haven, Librete. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R059: Promethean: The Unborn; "The Pandoran Crucible" presented by Jay Dragon. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A PbtA hack of the White Wolf system Promethean: The Created. The game takes the world of Promethean and makes it a significantly more narrative game, and transforming it into a narrative about transgender and disabled experiences. It uses the disquiet the world feels at your presence as an examination of the cisgender reaction towards trans people, and makes the alchemical process of creating new life an allegory for transition. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. See Also: R206.
R060: Urban Shadows; "The Toledo Affair" by Magpie Games; presented by Edward Chiasson. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Supernatural politics. Gritty drama. Tense violence. Now available in its traditional serial form, in an open table campaign. Play in any or all sessions as you build the political and dramatic structure of the city in an ongoing campaign. Urban Shadows is an urban fantasy PbtA game heavily inspired by supernatural dramas and the World of Darkness. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R110, R167, R235.
R061: "The Rite" presented by Jacqueline Bryk. You are a SACRED MAIDEN in your village’s SPRING RITUAL. Tonight, one of you will become a SACRIFICE, chosen by FATE, dancing herself to death to bring the change of seasons. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R062: D&D 5E; "An Unbelievable Tale in Nexia" presented by Mary Leciston. In this custom world setting, the players can choose as a group to play as monsters trying to survive in the world when they have an unbelievable encounter, or as adventurers just starting out and sent to investigate the disappearance of the Ancient Bronze Dragon Vaalore. Each session will continue the adventure so characters can continue to be used, and new players can hope on in. There will be some mechanics that I have added for more depth to the game, and this custom world has its own creation lore and unique gods. If you would like more background information you can email me at MLeciston1@gmail.com with the title being Nexia. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R073, R102, R125.
R063: D&D 5E; "The Dunbar House" presented by Michael Doyle. On a cold and stormy night many years ago, a witch named Drusilla cursed the family Dunbar and all of their descendants. Now on the 200 year anniversary of that event, the Dunbar family has returned to the place it all started. What could be inside the Dunbar House? A two-hour D&D scenario using 5th level characters. Wednesday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R064.
R064: D&D 5E; "The Dunbar House" presented by Michael Doyle. See R063. Wednesday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round.
R065: Cheat Your Own Adventure; "Dia de los Muertos: Direct To Video" by The Gauntlet; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Remember how you would read Choose Your Own Adventure books? With a thumb at the page you were on before turning to the page you chose and then turning back after you found you had died? We'll be doing the same but instead we'll be doing that in order to create the stories of three horror films in the (fictional) Dia de los Muertos franchise: Dia de los Muertos 3: Season de la Bruja; Dia de los Muertos 4: Return of Porkface; Dia de los Muertos 5: Noche de Terror. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R131. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R066: Era: The Consortium; "A Journey to the Deep Dark" by Shades of Vengeance; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Open Technologies is looking for some brave explorers to go out into deepest depths of known space. Since this will be far outside standard shipping lanes, if anything goes wrong you'll be on your own. Intermittent radio contact with the Lady Lovibond registry number GS 1321748 has been made. Open Technologies needs folk to risk the depths to get to the ship and bring it back. It is a colony ship and holds nearly a thousand souls that have been lost for over 300 years. Pay will match the danger. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R240.
R067: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Better Than Any Man" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This scenario takes place in a weird fiction alternate history of the Holy Roman Empire in 1631. The historical conflict between Catholics and Protestants gets a Lovecraftian makeover, with the addition of witches, wizards, madmen and horror beyond time and space. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a gonzo, deconstructionist postmodern RPG loosely based on early editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R077. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R068: Numenera; "The Numinous Engine, Part One: Utopia Interrupted" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Paul Duggan. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Two billion years in Earth's future, humanity still loves, fights, learns, and dies. But a discovery from a former world may create an end-game for human beings bringing peace and happiness at last. Who would want to disrupt that? That's up to you: Agents of the Steadfast, sent to discover what the Numinous Engine is all about. This is Part One of a three-part scenario. Players can participate in any or all of the three parts. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R115. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R069: Seven Wonders; "Nemesis 382" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The crew of science ship Ride is on the cusp of completing its mission to be the first humans to enter a black hole! Do they do it? Play, and decide! Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R070: Thousand Arrows vs. The Sprawl; "Street Samurai vs. Code Ninja" by Galileo Games vs. Ardens Ludere; presented by James Mendez Hodes. Two INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAMEs - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! On the Neosaka megasprawl's mean streets, feudal warlords lead gangs of biker samurai into battle as shinobi infiltrators sneak and backstab their way through cyberspace. A thaumo-genetic cataclysm has transformed many humans into metahuman races straight out of fantasy such as kitsune, tengu, and oni. Will you be the one to unify all of Japan under your graphene cyber-fist? This crossover between Thousand Arrows and the Sprawl asks what cyberpunk would have looked like if 1990s-era Japanophilia reached its logical conclusion. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R119. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R071: Uncharted Worlds; "The Expanse: A Day In the Life" by Sean Gomes; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Whether you're a belter descended from early Earth astronauts or an "inner" on your first tour of zero-G, the ship is home. Where there's home, there's a mortgage, utilities, and..."supplemental" docking fees? Also, the occasional urgent distress call. (It's probably just pirates, though.) This near-future sci-fi adventure is loosely based on The Expanse. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. This is an Advancement Session and cannot be selected.
R072: With Great Power...; "They Came From Beyond!" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! "Do you remember where you were when you first heard about the alien spaceships coming down from the skies? I was telling my husband that there was no threat that the heroes of the Liberty League couldn't defeat. He's dead now. So's the League. But we might just have a chance to beat those aliens once and for all. Do you have what it takes to save the world?" Come play a superhero striving to free your home from alien overlords. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R185. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R073: D&D 5E; "An Unbelievable Tale in Nexia" presented by Mary Leciston. See R062. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R102, R125. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R074: Savage Worlds; "Hot Wheels" presented by David Hart. Freelancers are hired to protect the thrill seeking daughter of a wealthy lawyer, she doesn't like having "hired goons" follow her, so what could go possibly wrong? Set in Gramel. Thursday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R075: Dread; "13: Sleepless Night" by The Impossible Dream; presented by EmJay Turner. See R057. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R173, R197, R249. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R076: Dungeon World; "Slaves - The Brave, The Cowardly, The Crazed, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by George Bajuscik. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The heroes find themselves fighting for truth, justice and freedom. Do you have what it takes? It doesn't matter, for you didn't have a choice anyway; who said life was fair? If you like a little moral ambiguity, with a diverse cast of characters, then you'll love this adventure module! Party Dynamics are very interesting in this adventure module, and make you question, "what are we fighting for?" Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R077: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Better Than Any Man" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. See R067. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R078: Numenera; "The Numinous Engine, Part Two: Aeon Flotsam" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Paul Duggan. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Numinous Engine has pointed you into the great void between the stars for answers to your dilemma. Two billion years in Earth's future, the Night Sky holds even stranger wonders than the Earth. Is it time to leave the cradle of the Earth? Or escape a prison... This is Part Two of a three-part scenario. Players can participate in any or all of the three parts. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R137.
R079: Pasion de las Pasiones; "Telenovela Supremo" by Magpie Games; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Sit on the couch with la familia and turn on Pasion de las Pasiones, a PbtA tabletop role playing game of desire, betrayal, and family inspired by the telenovelas of Latin America. You'll play the heroes, lovers, schemers, and villains of the world’s most dramatic and exciting telenovela: Pasion de las Pasiones. At the same time, you'll also play a Latino family gasping, jeering, and swooning at home. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R204. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R080: Red Carnations on a Black Grave; "A Social Revolution" by Aviatrix Games; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! For just over two months in 1871, the Paris Commune tried to make an egalitarian, socialist state a reality despite disagreement within their walls and attacks from outside it. This is the story of 12 Communards, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? A freeform game very much in the spirit of Montsegur: 1244 and Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne. This is an advanced playtest of a game in development. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R155, R207. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R081: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder; "Chapter 1, Lady Blackbird" by One Seven Design; presented by Vincent Eaton-Valencia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Lady Blackbird is on the run from an arranged marriage to Count Carlowe. She hired a smuggler skyship, The Owl, to take her from her palace on the Imperial world of Ilysium to the far reaches of the Remnants, so she could be with her once secret lover, the pirate king Uriah Flint. However - just before reaching the halfway point of Haven, The Owl was pursued and captured by the Imperial cruiser Hand of Sorrow, under charges of flying a false flag. Even now Lady Blackbird, her bodyguard, and the crew of The Owl are detained in the brig, while the commander of the cruiser, Captain Hollas, runs the smuggler ship's registry over the wireless. It's only a matter of time before they discover the outstanding warrants and learn that The Owl is owned by none other than the infamous outcast Cyrus Vance. This is Chapter 1 of a three part series. Players are welcome to participate in multiple sessions, but characters are not recurring throughout. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R082: The Ward (Acute Care Edition); "Becoming Doctors" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A modern medical drama, Powered by the Apocalypse. Good evening, Doctor. We've got an FLK with PFH showing bilateral greenstick fractures in Two, a couple of puppies digging for worms on a GOMER in Five, and the Chief wants to talk to you about your charting. Oh, yeah. Your daughter left a message saying she needs someone to pick her up from practice; I guess your ex forgot to show up. Where shall we begin? (Scenario to be determined at the table.) Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R083: Trail of Cthulhu; "Les Autres" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Anne Ratchat. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Vernon Alder, a once prominent member of society turned to recluse in recent years, has been murdered. Alder thanks you for making the trip. You do not remember making a trip. You have been tasked with solving his murder and he affirms the crime scene has been preserved to the best of his ability, sans himself. You are welcome to explore, but be careful - others, especially the staff, did not make the journey quite so intact. You see, you are in a land between life and death, where the normal rules of the world don't quite apply. You suspect you don't want to know what that means. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R141. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R084: Troika!; "Spelljamming Troika!" by Melsonian Arts Council; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The asteroid on which the city of Bral now stands has been a forge fortress for spacefaring dwarves, a way-station for the elven admiralty, and a hidden haven for pirates. Now it's a thriving commercial center, home to thousands of permanent residents and a temporary home to even more interstellar agents, ship crews, merchants, criminals, lost travelers, and one beholder who happens to be an exceptional bartender. We'll be using Daniel Sell's game Troika to explore the worlds of Spelljammer. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R120. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R085: Uncharted Worlds; "The Expanse: New Atlantis Colony" by Sean Gomes; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's been a year since the gateway to the stars was first opened. Five months since First Contact. Earth corporations are racing to claim vast, uncharted lands and the unimaginable wealth they promise to yield up. The surest way for a company to legally secure its claim is to start a colony. A limited-liability corporation hastily constructs a colony on an alien world with cheap materials and unskilled labor; things go wrong. Your ship has been hired to render vital aid to the colonists. This near-future sci-fi adventure is loosely based on The Expanse. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. This is an Advancement Session and cannot be selected.
R086: Urban Shadows; "The Dark Russian Soul" by Magpie Games; presented by Christo Meid. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Bittersweet laughed, took a shot of vodka, and looked the wizard right in the eye, "Leave it to you Russian wizards to take terror to the next level. You were really good at making a supernatural disaster look like part of an American conspiracy. But 216 mortal men and women frozen in the St. Petersburg canal ice on a moonless winter night is going to be hard to pin on the Americans. And that Snow White Rose Red look they all have...Nobody's fessing up, and the locals are sharpening their pitchforks. So tell me, how are you going to cover this one up, Wizard?" You are one of four...beings trying to hold onto your existence in this mortal realm, one from each Faction that is fighting for its stake in the world. You have become embroiled in this latest scandal, struggling to come out on top without losing the last shreds of your humanity. Urban Shadows is a PbtA urban fantasy game somewhere between the movie Blade and Dresden Files books. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R159. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R087: World Wide Wrestling; "Contest of Champions!, Part One" by ndpdesign; presented by Joseph Zantek. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Hey there True Believers! Welcome to Earth-2017, where the world of superheroes and professional wrestling combine to put on the craziest show in the multiverse! All your favorite heroes are here, whether they're here to settle an old score, or they're just hunting for the glory of the gold! World Wide Wrestling is a pro wrestling RPG based on the Apocalypse World engine, with strong narrative element. This game is inspired by the world of comic books and wrestling organizations like Chikara, and Lucha Underground. So while everyone's on screen character is a hero, they are still just normal people putting on a show. So like most wrestling, this federation is entirely about playing heroes and villains, whether from a favorite comic of yours, or one you made up in your head! Players are encouraged to sign up for both event slots, but may sign up for one or the other. Players who pre-register for both slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R123. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R088: Cats of Catthulhu; "The Worlds of Catthulhu: Gatos de Los Muertos" presented by David Leciston. Welcome to the Nogales, Arizona, and the happenings of the street cats and dogs of the Market. Cats of Catthulhu basic rules for the cat classes of Catcrobat, Pussyfoot, Scrapper, Tiger Dreamer and Twofootologist. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R124.
R089: D&D First Edition; "Treasure Hunt" presented by Ryan Helfrich. Journey back to a simpler time. Gold won by sword and magic spells. You and your friends have been captured by slavers, your no heroes just simple farmers, bakers, orphans, hunters, peasents. But now is the chance for something better. Can you escape your captors, and discover the secret of the treasure hunt? A level 0 funnel for Dungeons and Dragons Basic. Characters who live can be played in the next game. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R090: Exalted, 2nd Edition; "Princes Of All They Survey" presented by Aaron Harmaty. You are the Princes of the Earth; all of Creation bows before you. However, your parents do not, and because of your disrespectful actions, they have decided to send you to the desolate, rancid, and worst of all, boring North. However, there is rumor that a great monster lurks near the city in which you are stationed. If you kill it, your parents might welcome you back. If not, who knows how long you'll be stuck there. Such are the choices that a Prince of the Earth, a Terrestrial Exalted, a Dragon-Blooded must make. You will play as one of the Dragon-Blooded. They are the best soldiers of their world, and they possess mighty charms that let them far exceed normal human limitations. They are prideful, honorable, and powerful. Further, they are the strongest beings left in Creation, aside from the monsters they hunt. They might not be the most self-reflective people in Creation, they are the Lords of Creation. This game is intended to be an fun introduction into the world of Exalted. Adventure and drama await. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R091: Sentinel Comics RPG; "Freedom Five" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! This is one of three demos of the forthcoming Sentinels Comics RPG, using the Freedom Five plus Unity as example characters. Please only sign up for one of these in advance and allow everybody interested to get a shot. Thursday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R092: "Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy" presented by Lucian Kahn. A ritualistic story game for a necromancer and a ghost. One player is alive and the other is dead. Use Tarot cards, an occult grimoire, and narrative prompts to uncover your past together and hash out your haunted relationship. The mood may be spooky or intimate, heart-wrenching or hilarious. Sign up for this 2-player evocation with a friend, lover, roommate, enemy, or by yourself to get paired with a stranger. Thursday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R218.
R093: D&D 5E; "The Tower of Traps" presented by Michael Doyle. "A mysterious tower that appears on no maps of the known world. Where is it, nobody is really sure. If you find the tower, do you dare go in to unlock its secrets?" For Level 4 Characters. To pre-arrange characters, please contact the GM at earsdoyle2@yahoo.com. Thursday, 6:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R247.
R094: Masks; "Secret of the Red Mask, Part One" by Magpie Games; presented by Lilith White. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Architects, protectors of Sirca City, are missing. You, the young heroes have been picking up the slack. This isn't unusual. Any sort of global crisis calls them away, sometimes for weeks if it goes galactic. But it's been at least a month and a half, and things have been escalating. Unsolved crime has skyrocketed to the point where you don't know if the police are incompetent or just plain ignoring it. Your only lead? People wearing red masks have been committing the crimes. Can you solve this mystery and find the Architects before it's too late? Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for as few as they like. Players who pre-register for all slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R095: Monsterhearts; "Road to Nowhere" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You are five friends just out of high school, in that in-between time. The road looms before you large in the summer heat. What are you leaving behind? Where are you headed? Whats in the trunk? How will your relationships be changed when the journey is done. A game of sexy monsters, teenage angst, personal horror, set to a kick ass soundtrack, including the grown up moves. Combing John Hughes, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the best road trip tropes. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R153, R225. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R096: Swords Without Master; "Anthology" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Keith Stetson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dream ancient worlds and ancient tales. Take up sword and staff, pen and ink, and inscribe your own tale in the Anthology. These stories written on air will be composed by us over a series of three linked gaming sessions. Play one session to play a short story; play them all for the full Anthology. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R156, R227. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R097: The Art of Power; "A Queen's Wrath Is a Messenger of Death" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The war does not go well, and with its fortunes decline the Queen's temper. Her wrath will be felt throughout the realm. Can you assuage her anger, or will you be fall victim? The Art of Power is a political game set in a medieval world. Take roles from the lowliest to the most high and see if you can achieve your goals. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R098: The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze; "Let the Mountains Tremble at My Name" by the glyphpress; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! At the edge of history and legend, mighty heroes seek glory. Clever name-dealers seek advantage. How will your name ring throughout the ages? Come play this improvisational Bronze Age sword-and-sorcery adventure. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R118.
R099: The Ward (Acute Care Edition); "Bitter Little Pills" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A modern medical drama, Powered by the Apocalypse. Damaged, dysfunctional professionals try to make things better, or at least not worse for themselves. They don't always succeed. This is a debut session of the DARK tags, including a new DARK Work-Up. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R100: Trail of Cthulhu; "Not So Quiet" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Robert Dushay. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Great War continues. Another Big Push, more casualties. Including you. Now you're a patient in Military Hospital Number 5. This is not a place for rest and recovery. Too many patients are dying, and you don't intend to be one of them. Try to unravel what's going on before it's too late. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R101: Velvet Glove; "Not Your Mama's Girl Gang" by Magpie Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Listen, the world's a pain. Girl power and all that. Let's kick the sh*t out of the next dude that catcalls us. Make him regret it. Let's get real high. Let's fight the system, and by the system I mean that dealer who won't give us our sh*t for a discount. Your girls have your back. You own these streets. Let's f*ck sh*t up. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R122. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R102: D&D 5E; "An Unbelievable Tale in Nexia" presented by Mary Leciston. See R062. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R073, R125.
R103: D&D 5E; "The Spiral of Antagonistic Intent" presented by Rich Parla. Enter as a party, run for your life! You were hired to find and face the dark menace terrorizing the townsfolk. You have tracked the entity to these warrens and now you and your party get to work...but once the job is done you want to keep the reward to yourself. You should be the first one to leave the warrens and return with the news, shouldn't you? Why do you need to share the reward with these others? No, no, this is yours, leave now...the race begins. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R143, R187, R244.
R104: D&D First Edition; "Dungeon of The Selenian Conclave" presented by Ryan Helfrich. After surviving the terrors of the slavers. The Adventurers embark on strange mission. Explore a wizardly laboratory holding secrets of advanced magic and technology, and the research to reach a place, where no one was ever supposed to go. A Dungeons and Dragons Basic game. Characters who participate in Treasure Hunt carry over to this game. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R105: Rememorex; "Summertime Static" by Nerdy City; presented by Sean Jaffe. The year is 1984. School's out, you've cut enough of Mr. Jenkins grass to have arcade money, and you get to choose between Ghostbusters, Gremlins, and the Temple of Doom at the Cineplex. It's just another summer in the suburbs...until the Strangeling comes. Dive into the deep end of nostalgia with REMEMOREX, the recently released RPG that explores the cul-de-sac horrors of the Eighties! Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R106: Star Trek Adventures; "Episode I: That Witch Survives" presented by Jonathon Bensley. The USS Valley Forge is ordered to the planet Xirentis III to investigate an attack on a Federation Archaeological Site and the kidnapping of one of its researchers. Your landing party is confronted by dastardly Orion Pirates, an insistent Xarenti Cultural Minister, an annoying Orion Ambassador and an additional alien interloper no one expected. Can your party save the day without destroying priceless cultural artifacts? Join Starfleet today and see. This is part one of a two-part scenario. Players can participate in either or both. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R190.
R107: Starfinder; "The Absalom Lock" presented by John Gallo. Calo Ahnt is an intermediary for powerful people in Absalom Station; he farms out assignments, pays good credits, and helps keep things running quietly from his court in the Shattered Drive - those who prove themselves to him find that obtaining better work, better contacts and opportunities comes far more easily than it does trying to stand out from the crowds of other such individuals on the Station. Your group has done some basic courier work, low-profile bodyguarding, that sort of thing - you've demonstrated your skill, and have finally earned an invitation to Calo's private suite regarding a higher-profile assignment that would open many doors that have until now remained closed to you. Pre-generated characters will be provided. No experience with the Starfinder system necessary; this event is designed to highlight features of the system and give people a chance to get a feel for the flavor and play of it. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R108: Top Secret; "Your Mission..." presented by Mel White. In the style of TV's Mission: Impossible, the PCs face a plot within a plot where things are not as they seem. Charged with stopping a coup in a South Asian country, the agents will have to rely on wits more than firepower to further the cause of democracy. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R109: "Queer Messes" presented by Jay Dragon. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Queer Messes is a role playing game designed to be played by 5-8 people, sitting around a table or in the corner of a room. The game is about queer teenagers talking about their feelings while literally tied together with string, slowly eroding their friendships and evolving as a group. It's about a friendgroup on the fritz, and an emotional journey. Thursday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. See Also: R166.
R110: Urban Shadows; "The Toledo Affair" by Magpie Games; presented by Edward Chiasson. An Envoy Event! See R060. Thursday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round. See Also: R167, R235.
R111: Awesome 8's; "An Introduction to Aurum" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This event is designed to introduce players to the world of Aurum, a new Gaslamp Fantasy LARP. Running on the Awesome 8's system, a rules-light role playing game designed for new players and people who want to focus on story and character, not complicated RPG mechanics. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R170.
R112: Dungeon World; "Hope for Doomsday" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by George Bajuscik. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! There"s a tale which goes, "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times". Well, let me tell you, they got it completely wrong. This is a Dungeon World RPG Adventure for 6 Villains whose only hope lies in destroying a universe. Most RPG campaigns are all about the Heroes, this is all about exploring the "Prisoner's Dilemma", and how to balance "living" with "wanting"... In addition, the players will need to explore, "what is really the best for me?" Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R113: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Towers Two" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A sordid adventure in a countryside ravaged by unending war! Featuring Necro-Destructo! The Suck Thing! Dumpling the Dwarf! Osuka the Talkative! The Sea Slut! Pig Men! Truly unmentionable magic! The two brothers in their Towers Two! This scenario was written by GWAR frontman David "Oderus Urungus" Brockie. Unfinished at the time of his young demise in 2014, it was completed by Jobe Bittman of Dungeon Crawl Classics fame. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a gonzo, deconstructionist postmodern RPG loosely based on early editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R135.
R114: Monster of the Week; "Off Into the Sunset" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Blair Hoplight. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Hunters rarely get time off from protecting the world from the things that go bump in the night. The retirement of an old timer is a rare thing indeed, and something worth celebrating. The retirement of two even more so. So for one night, you trade in your body armor for fancy clothes and your bowie knife for a steak knife. But in a hunter's life, nothing ever goes according to plan, and not all guests come invited. This is a two session, single-table event with survival, action and body horror themes. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH SESSIONS. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R177. Next Round: R177. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R115: Numenera; "The Numinous Engine, Part One: Utopia Interrupted" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Paul Duggan. See R068. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R116: Princess World; "Long Threads, All Entangled" presented by Kevin Petker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game about girls who rule. As members of the Council of Princesses, tough, capable heroines struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place... or create one of their own. Working alone and together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World. Powered by the Apocalypse. This game is in early development and feedback and help is greatly appreciated. This is a two-round playtest of extended convention play. Friday, 9:00AM - 6:00PM; Two Continuous Rounds; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R117: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder; "Chapter 2, Magister Lor" by One Seven Design; presented by Vincent Eaton-Valencia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Magister Lor is the last surviving member of the Strelai - an ancient order of mystics that imprisoned the demons who cast the worlds into the sky. The Magister has secretly trained a young apprentice, Kai Tuvari, in the occult art of Sorcery, because Kai's blood is bound to the essence which lights the sky-star and gives life to the worlds. Only the discipline of Sorcery can control this power. However - Magister Lor is not the only one with a secret apprentice. The demon Setarra, imprisoned in the essence crystal which powers Lor's sanctum, has visited Kel Tuvari (Kai's twin) in dreams, whispering dark promises and extracting dire oaths. Magister Lor chose not to train Kel as a child - the power in Kel's blood was too dark and dangerous to ever draw out safely. But Setarra had other plans. Even now Kel has crept down to the lowest level of the sanctum and completed the ritual to release Setarra from her crystal prison. The demon emerges, singing the song to summon the great Leviathans from the lower depths... This is Chapter 2 of a three part series. Players are welcome to participate in multiple sessions, but characters are not recurring throughout. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R118: The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze; "Let the Mountains Tremble at My Name" by the glyphpress; presented by Michael Miller. See R098. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R119: Thousand Arrows vs. The Sprawl; "Street Samurai vs. Code Ninja" by Galileo Games vs. Ardens Ludere; presented by James Mendez Hodes. See R070. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R120: Troika!; "Spelljamming Troika!" by Melsonian Arts Council; presented by Richard Ruane. See R084. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R121: Uncharted Worlds; "The Expanse: Link-Dead" by Sean Gomes; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Remember that colony you rescued? One of the colonists has reported a brief, strange flash of light in the sky. A colony navigation satellite briefly tracked a non-metallic object on a close approach to the planet. Your employers have chartered your ship to investigate. There's a hefty bonus if you can retrieve the object and bring it back to their secret lab for study. There's only one problem - the object has disappeared. This near-future sci-fi adventure is loosely based on The Expanse. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R122: Velvet Glove; "Not Your Mama's Girl Gang" by Magpie Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. An Envoy Event! See R101. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R123: World Wide Wrestling; "Contest of Champions!, Part Two" by ndpdesign; presented by Joseph Zantek. See R087. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R124: Cats of Catthulhu; "The Worlds of Catthulhu: Gatos de Los Muertos" presented by David Leciston. See R088. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R125: D&D 5E; "An Unbelievable Tale in Nexia" presented by Mary Leciston. See R062. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R073, R102.
R126: D&D 5E; "Isle of Dread" presented by Robert Freeman. The updated classic D&D adventure. The player characters search for a lost treasure, journey to the prehistoric Isle of Dread, and there meet new nonhuman races. Players are welcome to bring their own 7th level non-evil characters. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. This is an Advancement Session and cannot be selected.
R127: Faery's Tale Deluxe; "Talking to Faeries" presented by Sage Dushay. Hesperus says she's a normal peasant girl on a mysterious quest, but normal peasant girls don't usually wield magic swords - at least, not at first. Can you and your fellow faeries avoid wizards, deal with dragons, and figure out what Hesperus's quest is? And what does this have to do with Brightwood's missing king, anyway? Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R128: Savage Worlds; "Der Werwolf" presented by David Hart. Foreign Legionnaires turned partisans come to the city of Krakow, following intelligence that a high ranking enemy officer is inspecting a new super weapon. Rumors also float about that this officer has strange bodyguards wearing fur cloaks. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R129: "Grandma's Drinking Song" presented by Lucian Kahn. A role playing, verse-writing, song-singing game! You are a matriarchal family of bootleggers during Prohibition. The place is New York City; the time is 1930. Alcohol is currently illegal in the United States, but many immigrants sell it to feed their families during the Great Depression. Your characters are struggling Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe who laugh, sing, flirt, and break the law. Strong feelings overflow, and the only way to maintain family unity is by singing the song that you create together. The genre is melodrama with an overtone of screwball comedy. Embrace the onion of soliloquy! Friday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R191.
R130: "Dragonscales RPG (Prerelease)" by Fireside Creations; presented by Greg Barry. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is a presentation of the Dragonscales system that is now on Kickstarter. I have been given special permission to run this at DEXCON. In the far away astral dimensions there exists a fantasy world filled with many types of dragons and heroes taking advantage of those dragons. Every day wars rage in the sunlight as heroes via for control. Every night dragons take to the skies and hunt for meals and even the boldest of heroes hide from dragon fangs and claws. Explore the great City of Concord which sits astride a great natural bridge. You've arrived in the fabled city of Concord in the Chromatic Kingdom. It's an unusual town where dragons live peaceably with humans and dwarves. This uses the Ward Card System, please bring a regular deck of playing cards with Jokers or use one provided. This has a an old school feel with fluid easy to learn mechanics. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners ONLY; Fun, All Ages.
R131: Cheat Your Own Adventure; "Dia de los Muertos: Direct To Video" by The Gauntlet; presented by Shane Liebling. See R065. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R132: Demihumans; "Clinging to Life in the Fallen Age" by Robert Bohl Games; presented by Robert Bohl. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Demihumans is an Apocalypse World hack about the death of everything and everyone magical in a fantasy world. Play elves, halflings, trolls, and other fantasy peoples as they face physical and cultural extinction in a world that no longer has any place for them. Demihumans is more an Apocalypse World hack than a Powered by the Apocalypse game, so AW veterans, come my way. But anyone who has played a fantasy video game or seen Lord of the Rings is welcome. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R196. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R133: DramaSystem; "Hillfolk" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Join us for an RPG after the style of prestige cable dramas, about members of an ancient tribe and their dramatic social interactions. Think "The Sopranos" or "Sons of Anarchy" set in the Levant during the Iron Age. Take on the role of influential members of a raider band defending its territory. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R134: Fate Accelerated; "Rispian Web: The Wedding" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Fate Accelerated gaming in Frank Herbert's Duniverse. House Drake outmaneuvered its rivals and won rule of the planet Risp VII. Now, months later, there are rumors that Minor House Hroolba is violating the Emperor's preservation strictures. As House Major, you must investigate. As fortune would have it, you have been invited to the wedding of Lord Conservator Hroolba's son. This visit to the frigid Icekeld may yield benefit yet... The scenario takes place in the Duniverse at a time and place removed from the events of the Dune novels. You play a member of the Drake House Entourage: Bene Gesserit Adept, Mentat Suk Doctor, Noble Heir, Planetologist, Spymaster, or Swordmaster. Dune aficionados encouraged. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R198. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R135: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Towers Two" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. See R113. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R136: Masks; "Secret of the Red Mask, Part Two" by Magpie Games; presented by Lilith White. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Architects, protectors of Sirca City, are missing. You, the young heroes have been picking up the slack. This isn't unusual. Any sort of global crisis calls them away, sometimes for weeks if it goes galactic. But it's been at least a month and a half, and things have been escalating. Unsolved crime has skyrocketed to the point where you don't know if the police are incompetent or just plain ignoring it. Your only lead? People wearing red masks have been committing the crimes. Can you solve this mystery and find the Architects before it's too late? Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for as few as they like. Players who pre-register for all slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R137: Numenera; "The Numinous Engine, Part Two: Aeon Flotsam" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Paul Duggan. See R078. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R138: Owl Hoot Trail; "The Great Perdition Heist" by Pelgrane Press; presented by John Farish. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In just a few days a fortune in gold will be in the vault of the Perdition Bank for one night, and you are going to steal it. You are about to pull off the biggest robbery in a century. All your gang has to do is check out the town, make your final plan, and stay out of trouble. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R139: Power Outage; "Out of the Frying Pan" by Go Nerdy LLC; presented by Bebarce El-Tayib. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In the Atomnyy Zavod, the Villain BreakFast has just smashed through the windows of your favorite diner, the Gorbachow, and unleashed a host of vile monsters. Does your team of superheroes have what it takes to fend them off? Or will BreakFast make you toast? Power Outage is a new upcoming TRPG designed for a younger audience, but adults will enjoy it as well. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R154, R205, R241, R251.
R140: The Ward; "Alchemy and Leeches" by Magpie Games; presented by Kelly Ohlert. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Imagine an ER/Gray's Anatomy-type medical drama, but set in the Dark Ages. Are you the plucky graverobber, the local witch, the plague chirurgeon? We won't be solving medical mysteries, but rather the mysteries of the practicioners themselves. Bring a sense of humor and a pair of D6s. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R182. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R141: Trail of Cthulhu; "Les Autres" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Anne Ratchat. See R083. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R142: Witch: The Road to Lindisfarne; "Judge, Jury, Executioners" by Pompey Crew Design; presented by Seraphina Malizia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Black Death rolls through the land, claiming wicked and righteous without mercy. You and your companions have been entrusted with the sacred task of destroying the woman who has brought this hell to earth. The Witch. She sits in a caged cart. But is she truly guilty? And, if so, can you be the one to burn her down to ashes for the sake of a world that seems forsaken by God? Let's find out. Content Note: This game is an exploration of gendered violence and institutional oppression. It is a dark and emotional game. Please come prepared. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R184. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R143: D&D 5E; "The Spiral of Antagonistic Intent" presented by Rich Parla. See R103. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R187, R244.
R144: D&D First Edition; "The Curse of the Witch Head" presented by Ryan Helfrich. More old school adventures. Centuries ago the Duke ordered a vast underground complex to be built to house a terrible artifact. Now two centuries later outlaws demand the current Duke to hand over his daughter or else they will unleash the evil artifacts power. Can you solve the mystery of the Witch Head? A continuation from Dungeon of The Selenian Conclave. A Dungeons And Dragons Basic game. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R145: RPG Nasty; "Grindhouse" by Nerdy City; presented by Sean Jaffe. Shameful! Repulsive! Offensive! Disgusting! The next game in the Rememorex Line, RPG NASTY, is a one-shot storytelling game designed to evoke the bottom-of-the-barrel VHS horror of the early 80s known in Britain by the moral panic of the Video Nasties! In this one-shot game you and your group will create a crazy slasher and play the hapless victims. Don't expect to survive: you rack up valuable tracking errors by dying in the most gross, stupid, over-the-top ways. In this event, we'll be running two brutal RPG Nasty One-Shots, than pitting both killers against each other in a gore-soaked showdown. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R146: Savage Worlds; "Stargate SG-1: Fist of the Ancients" presented by Scott Mina. Explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy as a member of the Stargate Command, the U.S. Government's best-kept secret. Battles with the evil Goa'uld, explore alien planets on the far end of the universe, and learn the ancient secrets of the Stargate. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R252.
R147: Fortune Cookie Fighter; "The Difficult Delivery" by Gorkwobble Games; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! "You will always get what you want through your charm and personality." Lucky numbers: 01-04-06-34-38-43. If the princess is in another castle, why has destiny lead you here? Maybe you should fight all of these monsters and find out! Scale the battlements quickly, before the castle defenders sever your stunt wires. Let the stars guide your fortune, and engage in deadly battle. Bring cash if you want to order Chinese (optional). Friday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R148: Awesome 8's; "Steampipe Politics - An Aurum RPG" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Gubernatorial elections in Remsford are done, and winning candidate has decided to throw a gala to celebrate their victory. Unfortunately, Remsford has always been a volatile place for politics and crime. The governor elect believes there may be a threat upon their life and has hired you to be part of an elite group acting as both body guards and investigators. Can you discover the treachery before their big speech? Steampipe Politics is set in the world of the new Gaslamp Fantasy LARP, Aurum. Running on the Awesome 8's system, a rules-light role playing game designed for new players and people who want to focus on story and character, not complicated RPG mechanics. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R219, R237, R248.
R149: Beyond the Wall; "The Open Barrow" by Flatland Games; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You can hear them at night: The baying of the village dogs and the cries of frightened sheep. Sometimes you can even swear you heard their restless moans or their shuffling footsteps. You don't know where they have come from or why, but something has disturbed a lost graveyard even older than your village. It's up to you and your friends to find a way to send the dead back to their graves. Beyond the Wall is a game of young people saving their village from terrible threats, inspired by the works of Ursula Le Guin, Susan Cooper, and Lloyd Alexander. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R150: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "O Captain! Die Captain!" by Galileo Games; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You scored megacredits on the last job, enough to buy out the crew's TransGalaxy Pangalactic Class D Shipping contracts and retire to a pleasure planet. Except the Captain has cleaned out your accounts and fled the system. Will you choose to live in poverty comforted by the knowledge that you almost had it all, or will you track him down and reclaim what is rightfully yours? What kind of a stupid question is that? Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R221. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R151: Delta Green; "Observer Effect" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by Robert Dushay. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The highly classified Holobeam Array went online a few hours ago. A catastrophic power surge put it offline a few minutes ago. The lead researcher said everything was fine. Delta Green is not so sure. Strings were pulled; your team has been tasked to investigate. You have no idea what you're going to find. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R223. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R152: Magimundi; "Paranormal Herbology Expedition" by Snow Dragon Games; presented by Maury Brown. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Your kooky herbology professor has assigned you and your fellow magic school students to find some obscure magical herbs and roots in the woods of eastern Georgia. You’re hosted by a parabotanist witch at her farm, and she’s given you fair warning about various creatures in the forest to watch out for. Luckily, forest protector Papa Bois has sided with you and offered to help you find your treasure and keep away from the dangers. You’ve got your magic, and a bit of muscle, but mostly your pluck and wits to help you out. Can you survive the trek, gather your goodies, and make the grade? Or will you be killed ... or worse, expelled? Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R153: Monsterhearts; "Road to Nowhere" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. See R095. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R225. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R154: Power Outage; "Out of the Frying Pan" by Go Nerdy LLC; presented by Bebarce El-Tayib. See R139. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R205, R241, R251.
R155: Red Carnations on a Black Grave; "A Social Revolution" by Aviatrix Games; presented by Catherine Ramen. See R080. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R207.
R156: Swords Without Master; "Anthology" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Keith Stetson. See R096. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R227. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R157: Thousand Arrows; "The Betrayal of Akechi Mitsuhide" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Ruthless warlords' unchecked ambition has transformed Japan into a hell of gunfire and betrayal. Command armies, states and religions, rewriting the sixteenth century and defining Japan's destiny. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R158: Trail of Cthulhu; "All Along The Watchtower" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Bill White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The PCs (real-life figures ripped from history like Hunter S. Thompson, Jimi Hendrix, and E. Gary Gygax) have come to the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago to find out why they have a strange set of double memories: One, a political season of turmoil and violence that no one else seems to recall; the other, a relentlessly upbeat campaign for the Democratic nomination by an unlikely front-runner, LSD guru turned Governor of California Timothy Leary. The trip to Chicago will lead the PCs into a surreal cityscape where nothing is what it seems - and the soul of a nation hangs in the balance. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R159: Urban Shadows; "The Dark Russian Soul" by Magpie Games; presented by Christo Meid. An Envoy Event! See R086. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R160: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: 2 Places At Once" presented by Steven Balbo. A dangerous quest worthy of a mighty hero... but he is busy, so this falls to you. When the mightiest heroes are elsewhere, sometimes the tough jobs fall to those lesser known. Here is an opportunity to become famous, or rich, or memorialized. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R161: D&D 5E; "Journey to Tal Nareth" presented by Rich Parla. Your travels have brought you to the town of Chardor, a riverside settlement nestled in a shallow valley flanked by rugged, inhospitable mountains. Though Chardor is located on one of the major roads to the north, only a few trade caravans have stopped here, and you doubt even a thousand souls reside here...This adventure is really basic and is meant to introduce new players to the game, keeping everything short and simple. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R212.
R162: Sentinel Comics RPG; "Justice League" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! This is one of three demos of the forthcoming Sentinels Comics RPG, using the Justice League as example characters. Please only sign up for one of these in advance and allow everybody interested to get a shot. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R163: Star Trek Adventures; "Episode II: The Winter Seed" presented by Jonathon Bensley. The landing party of the USS Valley Forge, having finished their mission on Xirentis 3, now have another problem... They've lost contact with their ship. Whats more, They find that tracking down their wayward star-ship may be the least of their problems as, once again, an unexpected guest threatens the lives of not just the landing party, but of everyone on board the Valley Forge. Take part in the action. Join Starfleet today. This is part two of a two-part scenario. Players can participate in either or both. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R231.
R164: Starfinder; "Drifting Against the Dominion" presented by John Gallo. "We're going to find Lost Golarion," your sponsor had exclaimed. "But we need to acquire a few things first - things that couldn't be easily brought on Station without attracting the wrong kind of attention. That's where you come in, of course. You help me out, I ensure you have credits, opportunities to improve your gear and such, and when it is all ready, we shall see what no spacefarer has seen in over ten thousand years." Pre-generated characters will be provided. No experience with the Starfinder system necessary; this event is designed to highlight features of the system and give people a chance to get a feel for the flavor and play of it. This adventure is a sequel to "The Absalom Lock", but it is NOT necessary to have played it. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R245. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R165: TOON; "PizzaToon / DayTOONa Beach Party" presented by Greg Barry. Two short stories in this event. In PizzaToon, you deliver pizzas to... the DayTOONa Beach competition! Ability to roll 2 6 sided dice and drool occasionally recommended...bring your best gookie! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Silly, All Ages.
R166: "Queer Messes". See R109. Friday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round.
R167: Urban Shadows; "The Toledo Affair" by Magpie Games; presented by Edward Chiasson. An Envoy Event! See R060. Friday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round. See Also: R110, R235.
R168: "King of Arcadea" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's 1983 in the suburbs and there's not much for kids to do but hop on their bikes, ride down to the strip mall, and waste a week's allowance on Donkey Kong and Robotron 2084. Mr. Powell has declared this the first year of the "King of Arcadea" contest, and there's prizes for anyone who can take the top spot on the leader board. Nothing brings out the competitive streak like pizza, He-Man toys, and a year of free-play arcade games! But isn't it strange how Donnie just stares at that Xenon machine like he's hypnotized? And no one seems to know where this Space Master cabinet came from. The principal is certain that if TV rots your brain, video games will devour it! Take on the roles of some ordinary kids in a video arcade with mystery, secrets, and danger wedged between the cabinets. I've got next! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R236.
R169: 13th Age (1st Edition); "Swords Against Hell" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Michael Keon. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The evil wizard Anachtis plans to rip open a Hellhole and transform himself into an immortal demon-king. In this sandbox adventure you'll recruit whatever allies you can, and try to stop him before he completes the ritual! Level 4 characters provided, or bring your own. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R170: Awesome 8's; "An Introduction to Aurum" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. See R111. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R171: Beyonder; "The Breathing Planet Saga Chapter 1: Immersion" by Flying Nightbear Games; presented by Jacob McEntire. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You are a Channel: A scientist who bends the primal Energies of the universe to your whims. Along with your companions, you are part of a daring expedition to venture into your planet's lung: a 30-mile-wide pocket of air inexplicably trapped fathoms under the surface of the Kellith Sea. What will you discover where no other living creature has tread? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R194, R238.
R172: Bulldogs!; "Trouble at the Gun Bazaar" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Kaoch Yokon Gun Bazaar is the most famous market of it's kind in the galaxy. You've got money to burn and are looking for some firepower. What could go wrong at a marketplace full of ne'er-do-wells and lots of ordinance? Find out in this action-packed adventure. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R195. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R173: Dread; "13: Sleepless Night" by The Impossible Dream; presented by EmJay Turner. See R057. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R075, R197, R249.
R174: Dungeon World; "The Nightmares of Clockwork Sheep" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by George Bajuscik. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! "Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it." – Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley... This is a Dungeon World RPG Adventure for 6 beings who dared to dream. The player characters are ..."different". But for each of you, which will win out? Nature -or- nurture? Do you seek revenge, or offer forgiveness? Is "justice" possible? What is "justice"? This adventure module has had some very surprising moments when run previously, and I can't wait to see where the players decide to take this adventure! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R175: GOOD DOGS: A Canine RPG about Survival and Horror at Chernobyl; "Kasparov and the Kremlin Rats" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You are a Good Dog. Your pack patrols and protects the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. A region haunted by evil gods and mutated monsters since the nuclear disaster and the fall of the Soviet regime. Create a dog, form a pack, save the world! In this introductory - sneak peek - you will create a dog character, form your pack, and play a simple adventure about politics, madness, ancient evils, chess, and alot of rodents. A brand new game from the 9th Level, using the POLYMORPH SYSTEM. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R176: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Blood in the Chocolate" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The year is 1617, and the only thing on the minds of every noblewoman and aristocrat in Europe is CHOCOLATE. The act of eating this modest confection brings so much PLEASURE, it has become more prized than tea, spices, even liquor...and it all comes from one place: LUCIA DE CASTILLO'S factory in northern Friesland. This one businesswoman has Europe by the balls, and some will pay handsomely for the secret to her success. But Lucia's factory isn't what it seems to be. This scenario is a psycho-sexual romp that pits characters not just against their enemies, but against their own twisting, melting, inflating and/or poisoned bodies! Blood in the Chocolate won "Best Adventure" at GenCon 2017. Lamentations of the Flame Princess is a gonzo, deconstructionist postmodern RPG loosely based on early editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R201.
R177: Monster of the Week; "Off Into the Sunset" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Blair Hoplight. See R114. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 2 of 2. Previous Round(s): R114. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R178: Numenera; "The Numinous Engine, Part Three: Eucatastrophe" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Paul Duggan. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Two billion years in Earth's future the fabric of reality has been stretched by incomprehensible powers. Folded space and alternate dimensions abound, hiding secrets that you must uncover or Earth will be irrevocably (?) changed. But is it really for the worse, or the better? This is Part Three of a three-part scenario. Players can participate in any or all of the three parts. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R179: Princess World; "Short Threads" presented by Kevin Petker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game about girls who rule. As members of the Council of Princesses, tough, capable heroines struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place... or create one of their own. Working alone and together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World. Powered by the Apocalypse. This game is in early development and feedback and help is greatly appreciated. This is a playtest of quicker setup and play, specifically for single slot convention play. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R180: Ryuutama; "Going After Cacciato" by Kotodama Heavy Industries; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Specialist Cacciato, US Army, has walked out of Brigade Support Base Eagle in the Afghanistan mountains. Cacciato's plan is to walk to Paris. You're following, to bring Cacciato back. Inspired by Tim O'Brien's novel, with Ryuutama hacked for a modern setting. Let's see what works! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R181: Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder; "Chapter 3, Lord Scurlock" by One Seven Design; presented by Vincent Eaton-Valencia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Lord Scurlock is dead. His estranged children have returned home to Ilysium for the funeral and disbursement of the estate. However - there is little left; the manor servant, Jedmund, has collected the last 82 crowns in a small coffer, and with it only a shabby coach and two withered horses, the family crest and swords, a portrait of a strange woman, and Lord Scurlock's prized hunting rifle (hidden away from prying eyes). The other attendees at the funeral are Lord Scurlock's creditors. They hover about the manor like vultures, eager to recoup some measure of their losses. In Addition - Lord Scurlock's half-brother, Alward, is snooping about the house, looking to claim anything that looks valuable. "My brother would have wanted me to have this," he mumbles. This is Chapter 3 of a three part series. Players are welcome to participate in multiple sessions, but characters are not recurring throughout. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R182: The Ward; "Alchemy and Leeches" by Magpie Games; presented by Kelly Ohlert. An Envoy Event! See R140. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R183: To Serve Her Wintry Hunger; "May The Crocus Never Bloom" by Cavalry Games; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The winter has come, and you live to serve. Yuki Onna hungers and has called upon you, her spirits of snow, to gather sustenance for her. She has summoned forth a terrible storm and cast you out within it to hunt, harry, and capture a lone wandering mortal who has become lost in her winter woods and swirling blizzard. Your task is plain: To gather up this strayed soul and bring them before her icebound throne, alive, to be drained and feasted upon by your ineffable and voracious mistress as all will inevitably be. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R184: Witch: The Road to Lindisfarne; "Judge, Jury, Executioners" by Pompey Crew Design; presented by Seraphina Malizia. See R142. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R185: With Great Power...; "They Came From Beyond!" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Michael Miller. See R072. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R186: AD&D 1st Edition; "AAAAHHHH" presented by Greg Barry. I promise a truly Epic adventure that will generate stories for you to tell in the tavern. This features some of the greatest concepts and Role Play that I have ever put together. The characters provided are all high level Features puzzles and role playing...and saying anything further would ruin the integrity of the game. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R187: D&D 5E; "The Spiral of Antagonistic Intent" presented by Rich Parla. See R103. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R143, R244.
R188: D&D First Edition; "Tower of the Black Sorcerers" presented by Ryan Helfrich. Old school RPG adventures. The townsfolk simply call it the "Black Tower". Villagers speak of it in frightened whispers. But foul rumors have come true, villagers have disappeared in the night, or have never woken up in the morning. All are sure the tower is to blame. A group of adventurers are called to help. Will you survive the tower and its dark secrets? A Dungeons & Dragons Basic game. Continued from the Curse of the Witch Head. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R189: Pathfinder; "Way Too Many Orcs" presented by Robert Freeman. Why should heroes get all the fun? Although you're not necessarily evil, you are all definitely monsters, and all on a mission from Dark Lord One-Horn to get as much loot as possible from a place known as "the Ghost City". Oh yeah, and take all these Orcs with you. He's tired of them eating all the food. How many are there? WAY too many. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R190: Star Trek Adventures; "Episode I: That Witch Survives" presented by Jonathon Bensley. See R106. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R191: "Grandma's Drinking Song". See R129. Saturday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R192: D&D 5E; "A Dragon's Hoard" presented by Ben Forest. Ben Forest presents his one-of-kind eight-hour extravaganza game; an all new adventure for DEXCON 21. The Great Worm of the North is defeated. But not much time for celebrations as things get complicated quickly. Word spreads fast. Can allies remain friends? And what about those Cloud Giants we've been working with? New and returning members of the "Bloomfield's Heroes" adventuring company are welcome. Join the "(Young) Bloomfield's Heroes" adventuring company; new members are always welcome. Adventures are based out of city-state of Silverymoon in the D&D Forgotten Realms North setting with some modifications. Challenges for players may include: monsters, foul-conditions, love, politics, treachery, friends and rivals, a war. As with all Bloomfield's Heroes adventures; outcomes and events can be unique; more like a home game. Pre-made characters are available or you're welcome to create your own; for guidelines for building your 15th level party member please email me at: benforest1@gmail.com. We will take a one-hour lunch break. Please note, this is a friendly game that takes the better part of a day; there is role playing and action with the core objective being fun for everyone. Please do not sign up if you're (1) only interest is battles, (2) do not enjoy team play or (3) have been up all-night. Small computers and tablets are welcome for use with the game; bring a 5th Edition Player's Handbook, real dice and a character printout if you create your own. Saturday, 10:00AM - 6:00PM; Two Continuous Rounds; Bring Your Own Materials. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R193: BASH (Basic Action Super Heroes); "The Menace of the Mech-Master" by Basic Action Games; presented by Scott Mina. See R055. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R194: Beyonder; "The Breathing Planet Saga Chapter 1: Immersion" by Flying Nightbear Games; presented by Jacob McEntire. See R171. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R238.
R195: Bulldogs!; "Trouble at the Gun Bazaar" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. See R172. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R196: Demihumans; "Clinging to Life in the Fallen Age" by Robert Bohl Games; presented by Robert Bohl. See R132. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R197: Dread; "13: Sleepless Night" by The Impossible Dream; presented by EmJay Turner. See R057. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R075, R173, R249. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R198: Fate Accelerated; "Rispian Web: The Wedding" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Britch. See R134. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R199: Firefly RPG; "Season 2, Episode 1 - Family Troubles" by Margaret Weis Productions; presented by Greg Barry. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Letters, packages and a job leads some back home...but it ain't a shiny homecoming for long...Season 2 is full of familiar places and new spaces. Keep Flyin'. They have the Lassiter but no buyer, and whole heap of trouble... So off to Li Shen's Space Bazaar for some much needed R&R and follow up with a contact or two. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R200: Godlike; "Courtyard of Hell" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Players will take on the roles of soldiers with super powers, known as 'Talents', and have to fight in the real life WW2 battle of Ortona. Will the allies still win, or will the Axis' own 'Talents' be too much for everyone? Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R201: Lamentations of the Flame Princess; "Blood in the Chocolate" by James Edward Raggi IV; presented by Michael Walsh. See R176. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R202: Masks; "Secret of the Red Mask, Part Three" by Magpie Games; presented by Lilith White. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Architects, protectors of Sirca City, are missing. You, the young heroes have been picking up the slack. This isn't unusual. Any sort of global crisis calls them away, sometimes for weeks if it goes galactic. But it's been at least a month and a half, and things have been escalating. Unsolved crime has skyrocketed to the point where you don't know if the police are incompetent or just plain ignoring it. Your only lead? People wearing red masks have been committing the crimes. Can you solve this mystery and find the Architects before it's too late? Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for as few as they like. Players who pre-register for all slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R203: Owl Hoot Trail; "Til Death Do Us Part" by Pelgrane Press; presented by John Farish. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's rare that you're asked to solve a heinous murder...by the deceased victim! Sarah isn't sure how she died or came to be the undead creature she is now. She needs your help to unravel the mystery before her fiance marries someone else and breaks the heart of a dead woman. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R204: Pasion de las Pasiones; "Telenovela Supremo" by Magpie Games; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An Envoy Event! See R079. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R205: Power Outage; "Out of the Frying Pan" by Go Nerdy LLC; presented by Bebarce El-Tayib. See R139. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R154, R241, R251.
R206: Promethean: The Unborn; "The Pandoran Crucible" presented by Jay Dragon. See R059. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R207: Red Carnations on a Black Grave; "A Social Revolution" by Aviatrix Games; presented by Catherine Ramen. See R080. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R155.
R208: The Ward (Acute Care Edition); "Puke City - Episode Seven - Short Handed" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Disease hits the new camp hard, with the survivors of the old camp counted among the few in any condition to help, while the simmering tensions between rival factions threaten to boil over after a shocking discovery. Will there be enough hands to carry this burden or will the team come up short? Puke City is an ongoing campaign for The Ward. Set in a war-torn Middle Eastern country, the volunteer medical professionals at a mobile tent-and-trailer hospital, nicknamed "Puke City", struggle to save lives, maintain their sanity, and maybe just survive the next twelve hours. Puke City debuted at DREAMATION 2017 and preferential seating will be given to players who participated in prior sessions. Newcomers are always welcome! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R209: AD&D Classic; "The 13th Annual David Stern Memorial RPG: Time Bomb, The Implosion" presented by Michael Kanarek, Ryan Kanarek. A DEXCON 21 EXCLUSIVE! An all-new mindbending adventure by Kanarek & Kanarek. What if Time IS NOT on your side? Then there is only one thing to do... Brand-new sequel in The Experiment storyline, but prior experience rarely helps. Another MULTIMEDIA mind-bending event by Kanarek & Kanarek. Bring your favorite character, any genre, any system, with/without stats, or from literature. A character that you know well will be more fun (lots of roleplay! lots of combat!), but not required. Characters MUST play well in a party and not eat each other; you get the idea. Classic AD&D 1 & 2 is used to synchronize all systems together. The DMs will do this for you, don’t worry about it. Saturday, 2:00PM - 12:00AM; Two Continuous Rounds; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R210: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: The Mini-ficient 7, aka Dwarves at Play" presented by Steven Balbo. A group of fierce, rowdy, boisterous trouble-makers came to town. Then the tavern ran out of beer (and ale and mead and... after you drank it all). So you left town looking for some real trouble and to blow off some steam. 'Mahal' help wherever you go next. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R211: CONTINUUM (1.1); "Keep America Beautiful". A DEXCON 21 EXCLUSIVE! The 2018 Aetherco CONTINUUM Championship. A Chrysler sedan registered to the Salk Institute washes up from a colonial Spanish trash midden from the 16th Century The ethics at stake at fixing this conundrum is a bit deeper than catching a litterbug. Called "unusual" by the Sci-Fi Channel, and "unique and painfully satisfying" and "very cool" by player-reviewers on Amazon.com, CONTINUUM has broken new ground by logically solving every time travel conundrum, and actually made a civilization of time travelers outrageously playable. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R212: D&D 5E; "Journey to Tal Nareth" presented by Rich Parla. See R161. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R213: Secret Door; "The Maze" presented by Andi Gastonguay. You’ve discovered a Secret Door. It could be hidden within a wardrobe. The basement. The attic. Every so often, it calls to you and your friends, beckoning with promises of mystery and adventure. Stepping through this door leads you to different places that couldn't exist, shouldn't exist – but do! And they're filled with fantastic enemies, new friends, and endless surprises The Secret Door awaits... Are you ready? In this RPG system written for kids you will be an imaginary version of yourself venturing through a Secret Door. In The Maze you will encounter a fantasy world of creatures and puzzles to reclaim your lost playground balls. While this game is aimed at younger players, parents are requested to remain present and invited to play if they'd like Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners ONLY; Fun, Young Players Encouraged. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R214: Twilight 2000, 1st Edition; "We Showed Them Good" presented by David VanderWerf. "We showed them good. How far have we gotten?" "Not far enough. Let's go!" Our band of NATO soldiers continues moving South away from Kalisz where their headquarters was overrun. How did the Soviets get behind them? They shouldn't worry about that now. They need to continue to get as far away as possible! Second session (first one was at DREAMATION 2018, but it is NOT required) of this post-nuke, conventional combat, World War III RPG that is Twilight 2000. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R215: Unknown Armies 3rd Edition; "Raiders of the Lost Mart" presented by Robert Dushay. Night shift at the All-Mart is a horrible job, but especially tonight. Senior management are inspecting tomorrow, so the place has to be spotless. So why is there a shopping cart wedged in the men's room? Who's leaving piles of filth in the aisles? And couldn't the weirdoes pick a different night to shop? Join the cabal to unravel the occult in an unlikely place. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R216: "Issues! The Game of Comic Book Continuity" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Players take on the roles of a comic book CREATIVE TEAM - the Editors, Artists, Cover Artists, and Writers - while simultaneously being the EXECUTIVE TEAM of their own Comic Book Company. Over the course of the game, players cooperatively craft issues of a comic book run (or multiple comic books in a shared universe), building up the continuity of their titles across years and possibly decades. ISSUES! combines aspects of story games, RPG character generation, and comic book lore - creating a unique game where players try to build a full continuity for a super-hero or team. No artistic skills are needed, but the game is played using index cards and markers and does require writing and some drawing. You are the Creative and Executive team of a comic book company over the decades. Story game played with markers and index cards. Saturday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R217: Fortune Cookie Fighter; "Choose Your Fortune" by Gorkwobble Games; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! "Whenever possible, keep it simple." Lucky numbers: 08-09-24-19-30-07. What's on the menu for today? Could it be...saving the universe?! This is your story. Fight for what you believe! Let the stars guide your fortune, and engage in deadly battle. Bring cash if you want to order Chinese (optional). Saturday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R218: "Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy". See R092. Saturday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round.
R219: Awesome 8's; "Steampipe Politics - An Aurum RPG" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. See R148. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R237, R248.
R220: Beyond the Wall; "The Hidden Cult" by Flatland Games; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The wise folk of the village will tell you it's you that is changing and growing: falling in love, learning about the world, forging your own identity. Your parents, they will tell you, are just responding to the changes in yourself. But in your heart, you know it's more than that. The elders of your village have grown colder and crueler. Sometimes they even seem sadistic. You and your friends need to find out what is happening before you become victims of their warped ideas. Beyond the Wall is a game of young people saving their village from terrible threats, inspired by the works of Ursula Le Guin, Susan Cooper, and Lloyd Alexander. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R221: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "O Captain! Die Captain!" by Galileo Games; presented by John Britch. See R150. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R222: Death Knights; "The Curse of Undeath" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You were once mortal, flesh and blood, but you swore your allegiance to powers that want nothing less than the destruction of all life. Now you lead their legions against the living, but can you survive contact with the people of your old life? Your masters will tolerate no disloyalty. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R223: Delta Green; "Observer Effect" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by Robert Dushay. An Envoy Event! See R151. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R224: Dread; "Sharp Teeth, Moon Song" by The Impossible Dream; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The classic horror one-shot game! You are on an adventure hike in the Canadian wilderness when the full moon turns red as blood, and a strange croaking chant begins to pierce the night. Who will survive? Only the Tower will decide. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R225: Monsterhearts; "Road to Nowhere" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. See R095. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R153. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R226: Seven Wonders; "Before the Storm" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Heroes gather on the eve of what will be the final battle against the Enemy. Their actions in the face of the coming trial reveal secrets, passions, transgressions and more! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R227: Swords Without Master; "Anthology" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Keith Stetson. See R096. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R156. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R228: tremulus; "Ebon Eaves" by Reality Blurs; presented by Bill White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Something is amiss in the town of Ebon Eaves, and the growing evil threatens not only the peace and safety of the community, but the very sanity of its inhabitants - including the PCs, who have recently returned to or are newly arrived in a place that is full of mystery. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R229: Fantasy AGE; "Dragon Age: Mala Suledin Nadas" presented by John Gallo. An Envoy Event! Time was once a blessing but long journeys are made longer when alone within. Take spirit from the long ago but do not dwell in lands no longer yours. To live as an elf in the cities of Thedas is to face an unfair uneven world that sets itself against any chance of bettering yourself or your people; to exist largely at the whim of the shemlen, trying to eke out something a little better without ever drawing their attention and hoping the hahren can spare your people the worst of it. So it is, so it has been for as long as any of you remember. But this morning will bring change to the alienage, and hard decisions that must be made. Mala suledin nadas - now you must endure. Pregenerated characters will be provided. Try to bring 3d6 (one of which is distinct from the other two) and a pencil. System is quick to teach for those unfamiliar, using the Dragon Age version of the AGE ruleset. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R230: Sentinel Comics RPG; "X-Men" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! This is one of three demos of the forthcoming Sentinels Comics RPG, using the X-Men as example characters. Please only sign up for one of these in advance and allow everybody interested to get a shot. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R231: Star Trek Adventures; "Episode II: The Winter Seed" presented by Jonathon Bensley. See R163. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R232: Traveller (Mongoose); "Scout's Honor" presented by Ben Forest. You are member of the elite Interstellar Scout Service: Pathfinders, police and pioneers of the vast Imperium space civilization. Notable too for being the service with the highest causality rate. And have been assigned to a special interdisciplinary "special ops" unit (with a ship) to deal with a "first contact" on a remote system on the border of Imperil space. Early indications are they may be cyborg or robot in nature. Communication is limited. Armaments are authorized. Direct communications attempts are authorized. Gathering and relaying accurate information is critical. "And please, try not to start of war," states your Scout Commander. An all new adventure for DEXCON 21. Characters available but players are welcome to create their own; email me for guidelines: benforest1@gmail.com. We do not have time in the four hour slot to create characters. New & veteran players are welcome; simple, easy to learn game system. These ongoing series of adventures - run at DREAMATION & DEXCON exclusively - usually have a Firefly feel to them. Prizes will be supplied from Mongoose Publishing! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R246. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R233: "The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen" presented by James Moore. Once more into the breach dear friends! The Baron invites the finest of gentlefolk to a soiree of good spirits and cheer! Thrill to tales of his latest exploits and he will thrill to tales of yours! Let the speaking of absolute truth begin (unless you are a damnable liar, rapscallion or charlatan, in which case you will be called so and exposed for your unseemly behavior! There are always gatecrashers at the Baron's parties). Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R234: "Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire" by Andrew Young; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The title pretty much says it all. The game concept was proposed by the McElroy Brothers on the MBMBAM podcast (creators of the Adventure Zone), and created by fan Andrew Young. It's a very silly game where all the players are different versions of Sherlock Holmes (from various TV shows and movies), there's a murder to be solved, and one of them is secretly a vampire. Saturday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R235: Urban Shadows; "The Toledo Affair" by Magpie Games; presented by Edward Chiasson. An Envoy Event! See R060. Saturday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round. See Also: R110, R167.
R236: "King of Arcadea". See R168. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R237: Awesome 8's; "Steampipe Politics - An Aurum RPG" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. See R148. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R219, R248.
R238: Beyonder; "The Breathing Planet Saga Chapter 1: Immersion" by Flying Nightbear Games; presented by Jacob McEntire. See R171. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R194. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R239: Dungeon World; "(Real World) Dungeon World?" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by George Bajuscik. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is a Dungeon World RPG Adventure for 6 beings who are still kids at heart... Is this your first RPG? (Or finding yourself asking, what's an RPG?) Would you like to relive that moment of excitement with you first played RPGs? Would you like to share an adventure with someone new? A husband/wife, friend, child? This adventure module is specifically geared towards beginners and/or children. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners ONLY; Fun, Young Players Encouraged. See Also: R250. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R240: Era: The Consortium; "A Journey to the Deep Dark" by Shades of Vengeance; presented by Nicholas Malinowski. An Envoy Event! See R066. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R241: Power Outage; "Out of the Frying Pan" by Go Nerdy LLC; presented by Bebarce El-Tayib. See R139. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R154, R205, R251.
R242: The Final Girl; "Sunday Morning Final Girl" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Close out your convention with the second-annual Sunday Morning Final Girl! Will telegenic teens be hunted through the woods? Will asteroid miners stumble upon an alien presence that devours all hope? Will the walking dead consume the living? Come play with us to find out! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R243: "The 2018 200 Word RPG Challenge Showcase" presented by Jacqueline Bryk. Join Jax for a Sunday morning showcase of some of the winners of the 2018 200 Word RPG Contest! We might be playing trad games, rolling lots of dice, or cutting up magazines - come by to see what we're playing! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R244: D&D 5E; "The Spiral of Antagonistic Intent" presented by Rich Parla. See R103. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R143, R187.
R245: Starfinder; "Drifting Against the Dominion" presented by John Gallo. See R164. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R246: Traveller (Mongoose); "Scout's Honor" presented by Ben Forest. See R232. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R247: D&D 5E; "The Tower of Traps" presented by Michael Doyle. See R093. Sunday, 1:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round.
R248: Awesome 8's; "Steampipe Politics - An Aurum RPG" by Rising Stars Press; presented by Kelvin Ortega, Aaron Cohen. See R148. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. See Also: R219, R237.
R249: Dread; "13: Sleepless Night" by The Impossible Dream; presented by EmJay Turner. See R057. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. See Also: R075, R173, R197.
R250: Dungeon World; "(Real World) Dungeon World?" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by George Bajuscik. See R239. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round.
R251: Power Outage; "Out of the Frying Pan" by Go Nerdy LLC; presented by Bebarce El-Tayib. See R139. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. See Also: R154, R205, R241.
R252: Savage Worlds; "Stargate SG-1: Fist of the Ancients" presented by Scott Mina. See R146. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
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