Where America Comes to Play!
Wednesday, July 4 - Sunday, July 8, 2018
Wednesday Table Grid in PDF Format
Thursday Table Grid in PDF Format
Friday Table Grid in PDF Format
Saturday Table Grid in PDF Format
Sunday Table Grid in PDF Format
Complete Index of EventsUpdated 7/4/18 at 11:15AM EDT. Emails have been processed to 12:30AM on 7/3/18
The following games will be offered as PLAY-TO-WIN games. There is no schedule for them; they will be available throughout the convention for attendees to check out, play with their group, then check back in. Each player who participates will be entered into a drawing for that game on Sunday at 2PM, where all of the play-to-win games will be given away.
We are telling you this now SPECIFICALLY so that you understand that leaving time on your schedule to try these games (perhaps with your group) is a GOOD IDEA.
- 3 Seeds
- A Fistful of Penguins
- BetaBotz
- Billionaire Banshee
- Brutal Kingdom
- Champion of Earth
- Circular Reasoning: The Well of Power
- Claim It!
- Coaster Park
- Conex
- Cover Your Assets
- Dabble
- Doodle Rush
- Dragon Island
- Eight-Minute Empire
- Epic
- Exoplanets
- Fabled Fruit
- Fast Food Fear
- Final War TCG
- Five Seals of Magic
- Healthy Heart Hospital
- Hoard
- Joraku
- Karuba: The Card Game
- Lazer Ryderz
- Level Up
- Little Drop of Poison
- Macroscope
- Nefarious
- Never Have I Ever
- New York Slice
- Okey Dokey
- Palaces
- Paramedics: Clear!
- Pickle Letter
- Pirate 21
- Pit Crew
- Pyramid Poker
- Ragers: Champions of the Arena
- Rollers
- Samara
- Stadium
- Switching Tracks
- The Bottle Imp
- The Lady and the Tiger
- The Refuge: A Race for Survival
- The Worst Game Ever
- Viceroy
- Witching Hour
- Zombie Terror
13th Age (1st Edition) - R169
1775: Rebellion - B398
7 Wonders - B255
7th Sea LARP - L038
A Game of Thrones: Catan – Brotherhood of the Watch - B929
A Look Into The Past: A Steven Universe Game - L024, L041
A Wrinkle in Time: A Daring Adventure Game - B709
Above and Below - B274, B589
Acquire - B465, B710
AD&D 1st Edition - R186
AD&D Classic - R209
Advanced Squad Leader - W494
Aeon's End - B399
AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 - B278, B425, B740
Age of Thieves - B390
Alexandria - B594
Alien Artifacts - B367, B804
Ambyria: Shroud of the Shadow Demon - B368, B741, B909
Amun-Re - B910
Animal Upon Animal - B385, B584, B670, B911
Apples to Apples - B466, B946
Apples to Apples Junior - B742
Arcane Circle RPS - R160, R210
Argent: The Consortium - B810
Arkham Horror - B448, B595, B743
Arksong - Q001
Artifact Stack - B528
Artist Alley Telestrations - S582, S831
Artist Jam - S796
Asara - B369
Asking for Trobils - B426, B930
ATLAS Starship - L053
Auction - S908
Awesome 8's (Aurum) - R219, R237, R248, R111, R148, R170
Backgammon - B811
Bad Medicine - B291
Badass Board Game Battle - B585
Baron Munchausen, The Extraordinary Adventures of - R233
BASH (Basic Action Super Heroes) - R055, R193
Battlefield Ops!: Cold War Evolution - W495, W557, W767
Battleground: Fantasy Warfare - W622, W835
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game - B339
Battlestations: Second Edition - B340, B561, B744, B879
BattleTech: Alpha Strike - W424, W558, W623, W704, W768
Beat the Mob! - S832
Between Two Cities - B912
Beyond the Wall - R149, R220
Beyonder - R171, R194, R238
Bigfoot vs. Yeti - B500, B745
BIGYNYD! System - A254
Boggle - B256, B671, B913
Boomtown Bandits - B292
Born to Serve - B467, B711, B812
Boss Monster: The Dungeon Building Card Game - B427, B838
Breach v1.0 - L014
Break the Code - S729
Bright Story - Q002
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game - B428, B672
Bulldogs! - R172, R195
Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition - R150, R221
Bunny Kingdom - B522
Ca$h 'n Gun$ - B737
Cahoots - B429, B839
Can't Stop - B341, B746
Captain is Dead, The - B441
Carcassonne - B649, B673, B840
Castle Panic - B529, B880
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - B275, B315
Catan Geographies: Germany - B468
Cats of Catthulhu - R088, R124
Cave Paintings - B562
Ceylon - B841
Chairlesque Dance Workshop - S698
Channel A - B674, B772
Chaos in the Old World - B400, B650
Characters in Motion - L012
Chariots of Rome - B316
Cheat Your Own Adventure - R065, R131
Checkers - B430
Chess - B675
Chimera Station - B563, B805
Chopstick Dexterity MegaChallenge 3000 - B317
Civilization, Advanced - B551
Clank! In! Space! - B564
Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure - B469, B842
Clue, the LARP - L042, L045
Cobras - B596
Coconuts - B257, B342, B470, B747, B881
Codenames: Disney Family Edition - B471, B748, B882
Codenames: Marvel - B530, B676
Colony - B883
Colosseum - B401, B597
Comedy - S875
Commissioned - B914
Compounded - B318, B773
Consensus - B319
CONTINUUM (1.1) - R211
Core Worlds - B523
Costa Ruana - B626
Cottage Garden - B343, B915
Coup - B293, B386, B884
Cribbage - B431
Crokinole - B791
Cry Havoc - B531
Cthulhu Dark - R056
Cthulhu Live! 3.5 - L015, L031, L049
Cutthroat Caverns - B860
D&D 5E - R062, R063, R064, R073, R093, R102, R103, R125, R126, R143, R161, R187, R192, R212, R244, R247
D&D First Edition - R089, R104, R144, R188
Daemon Dice - C445, C520, C581, C728, C795, C902
Darkest Night, 2nd Edition - B432
Dastardly Dirigibles - B433
Dead Friend: A Game of Necromancy - R092, R218
Dead Last - B532, B651
Dead Man's Draw - B501
Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies - B598
Dead Panic - B843
Death Knights - R222
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong - B931
Delta Green - R151, R223
Delve - B344
Demihumans - R132, R196
Detention BreakOut (Storytelling Escape Room) - L013, L017, L047, L051
Diamonds - B580
Dimension - B901
Diplomacy - B906
Dominant Species - B345
Dominion - B279, B472, B712, B885, B449
Doodle Rush - B565
Dragon Dice - C397, C419, C463, C491, C526, C552, C617, C618, C647, C668, C696, C738, C763, C809, C903
Dragon Slayer - B566
Dragonfire - B533, B567, B813, B844
Dragonscales RPG (Prerelease) - R130
DramaSystem - R133
Dread - R057, R075, R173, R197, R224, R249
Drop It - B294, B502
Dungeon of Luck - B534, B627, B774, B814
Dungeon Roll - B677
Dungeon Rush - B652, B861
Dungeon World - R076, R112, R174, R239, R250
Dystopian Wars v2.5 - W363
Earwax - V461
Echidna Shuffle - B775
Eclipse - B749
Eldritch Horror - B862
Eminent Domain - B258, B750
Empires of the Void II - B402
Era: The Consortium - R066, R240
Euchre - B295, B678
Euphoria: Build a Better Dystopia - B713
Everything Makes Sense At The End - B473, B751
Evolution - B776
Ex Arcana - Q003
Exalted, 2nd Edition - R090
Exploding Kittens - B434
Faeglen - L039
Faery's Tale Deluxe - R127
Fantasy AGE - R229
Fate Accelerated - R134, R198
Fate of the Elder Gods - B730
Favor of the Pharaoh - B599
Feudum - B731
Fibbage 2 - V797
Firefly RPG - R199
Firefly: The Game - B403
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet - B590, B732, B916
Fish Eat Fish - B474
Flamme Rouge - B259
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - B475
Fluxx - B932
Fortress America - B346
Fortune Cookie Fighter - R147, R217
Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire - R234
Freeform - L018, L020, L026
Game of 49, The - B792
Game the Gamer (Co-Op) - V764
Game the Gamer (Single Player) - V583
Gangs of Rome - W554
Garbage Day - B568, B798
Gaslands - W765
Get Rich Quick - B435
Gettysburg: Badges of Courage - W395
GKR: Heavy Hitters - W311, W701
Go Cuckoo! - B370, B714
Godlike - R200
Gold Fever - B320, B503, B777
Good Cop Bad Cop - B321
GOOD DOGS: A Canine RPG about Survival and Horror at Chernobyl - R175
Good Spirits - B715
Grandma's Drinking Song - R129, R191
Great Dalmuti, The - B663, B874
Gretchinz! - B296, B845
Guilds of London - B371
Guillotine - B863
Hanabi - B679
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle - B297, B600, B778, B917
Head of Mousehold - B476
Hearts - B404, B933
Hellapagos - B799
Here, Kitty, Kitty! - B450, B653
Hero Realms - B347
Heroes of Kaskaria, The - B793
High Frontier - B601
High Frontier Colonization - B815
High Noon Saloon - B504
Holmes: Sherlock and Mycroft - B322
Hot Seat - S421
Hotshots - B602, B779, B934
Human Sacrifice: A Smart Cultist's Guide to Worship & Terror - B569, B816, B886
Imhotep - B628
Imperial Settlers - B780
Incandescent War - L025
Indian Summer - B280, B323, B935
Introduction to Medieval Dagger - S362
Introduction to Medieval Longsword - S310
Iquazu - B716, B918
Islebound - B817
Issues! The Game of Comic Book Continuity - R216
Istanbul (Great Bazaar) - B629
Jenga - B654, B864
Jigsaw Puzzles - B289, B499, B708, B859
John Company - B535
Jukebox Bingo - S388
Jungle Speed - B281, B451, B603
Kaiju Crush - B680
Karuba - B681
Kerala: The Way of the Elephant - B260
Kill Doctor Lucky - B452
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot - B936
King of Arcadea - R168, R236
King of New York - B372
King's Abbey, The - B272
Kingsburg - B717
Kitchen Rush - B477, B919
Knife 7.1.49.C.koala11(wow) - S253
KOI - B630, B846
Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama - B536, B887
Lady Richmond: Fast Fight for Inheritance! - B631
Lamentations of the Flame Princess - R067, R077, R113, R135, R176, R201
LARP Bazaar - L006
LARP Fighting 101 - S498
Las Vegas - B436
Last Call: The Bartender Game - B865
Last Word Standing - B298, B478, B718
Leaders of Euphoria - B348
Legendary Encounters - B570
Legendary Encounters: Aliens vs. Predator - B373
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game - B405, B537
Legendary: Buffy The Vampire Slayer - B261, B406, B719, B888
Legends of Andor - B374, B505
Lego Heroica: Hilltop - B299, B479, B391
Lemuria - B806
Librete - R058
Lift It! - B818
Llamas - S667
Lords of Vegas - B349
Lords of Waterdeep - B324
Love Letter - B262, B300, B538
Machi Koro - B720
Magic: The Gathering - C697
Magimundi - R152
Man O' War (1993) - W624, W769
Manhattan - B506, B847
Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition - B407, B539, B829
Masks - R094, R136, R202
Massive Darkness - B350, B604, B819, B889
Match Madness - B848
Maze Racers - B781
Medici: The Card Game - B325
Meduris: Der Ruf der Gotter - B263
Meeple Party - B682, B721, B752
MemoArrr! - B753, B890
Metal Giants - B605, B655, B683
Mice and Mystics - B264, B480
MINDFIELD - B571, B782
Miniatures Painting - M420, M446, M619, M907
Monster of the Week - R114, R177
Monsterhearts - R095, R153, R225
Monty Python Fluxx - B849
Moods - B351
Munchkin - B383, B794, B928, B572
Munchkin Collectible Card Game - B540, B754
Munchkin Panic - B632
Munchkin X-Men - B352, B891
Museum Heist - B633
Museum Rush - B375, B507, B850
Mutvia LARP - L032
My Jam - L048
Mysterium - B541
Mystic Vale - B542
Mythic Battles: Pantheon - B453, B656, B866
Near and Far - B301, B755, B892
Neon Nights - L037
Neuroshima Hex! - B625
Nevermore - B706
New Beeginnings - B685, B937
New World Magischola - L043
New World Magischola: House Rivalry - B326, B543, B893
No Further Questions - L022, L054
Nocturnes - B454, B657
Noria - B606
Not Alone - B586, B756
Numenera - R068, R078, R115, R137, R178
Ogre - W422, W620, A739
Ogre Cheerleaders - B353, B783, B894
Oh My God! There's An Axe In My Head. - B508, B634, B851, B938
Old Man & Skinny Guy: A Gaming Podcast for Everyone at DEXCON 21 - S699
One Night Ultimate Alien - B408
One Night Ultimate Vampire - B509, B867
One Night Ultimate Werewolf - B282, B607
Oracle of Delphi, The - B337
Orleans - B334, B510
Othello - B354
Owl Hoot Trail - R138, R203
Panamax - B265, B895
Pandemic - B327, B939
Pandemic: Bio-Terrorist Challenge - B635, B757
Pasion de las Pasiones - R079, R204
Path of Light and Shadow - B355
Pathfinder - R189
Patriots & Redcoats - B658
Photosynthesis - B573
Pin Trading - S553
Pinball Showdown - B544, B686
Pioneer Days - B376, B636
Pit - B896
Planebreak: Novica - L046
Poker - Q005, B396, S801
Porta Nigra - B784
Power Grid - B335, B733
Power Outage - R139, R154, R205, R241, R251
Princess World - R116, R179
Promethean: The Unborn - R059, R206
Puns - S525
Pyramid, The $300 - S593
Queer Messes - R109, R166
Race for the Galaxy - B328, B722
Rajas of the Ganges - B591, B807
Random Tournament - V384
Ready? Chain... Go! - S648
Red Carnations on a Black Grave - R080, R155, R207
Red Dragon Inn, The - B459, B645, B945
Red Dragon Inn: Battle for Greyport, The - B309
Red Scare - B852
Releasing STEAM - L019
Rememorex - R105
Renegade - B392
Renegade Legion: Leviathan - W364
Resistance, The - B442, - B727
Rhino Hero: Super Battle - B283, B409, B608, B785
Rising Sun - B786, B920
Road Kill Rally - B574
Roar-a-Saurus - B687
Robo Rally - A338, B455, A527, B723
Roll for the Galaxy - B511, B921
Rome: City of Marble - B302
RPG Nasty - R145
Run For Your Life, Candyman! - B609
Ryuutama - R180
Salem 1692 - B637
Salmon Run - B820
Salvage: Dimensional Collapse - B575, B638, B821, B940
Savage Worlds - R074, R128, R146, R252
Scion: Storypath LARP System - L016
Scoville - B393, B734
Scrabble - B303
Scythe - B481
Secret Door - R213
Sentinel Comics RPG - R091, R162, R230
Sentinels of the Multiverse - B304, B610
Settlers of Catan - B305, B822
Seven Wonders - R069, R226
Shadow Strike Melee - B284, B329, B482, B639, B922
Shoot Again Games Grab Bag (Free Stuff!) - B576, B787
Shootin' Ladders: Frag Fest - B724
Shuffling Horror - B443, B646, B664, B858
Simon's Cat: The Card Game - B868
Skull King - B837
Sleep: The LARP - L052
Slide Blast - B688
Smart Ass - B387
Smash Up - B276, B394, B808, B923
Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem - B330
Space Freaks - B611
Space Hulk - W277, W314, W366, W462, W560, W666, W707, W771, W876
Spades - B616
Sparkle*Kitty - B285, B410, B587, B725, B924
SPIKE - B512
Spirit Island - B306, B612
Splendor - B545, B758
SpyFall - B331
Squint - B411, B941
Star Realms - B483, B726, B897
Star Trek Adventures - R106, R163, R190, R231
Star Trek Attack Wing Macrotures - A669, A878
Star Trek Panic - B377
Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures - W496, W836
StarFall - B659
Starfinder - R107, R164, R245
SteamRollers - B456, B853
Sticheln - B356
Stone Age - B613, B898
Sultaniya - B689
Super Dungeon Explore - B357, B546, B759
Super Rhino Hero - B437, B547, B854
Super Smash Bros Smackdown - V447, V665, V802
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! - B307
Survive: Space Attack! - B378
Sushi Go! - B690
Swords Without Master - R096, R156, R227
Taj Mahal - B336
Taking Stock - B899
Tales From The Wild Blue Yonder - R081, R117, R181
Tanto Cuore - B457, B660, B869
Telestrations - B640, B855
Telestrations After Dark - B661, B870
Terraforming Mars - B266, B412, B548, B691
TerReign - B286, B413, B484, B760
Tessen - B485
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War - B414, B513, B692, B947
The 2018 200 Word RPG Challenge Showcase - R243
The Adventures of Dr. Dolotts - L008, L010
The Art of Power - R097
The Bloody-Handed Name of Bronze - R098, R118
The Courts - B379, B486
The Expanse Board Game - B761
The Final Girl - R242
The Flow of History - B592
The Godspell Sing-Along - S877
The Networks - B641
The Nexus - Q004, L007, L011, L023, L029, L033, L040
The Order of Vampire Hunters - W493
The Palace of Mad King Ludwig - B514, B788
The Purgatory Saloon - L027, L030, L034, L036
The Quest for El Dorado - B358
The Rite - R061
The Ward - R140, R182
The Ward (Acute Care Edition) - R082, R099, R208
This War of Mine: The Board Game - B308, B487
Thousand Arrows - R157
Thousand Arrows vs. The Sprawl - R070, R119
Ticket to Ride - B438, B948
Ticket to Ride Europe - B515
Tiki Mountain - B488
Time's Up! - B380, B516, B823
Tiny Epic Galaxies - B415
Titans of Empyrean - B332, B416, B577
To Serve Her Wintry Hunger - R183
TOON - R165
Top Secret - R108
Tortuga 1667 - B381, B693
Trail of Cthulhu - R083, R100, R141, R158
Traveller (Mongoose) - R232, R246
tremulus - R228
Trivia Murder Party - V521
Troika! - R084, R120
Tsuro - B871
Twenty Squares, The Game of - B444, B695
Twilight 2000, 1st Edition - R214
Twilight of the Gods - B359
Twilight Struggle - B694
Twister, Strip - S492
Twits - S736
Two Rooms and a Boom - B360, B517, B872, B942
Ubongo - B382
Ultimate Showdown - B800
Ultimate Werewolf - B267, B417, B439, B458, B642, B662, B824, B856, B873, B943
Unauthorized - B578
Uncharted Seas - Fantasy Naval Miniatures - W312, W702, W833
Uncharted Worlds - R071, R085, R121
Unexploded Cow - B857
Unknown Armies 3rd Edition - R215
Uno - B288, B460
Urban Shadows - R060, R086, R110, R159, R167, R235
Using HEMA In Your Game - S700
V-Commandos - B418, B614, B825
Valley of the Kings: Last Rites - B268
Vampire: The Masquerade - L050
Velvet Glove - R101, R122
Vikings Gone Wild - B518
Village Crone, The - B830
Viticulture - B579
Wanted: Rich or Dead - B925
Warhammer 40,000 - W273, W313, W365, W497, W559, W705, W770, W905
Warhammer 40,000 (Apocalypse) - A389, A588
Warhammer 40,000/Battlefleet Gothic - A803
Wasteland Express Delivery Service - B269, B361, B489, B826
Watson & Holmes - B549
Wayfinder - L009, L021, L028
Werebeasts - B270, B827, B926
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - L044
Werewolf: The Apocalypse/Changing Breeds - L035
Werewords - B490, B789
Whistle Stop - B643
Whoosh: Bounty Hunters - B519
Wings of War - A290, A464
Witch: The Road to Lindisfarne - R142, R184
With Great Power... - R072, R185
Wizard - B900
Wonky - B333, B644
Word Slam - B271, B440, B615, B790
Wordsy - B524
World Wide Wrestling - R087, R123
Writer's Workshop - S904
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - W555
Yahtzee - B287, B944
Yukon Salon - B828
Zero Day War - B550, B762, B927
Zombicide: City Blocks - W556
Zombicide: Green Horde (Extra Green Remix) - W423, W621, W766, W834
Zombicide: Small Town - W703
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