
Thursday, February 20 - Sunday, February 23, 2020
At the Hyatt Regency Morristown & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey
Role Playing Game Schedule for DREAMATION 2020Updated 2/20/20 at 4:45AM EST. All Emails have been processed.
You may ONLY reserve seats in DREAMATION 2020 events if you are pre-registered. Click here to pre-register for DREAMATION 2020 if you have not already done so.
To reserve your spot in the events you want to play in, send eMail to: d2020@dexposure.com and include your name and the events you want to register for You do NOT need a badge number or any other info - just your name and email address, and the event codes.
NOTE: You may ONLY choose Event Codes which are SHOWN IN GREEN. DO NOT CHOOSE CODES WHICH ARE SHOWN IN RED and have LOCKS on them. Red Event Codes indicate locked events which you cannot register for or events which have already filled up to capacity (this page will be updated several times before the convention starts).
NOTE: The CUTOFF for reserving events is 10:00AM EST on Thursday, February 20. After that time, you can ONLY reserve events by physically entering your name on the Big Board when you arrive at the convention.
We allow you to select second and third choices for a given time slot; indicate this clearly in whatever fashion you'd like, otherwise we will just leave that slot open.
We will reply to your email with a confirmation that your reservations were received as quickly as possible. Note that you MUST include a valid eMail reply-to address for us to reach you to confirm. If you have previously selected LARPs, they will be included in this confirmation.
Emails are resolved in the order received. Even if it takes us hours to get back to you, the timestamp on your email will determine how we enter seat reservations.
Thursday Table Grid in PDF Format
Friday Table Grid in PDF Format
Saturday Table Grid in PDF Format
Sunday Table Grid in PDF Format
The Event Listing contains vital information about each event, in the format shown below:
Event ID; Type of Event; Event Name; Event Author. Event Description. Event Day & Time; Round (1); Materials (2). Level (3); Attitude (4), Age Notification (5). Next Round (6) (if applicable); See Also: Repetition of event or round (if applicable).
In the interest of conserving space, repeat listings of the same event or multiple round events will contain only the title, a reference to the first listing, time and round information. Note that prizes are usually NOT listed; all prizes will be gallery level certificates (or applicable awards), unless otherwise specified. In the case of convention admission prizes, Double Exposure reserves the right to withdraw the grand prize based on attendance of the specific event.
(1) One Session; One round; 1 of x = First round, etc.; 1A of x = Same round repeated elsewhere.
(2) All Materials Provided (except dice); All Materials Offered (except dice), but feel free to bring your own; Bring Your Own Materials (and characters, if applicable).
(3) Beginners ONLY; Beginners Welcome; Knowledge of rules Necessary; Experts ONLY.
(4) Very Silly; Silly; Fun; Serious; Very Serious.
(5) All Ages; Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance; 18 & Over ONLY; Recommended For Young Players.
All Special Headline Events are shown in YELLOW.
R069: Good Society; "Belligerence & Benevolence" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Russia, the start of the 19th Century: Amid the tumult of the Napoleonic Wars, life and society go on. Elegant balls contrast with pleasant summers in the countryside. Young people meet and fall in love, marriages are made, trysts are broken, and families are happy and unhappy. And then the war comes... This is a three round event of Good Society set in Russia during 1805-1812 and using Tolstoy's "War and Peace" instead of Austen as the inspiration. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R106, R179. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R070: "Follow Me Down" presented by Joie Martin. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This game uses the PbtA engine and the tragic myth of Orpheus and Eurydice to create an intimate pas de deux of a roleplaying game. Over the course of several scenes, two players experience the journey through the underworld while collaboratively building the couple's shared history together, taking turns GMing as the Greek Fates who guide the characters' destiny. While this tale of love and grief may be timeless, the telling is as unique as any who ever dared walk into darkness with nothing more than hope and a song. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R084, R107, R255.
R071: "For the Lost" written and presented by Jay Treat. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Someone's become a monster in our small town and it's up to us to stop it now, because we could've prevented all of this. This is a no-prep, easy-to-play story game powered by double-sided cards. Horror, Descended from the Queen. Thursday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R072: "For the Queen" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by D. Gailey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The land you live in has been at war for as long as any of you have been alive. The Queen has decided to undertake a long and perilous journey to broker an alliance with a distant power. The Queen has chosen you, and only you, to be her retinue, and accompany her on this journey. She chose you because she knows that you love her. For The Queen is a collaborative card based storytelling game. Together we will decide where our loyalties lie, telling a tale full of possibilities for "tragedy, heartbreak, betrayal, love, doubt, and unwavering dedication." The queen is under attack. Will you defend her? For the Queen! Thursday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R073: "MAZES" by 9th Level Games; presented by Eric Loren. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! MAZES is a pure dungeon crawler. Risk your body and soul in the dank underbelly of the world, and maybe come out with a treasure or two to show for it. I'll have a whole sheaf of one-page dungeons on hand, so feel free to go as many rounds as you like! Thursday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R074: "Trapped - A Role Playing Game Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory" presented by Avraham Yosef Baez. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! On March 25, 1911, in just fifteen minutes, 146 workers in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory died because of greed. Those who perished, in one of the most horrific industrial disasters in America, were some of the most vulnerable and unprotected individuals. The dead left behind families they supported, dreams of a better life, and the hope to finally escape from poverty and oppression. Where these workers came from, what they aspired for, and what kept them physically and socially trapped is what this game comes to explore. You will play as an employee for a company, dealing with juggling your job, your own dreams, and the day to day struggles which keep you trapped. This game does require manual dexterity. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R209, R236.
R075: Fate Accelerated Edition; "Masters of Umdaar: The Quest for the Greatsun Blade" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! "Behold the fallen world of Umdaar, home to savage warriors, cyborg insects, and merciless warlords. Oh, and lasers - lots and lots of lasers. The Masters rule with an iron fist, and the people's only hope are the archaeonauts and their quest for long-lost artifacts of power. But will the Masters get there first? Masters of Umdaar…is a retro tribute to such shiny serials as John Carter of Mars, Flash Gordon, He-Man, and Thundercats." - Evil Hat website. We'll spend the first 20 minutes creating our heroes - bioform, aspects, approaches and powers - and then embark on a quest to recover the Greatsun, one of the famed five Starblades of Su'ul. This is an original scenario inspired by the one in the rulebook. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R093. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R076: Immortal Beloved; "Love Gods and Demon Lovers" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kat Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Love Gods are very judgy. And while demons do make great lovers are they capable or real love? Whats a mere human to do caught between the love of a demon and a vengeful Love God? This game will have up to 3 players testing the purity of their love against a collective of Co-GM Love Gods - Very Judgy Co-GM Love Gods. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R077: Princess World; "A Short Story About Princesses" written and presented by Kevin Petker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of girls who rule. Tough, capable heroines struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place or create one of their own. As members of the Princess Council they will work together to solve problems and have adventures in Princess World. We'll make our Princess and collaborate to create an exciting story to put them through. Coming to Kickstarter February 2020. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R118, R162. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R078: Spirit of 77; "Nine Lives in the Fast Lane" by Monkeyfun Studios, LLC; presented by Scott Mina. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Get ready for slam-bang action and high octane excitement with Spirit of 77 - the 1970's pop culture RPG that turns up the volume and never slows down! Kung-fu tough guys, good old boy truckers, starry-eyed rockers and hardboiled sleuths, all jam-packed into one funky, easy to learn game system that's Powered by the Apocalypse. The players have been hired to watch over an out of control rock star for forty hours until the rest of the band can arrive for their appearance on a network show. What could go wrong? Play to find out. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R164.
R079: Swords Without Master; "Adventures Glum and Jovial" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! What great and terrible fates lie ahead for your ragtag band of rogues? Will you dance with satyrs or battle demons across a chessboard? Will you soak the ground with the blood of your foes, or soar upon the backs of griffins? Will you stand with your companions against the hordes of the pit, or die alone in the mud? Come play three rounds of improvisational sword-and-sorcery adventure! PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Next Round: R137, R222. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R080: Teens with Attitude; "Beachfest '93!" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Things are pretty chill for you and your friends here in Bay City, California. You do all the normal teen stuff - go to class, get into drama, hit the beach now and again. Oh, and you also have rad secret powers that you use to save the world from evil. Good thing, too - Beachfest, Bay City's biggest event, is coming up, and you've heard the bad guys want to shut it down. As if! Can you get over your issues and work together to save Beachfest '93? A new Powered by the Apocalypse RPG of 90s action and drama! Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R244. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R081: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition; "Hard Times in Hobsport" presented by Adrian Berk. Dateline: April 8th, 1930. Hobsport, NJ. The economic hardships of the Great Depression force scores of city residents to seek refuge in the shanties of the city's Hooverville. A grizzly murder is drawing all the wrong attention. Can you protect your own and confront the forces responsible? The game will make use of the Pulp Cthulhu rules. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R249. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R082: Pathfinder 2E; "Cold Flapjacks (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. The woods are silent. The flapjacks are cold. The workers at Lumber Camp No. 5 have gone missing. A party of adventurers must discover their weird fate or vanish forever themselves. An adventure for 1st-level characters set in the World of Yrda. Pre-generated characters with full backstories and ability descriptions are provided. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R143.
R083: "Dead House" by Bully Pulpit Games; presented by Jason Morningstar. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A storytelling game about the great blizzard of 1880, and the people of a tiny town in Kansas who find themselves in the teeth of the storm. A prairie gothic storytelling experience steeped in actual history, Dead House is a dark, lyrical game about people pushed far past their limits. We'll play two simultaneous small games with a single facilitator. This is a playtest. Thursday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R175.
R084: "Follow Me Down". See R070. Thursday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round. See Also: R107, R255.
R085: Lasers and Feelings; "The Fight Before Christmas" by One Seven Design; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A yuletide hack of the 'Lasers and Feelings' RPG system. You play as rag-tag adventurers, all with the same goal: to beat the crap out of Santa Claus. Of course, you have good reason, as Santa isn't being very nice this year. Along with a crack team of reindeer and elves, Santa's seized control of an LA skyscraper on Christmas Eve, and the authorities are baffled as to what to do. Luckily, your rogue team's going in, and you have no intention of dying easy. Thursday, 12:00AM - 3:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R086: "Angel Embrace Overdrive" by Galileo Games; presented by Tim Rodriguez. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You're part of a team of "Angels," leading a double life as both a regular human and as part of a super-powered team of guardians. The forthcoming OVERDRIVE system is designed to create player-driven plots while shifting the stakes of success and failure. Get your angel on, and fight to save humanity! This is a playtest. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R149.
R087: "BFF!" by Heart of the Deernicorn; presented by Evan Buchholz. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Best Friends Forever is a tabletop role playing game for players of all ages. In it we tell a story about a group of young friends hanging out, having adventures, and exploring how our friendships change and grow. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R088: "Descended From the Queen" presented by Jim Cummings. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Queen is on an important journey, accompanied only by those that love her most. But will they love her when she needs them? It uses leading-question prompts on cards with a bare-bones premise to improvise a group story. There have been many hacks. I will have at least 10 available from which the group can choose. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R105, R150, R176.
R089: "Dream Askew" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Eli Eaton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Imagine that the collapse of civilization didn't happen everywhere at the same time. Instead, it's happening in waves. Every day, more people fall out of the society intact. We queers were always living in the margins of that society, finding solidarity, love, and meaning in the strangest of places. Apocalypse didn't come for us first, but it did come for us. Gangs roam the apocalyptic wasteland, and scarcity is becoming the norm. The world is getting scarier, and just beyond our everyday perception, howling and hungry, there exists a psychic maelstrom. We banded together to form a queer enclave - a place to live, sleep, and hopefully heal. More than ever before, each of us is responsible for the survival and fate of our community. What lies in the rubble? For this close-knit group of queers, could it be utopia? This is a diceless, GM-ful story centered game. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R090: "Sleepaway" by Possum Creek Games; presented by Jay Dragon. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Sleepaway gives us long hazy days, chilled summer nights, kids screaming and chasing fireflies, crackling campfires, and a gaunt, cruel monstrosity forever hiding just out of sight, always asking, "What do you do next?". Sleepaway is a Belonging-Outside-Belonging game about summer camp counselors fighting off a horrific monster that haunts their camp. It successfully Kickstarted in 2019 at 400% its intended goal. It makes use of a GMless structure and emotionally tangled characters to create an atmosphere that's been described as "Horror With Heart." Content Warning: Violence against children and animals. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R130. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R091: "The Long Orbit" written and presented by Rachel E.S. Walton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's the distant future. You are part of a modest crew aboard a space freighter, headed for a planet that's being terraformed. You awoke from stasis at the proper time, but there's a major storm on the planet's surface and it's much too dangerous to land. Your ship will be stuck in orbit for days - a minor inconvenience, except that you haven’t felt the same since waking up and strange things keep happening. There are many challenges to the success of this mission, but the greatest threat may be you. Includes themes of isolation, body horror, romance, desperation, and survival. A stripped-down, streamlined assimilation of Monsterhearts. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R092: "Tropes!" presented by Teri Roberts. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This game takes all the ridiculous themes of romantic comedies and cheesy Hallmark movies and squashes them together into one role played film. You and your enthusiastic band of convention-goers are the cast. Important note: the one trope that Tropes! does not enforce is heteronormativity. A love interest who's asexual? A hero who's less attracted to the heroine than his male bff? Perfect! This game is loosely PbtA and currently in playtest. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R237. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R093: Fate Accelerated Edition; "Masters of Umdaar: The Quest for the Greatsun Blade" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Britch. See R075. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R094: Masks: A New Generation; "The Wards: First Class" by Magpie Games; presented by Joshua Matthews. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's been over a decade since individuals with powers began to appear, and in a lot of ways society is still figuring out how to deal with them. Having undergone a successful test run the Wards Program, meant to train minors who develop powers to eventually become adult heroes, is being put into widespread use. You are one of its first members, attending highschool by day and going on patrols at night, all officially sanctioned by the Protectorate. With that sort of backing, what could go wrong? This game will use Masks with the optional Harm mechanic for a darker feel. The setting is based on the web serial "Worm" by Wildbow, but no prior knowledge of the setting is necessary. A two round event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Next Round: R161.
R095: Mission: Accomplished!; "The Morning After Meeting" by Jeff Stormer; presented by Kirk Rahusen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The super-spy mission yesterday went great! It went...okay. We finished our objective and no one (important) died? So this morning, let's have a breakfast meeting and go over what exactly went wrong. There could be a juicy promotion in it for you. Office-grade breakfast will be served. Mission: Accomplished! is an RPG of Super-spies and office meetings inspired by shows like Archer, The Venture Brothers, and Better Off Ted. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R177.
R096: My Girl's Sparrow; "Poetry in Motion" by Troels Ken Pedersen; presented by Ari Tobias. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Nominated at Fastaval 2012 for Best Mechanics and Participant's Award, My Girl's Sparrow is a quiet science fiction drama about sex, love and alienation. In a not-so-distant-future where physical touch is going out of fashion, two couples and a widow quietly rebel by meeting in person to swap partners and explore themselves and each other. Your primary mode of expressing your characters will be through role playing sex (players hold hands and verbally describe their characters' actions), because what we do and how we react says a lot about who we are. Poetry in motion is not a pornographic scenario - it's also not about abuse. It's about little but crucial things like loneliness, love and desperate hope, and confused, alienated and amazing people. NOTE: Contains sexual situations. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R097: Night's Black Agents; "The Pale Agenda" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Corporate espionage meets the occult in sunny Barcelona. A U.N. task force combatting human trafficking has the drop on a smuggler meeting significant new suppliers in Spain. The agents must decide between a raid or reconnaissance - the bird in hand versus the two in the bush. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R098: Princess World; "Short Story Edition" by Kevin Petker; presented by Zoe Bloom. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The capable heroines of the Princess Council struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place in the world or create one of their own; working together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World and attempt to thwart the dark forces of The Fade. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R189. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R099: Under Hollow Hills; "The Apple Harvest" by Lumpley Games; presented by Meguey Baker, Vincent Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE! At His Highness the Prince of the Orchard's kind invitation, the Boondoggle Hob's Circus Astounding will celebrate and commemorate the coming autumn and the Apple Harvest. Deadly peril, haunting beauty, slapstick comedy, dangerous truths revealed to all! Children free after midnight. Come great, come small, come revelers all! THE APPLE HARVEST: A SPECIAL PERFORMANCE! No other like it under the Hollow Hills. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R193. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R100: With Great Power...; "Too Many Heroes" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Look! Up in the sky! It's a hero, it's a superhero, it's ANOTHER superhero! The skies over Omnidelphia are cramped with every flavor of caped avenger, refugee alien, and determined vigilante. How can a new hero like you make their place in a world overstuffed with wonders? Come find out in this game of improvisational heroics! Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R167. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R101: Champions Complete/DramaSystem; "Orientation" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! 2002, Pacedock, RI, a most phenomenal class of potent prodigies has gathered in the halls of the Pacedock Prep boarding school. Without parents and only having each other to rely upon, will these Fantastic Teens settle into their exciting new school life or will the phantom of failure cause their fellowship to fall? A Teen Champions adventure set in an alternate Champions Universe continuity. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R102: Pathfinder 2E; "Tunnels Under the Seaside Town (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. Underneath the seaside town of Nagaskett lies a series of tunnels that connect to ancient dwarven ruins. The locals used these tunnels to hide from pirate attacks, but there haven't been pirate attacks for many year. Now a local youth has disappeared into these tunnels, and a party of adventurers must investigate. What foul creatures have moved in? An adventure for 1st-level characters set in the World of Yrda. Pre-generated characters with full backstories and ability descriptions are provided. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R171. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R103: ReMemorex; "Excellent Adventure" presented by David Groveman. It's 1988 and the weather in San Rufus California is GREAT! The birds are chirping, summer is around the corner and your band is finally gonna get serious about learning to play their instruments. The only problem is that if any of you fail your history final you'll never produce the music that changes the world. You are about to go on an Excellent Adventure. You and the members of your band will travel through time and space to meet the people you were supposed to be learning about for the past year. Just remember, the time in San Rufus is always ticking and you've got to be back in time to make your presentations. Don't forget to wind your watch! Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. See Also: R172.
R104: D&D 5E; "Calling Cards from from A Drow" presented by Ben Forest. Ben Forest presents his one-of-kind eight-hour extravaganza game; an all new adventure for DREAMATION 2020. The young High Lady Laura of Silverymoon; depends on your wit and wisdom during these challenging times. Many are working to disrupt and destroy her work to build a grand alliance in the North. New and returning members of the "Bloomfield's Heroes" adventuring company are welcome. Join the "(Young) Bloomfield's New members are always welcome. Based out of city-state of Silverymoon in the D&D Forgotten Realms North setting with some modifications. Challenges for players may include: monsters, foul-conditions, love, politics, treachery, friends, rivals, and a war. As with all Bloomfield's Heroes adventures; outcomes and events can be unique; more like a home game. Pre-made characters are available or you're welcome to create your own; for guidelines for building your 14th level party member please email me at: benforest1@gmail.com. We will take a one-hour lunch break. Please note, this is a friendly game that takes the better part of a day; there is role playing and action with the core objective being fun for everyone. Please do not sign up if you're (1) only interest is battles, (2) do not enjoy team play or (3) have been up all-night. Small computers and tablets are welcome for use with the game; bring a 5th Edition Player's Handbook, real dice and a character printout if you create your own. Friday, 10:00AM - 6:00PM; Two Continuous Rounds; Bring Your Own Materials. Experts ONLY; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R105: "Descended From the Queen". See R088. Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R150, R176.
R106: Good Society; "Belligerence & Benevolence" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Russia, the start of the 19th Century: Amid the tumult of the Napoleonic Wars, life and society go on. Elegant balls contrast with pleasant summers in the countryside. Young people meet and fall in love, marriages are made, trysts are broken, and families are happy and unhappy. And then the war comes... This is a three round event of Good Society set in Russia during 1805-1812 and using Tolstoy's "War and Peace" instead of Austen as the inspiration. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 2 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R069. Next Round: R179. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R107: "Follow Me Down". See R070. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R084, R255.
R108: "New Tales of Oz" by Goat Song Publishing; presented by Mids Meinberg. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Old threats rise to face the newly formed Emerald City Republic, and new heroes are needed to face them. Courage, inventiveness, and a fair shake of silliness are needed to save the heart of Oz from those that would seek to diminish it. Take on the role of new characters from old archetypes ranging from the American to the Talking Animal to the Fabric Person and aid in the defense of Oz! The wide world of Oz is open in this new, playing-card based system! Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. See Also: R183. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R109: "Swords Without Master" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Eric Loren. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A narrative game of sword and sorcery, the weird and wondrous, the dangerous and delightful. Together we'll tell the story of wandering rogues, outcasts, and miscreants. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R110: "Women are Werewolves" by Corinne Taylor and Clio Yun-su Davis; presented by Corinne Taylor, Clio Yun-su Davis. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! a card-based story game where players take on the roles of non-binary characters who belong to a family in which only the women transform into werewolves. Throughout the game, characters explore their relationships to gendered spaces and family tradition. Content Warnings: Potential misgendering by NPCs (all players have control over whether their own character is misgendered by family members or not), bigotry (transphobia, homophobia, sexism) primarily in the form of microaggressions, family strife, estrangement from family, isolation, potential emotional abuse, gender stereotypes, dysphoria, and discussions of bodies and the way characters relate to their bodies. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. See Also: R155. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R111: Afterverse; "The Burning Man" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! AD 2101: The Technoshamanic algorithm has called you to fight the virtual Burning Man avatar, which is somehow doing real-world harm to Technoshaman communities. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R206.
R112: Cortex Plus; "Hammerheads: Bushfire" by Fandom; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Hammerheads is a new Cortex Spotlight Setting of teamwork, rescue and recovery in a near future beset by the ravages of climate change, corporate catastrophe, and crisis. You play a member of an elite global disaster management team - the best of the best - recruited from the ranks of first responders, the military, and the scientific community. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and the impressive High-Altitude Multi-Mission Emergency Response Headquarters - the Hammerheads - you and your team answer the call when no-one else can. New scenario: A raging bushfire threatens the Lake Simpson Ecological Research Station in the Australian Outback. Can you rescue the station personnel without running afoul of the local uranium tribes? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R185. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R113: Cthulhu Dark; "The Whole Is Greater" by Graham Walmsley; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Players go on a journey of African American soldiers fighting for their lives, exploring the measure of equality and the elusive American Dream. This scenario is about racial inequality, war and hard choices. It is set in February 1918 in Saint-Nazaire, France, following a squad of Harlem Hellfighters assigned to the 93rd Division. Cthulhu Dark is a tabletop roleplaying game of cosmic horror, in the style of H.P. Lovecraft. It's about the things we fear, amplified until they are unbearable. It's about stories that genuinely creep you out, not well-worn tropes and creatures you've seen hundreds of times before. And it's about bleak horror, in which humans are powerless when confronted by hyperintelligent alien horrors. You can't beat them. You can't fight them. You can only watch, run, hide and fear. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R114: Cypher System; "Flight from the Dark" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Neal Tanner. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The year is MS 5085. It has been 10 years since the fall of the Darklords. Things are peaceful, but the price of peace is eternal vigilance. There were rumors that some Darklords survived... Perhaps a Darklord has launched some new scheme to resurrect Vashna, their greatest leader. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R115: Exalted Third Edition; "Garden Parties and Invitation" by Onyx Path Publishing; presented by Katriel Paige. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! An introduction to the Exalted Third Edition, rules explained as going along (heavy RP). You are a character newly in prestigious society, attending a party: It is a wonderful day in the Realm and you have no reason to suspect anything like arms deals, treason, or Exaltations. Do you? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R214.
R116: KULT: Divinity Lost; "You Can Never Go Home" by Helmgast Games; presented by Blair Hoplight. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It has been a long week, stuck in the grind of everyday life. But now, it is Friday night, and you and your friends are gonna have one heck of a weekend. It is time to party, have fun and get away from the shackles of everyday life, if just for a little while. This is a two round, single-table event with hopefully intense and adult horror themes. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R187. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R117: Montsegur 1244; "Faith and Works" by Thoughtful Games; presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Do you renounce your heretic beliefs and do you wish to receive the forgiveness of the merciful Father? In March 1244 this question was posed to several hundred Cathars. They had surrendered to the army that had besieged the castle of Montsegur for more than nine months. More than two hundred answered no, and thereby chose death by fire. In this game, you will find out who these people were who chose to die for their beliefs. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R118: Princess World; "A Short Story About Princesses" written and presented by Kevin Petker. See R077. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R162. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R119: Super Destiny High School Rumble!!; "Homecoming!" by The Five Wits; presented by Jessica Van Oort. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's homecoming week, and when you are a super powered anime high school student with a secret identity, that gets complicated fast. Can you and your team handle the big game, the fraught social politics of the school dance, and the forces that are planning a much different sort of home coming? In this fun, lighthearted game you can mix and match your student type with your supernatural destiny. Will you play a sports prodigy who is secretly a monster? The class rep who transforms into a costumed hero? The adorable one who escaped a mad science laboratory? The delinquent who is also otherworldly royalty? Be ready to proclaim your feelings, come to the rescue, and go all out! Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R190, R243. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R120: Tears of a Machine 2nd Edition; "On the Sunset Waves" by Robot Claw Game Design; presented by Russell Collins. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of giant robots and the teen pilots who drive them. The Earth Preservation Force is about launch Operation Deep Blue Sea! All the pilots are competing to see who gets to be in the honor guard for the event, but big doings often attract bigger monsters. Will your squad maneuver through the high school politics only to be destroyed by a robotic demon from deep space? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R165. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R121: The Art of Power; "The Queen's Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The succession of the Empire is in doubt, as a new possible heir to the throne is discovered. This throws political alliances in doubt, all while a war rages against the Red Dwarves. These are dangerous times, and you must navigate them carefully if you want to come out on top. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 1 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R191, R245.
R122: The Years of Blood and Bone; "To Wait For Spring" by TaleSpinner Holdings; presented by Caias Ward. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is a playtest of The Years of Blood and Bone, a storygame of survival and the encroachment of civilization. The players will create and play an Ogre as it prepares for surviving a terrible winter in the Wildlands, trading off the roles of Ogre, Narrator, and other characters. An Ogre can only think ahead to the cruelty and harshness of Winter, never beyond; all it does in Spring, Summer, and Fall prepares it for survival in brutal cold and maddening snow. Each play session is meant to encompass a year in the Ogre's life, playing through scenes in four seasons to demonstrate the harsh and perilous life of a creature at odds with an increasingly developed land, year by year. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R192. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R123: Classic Traveller (GDW); "Mustering Out Blues" presented by Bill White. You've served the Imperium your entire career, but now you're through with them and they're done with you. Maybe you've got scars from a close call with vacuum and your dosimeter reading makes the medtechs do a double-take. It's all right. You're out on your own for the first time, with a galaxy of opportunities just waiting for you to reach out and grab them. That's right - when the stars are beckoning but you've got bills to pay and no way off a dead-end planet where the air doesn't even smell right, that's when you know you've got the mustering out blues. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R124: Omnisystem; "Commandroids: CRAZY TRAIN" presented by Craig Page. Commandroids, transforming robots locked in a millenia long civil war that crash landed on to late 80's Earth. The Symbitron Resistance and their human pilots must board a train to retrieve stolen Command Code tapes before the Nemesites retrieve them. But the train is not what it seems in more ways than one. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R125: Pathfinder 2E; "The Croak of Doom (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. The frog-men have found something deep in the swamp, and they will protect their treasure at all costs. A terrifying croak goes out, warning all who value their lives to stay away. A party of adventurers must put a stop to this evil before it spreads. An adventure for 1st-level characters set in the World of Yrda. Pre-generated characters with full backstories and ability descriptions are provided. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R228.
R126: Sentinel Comics RPG; "Sentinel Comics Does Marvel" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! After WWII, former members of the Invaders and Liberty Legion form the All-Winners Squad to pursue escaped Axis superhumans. The trail leads them to Madripoor, recently liberated from Japanese occupation. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R127: Afterverse; "The Living Labyrinth of Lemuria" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! AD 2116: An archaelogical expedition on an alien world to find powerful ancient artifacts takes an unexpected turn. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R238.
R128: "Of Gods and Mortals" presented by Curt Covert. A collaborative, world-building, story crafting game. In ancient times, qualities like Love, War, Honor, and Inspiration were often associated with individual Gods and the tales of how these deities interacted with one another, and with mankind, both reflected and shaped the culture. In this game you are the chief orator of one such Deity in the cosmos, telling the story of their struggles and triumphs through your deity’s point of view and of their relationships with the other gods. Each storyteller adds to the shared cosmology with tales of the other Major and Minor deities, weaving a communal vision and an epic saga of the entire pantheon. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R178.
R129: "Bluebeard's Bride" by Magpie Games; presented by Sharang Biswas. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A multi-award-winning investigatory horror tabletop role playing game, based on the Bluebeard fairy tale. In this game you and your friends explore Bluebeard's home as the Bride, creating your own beautifully tragic version of the dark fairy tale. Investigate rooms, discover the truth of what happened, experience the nightmarish phantasmagoria of this broken place, and decide whether or not you are a faithful or disloyal bride. Bluebeard's Bride produces adult feminine horror fiction like Crimson Peak, American Horror Story, or The Company of Wolves, making it fun for horror fans and dark fairy tale fans alike. NOTE: The game may include themes of body horror, violence, mental illness, sexuality, sexual violence, and misogyny. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R130: "Sleepaway". See R090. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R131: Barrow Keep: Den of Spies; "A Time to Dance" by R. Rook Studios; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Keep is ancient, older than anyone remember or knows. It is where you've grown up and come of age, but you find yourself living in interesting times. There are strange rumors from the capital and raiders on the shorelines and descending from the skies. The officials are afraid of spies, and everyone talks about haunted dreams. Barrow Keep is a science fantasy, sword & planets-style game about young adults who have come of age in the titular castle: Barrow Keep. As factions splinter and spar with each other and old alliances give way under new stresses, will you be able to keep your home safe? This is a two round, single-table event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R211. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R132: Delta Green; "The Last Equation" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by Joshua Gildea. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You are cordially invited to a Night at the Opera: when all eight members of the RIdgeway family are gunned down by a math student who then kills himself, Delta Green sees hints that make it more terrible still. Your Agents have to stop the madness before it spreads. A classic Delta Green scenario! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R133: Dusk City Outlaws; "The Gunpowder Job" by Scratchpad Publishing; presented by Tim Rodriguez. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Dusk City Outlaws is a heist game, that features quick at-the-table character creation and take on the role of criminals you can root for, aka the "Right Kind of People." Today, you've been selected for a job, as part of the cartels' Arrangement. And this particular job involves stealing a valuable document back from the lair of a blooded capo. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R134: Hogwarts: An RPG; "A Yuletide Mystery" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's Christmastime at Hogwarts! You and your friends have decided to stay for the holidays this year, and you're all looking forward to the Christmas Feast. However, something is amiss in the castle - odd noises, strange sightings, mysterious thefts. With most of the students and staff away, it's up to you to find out what's going on. Best be quick about it, too - the Christmas Feast is in jeopardy! A Powered by the Apocalypse RPG set in the world of Harry Potter. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R135: Index Card RPG; "Altered State : A Cyberpunk Tale" by Runehammer Games; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A cyberpunk tale of a desolate dystopia. The rich moved offworld, the corporations took over and then withered out. What's left is the ruins and the people who couldn't leave. They need heroes to bring things out of the dark. Be those heroes. Powered by the Index Card RPG system, Altered State is an upcoming setting book from Runehammer games. Expect it to be fast, more heroes with guns and psychic powers than chrome shades and fashion tech. This is a two round, single-table event. Players can play in either or both rounds. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Next Round: R217. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R136: Masks: A New Generation; "Crisis in Continuum City!" by Magpie Games; presented by Joseph Zantek. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Rumors have been brewing of a growing conspiracy. Your greatest enemies are uniting and working together to overthrow the teams of Heroes that have helped keep the world safe! You may be new to the heroing game, and you may be saddled with your own responsibilites, but you've taken on the role of a superhero for a reason, and the city, and world need protecting, so be prepared to fight for those that can't fight for themselves! In this three round event, you'll be playing adult heroes that don't quite have it figured out. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Next Round: R218, R241. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R137: Swords Without Master; "Adventures Glum and Jovial" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! What great and terrible fates lie ahead for your ragtag band of rogues? Will you dance with satyrs or battle demons across a chessboard? Will you soak the ground with the blood of your foes, or soar upon the backs of griffins? Will you stand with your companions against the hordes of the pit, or die alone in the mud? Come play three rounds of improvisational sword-and-sorcery adventure! PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 2 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R079. Next Round: R222.
R138: Swords Without Master; "The Great Wyrm" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Zoe Bloom. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Great Wyrm slithers menacingly in your direction. You ready your sword, while your companion creeps through the shadows towards its hoard. It's beaten you before, but today the fell beast will meet its end. SWM is a game about fantasy characters exploring the mysteries of their world, coming into conflicts with dread peril, and exhibiting feats of ingenuity and prowess. Please bring an inspiration piece for your character to the table! This can range from music to art, physical to digital. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R139: The Final Girl; "Don't Open That Door" by Gas Mask Games; presented by D. Gailey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Something out there is hunting us. The captain of the football team was dragged into a manhole. The class president was found dead in her shower. And everyone remembers what happened to the school janitor...and what was left of him on the first day of school. Now we're the only ones left. Will any of us make it out of this alive? The Final Girl is a horror movie story telling game meant to emulate slashers or any other horror movie where the characters are picked off one by one until only one survivor remains to confront the killer. Gather your friends, create your own movie, and find out who will Survive. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R140: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: Riding the Gravy Train" presented by Steven Balbo. You have been retained as bodyguards for Nobility on a leisurely Procession to a Royal wedding, what was touted as the Gravy Train, when the unexpected happens. This could throw the entire realm into a bloody civil war, which you are expected to prevent. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Part One of a three-event arc. Players are encouraged to play in all three, but are not required to. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R141: Champions; "Who Needs a Hero?" presented by Mel White. We'll use Champions Character Creation Cards to make characters at the table and play a free-wheeling game based on the skills, characteristics and complications described in the cards. We'll figure out what's going on as we play: Somebody's got an arch-enemy, somebody's got a love interest... Your arch-enemy is mixed in my love interest. Bam! There's our adventure. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R142: D&D 1E; "Basically, D&D" presented by Richard Parla. Travel back in time to 1983 when Dungeons and Dragons was in its basic form... Can you hunt down the scourge of the town? After killing a well liked local cleric Bargle defiantly set up in an abandoned keep no more than a few hours from town. Furious, you head out to put an end to this outrage. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R143: Pathfinder 2E; "Cold Flapjacks (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. See R082. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R144: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. Two weeks into summer vacation, and kids in Clearfield, DE are going a little stir crazy. The heat wave is never ending and there seems to no relief in sight. But wait, isn't Finn Petersen running his fantasy campaign down at the hobby shop? It beats sitting at home, and who knows, it might be fun. Saturday at Arneson's uses the system from ReMemorex; a simple, narrative-driven system. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R173.
R145: Savage Worlds; "Trailer Park Shark Attack!" presented by Scott Mina. The trailer park is flooded with sharks! Can you survive? Pick a character at random. If you get chewed in half by a shark, pick another sharker and keep playing. Trailer Park Shark Attack! is a Savage Worlds disaster shark adventure that is in the same chum-filled vein as made-for-TV shark movies that are so bad they're good. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. See Also: R229. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R146: Serenity; "Not the Usual Suspects" presented by Dean Norman. You have been brought in by the Alliance for crimes you may or may not have committed. You are given an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and have any record of your activities disappear for good, all you have to do is a simple job. Spend the remainder of your life doing hard time or seize the opportunity presented to you, your choice. Players should be familiar with the Firefly Universe. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R147: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition; "The Ubersreik Affair" presented by John Gallo. Four humans, two elves, a dwarf and a halfling. It sounds like the opener for a tavern busker's joke, but Field Marshal Antonin Sieber of the Reiksguard isnt laughing, and he has more than enough authority to see to it anyone who refuses to cooperate will end up very badly off indeed. But what does a man of his station want with the lot of you - and what will it take to keep his ire from falling on you? This is an event designed to demonstrate the system, so the event itself may run a bit short in order to give enough time to walk through the mechanics where needed. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R148: "Weird Stories" by Formal Ferret Games; presented by Gil Hova. A one-shot, zero-prep, dice-less, and GM-less roleplaying game where players will tell stories similar to the films of David Lynch, novels by Hiroki Murakami or Jeff VanderMeer, and the TV series Lost. These stories have many more questions than answers, and remain shrouded in mystery throughout. The players will decide the exact tone at the start of the game, be it dreamlike, mysterious, horrifying, or magically-realistic. Friday, 9:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R232.
R149: "Angel Embrace Overdrive". See R086. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R150: "Descended From the Queen". See R088. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round. See Also: R105, R176.
R151: "Descent into Midnight" by Descent into Midnight; presented by Aaron Olson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Promote teamwork, spiritual reflection, and environmental awareness. HOPE, TEAMWORK, and COMMUNITY clash with DESPAIR, LONELINESS, and CORRUPTION. A gifted team of psionic defenders fight mental, physical, and spiritual corruption threatening their ecosystem, their home, and their friendships. With shared world building, evocative playbooks and moves, and guided meditation and collaborative storytelling, Descent into Midnight is aquatic gaming that is intense, emotional, and shows the wonder of the ocean. Powered by the Apocalypse. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R180.
R152: "Fiasco" by Bully Pulpit Games; presented by Eric Loren. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of impulsive, venial idiocy and half-baked, overweening ambition. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R153: "Garrison on the Deep" written and presented by Matthew Cutts. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A somewhat traditional RPG - a GM plays along with a Squad of Players - about soldiers tasked with asserting governmental authority in a supernatural Deep Crater. Players take the role of Divers (the soldiers mentioned above). Battle foes using Team Turns, coordinating with allies to trigger Critical Condition combos. Garrison on the Deep has a time system, by which Players Montage to heal their wounds and progress storylines and narrative threats. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R181.
R154: "The King is Dead" by Lumpley Games; presented by Evan Buchholz. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A party game for roleplayers and non-roleplayers. Fight with your friends, fall in love with your enemies, and seize the crown! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R155: "Women are Werewolves". See R110. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R156: Barbarian's Bloody Quest; "The Hunt is ON" by Lumpley Games; presented by Meguey Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You play the volunteer GMs who assist me in my quest to find and destroy the terrible wizard who killed my family. It's not going to be pretty. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R157: Cypher System/The Strange; "Infinity Shift" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Neal Tanner. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Welcome to the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program! They call it HAARP. Your team has been sent in, posing as researchers, to investigate strange happenings at the HAARP. It's Alaska in the middle of the winter, in the middle of nowhere. What could possibly happen? Certainly not an accidental rift in the spacetime continuum. Don't be ridiculous! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R158: Dream Apart; "Shavuot in Rivne" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The peasants have just planted their spring wheat, and the Jewish community of Rivne is preparing to celebrate Shavuot, the Festival of Weeks, when G!d gave the Torah to his beloved community. The students at the yeshiva are preparing for the all-night Torah study, and the traveling merchants have come bearing coffee from far-away Turkey. The night of Shavuot, the spiritual comes close to the Earth, and who knows what will happen... Dream Apart gives us demons and betrothals, mystical ascensions and rabbi's daughters running away to be actresses or bandits, in a fantastical version of a Jewish market town in Eastern Europe. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R159: Haunted; "Desperation's End" written and presented by Elliot Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! People with broken, dangerous, tragic pasts looking for ends to their (possibly connected) stories Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R160: Invisible Sun; "Everyone Always Forgets Lower Taverswood..." by Monte Cook Games; presented by Sharang Biswas. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Homey. Safe and warm. Dull. In the surreal city of Satyrine, powered by ideas, housing trapped gods, the ghosts of dreams, and portals to the entire Actuality, everyone always forget the district of Lower Taverswood. It's like a quaint little small town stuck in the middle of a big city. Except, why, though? Hidden bars, singing streets, a sudden infestation of Vampires...there's a lot going in the district... And why is there no Upper Taverswood...? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R161: Masks: A New Generation; "The Wards: First Class" by Magpie Games; presented by Joshua Matthews. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's been over a decade since individuals with powers began to appear, and in a lot of ways society is still figuring out how to deal with them. Having undergone a successful test run the Wards Program, meant to train minors who develop powers to eventually become adult heroes, is being put into widespread use. You are one of its first members, attending highschool by day and going on patrols at night, all officially sanctioned by the Protectorate. With that sort of backing, what could go wrong? This game will use Masks with the optional Harm mechanic for a darker feel. The setting is based on the web serial "Worm" by Wildbow, but no prior knowledge of the setting is necessary. A two round event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 2 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R094. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R162: Princess World; "A Short Story About Princesses" written and presented by Kevin Petker. See R077. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R118.
R163: Sleepaway; "Beware the Lindworm" by Possum Creek Games; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Based on Avery Alder's Belonging Outside Belonging system, in Sleepaway, you play as a camp counselor at a not-so-ordinary summer camp besieged by a Strange and ominous cryptid. In the outside world, people grow increasingly alienated from their own identities, trapped in a miasma of advertising and corporate branding. Isolated from civilization, this summer camp is a beacon of safety, a refuge for misfit kids defined by their marginalization. As time pushes past and the world grows older, this camp also shelters the survivors of the Lindworm. The Lindworm is a shapeshifter, or so the stories go; a creature that flays the skin of humans and hides within. As counselors of this summer camp, you've each been traumatized by the Lindworm, in your own ways. You remember little of that time. Just that you don't want anyone else to experience it either, and you'll keep this camp safe no matter what. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R164: Spirit of 77; "Nine Lives in the Fast Lane" by Monkeyfun Studios, LLC; presented by Scott Mina. See R078. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R165: Tears of a Machine 2nd Edition; "On the Sunset Waves" by Robot Claw Game Design; presented by Russell Collins. See R120. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R166: The Curse of the House of Rockwood; "The Three Eyed Alien of Voronezh" by Nerdy Pup Games; presented by Jonathan Cardello. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! September 27th, 1989. A group of children playing in the park of Voronezh, Soviet Union claim to witness an unidentified flying object and a three-eyed being. September 28th, 1989. Soviet Scientific agents arrive to address the populace and silence rumors. September 29th, 1989. Agents of the House of Rookwood receive contact to investigate and deal with the situation as they always do, discreetly. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R246.
R167: With Great Power...; "Too Many Heroes" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Michael Miller. See R100. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R168: Champions Complete/DramaSystem; "O, Hallow Eve" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! October 2002, Pacedock, RI, Halloween approaches and that means full-fledged partying but an sinister spirit shadows the celebrations. Will the Fantastic Freshmen enjoy the ghoulish gala they've been preparing for or will some freakish fiend finish them all? A Teen Champions adventure set in an alternate Champions Universe continuity. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R169: D&D 5E; "The Golden Hammer of Kas" presented by Tony Sloane. Join The Professional Dungeon Masters of Nerdbauchery as they guide you through a Dungeons and Dragons adventure using Dwarven Forge 3D terrain! Do you have what it takes to survive the depths of Undermountain and return with the legendary Hammer of Kas? Our dungeons include pressure plated traps, voice acting, dynamic music and sound effects and even LED lighting to create an immersive experience like no other! Fae'run needs you adventurer will you answer the call? Register today and reserve your spot at the table! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R198, R225. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R170: Omnisystem; "Holomatixx, Live From Hollywood" presented by Casey Edison. It's September 1987, and everyone is excited for the 4th annual MTV music awards. It's going to be a Star-studded event with a lot of great performances. There's just one catch- Thanatos Records is planning to release a new and sinister subliminal video during the show. It’s up to you to infiltrate the ceremony, stop the video from being played, and maybe grab yourself a moonman along the way. This game is a playtest of Holomatixx, a game of holographic rock stars. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R250.
R171: Pathfinder 2E; "Tunnels Under the Seaside Town (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. See R102. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R172: ReMemorex; "Excellent Adventure" presented by David Groveman. See R103. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R173: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. See R144. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R174: Top Secret: New World Order; "Hong Kong Hullabaloo" presented by Mel White. Torn from today's headlines: Nursing students from a Big 10 university exchange program have gone missing in Hong Kong in the midst of anti-government demonstrations! Your mission is to find them and get them out! We'll use a streamlined, player-facing version of Top Secret rules to play an adventure in TV’s Mission: Impossible style - where disguise and deception are essential to success. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R175: "Dead House". See R083. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R176: "Descended From the Queen". See R088. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R105, R150.
R177: Mission: Accomplished!; "The Morning After Meeting" by Jeff Stormer; presented by Kirk Rahusen. See R095. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R178: "Of Gods and Mortals". See R128. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R179: Good Society; "Belligerence & Benevolence" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Russia, the start of the 19th Century: Amid the tumult of the Napoleonic Wars, life and society go on. Elegant balls contrast with pleasant summers in the countryside. Young people meet and fall in love, marriages are made, trysts are broken, and families are happy and unhappy. And then the war comes... This is a three round event of Good Society set in Russia during 1805-1812 and using Tolstoy's "War and Peace" instead of Austen as the inspiration. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 3 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R069, R179. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R180: "Descent into Midnight". See R151. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R181: "Garrison on the Deep". See R153. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R182: "MAZES" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Into the black darkness of the dungeon, your party chases after gold, glory, or grace. A simple dungeon crawl using the MAZES RPG - a thoroughly modern rule system for telling the classic dungeon fantasy game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R205. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R183: "New Tales of Oz". See R108. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R184: Afterverse; "The Last Ditch" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! AD 2058: 8 years into the alien occupation, your gang must stop their supply ship from launching, and become a true resistance movement. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R254.
R185: Cortex Plus; "Hammerheads: Bushfire" by Fandom; presented by John Britch. See R112. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R186: Fate Core; "Swansgrave Academy for Eldritch Studies: Year 2" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Adrian Berk. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Swansgrave? Think Hogwarts in Lovecraft Country. The players will take on the roles of year two students at Swansgrave Academy for Eldritch Studies. It is the early 1920s and magically apt children from all over the world are recruited to learn the unseen arts and be trained to one day aid in the struggle against the threat of the Elder Dark. A series of inexplicable events lead the precocious students in search of secrets best left alone. Learn more at https://swansgrave.blogspot.com and contact me at Carcosa.Judge@gmail.com. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R187: KULT: Divinity Lost; "You Can Never Go Home" by Helmgast Games; presented by Blair Hoplight. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It has been a long week, stuck in the grind of everyday life. But now, it is Friday night, and you and your friends are gonna have one heck of a weekend. It is time to party, have fun and get away from the shackles of everyday life, if just for a little while. This is a two round, single-table event with hopefully intense and adult horror themes. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 2 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R116. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R188: Laser Kittens; "Kittens on a Spaceship" by Glittercats Fine Amusements; presented by Patricia Kirsch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Somebody snuck their kitty on the spaceship, and someone else snuck their kitty on the spaceship...so now there are kittens on the spaceship. All the humans are very upset that they're not where they are supposed to be, but this is the only home you've ever known. You are tiny kittens in big space, and you need to learn to use your lasers that make weird and wondrous things happen. (Note this is NOT the official expansion for doing this, just spinning the setting.) Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R189: Princess World; "Short Story Edition" by Kevin Petker; presented by Zoe Bloom. See R098. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R190: Super Destiny High School Rumble!!; "Homecoming!" by The Five Wits; presented by Jessica Van Oort. See R119. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R243.
R191: The Art of Power; "The Queen's Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The succession of the Empire is in doubt, as a new possible heir to the throne is discovered. This throws political alliances in doubt, all while a war rages against the Red Dwarves. These are dangerous times, and you must navigate them carefully if you want to come out on top. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 2 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R121. Next Round: R245.
R192: The Years of Blood and Bone; "To Wait For Spring" by TaleSpinner Holdings; presented by Caias Ward. See R122. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R193: Under Hollow Hills; "The Apple Harvest" by Lumpley Games; presented by Meguey Baker, Vincent Baker. See R099. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R194: AD&D Classic; "The Moria Adjustment - Classic Fantasy Meets Classic D&D" presented by Michael Kanarek, Ryan Kanarek. Whether you have never role played before, or are a supreme expert, you will enjoy this adventure! Another episode in a continuing DEXCON story, but prior experience does not matter - and you know this story already! Take your own desperately heroic journey through the world of Lord of the Rings, filled with orcs, swords, Black Riders, magic rings, and secret dungeons under mountains, and D&D thieves, paladins, wizards, clerics, rangers, and whatever else you might imagine. Frodo would never pass through Moria without your help, though he will never know. IF YOU NEVER PLAYED D&D BEFORE, JUST BRING YOUR IMAGINATION. If you have, you may also BRING YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER, any genre/system and level, or from literature, with/without stats; the only requirements are: not evil; must play well in a party. The GMs (Mike and Ryan) will help you create and/or integrate your character as the game progresses; let us worry about the game system details. You will be too busy in an exciting MULTIMEDIA adventure. Don't just SEE the movie, BE THE MOVIE! Saturday, 2:00PM - 12:00AM; Two Continuous Rounds; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R195: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: Someone Wicked This Way Comes" presented by Steven Balbo. A further adventure of the bodyguards of the Gravy Train (Friday night game), more unfortunate Nobles have been captured and need to be rescued quickly, because 'help' is on the way, but it may not be very helpful. You must rescue them fast and first. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Part Two of a three-event arc. Players are encouraged to play in all three, but are not required to. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R196: CONTINUUM (1.1); "The Spirit of the Stairs". Cowards have a key advantage: They survive. But any one of them might have been he boldest soul of all, if they could have had the certainty, that they could save universes by saying the one right thing, to the right person. At precisely. The right. Time. Called "unusual" by the Sci-Fi Channel, and "unique and painfully satisfying" and "very cool" by player-reviewers on Amazon.com, CONTINUUM has broken new ground by logically solving every time travel conundrum, and actually made a civilization of time travelers outrageously playable. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R197: D&D 5E; "It's Founder's Day in Baldur's Gate!" presented by David VanderWerf. Come celebrate Founder's Day at The Wide in Baldur's Gate. Music, food, celebration, and demons? Wait! What? Come join the ongoing campaign. This is episode 1! Don't miss the intrigue. Don't miss the treachery. Don't miss seeing Abdul Adrian. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R198: D&D 5E; "The Golden Hammer of Kas" presented by Tony Sloane. See R169. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R225.
R199: D&D 5E; "The Scarlet Keep" presented by Richard Parla. Time is not on your side, you must retrieve the seedpod before your pursuers find you. You have managed to reach the Scarlet Keep, according to rumors, this is the last known place the seedpod was found. Find it, escape, RUN! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R226.
R200: Omnisystem; "Commandroids: Sarah Reese's Final Farewell" presented by Craig Page. Kerrigan's Wake, NY is a dead end town. You die in the mines, the mills, or behind the counter of the resort towns many attractions. Sarah Reese,Senercia High's Class Valedictorian of 1986, is getting out with a college scholarship. But Kerrigan's Wake is a town with too many secrets than answers. Saying 'goodbye' is hard, but on the night of Sarah Reese's going away party, it might be dangerous. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R201: ReMemorex; "Summer of Arowak" presented by Sean Foster. It looks like it's gonna be just another one of those Arowak summers. The Kids of Clearfield County Delaware have no idea what the year ahead of them holds in store. It is the summer of 1985 and the campers at Camp Arowak are ready for the typical summer camp fun. Arts and Crafts, Lake Sports, Soccer and maybe (for some) their first taste of romance. Unfortunately for these campers, Indrid Cold has some other ideas and they'll be lucky if they can even survive. Based upon the companion Novella to ReMemorex. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R202: Sentinel Comics RPG; "Sentinel Comics Does DC" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! The Suicide Squad has been sent on a top secret mission, and if they try to escape the bombs planted in their necks will go off. If they succeed and somehow manage to survive, part of their prison sentence will be commuted. Of course, nobody expects them to survive... Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R203: Star Wars D6; "Call First" presented by Ben Forest. You are a member of a rebel special ops/undercover multi-discipline team (Rogue Two). Carrying out special orders. But, situations change, not everything is on the star charts. And the Emperor has plans. We will be using the an updated version of the classic 1987 Star Wars Roleplaying Game D6 system from West End Games. Simple and fast game mechanics; no experience necessary. Captures the feel of the Rebellion era very well. Players will select one of the character templates included in the system, provided by the game-master. Force abilities for player characters have significant restrictions; no one will be playing a Jedi. But remember, the "Force will be with you always." Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R230. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R204: Villains & Vigilantes; "Streets of New York: Crime Wave 1982" presented by Bill White. Mayor Ed Koch needs your help! The public is upset about crime rates in the city, and a shrinking tax base has resulted in an understaffed police force. The solution? Super-powered costumed vigilantes, as authorized by an act of Congress, patrolling the five boroughs! Can you dig the worm of crime out of the Big Apple? Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R205: "MAZES". See R182. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R206: Afterverse; "The Burning Man" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. See R111. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R207: "POLYMORPH Make Your Own RPG Jam" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An Envoy Event! Make an RPG ZINE with 9th Level Games! If you ever wanted to make your own RPG, now's your chance. Join 9th Level Games and special guests as they lead the crowd through creating their very own RPG using 9th Level's new POLYMORPH system. A completely playable RPG that we will break out into tables and PLAY RIGHT THEN! Meanwhile, the 9LG Team of artists, writers, and designers will take the game YOU JUST MADE and turn it into a physical ZINE that you can take home with you at the end of the session! GET READY TO CHANGE YOUR GAME! Saturday, 6:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R208: "The King is Dead" by Lumpley Games; presented by Sebastian Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You all have a claim on the throne. Ally with your rivals, betray your friends, fall in love with your enemies - become King. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R209: "Trapped - A Role Playing Game Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory". See R074. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R236.
R210: Apocalypse World; "Ten Years After" by Lumpley Games; presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Twenty years ago, the bombs fell and ended the Winter War, but left you alive. Ten years ago, you learned just how fragile the new world you were trying to build was, as the relationships in your community were wracked by loss and desire. Have you reconciled? Did love leave you with invisible scars more painful than the physical ones you bear? With the leader of your enclave dying, will the trust you destroyed destroy you in turn? A romantic and relational take on Apocalypse World. Part 2 of 2 - see also Under My Skin: Ten Years After, running in the LARP schedule Friday 8:00PM - 12:00AM. Participation in both events is NOT necessary. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): L027. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R211: Barrow Keep: Den of Spies; "A Time to Dance" by R. Rook Studios; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Keep is ancient, older than anyone remember or knows. It is where you've grown up and come of age, but you find yourself living in interesting times. There are strange rumors from the capital and raiders on the shorelines and descending from the skies. The officials are afraid of spies, and everyone talks about haunted dreams. Barrow Keep is a science fantasy, sword & planets-style game about young adults who have come of age in the titular castle: Barrow Keep. As factions splinter and spar with each other and old alliances give way under new stresses, will you be able to keep your home safe? This is a two round, single-table event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 2 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R131. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R212: Bluebeard's Bride; "Once Upon a Time" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of adult feminine horror in which the players take on the various aspects of Bluebeard's newly beloved, exploring the rooms and mysteries of their new home, with only a single caveat: Leave one room alone. Dark and macabre, sinister and seductive. Will you be faithful to your husband or disloyal? And what will your curiosity get you? CONTENT WARNING: This game deals with on themes of gendered and sexual violence. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R213: Dread; "Starship Eaters" by The Impossible Dream; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The classic horror one-shot game! Space marines are in cryosleep on the TSS Victory when the ship's AI, known informally as "Gunslinger", detects a distress signal from a planet known as Makara 4. The remote ocean world is overrun by zombies, and the marines are plummeting toward their hungry jaws. Who will survive? Only the Tower will decide. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R214: Exalted Third Edition; "Garden Parties and Invitation" by Onyx Path Publishing; presented by Katriel Paige. See R115. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R215: Girl Underground; "I'll Believe in You if You'll Believe in Me" by Hedgemaze Press; presented by Evan Buchholz. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A tabletop role playing game about a curious girl in a wondrous world, inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Labyrinth, The Wizard of Oz, Spirited Away and similar tales. Follow a young girl's journey of self-discovery through a whimsical fantasy land with the friends she meets along the way. Explore twisted, willowy woods filled with whisper-soft lies, or tricky fairy rings with riddling promises on the way to overthrow an unjust ruler, like the possessive Crowing King or the deceptive Mask Mage. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R216: Immortal Beloved; "Divine Court" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kat Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Divine Court of Love Gods has convened to decide the fate of Lovers and their Rivals. The penalty for love crimes can mean death even to an immortal. This is a game for 4 players and up to 9 GMs. The players will taken on the roles of the Lovers and the Rivals. The GMs will be the Gods of Love and Death, testing the strength and purity of all claims of love and judging them. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R217: Index Card RPG; "Altered State : A Cyberpunk Tale" by Runehammer Games; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A cyberpunk tale of a desolate dystopia. The rich moved offworld, the corporations took over and then withered out. What's left is the ruins and the people who couldn't leave. They need heroes to bring things out of the dark. Be those heroes. Powered by the Index Card RPG system, Altered State is an upcoming setting book from Runehammer games. Expect it to be fast, more heroes with guns and psychic powers than chrome shades and fashion tech. This is a two round, single-table event. Players can play in either or both rounds. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 2 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R135.
R218: Masks: A New Generation; "Crisis in Continuum City!" by Magpie Games; presented by Joseph Zantek. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Rumors have been brewing of a growing conspiracy. Your greatest enemies are uniting and working together to overthrow the teams of Heroes that have helped keep the world safe! You may be new to the heroing game, and you may be saddled with your own responsibilites, but you've taken on the role of a superhero for a reason, and the city, and world need protecting, so be prepared to fight for those that can't fight for themselves! In this three round event, you'll be playing adult heroes that don't quite have it figured out. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 2 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R136. Next Round: R241. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R219: Monster of the Week; "Kennebunk, Maine" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! At first glance, it's a normal situation, best left to local authorities: high school gymnast, a hopeful for 2024 Olympics team, goes missing. Her relative fame is the only reason your group of 'Paranormal Investigators' (although most just call you lunatics) even found out about the small Maine town. But records indicate a beloved teen disappearing from the town every 20 years, almost to the day. If the past is any indication, next comes reports of strange creatures crawling out of the sea, residents experiencing bizarre physical transformations, and finally, a mass disappearance of over thirty people. That is, unless your team can stop it. But what is causing these strange events? How can you fight something, when you don't know what you're looking for? Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R220: Root: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game; "Winter Ends in Flames: Fall of the Court of Cats" by Magpie Publishing; presented by Jonathan Cardello. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The clearing of Pawdown has fallen under rule of the Marquis de Cat, with a governing Court imposing rule all Winter. The citizens have been caught in the crossfire between the machinations of the Court and other factions of the Woodland, seeking to take the clearing by any means necessary. Will you side with an opposing faction to help end the reign of the Court, aid the citizens and help claim the lands back for the people, or do you side with the Court itself and gain some powerful friends for what the future holds? Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R221: Scum and Villainy; "The Prison Break" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Russell Collins. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of scoundrels in space based on the Forged in the Dark rules from Blades in the Dark. If you like Firefly, Solo, Rebels, and the Mandalorian, it's a game you'll love. Tonight our bounty is an extraction job. The Hegemony is moving the survivors of the Azure Deep massacre to the core systems, unless you intercept them. Break them out and blow the lid off the Empire's cover-up! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R222: Swords Without Master; "Adventures Glum and Jovial" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! What great and terrible fates lie ahead for your ragtag band of rogues? Will you dance with satyrs or battle demons across a chessboard? Will you soak the ground with the blood of your foes, or soar upon the backs of griffins? Will you stand with your companions against the hordes of the pit, or die alone in the mud? Come play three rounds of improvisational sword-and-sorcery adventure! PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 3 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R079, R137.
R223: Trail of Cthulhu; "Tongued With Fire" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! An enigmatic artifact draws scholars to British India on an expedition in search of what may be the true source of the legend of Prester John and his kingdom! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R224: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: Scouting the Wastelands" presented by Dean Norman. You are the advance party of the Rhudaur contingent travelling to the Royal Wedding in Amon Sul. All you have to do is scout the route from Rhudaur to Amon Sul and avoid the expected trouble along the way. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Part One of a three-event arc. Players are encouraged to play in all three, but are not required to. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R225: D&D 5E; "The Golden Hammer of Kas" presented by Tony Sloane. See R169. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R198.
R226: D&D 5E; "The Scarlet Keep" presented by Richard Parla. See R199. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R227: Omnisystem; "Holomatixx, Battle of the Bands" presented by Casey Edison. Ohio, 1984 - The school year is almost over, finals week is inching closer and closer, and graduation is just over the horizon. Frankly, though, you don't care about any of that. The thing that is most important to you is your music career - and the best way to jumpstart it is at the Wall of Voodoo's Battle of The Bands. You know there will be record producers there, and its rumored a famous band will be in attendance. But not everything at the Wall is as it seems. Your band is going to change the world - but only if you can make it through this gig. This game is a playtest of Holomatixx, a game of holographic rock stars. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R228: Pathfinder 2E; "The Croak of Doom (A World of Yrda Adventure)" presented by Geoffrey Winn. See R125. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R229: Savage Worlds; "Trailer Park Shark Attack!" presented by Scott Mina. See R145. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R230: Star Wars D6; "Call First" presented by Ben Forest. See R203. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R231: Starfinder; "Opportunity Costs" presented by John Gallo. You are a small mercenary group, originally brought together by shared debt owed to a upstanding businessman working out of the Puddles district on Absalom Station. While your recent efforts bought you clear of the considerable old debts you owed, you have yet few contacts you can draw on to bolster your position and your credit reserves. You have in your possession, freshly acquired, some data that indicates the location of a stash of high end technological and hybrid equipment. If you could get your hands on it before anyone else...you could probably name your own price. Or just keep it. Either way, it would give your group a significant boost in power, reputation, or both - or at the least, a significant influx in credits. Pregenerated characters will be provided; those who played in 'Old Debts' at DEXCON 20 or DREAMATION 2019 may recognize them, but prior experience is not required to play. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R232: "Weird Stories". See R148. Saturday, 9:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R233: "The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen" presented by James Moore. Once more into the breach dear friends! The Baron invites the finest of gentlefolk to a soiree of good spirits and cheer! Thrill to tales of his latest exploits and he will thrill to tales of yours! Let the speaking of absolute truth begin (unless you are a damnable liar, rapscallion or charlatan, in which case you will be called so and exposed for your unseemly behavior! There are always gatecrashers at the Baron's parties). Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R234: "Esoteric" by Possum Creek Games; presented by Jay Dragon. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! I cannot describe this lyric game to you. I know that sounds suspicious, or perhaps untrustworthy, but it is true. The rules of the game forbid description or summary, except in situations of safety. All I can give you is the text of the game itself. It is available on Itch at jdragsky.itch.io/esoteric, and I'm happy to provide copies to anyone interested, but I cannot, under any circumstances, describe the game to you. Saturday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R235: "Mars 244: The Liberation of Sisyphus" written and presented by Rachel E.S. Walton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is how your world ends for the second time: "You are under arrest for the crimes of arson within occupied pressure, manslaughter, rioting, escaping prison, and resisting arrest in interplanetary space." This story is about what happens in your fugitive weeks leading up to this moment. You play individuals from an outpost Martian community of miners and convicts exploited for brutal work in dangerous conditions, seizing a fragment of hope for asylum on Earth. What will you find in your moments of liberation? Who will you have by your side? This is a collaborative tragedy and epic journey inspired by the structured freeform design of Montsegur 1244. Includes themes of oppression, violence, rivalry, redemption, romance, hope, and death. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R236: "Trapped - A Role Playing Game Remembering the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory". See R074. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R209.
R237: "Tropes!". See R092. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R238: Afterverse; "The Living Labyrinth of Lemuria" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. See R127. Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; One Round.
R239: Dark Designs in Verdigris; "Hall of Wonders" by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Oz had a taste for queer folks. It found the Wizard and brought him here, found Dorothy and brought her along, too. You did not plan for Oz to take you, but then there were cyclones, angry mobs, gunfire, storms at sea, holes in the world you thought would bury you. And then you flew, and you belonged to Oz. Your monochrome life was over for good. But then Dorothy fled, Oz fell, and now you live in Verdigris: The cavernous, sunless capital of Oz Below. There is still life and magic here. Sometimes there is even a sad beauty, but nothing like what you remember... Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R240: InSpectres; "Santa Teresa Nights" by Memento Mori Theatricks; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's 2001. You and your community college buds (who, let's be honest, went to high school with you) are gonna bail on year five (and counting) of classes. Instead you are going to get ahold of some of that sweet sweet startup money and start an Inspectres franchise. Things have always been a bit strange in Santa Teresa - might as well make some money because of it! InSpectres is the critically-acclaimed game of ironic horror, tragic comedy, and mind-blowing property damage. Battle the forces of darkness and try to keep your business afloat in a world of ghosts, demons, vampires and IRS agents. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R241: Masks: A New Generation; "Crisis in Continuum City!" by Magpie Games; presented by Joseph Zantek. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Rumors have been brewing of a growing conspiracy. Your greatest enemies are uniting and working together to overthrow the teams of Heroes that have helped keep the world safe! You may be new to the heroing game, and you may be saddled with your own responsibilites, but you've taken on the role of a superhero for a reason, and the city, and world need protecting, so be prepared to fight for those that can't fight for themselves! In this three round event, you'll be playing adult heroes that don't quite have it figured out. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; Round 3 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Previous Round(s): R136, R218. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R242: Serial Homicide Unit; "The Dog Catcher" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Kat Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is the disturbing, and ongoing case of the killer known as The Dog Catcher. The victims have all been dog owners. One of the most unsettling details of this killer is the abduction of the family dogs. The Serial Homicide Unit has been called in. This killer much be stopped but most importantly the dogs need to be found! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R243: Super Destiny High School Rumble!!; "Homecoming!" by The Five Wits; presented by Jessica Van Oort. See R119. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R190. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R244: Teens with Attitude; "Beachfest '93!" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. See R080. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R245: The Art of Power; "The Queen's Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The succession of the Empire is in doubt, as a new possible heir to the throne is discovered. This throws political alliances in doubt, all while a war rages against the Red Dwarves. These are dangerous times, and you must navigate them carefully if you want to come out on top. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN ALL THREE ROUNDS. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; Round 3 of 3; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Previous Round(s): R121, R191.
R246: The Curse of the House of Rockwood; "The Three Eyed Alien of Voronezh" by Nerdy Pup Games; presented by Jonathan Cardello. See R166. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R247: The Final Girl; "Sunday Morning Final Girl" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Close out your convention with the second-annual Sunday Morning Final Girl! Will telegenic teens be hunted through the woods? Will asteroid miners stumble upon an alien presence that devours all hope? Will the walking dead consume the living? Come play with us to find out! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R248: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: Homeward Bound" presented by Steven Balbo. A gallant (and well-paid) group of professional bodyguards and problem solvers attempt to finish their last mission, this is the conclusion of the Bodyguards scenarios from Friday and Saturday. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Part Three of a three-event arc. Players are encouraged to play in all three, but are not required to. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R249: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition; "Hard Times in Hobsport" presented by Adrian Berk. See R081. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R250: Omnisystem; "Holomatixx, Live From Hollywood" presented by Casey Edison. See R170. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R251: ReMemorex; "Excellent Adventure" presented by Sean Foster. It's 1988 and the weather in San Rufus California is GREAT! The birds are chirping, summer is around the corner and your band is finally gonna get serious about learning to play their instruments. The only problem is that if any of you fail your history final you'll never produce the music that changes the world. You are about to go on an Excellent Adventure. You and the members of your band will travel through time and space to meet the people you were supposed to be learning about for the past year. Just remember, the time in San Rufus is always ticking and you've got to be back in time to make your presentations. Don't forget to wind your watch! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R252: Sentinel Comics RPG; "Sentinel Comics Does Astro City" presented by Darren Watts. An Envoy Event! The First Family has been off visiting another dimension. When they return, they find their home and all of Astro City has bizarrely changed. Can they set things right? Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R253: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition; "Conscripted!" presented by John Gallo. The vile Beastmen needs must be beaten back until the bulwark of the Elector-Countess' troops arrive, so every able-bodied person has been rounded up, (poorly) outfitted, and are being sent out in teams under the charge of ratired former Reiksguard. You may not be trained. You may not be ready. But you will do your duty, or you will be overrun. (A slightly streamlined version of character creation will be used at the table to generate your randomly conscripted characters, then we will launch into the game proper. Rules will be taught as needed as we go along!) Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R254: Afterverse; "The Last Ditch" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. See R184. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R255: "Follow Me Down". See R070. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. See Also: R084, R107.
R256: "For the Queen" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Eric Loren. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The country has been at war for as long as you have been alive. You have been chosen to escort your queen to broker an alliance with a distant power. What will befall you? Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R257: Champions Complete/DramaSystem; "One Last Exam" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! June 2003, Pacedock, RI, it is finals week when Professor Paradigm's emergence signals the start of the true final exam. Will the Fantastic Freshmen earn passing marks or will the funkiest professor of all reality flunk them out? A Teen Champions adventure set in an alternate Champions Universe continuity. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
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