
Thursday, February 21 - Sunday, February 24, 2019
At the Hyatt Regency Morristown & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey
Role Playing Game Schedule for DREAMATION 2019Updated 2/21/19 at 7:30AM EST. All Emails have been processed.
Thursday Table Grid in PDF Format
Friday Table Grid in PDF Format
Saturday Table Grid in PDF Format
Sunday Table Grid in PDF Format
You may ONLY reserve seats in DREAMATION 2019 events if you are pre-registered. Click here to pre-register for DREAMATION 2019 if you have not already done so.
To reserve your spot in the events you want to play in, send eMail to: d2019@dexposure.com and include your name and the events you want to register for You do NOT need a badge number or any other info - just your name and email address, and the event codes.
NOTE: You may ONLY choose Event Codes which are SHOWN IN GREEN. DO NOT CHOOSE CODES WHICH ARE SHOWN IN RED and have LOCKS on them. Red Event Codes indicate locked events which you cannot register for or events which have already filled up to capacity (this page will be updated several times before the convention starts).
NOTE: The CUTOFF for reserving events is 10:00AM EST on Thursday, February 21. After that time, you can ONLY reserve events by physically entering your name on the Big Board when you arrive at the convention.
We allow you to select second and third choices for a given time slot; indicate this clearly in whatever fashion you'd like, otherwise we will just leave that slot open.
We will reply to your email with a confirmation that your reservations were received as quickly as possible. Note that you MUST include a valid eMail reply-to address for us to reach you to confirm. If you have previously selected LARPs, they will be included in this confirmation.
Emails are resolved in the order received. Even if it takes us several hours to get back to you, the timestamp on your email will determine how we enter seat reservations.
The Event Listing contains vital information about each event, in the format shown below:
Event ID; Type of Event; Event Name; Event Author. Event Description. Event Day & Time; Round (1); Materials (2). Level (3); Attitude (4), Age Notification (5). Next Round (6) (if applicable); See Also: Repetition of event or round (if applicable).
In the interest of conserving space, repeat listings of the same event or multiple round events will contain only the title, a reference to the first listing, time and round information. Note that prizes are usually NOT listed; all prizes will be gallery level certificates (or applicable awards), unless otherwise specified. In the case of convention admission prizes, Double Exposure reserves the right to withdraw the grand prize based on attendance of the specific event.
(1) One Session; One round; 1 of x = First round, etc.; 1A of x = Same round repeated elsewhere.
(2) All Materials Provided (except dice); All Materials Offered (except dice), but feel free to bring your own; Bring Your Own Materials (and characters, if applicable).
(3) Beginners ONLY; Beginners Welcome; Knowledge of rules Necessary; Experts ONLY.
(4) Very Silly; Silly; Fun; Serious; Very Serious.
(5) All Ages; Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance; 18 & Over ONLY; Recommended For Young Players.
All Special Headline Events are shown in YELLOW.
R072: "Children of Dunsain" written and presented by Troels Ken Pedersen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! One-shot PBTA fantasy/world-building game inspired by the early fantasy writings of Lord Dunsany - with a social justice twist. The player characters are people with access to the dreams of the goddess Dunsain (the GM) who dreams the world, and the players can attempt to influence the world through communion with the goddess. They have strong and not entirely aligned interests, so the game has a conflict element. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R272. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R073: "Hyperreality - The Reality TV Game Show RPG" by Brooklyn Indie Games; presented by Tim Rodriguez. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The most-anticipated Reality TV game show role playing game of all time. Collaborate to create an over-the-top reality style show and characters, and then bring on the drama! Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R090, R179. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R074: "One Child's Heart" by Unicorn Motorcycle Games; presented by Camdon Wright. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! One Child's Heart focuses on child welfare professionals presented with an opportunity to enter the troubling memories of a child and help that child reframe them. You can't save a child from the realities of their life but maybe you can help them understand that it's not their fault. The world can be a lonely place but you can start to heal it by making a connection with one child’s heart. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R091.
R075: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "The Lost Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Frontier planet Quellim has been wracked by civil war for a decade, ever since the last king died without an heir. Now there is someone claiming to be the rightful successor of the king, but no one is willing to dive into the deadly competing factions to bring her home. What's a lost heir to do? Hire Class D hazardous shipping to do the job! You've just got to keep her alive long enough to get the manifest signed for delivery. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R277. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R076: Hogwarts: An RPG; "The Angry Snitch" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's the final Quidditch game of the 2018-19 school year, and all four Houses are in a dead heat for the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup. Your team is locked in an intense match with your House's biggest rivals, when the Golden Snitch goes rogue! Could there be dark magic afoot? You and your friends will have to sneak away from the match, figure out what's going on, and set things right. Can you do it and get back in time to win the Quidditch Cup for your House? A new Powered by the Apocalypse RPG set in the world of Harry Potter. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R121, R212, R279. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R077: Jane; "The New Girls" written and presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! From 1969-1973, a group of women in Chicago ran an underground abortion service known as "Jane." Jane members provided abortions to women who needed them, cheaply, reliably, and in a way that sought to undo the patriarchial medicalization of pregnancy. It's the height of the service, and many new women have joined - we'll explore their stories together, and the stresses and triumphs of doing good as part of an illegal activist organization. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R078: Monster of the Week; "Lunaris, Tennessee" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A small town, known for being somewhat close to Nashville, and not much else. But to you and your paranormal-hunting friends, it's the town that's haunted your nightmares for weeks. The visions vary, but they're always similar: Pale hands, reaching towards you out of the darkness. Strange glyphs painted over street signs. Townsfolk going about their daily lives, with sacks over their heads. A young girl, holding a glass orb up to her ear. A looming giant, with hundreds of eyes. Now, the news just broke that several children have gone missing, all within a few miles of Lunaris. It's time to end these nightmares once and for all. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R280. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R079: Prism; "The Wooden Skulls" written and presented by Whitney Marie Delaglio. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Heiress to the throne, and star performer in a band of traveling musicians, the Wooden Skulls, has gone missing. A mysterious dancer who recently joined the troupe seems to know where she went, but the path is paved with death. Pre Gen characters will be provided. Prism is an aquatic role playing game about relationships and conflict resolution. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R080: Scourge World; "Fanning the Flames" by Magic Circle Games; presented by Robert Booth. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Help playtest the latest addition to the Dungeon World system (tentatively named: Scourge World). You are a band of stout Dwarves hellbent of reclaiming an old Dwarven Citadel taken over by the undead. No Experience Necessary, but always welcome. Playtest all new playbooks for the game. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R081: Spirit of the Century; "The Mystery of the Elegant Room" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Scott Mina. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A bizarre murder, a city in fear, and a band of two-fisted pulp heroes to save the day! Spirit of The Century is a rules light FATE-based game based on the pulp hero novels of the 20/30's. It's inspired by pulp characters such as Doc Savage and the Shadow. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R161.
R082: Ten Candles; "The World is Dark" by Cavalry Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A tragic horror game about hope in the darkness. About connection in the face of certain death. About the things that lurk in the black and come for you with teeth and claws. About fear. About love. About despair. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R251. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R083: The Mountain Witch; "Escape to the Mountain" by Timothy Kleinert; presented by James Mendez Hodes. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! To the world, you are one of a band of disparate samurai, seeking to confront and kill the Mountain Witch. The truth is more complicated, as only you and the Fates know. Will you achieve your goal? Or will you join the countless dead who perished along the way, shot in the heart or stabbed in the back? Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R084: Under Hollow Hills; "Spring in the River Queen's Court" by Lumpley Games; presented by Vincent Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! There is a traveling circus under the hollow hills. You are its performers, its ringmaster, its clowns, its sideshow, its stars. You are fairy kind and human kind, and you perform for great and small, revelers all. You go where you choose, and to you a human child’s birthday party in a vacant lot is the same as the command performance of a great Crowned Head of fairyland. (And "more like stuffed head," saith the Hob.) Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R108. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R085: World Wide Wrestling; "World of Warriors: Battle for the Crown, Part One" by ndpdesign; presented by Joseph Zantek. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! At Last years Guild Wars, the Savage Starforce defeated the Kingdom of the Flies, but their evil remains within the world. Now, the power to reshape the universe has been discovered in the Crown of Creation! Can you scale eternity to claim that power for yourself? World Wide Wrestling is a pro wrestling RPG based on the Apocalypse World engine, with strong narrative element. This game is inspired by the world of comic books and wrestling organizations like Chikara, and Lucha Underground. So while everyone's on screen character is a hero, they are still just normal people putting on a show. So like most wrestling, this federation is entirely about playing heroes and villains, whether from a favorite comic of yours, or one you made up in your head! Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for any or all. Players who pre-register for all three slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R086: D&D 5E; "The Dreamer's Shrine" presented by Mary Leciston. This complex is hidden away in a dark corner of the world, underneath a major seat of learning in or near a large city. A former burial chamber, the sanctity of this complex has been ravaged by a fledgling cult and their vile leader, who have been growing in strength over the past six months or so. The PCs may stumble across the shrine whilst looking for a missing individual, or hunting for a particular item. This is a Pathfinder module which has been modified for D&D 5E. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R111.
R087: Kids on Bikes; "The Beast Under the Stairs" presented by Nicholas Malinowski. Something is attacking people in the streets late at night and Sheriff Baker has issued a warning and a curfew to keep people off the streets. There have been reports of loud howls and growls coming from 33 Essex St., though the authorities have been there and found nothing. Living next door, one of the members of the Adventure Club has brought this to the attention of the others in the Club and has asked for help looking into it. Will you join in? Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R088: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. Two weeks into summer vacation, and kids in Clearfield, DE are going a little stir crazy. The heat wave is never ending and there seems to no relief in sight. But wait, isn't Finn Petersen running his fantasy campaign down at the hobby shop? It beats sitting at home, and who knows, it might be fun. Saturday at Arneson's uses the system from ReMemorex; a simple, narrative-driven system. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R139, R203, R290.
R089: "Hedge & Briar" written and presented by John Muste. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Play as nomadic mice, exploring a twisting forest on the backs of enormous beasts. Though your life is small and fleeting, the deeds of the great shall hang forever in the halls of your ancestors. Carry on the legacy of the heroes before you and ensure the survival of the generations to come. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R090: "Hyperreality - The Reality TV Game Show RPG". See R073. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R179.
R091: "One Child's Heart". See R074. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R092: "Psychic Detective Agency" written and presented by Jay Treat. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! An uncanny murder mystery. What's so unusual about this murder? Why's the sheriff so desperate to solve this case? Can three psychics put aside their differences long enough to catch the killer? As long as you ask the right questions... Build a murder board, with photos, pins and yarn. No prep. No dice. Just leading questions. Everyone's a GM. Control the past, present and future. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R093: "Super Destiny High School Rumble!!" by The Five Wits; presented by Jessica Van Oort. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's up to a team of high school students with super-powered secret identities to save the world! Mix and match your student type with your supernatural destiny. Will you play a sports prodigy who is secretly a monster? The class rep who transforms into a costumed hero? The adorable one who escaped a mad science laboratory? The delinquent who is also otherworldly royalty? Proclaim your feelings, join a school club, seize your destiny, form bonds with your classmates, keep up with homework, and combine your powers to fight legions of minions, build up powerful limit breaks, and face down epic foes. The multiverse is at stake, and prom's tomorrow! Powered by the Apocalypse. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R180, R273. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R094: "Visigoths vs. Mall Goths" written and presented by Lucian Kahn. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! a tabletop role playing game about the conflicts and romances among the warriors who sacked ancient Rome and 20th century spooky teens, set in a shopping mall in a Los Angeles suburb in 1996. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R095: Capes; "The Mortis Job" by Muse of Fire Games; presented by Tony Lower-Basch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Sentinel Corps, policemen of the stars, are defeated. Mortis (the mad Archon) has succeeded in capturing the Omega Field, and so long as it is within his grasp he is unstoppable. No assault can conceivably succeed...but a THEFT might. Adam Knight, Sentinel of Earth Sector, gathers the seediest and craziest criminals from the galactic underworld for one last heist to steal back the fate of the universe. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R096: Circles of Power; "The Dominion" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game about individuals who have suffered oppression, and have gained magic to balance the karmic scales. In this game, you play one of the Wise who arise from marginalised communities. You cast your spells to ward off the Doom and to earn valuable favours from the Society. You spend that favour to take a stand against the Society to protect your communities from oppression and violence. The struggle for justice and freedom will teach you the lessons you need to learn, to master your spells. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R097: Fiasco; "The Best Laid Plans of Masterminds and Miscreants" by Bully Pulpit Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It seemed like such a good idea at the time. Prepare yourselves for a game of powerful ambition and poor impulse control. Whether you're trapped on a submarine under Cthulhu-esque conditions or going up against a Boston mob, prepare yourself for a game of Cohen-brothers level disaster. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R188. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R098: Invisible Sun; "The Actuality" by Monte Cook Games; presented by Sharang Biswas. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Even if you can literally buy happiness, conjure food out of thin air, and create intelligent, non-sentient servants to do your bidding, you still have issues to deal with. The Actuality, the surreal, magical, world you inhabit is far from trouble-free, and even Satyrine, the largest metropolis under the light of the Indigo Sun, is full of scheming angels, shifty demons, and the painful remnants of war. But as Vislae, it's your home. And you'd better make sure no-one messes with it. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R099: Masks; "Fak3 Newz" by Magpie Games; presented by George Bajuscik. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! An adventure for both teens and those young at heart...beginners are definitely welcome! In this adventure, we'll explore truth, justice, and the American way...or at least how falsehoods get in the way of justice and the American Dream. I hope you'll join me for some light-hearted fun. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R100: Masks; "My Name is Ruin" by Magpie Games; presented by Blair Hoplight. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Founder's Week is always a fun time in the city, with a city-wide holiday on Monday and ending with the Deliverance Day Parade on the following Saturday. This year should have been no different...until the Underworld Crime Lord "The Spider" shows up half-dead/half-mad at your headquarters raving about the end of the world... Can the heroes save the day before the big parade? This is a two round, single-table event with elements of superhero and horror themes and id for adults only. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R191. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R101: Orun; "The Tale of the Five Locks" by New Agenda Publishing; presented by Misha Bushyager. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You play an envoy of the ascendant Oluru, called a Djali or Luminary. Not quite ascendant themselves, the Luminaries travel to different worlds as advisers, troubleshooters, and peacekeepers in the post-apotheosis galaxy. They explore lost star systems and ultimately help enlighten worlds and their people, waking the galaxy from its disordered indolence. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R102: Princess World; "Short Stories About Princesses" presented by Kevin Petker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of girls who rule. The capable heroines of the Princess Council struggle against enemies and expectations as they strive to find their place... or create one of their own. Working together, they will weave the tapestry of Princess World. Powered by the Apocalypse. This game is in early development and feedback and help is greatly appreciated. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R195. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R103: Storm Riders!; "We All Have The Power!" by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Remember all the fun you had as a child mashing your action figures and dolls together, speaking in funny voices, and tying your toy laser pistol to your cat? Waking up early, sitting cross-legged too closely to the TV set, a bowl of sugary cereal in your lap, drinking in the glare of the television reflecting in your hungry eyes...Storm Riders! is about portraying the weird and wild characters of those cartoons and appealing to the people who love them. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R104: Storycraft System; "Chrono-Rogue" written and presented by Kyle Schantz-Hilton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of dieselpunk piracy and time travel. Characters might steal a ring from Napoleon, dine with President Lincoln, bring supplies to beleaguered soldiers during World War 2. Players will bring unique time-shifting abilities to the battlefield, granting them well needed speed to get away, or slowing down an opponent to set up a perfect attack or counter. Characters will face cocky bandits, Machiavellian nobles, and hideous mutated monsters as they fly through the void between epochs in search of treasure, potent artifacts, and the greatest question: Will humanity survive what fate has in store for them? Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R196.
R105: Technoir; "Retaliations" by Dream Machine Productions; presented by Jahmal Brown. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Playing it safe isn't working anymore; you’re not going to get out of this clean. You have illicit tech and the talent to use it. Time to go shake the city and see what falls out. You'll get hurt, sure, but what kind of pain will you deal out? You play protagonists like cyber-tweaked couriers, hard-nosed investigators, and drugged-out hackers making opportunities for themselves in a despairing world. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R282. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R106: The Bat Hack; "A Chance at the Bigs" presented by Keith Stetson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The crack of the bat, the smell of well-oiled leather and a chance at the Bigs. What more could a guy ask for? Maybe a living wage, a team bus that doesn't stink or not having to share a tiny room with a shortstop who snores like a tractor? But them's the breaks when you're a ballplayer for a minor league baseball team. These young athletes deal with hardships to have a chance to hone their skills and attract the attention of the big league club that sponsors their team so they can get a call-up to the majors. The Bat Hack is a version of The Black Hack RPG built for playing minor league baseball players. We'll create characters, learn about why they dream of making it to the big leagues, play through a couple games, and see what their lives are like off the field, too. Only the barest knowledge of baseball is needed to play, so get off the bench and let's play ball! Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R107: The Final Girl; "Don't Open That Door" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Dean Gailey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Something out there is hunting us. The captain of the football team was dragged into a manhole. The class president was found dead in her shower. And everyone remembers what happened to the school janitor...and what was left of him on the first day of school. Now we're the only ones left. Will any of us make it out of this alive? The Final Girl is a horror movie story telling game meant to emulate slashers or any other horror movie where the characters are picked off one by one until only one survivor remains to confront the killer. Gather your friends, create your own movie, and find out who will Survive. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R162, R254.
R108: Under Hollow Hills; "Spring in the River Queen's Court" by Lumpley Games; presented by Vincent Baker. See R084. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R109: Urban Shadows; "Gods of Whiskey Island" by Magpie Games; presented by Micki Bradley. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In this political urban fantasy RPG that's Powered by the Apocalypse, you'll play a character caught up in the struggles and intrigue of the supernatural communities in a fictional version of modern-day Cleveland. We will do a lot of the relationship-building and scenario framing collaboratively at the beginning of the session, then play to find out what happens when your characters get caught in the web of whatever dark and nefarious deeds are going on at the Whiskey Island Entertainment District on the lakefront. This game tends to contain mature content and I like to tug at your emotions, so be prepared for that kind of play experience. X-Card and other safety tools will be used and explained before play. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R201. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R110: D&D (Expert); "Keep on the Borderlands, Part One" presented by Adam Dray. Explore the classic Basic D&D module, B2: KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS, written in 1979. Considered a seminal example of adventure module design, "B2" introduces the Castellan's Keep as a sort of home base, a dangerous wilderness around it, and the perilous megadungeon called The Caves of Chaos. I will run this module with a few of my own twists, using the Red Box Basic D&D (Moldvay) gave me my start in gaming in 1981. I love it and think you will, too. We'll use those rules and dig into the Expert rules as you crest 4th level. Everyone will make up a character, rules as written. It's fast and easy. If your character dies (and characters will die), you can make another and jump back in. You're welcome even if you know the module like the back of your hand, or if you've never played an RPG before. I'll let you level up much faster than you usually would, too. Feel free to play in multiple sessions! I'll keep continuity between games and you can play as little or as much as you like. If you want, you can even come to the table late. Drop in, drop out. If there's room at the table, you're welcome to play. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R111: D&D 5E; "The Dreamer's Shrine" presented by Mary Leciston. See R086. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R112: "Midnight at the Oasis" by The Gauntlet; presented by River Williamson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is a queer story game that tells an intimate story about a small number of people in a narrow slice of time. Imagine not having the words to describe yourself, putting your dreams on a friend who escaped the grind, and the devastation in finding out that they abandoned that dream. Friday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R293.
R113: D&D 5E; "Bones of a Red Dragon" presented by Ben Forest. Ben Forest presents his one-of-kind eight-hour extravaganza game; an all new adventure for DREAMATION 2019. Join an Adventuring Company – tasked by the new High Lady Laura of Silverymoon – to track down some items of importance to the North. New and returning members of the "Bloomfield's Heroes" adventuring company are welcome. Join the "(Young) Bloomfield's Heroes" adventuring company; new members are always welcome. Adventures are based out of city-state of Silverymoon in the D&D Forgotten Realms North setting with some modifications. Challenges for players may include: monsters, foul-conditions, love, politics, treachery, friends and rivals, a war. As with all Bloomfield's Heroes adventures; outcomes and events can be unique; more like a home game. Pre-made characters are available or you're welcome to create your own; for guidelines for building your 15th level party member please email me at: benforest1@gmail.com. We will take a one-hour lunch break. Please note, this is a friendly game that takes the better part of a day; there is role playing and action with the core objective being fun for everyone. Please do not sign up if you're (1) only interest is battles, (2) do not enjoy team play or (3) have been up all-night. Small computers and tablets are welcome for use with the game; bring a 5th Edition Player's Handbook, real dice and a character printout if you create your own. Friday, 10:00AM - 6:00PM; Two Continuous Rounds; Bring Your Own Materials. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R114: Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG; "Romance and Fortune" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Rachel E.S. Walton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden - at least on the surface. Underneath this, as in Austen's own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation, and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing. Exploit your character's reputation, connections, and family influence to achieve their secret desire - all while jealously guarding their good name. This is collaborative, structured freeform set in Regency England. We will seek to delight in the story constraint of historical detail without being overly burdened by it. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R271. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R115: "One Child's Heart" by Unicorn Motorcycle Games; presented by Kate Bullock. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! One Child's Heart focuses on child welfare professionals presented with an opportunity to enter the troubling memories of a child and help that child reframe them. You can't save a child from the realities of their life but maybe you can help them understand that it's not their fault. The world can be a lonely place but you can start to heal it by making a connection with one child’s heart. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R207. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R116: A Dire Situation; "A Box of Deceit" by Lunar Veil Press; presented by Jabari Weathers. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Conspiracy, deception, ink and parchment; A Dire Situation is an epistolary TTRPG in which players weave together a tragic and darkly comic tale of competing egos one letter at a time. Through pen, ink, a handful of stirring scenes and a collection of correspondence between the players at the table, players will establish powerful and bold correspondents, and find the story of their ruin. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R240. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R117: Afterverse; "Living Labyrinth" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! February 10, 2116 - It's been ten months since the first ancient artifacts were brought back from the world of Lemuria, and the artifact hunts have well and truly begun. The hot and hostile planet is worth enduring and exploring now, thanks to the massively valuable, wildly advanced artifacts from an ancient, extinct alien race to be found. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R118: Dark Designs in Verdigris; "Down and Out in Oz Below" by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Samuel Zeitlin. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Oz had a taste for queer folks. It found the Wizard and brought him here, found Dorothy and brought her along, too. You did not plan for Oz to take you, but then there were cyclones, angry mobs, gunfire, storms at sea, holes in the world you thought would bury you. And then you flew, and you belonged to Oz. Your monochrome life was over for good. But then Dorothy fled, Oz fell, and now you live in Verdigris: The cavernous, sunless capital of Oz Below. There is still life and magic here. Sometimes there is even a sad beauty, but nothing like what you remember... Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R184.
R119: Dungeon World; "Dungeon Hearts" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! All of you have come to slay the dread Dragon Griaule, for different reasons. But adventuring requires lots of time in stressful bonding situations. Maybe the real Dragon you're slaying is the friendships and romances you'll make along the way (wait...). If you love banter and romance dialogue trees as much as you love fight scenes, we've got you covered. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R120: Fated Arcade; "The World Echoes" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Everything echoes. The past is a ghost world of the things we think and do. When get louder they travel forward, into the present. What will happen to you when your echo catches up? The World Echoes is inspired by the Persona video game series. Young people face ghosts from the psychic traumas of the world by night, and try to keep their own selves together by day. This game is a work-in-progress, based on King of Arcadea and Tears of a Machine 2.0. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R153, R187.
R121: Hogwarts: An RPG; "The Angry Snitch" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. See R076. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R212, R279.
R122: Hollow Earth Expedition; "Fortune's Favorite" by Exile Game Studio; presented by Angela Craft. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Newly-discovered gold relics deep in the Amazon have given rise to renewed rumors about El Dorado, the lost city of gold. Intrepid adventurers from around the globe are preparing to make the trek deep into the wild jungle - will you finally be the lucky crew who retrieves a legendary treasure? Discover what you're made of in...FORTUNE'S FAVORITE! Hollow Earth Expedition is a pulp-action game set in an alternate 1936, in a world filled with unimaginable danger and adventure. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R190.
R123: Monsterhearts; "Kingsport 1969" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! 1969, Kingsport Massachusetts: Summer vacation is almost here and promises to be the craziest summer yet! Sure, next year half of us will be attending Miskatonic U. and the other half probably in Vietnam, but for now all we've got on our minds is dancing, drinking, heading to that music festival in Woodstock, and a little dark magic on the side. This is a two round, single-table event set in the heart of Lovecraft Country and the last year of the 1960s. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R213. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R124: Prime Time Adventures; "Saying Goodbye" by Dog-Eared Designs; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! 20 years ago, during the greenskin war, you all stood together and killed the dragon Ormr. Your fame followed throughout the land you even after your group split up. Now its time to come together again one last time, to bury one of your own. There are scores to settle and things to say, including goodbye. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R216. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R125: Spirit of the Century; "Beneath the Forbidden City" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Farish. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It is 1927 and as a member of the Century Club you stand alongside the greatest scientists, explorers and daredevils in the world. Once again an ancient evil has risen and threatens the modern world. Strange murders, a missing centurian and the mysteries of the orient await you. Are you up to the challenge? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R219. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R126: Tales From The Loop; "Trouble in Dutch Harbor" by Modiphius Entertainment; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game about playing 10-15 year old kids in an alternate 1980s containing robots and hovering ships, where mad science can be found in many a wood-panelled basement. Come play the RPG that won five Gold ENnies. We'll start by making characters - quick and fun in its own right - then hop on our bikes and solve a mystery in the collaboratively described homebrew setting of Dutch Harbor, Alaska. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R220. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R127: The Magical Land of Yeld; "Pie and What Comes After" by Nick Smith & Jake Richmond; presented by Tony Lower-Basch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Somewhere, there is a door. A door to a magical land called Yeld. A land of monsters and treasure...of exploration and adventure. The Friends spend lazy summer days adventuring in Yeld, and return home in time for dinner. Today, they have, for the first time, come upon a civilized place, the village of Boulder Town...and they're just in time for Chef's Day, and the holiday pie-eating contest! Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R128: The New World; "Written by the Victors" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Bill White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In this freewheeling narrative RPG of mash-up speculative history, we'll brainstorm an alt-historical setting of cultures in collision, gin up some characters who live there, and see if they can make it into the history books of an era that never was. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R129: The Ward (Acute Care Edition); "Becoming Doctors" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A modern medical drama, Powered by the Apocalypse. Good evening, Doctor. We've got an FLK with PFH showing bilateral greenstick fractures in Two, a couple of puppies digging for worms on a GOMER in Five, and the Chief wants to talk to you about your charting. Oh, yeah. Your daughter left a message saying she needs someone to pick her up from practice; I guess your ex forgot to show up. Where shall we begin? (Scenario to be determined at the table.) Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R130: TimeWatch; "Something About Water" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Neal Tanner. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! History has gone wrong, and it's your job to set it right! As a member of the Time Repair Agency, you and your fellow Chrononauts must travel the time stream, fixing history. Holster your PaciFist, power up your Autochron, and plunge into the time stream! Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R131: World Wide Wrestling; "World of Warriors: Battle for the Crown, Part Two" by ndpdesign; presented by Joseph Zantek. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! At Last years Guild Wars, the Savage Starforce defeated the Kingdom of the Flies, but their evil remains within the world. Now, the power to reshape the universe has been discovered in the Crown of Creation! Can you scale eternity to claim that power for yourself? World Wide Wrestling is a pro wrestling RPG based on the Apocalypse World engine, with strong narrative element. This game is inspired by the world of comic books and wrestling organizations like Chikara, and Lucha Underground. So while everyone's on screen character is a hero, they are still just normal people putting on a show. So like most wrestling, this federation is entirely about playing heroes and villains, whether from a favorite comic of yours, or one you made up in your head! Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for any or all. Players who pre-register for all three slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R132: Xenolanguage; "A Game About Language and Thought" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It's five minutes in the future and we've made first contact. In Xenolanguage, you are scientists tasked with deciphering an alien language. As you gain fluency, you begin to see the world differently. In this workshop, we will experiment with different techniques for deciphering the language. Come prepared to mainly experiment with mechanics and engage in design discussions. Play involves a shared channeling board that players touch to communicate during contact. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R225, R256. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R133: D&D (Expert); "Keep on the Borderlands, Part Two" presented by Adam Dray. Explore the classic Basic D&D module, B2: KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS, written in 1979. Considered a seminal example of adventure module design, "B2" introduces the Castellan's Keep as a sort of home base, a dangerous wilderness around it, and the perilous megadungeon called The Caves of Chaos. I will run this module with a few of my own twists, using the Red Box Basic D&D (Moldvay) gave me my start in gaming in 1981. I love it and think you will, too. We'll use those rules and dig into the Expert rules as you crest 4th level. Everyone will make up a character, rules as written. It's fast and easy. If your character dies (and characters will die), you can make another and jump back in. You're welcome even if you know the module like the back of your hand, or if you've never played an RPG before. I'll let you level up much faster than you usually would, too. Feel free to play in multiple sessions! I'll keep continuity between games and you can play as little or as much as you like. If you want, you can even come to the table late. Drop in, drop out. If there's room at the table, you're welcome to play. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R134: D&D 5E; "The Abandoned Temple of the Yuan-ti" presented by Rich Parla. Deep in the dense jungles of Arokar lies an abandoned temple where the Yuan-ti would worship and perform rituals. However, ever since the plague the Yuan-ti were driven away and have left this place abandoned. The plague has infected Yuan-Ti and other reptiles in the area and deformed them into mindless aggressors. The last several excursions to the temple from the nearest settlement (3 days to the east) have never returned. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R170.
R135: D&D 5E; "The Rat Princess" presented by Troels Ken Pedersen. A dungeon thriller in which a band of rat-catchers seek to find and slay a were-rat in the sewers, in order to stop her from raising a rat horde to attack people in the city. The game is D&D but there's a story game add-on in which the players can draw upon ressources by playing flashbacks of small betrayals. Themes of class, solidarity and letting people down (or not). Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Serious, All Ages. See Also: R231.
R136: Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space; "Dead Rock" presented by Darren Watts. The 13th Doctor and her companions have arrived at an asteroid mining facility in the process of being decommissioned. When people start dying, can they solve the mystery and keep the miners and administrators from turning on each other? After all, the culprit might be one of the Doctor's oldest enemies... Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R298. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R137: Dungeon Crawl Classics; "The Doom of Hezekalimon the Transitor" presented by Mary Leciston. Hezekalimon was a powerful wizard from another world who spent his long life studying the magic of portals, translocation, and warping space. He traveled to this cave with his demonic familiar, Skriawel; apprentice Transistor, Jinkraflen; and his symbiote, Khudzinvar. This small band of star travelers emeraged from the transit portal right into a ritual of a trio of large, carnivorous natives. Hezekalimon's doom would have been legendary, however no one survived to tell about it. Then thousands of years later an earthquake reveals the cave, what untold riches will be found? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R138: Kids on Bikes; "No Such Place as Koreatown" presented by Clio Davis. The year is 1999, and something weird is going on in Fairdale, Virginia, a town commonly referred to as Koreatown despite the pushback from many of Fairdale's white residents. There are rumors that the nearby military base is responsible for the recent power outages, and evidence that something has escaped the base only to wreak havoc across Fairdale. When a group of local kids and teenagers witnesses a supernatural event that could lead them to the source of the recent disturbances, they must band together to investigate the mystery without being caught by military personnel, otherworldly creatures, and most importantly, their parents. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R139: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. See R088. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R203, R290.
R140: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha; "The Broken Tower" presented by Chris Bell. Come and play the Runequest Quickstart Free RPG Day 2-17 scenario "The Broken Tower" to demonstrate the new edition of Runequest - Role Playing in Glorantha from Chaosium. This is a beginner's introduction to Chaosium's newest iteration of their classic RuneQuest RPG and Greg Stafford's World of Glorantha. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages. See Also: R234, R291.
R141: Savage Worlds; "Stargate SG-1: The Lost Pyramid" presented by Scott Mina. Explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy as a member of the Stargate Command, the U.S. Government's best-kept secret. Battles with the evil Goa'uld, explore alien planets on the far end of the universe, and learn the ancient secrets of the Stargate. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R299.
R142: The One Ring; "Mirkwood's Reach" presented by Andrew Quigley. A game of intrigue and adventure set in Tolkien's Middle Earth. Taking place in time between The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, a group of adventurers will travel into the depths of Mirkwood, where they will discover that the Spiders there are not the only thing weaving intricate webs. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R143: Mazes; "Back Into the Darkness They Went" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Its time to get back into the Dungeon. An Adventure like its 1979, with a Game System designed for 2019. Mazes is a deadly, dungeon delving game made using the POLYMORPH system - designed for episodic, exciting narrative RPG experiences. In this game, the players will make characters from scratch and as they explore a dungeon, will flesh out their characters and their relationships as they seek out a mysterious treasure. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R175, R236.
R144: Fortune Cookie Kung Fu; "Paper Bag of Plenty" by Gorkwobble Games; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Jealousy doesn't open doors, it closes them! Lucky numbers: 04-25-50-11-15-40. Will the Warriors of Light gain the power of the mysterious Fire Flower? What if the princess *wants* to be in another castle? Let the stars guide your fortune, and engage in deadly battle. The rules are very simple. Bring cash and show up early if you want to order Chinese (optional). Extra fortune cookies will be provided. Friday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Silly, All Ages.
R145: Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG; "Everyone Gets Married" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Eleanor Tursman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A storytelling game based on Jane Austen's novels. Players will create a web of social dynamics and intrigue, and try to attain their highest of aspirations while avoiding scandal and rumor. Maybe you are trying to win your inheritance, marry a secret fiance, or disinherit your elder sibling. The tone of the game can range from silly to serious and dramatic, and we'll calibrate as a group before play. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R177. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R146: "A Story For Lonely Kids" by John Argaman; presented by Jon Argaman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A Story for Lonely Kids follows a lost child through a season of being lost in a Woods full of strange people, and curious, wonderful, and frightening things. A Story for Lonely Kids is a game about self-discovery. At the beginning of the game, the lost child's backstory, what’s wrong in their life, and why they're really lost in the woods are obscure to everyone, even themselves and their player. Over the course of the game, which will be told in three vignettes that happen in different places in the Woods, the player will get the opportunity to fill in that history as the lost child comes to terms with it. Players will have the choice to play either the lost child, or the guide who controls the places in the Woods. The game session will include a complete orientation to the game and a workshop for learning to create vignettes before breaking into pairs which will each follow the story of one child’s trip through through the woods. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R178.
R147: "Dream Askew" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Eli Eaton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Dream Askew gives us ruined buildings, ruined lives, ruined faces, loaded handguns, psychic powers, heartbroken underdogs and turbulent skies, asking "What do you do next?" Imagine that the apocalypse didn't happen everywhere at the same time. Instead, it happened in waves. It's still happening in waves. You were hit recently. You've fallen out of the society intact. You've found others who you can relate to, and you’ve banded together with them to form a queer enclave. Gangs roam the apocalyptic rubble, and scarcity is becoming the norm. And just beyond our everyday perception, howling and hungry, there exists a psychic maelstrom. Dream Askew is a game about post-apocalyptic lives. It’s a game that queers the post-apocalyptic genre, exploring how the apocalyptic process could impact our sexuality, genders, livelihoods, experiences of marginalization, and experiences of liberation. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R148: "Mars 244: The Liberation of Sisyphus" written and presented by Rachel E.S. Walton. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This is how your world ends for the second time: "You are under arrest for the crimes of arson within occupied pressure, manslaughter, rioting, escaping prison, and resisting arrest in interplanetary space." This story is about what happens in your fugitive weeks leading up to this moment. You play individuals from an outpost Martian community of miners and convicts exploited for brutal work in dangerous conditions, seizing a fragment of hope for asylum on Earth. What will you find in your moments of liberation? Who will you have by your side? This is a collaborative tragedy and epic journey inspired by the structured freeform design of Montsegur 1244. Includes themes of oppression, violence, rivalry, redemption, romance, hope, and death. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R149: "The Book of Bloodless Gods" written and presented by John Muste. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The ray of sunlight after the apocalypse. Play as the last worshipers of peaceful gods and find delight in a world ripe for regrowth and rebirth. Follow your path, act without violence and turn those from the way of the bloody gods. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R238.
R150: Bluebeard's Bride; "A Tale As Old As Time" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of adult feminine horror in which the players take on the various aspects of Bluebeard's newly beloved, exploring the rooms and mysteries of their new home, with only a single caveat: Leave one room alone. Dark and macabre, sinister and seductive. Will you be faithful to your husband or disloyal? And what will your curiosity get you? CONTENT WARNING: This game deals with on themes of gendered and sexual violence. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R242. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R151: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "Shipwrecked!" by Galileo Games; presented by John Britch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The crew crash lands on a mysterious planet missing from galactic nav charts. Will the native lifeforms be friendly? Will you be able to repair the ship? Will you get revenge against those who shot you down? There’s only one way to find out... Bulldogs is high action space adventure about a ragtag multi-species crew in a barely spaceworthy freighter flying for TransGalaxy Class D Shipping. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. See Also: R243. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R152: Dungeon World; "Rogues of Ravnica" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by Alexi Sargeant. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In the labyrinthine catacombs of the city-plane of Ravnica lie vast troves of treasure and knowledge—but the powerful Guilds of the plane don't trust each other enough to collaborate on an excavation. The solution? You: a disposable, deniable group of misfits, cobbled together from the various Guilds, and dispatched to investigate a dangerous but potentially lucrative hoard. What will you discover? And will your inter-Guild party end up killing each other along the way? This game will use the Dungeon World system, be set in Magic: The Gathering's Ravnica, and incorporate material from the D&D supplement The Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica. Players will choose Guild affiliations and have access to custom moves based on those Guilds. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R210. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R153: Fated Arcade; "The World Echoes" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. See R120. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R187. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R154: Hearts of Wulin; "Emperor of Bandits" by Lowell Francis; presented by Jim Crocker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The Bandit King has been slain, and forces gather to seek advantage for themselves and their clans. We'll use Lowell Fancis' PBTA-based system for playing melodramatic wuxia characters, whose martial and romantic entanglements drive the story. Familiarity with modern romantic kung fu stories like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero, and House of Flying Daggers is helpful but not required. Contains Romance. This is a two round, single-table event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. Next Round: R246. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R155: Masks; "Phoenix Academy" by Magpie Games; presented by Anne Ratchat. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! As students of Phoenix Academy, daily life is a bit unusual. This historic superhuman school no longer functions in secrecy but under the wary eye of A.E.G.I.S. Welcome to school. This is a Masks Widecon, four simultaneous, interacting tables of Masks, utilizing the setting of Phoenix Academy from Unbound. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R156: Prime Time Adventures; "Cold Sleep Redux" by Dog-Eared Designs; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The crew of a cryoship is awake and preparing for landfall somewhere ahead. There are strange signals from an unknown source, and tensions are running high. Also the ship's AI seems a bit off after years alone. In the best tradition of TV reboots, we'll take the premise from a PTA game run at DREAMATION 2008 and remake a new show. No prior experience needed. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R157: Sagas of the Icelanders; "Winter is Coming" by Red Moose Games; presented by Paul Beakley. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Violent frontier family drama as scattered homesteads face a bleak winter. Not only is this my favorite-favorite PbtA game (it revolves around gendered moves, and the difficulty of living in an honor-based society), it's also a hands-on workshop for my in-situ relationship mapping techniques. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R158: Scourge World; "The Bell of St. Adhigur" by Magic Circle Games; presented by Robert Booth. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Help playtest the latest addition to the Dungeon World system (tentatively named: Scourge World). Join fellow adventurers as you try to save a town from the horde of mining goblins while encountering the folklore and history of the island along the way. Be wary of the many dangers that exist on Highridge Island. You will use standard playbooks or playtest our new playbooks, soon to be released! Beginners truly welcomed! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R159: Sig: The Manual of the Primes; "Shard of Empire" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The planar city of Sig is the nexus of the multiverse, bound to the Eternal Planes of Existence and infinite prime worlds. How will you resist the malevolent force of the Shard Realm of Empire? Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R160: Skulduggery; "Port Call: Lurulu" by Pelgrane Press; presented by Mel White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! As the crew of a tramp freighter in the Gaean Reach, you have almost in your grasp a valuable prize: A paying charter! The problem is, they seek Lurulu, which isn't on any maps. Can you get them there? A space opera adventure set loosely in Jack Vance's "Gaean Reach" novels, in which dialogue and discourse are as critical as demolitions and destruction, or perhaps more! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R161: Spirit of the Century; "The Mystery of the Elegant Room" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Scott Mina. See R081. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R162: The Final Girl; "Don't Open That Door" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Dean Gailey. See R107. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R254.
R163: The King is Dead; "Who Will Be Crowned?" by Lumpley Games; presented by Vincent Baker. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The king of Banteave, Eyvard III, high prince of House Dillestone and Sovereign of the Seaward Coast, has died without heir. Civil war is certain. You're a young warrior prince or warrior princess of one of the royal houses of Banteave. You're caught up in this looming war of succession. To see your house exalted, you’ll have to fight and scheme, allying with your rivals and betraying your friends, falling in love with your enemies, daring danger, adventure, romance, and war. You were born for this. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R164: The Nightmares Underneath; "The Stygian Library" by Red Box Vancouver; presented by Richard Ruane. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! From lands of dreams to the nightmare pits of hell, every library has a place that connects to every other library. Now you have found a way into that library and are planning to come back with the treasure every scheming merchant and debauched aristocrat will want to pay for: Secrets. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R199. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R165: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: While the Master is Away" presented by Steven Balbo. In the wild lands of Harendor, a new realm flourishes in a burst of growth after its conception. While it's Lord & Master journeys abroad, its growth and protection lies in able hands left behind. Opportunity is yours, but so is the danger. First of a two-part story arc; includes character growth. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R166: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition; "The Outlaws of Desolation Peak" presented by Michael Walsh. 1871 New Mexico Territory. Pinkerton agents have been sent to kill or capture the notorious outlaw Black Jack Ketchum by the Twin Mining Company. It is time to stop the depredations his gang have played on the miners and ore shipments. But he isn’t so easy to find, the investigators discover. Set in the Old West and ties in with Down Darker Trails (no knowledge of this supplement needed). Uses the Pulp Cthulhu rules (will be taught at table). Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R167: Champions Complete; "Seeds of Despair" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! A year after the destruction of Tyrankos and the shuttering of the HERO offices, Champions Earth has entered a new age of heroism as old paragons retire leaving a new generation to carry forward with the sins of the past. In the City of Lights, while societal tempers flare top-side, the ossuaries below sit rife with an unmistakably alien species of plant life growing ever so abundant as the tense surface situation grows ever so closer to an irrevocable doom. Burdened with an unkind public and a increasingly hostile world, will our disparate heroes gather in strength and salvage both situations or will their remains serve only to feed the ever hungry Seeds of Despair? A Champions Complete scenario! No experience necessary, heroism required! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R168: D&D (Expert); "Keep on the Borderlands, Part Three" presented by Adam Dray. Explore the classic Basic D&D module, B2: KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS, written in 1979. Considered a seminal example of adventure module design, "B2" introduces the Castellan's Keep as a sort of home base, a dangerous wilderness around it, and the perilous megadungeon called The Caves of Chaos. I will run this module with a few of my own twists, using the Red Box Basic D&D (Moldvay) gave me my start in gaming in 1981. I love it and think you will, too. We'll use those rules and dig into the Expert rules as you crest 4th level. Everyone will make up a character, rules as written. It's fast and easy. If your character dies (and characters will die), you can make another and jump back in. You're welcome even if you know the module like the back of your hand, or if you've never played an RPG before. I'll let you level up much faster than you usually would, too. Feel free to play in multiple sessions! I'll keep continuity between games and you can play as little or as much as you like. If you want, you can even come to the table late. Drop in, drop out. If there's room at the table, you're welcome to play. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R169: D&D 5E; "Living Tal'Dorei" presented by Phil Cole. This is designed to be organized play based in the world of Matthew Mercer's Critical Role live stream on twitch. It follows the events of the last season of campaign 1 from the perspective of people living in the capital city of Emon. Over the course of the season players will interact with the story and have a chance to influence world events. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R258, R288, R297.
R170: D&D 5E; "The Abandoned Temple of the Yuan-ti" presented by Rich Parla. See R134. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R171: Fantasy AGE; "Mala Suledin Nadas" by Green Ronin Publishing; presented by John Gallo. An Envoy Event! Change comes, even to the long benighted alienage of Denerim, where your people have lived and died under the yoke of the humans who so long ago shattered the elven empire that even the Hahren know only broken fragments, preserved orally in rhymes and songs. What will you make of the times to come? Will you seek to better the lot of your people in the city? Attempt to escape and rejoin your long lost Dalish kin? Perhaps some other road is there. However you go, whatever decisions you make, now you must endure them. (Warning: The elves of the world of Thedas are - especially the 'domesticated' city elves - a heavily oppressed and restricted people, with little freedom and almost no room to better themselves. This is an integral part of the theme of the event.) Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R172: Kids on Bikes; "The Hills Are Alive" presented by Nicholas Malinowski. Mythics Toy Company has just announced that its doors will soon be open. This factory/toy store will be offering several hundred jobs to the Dunnsberg township. Kevin Dunbar is opposed to the factory being built and is working on slowing the process as much as possible. He has found out that Dunnsberg has a darker history than otherwise known. Centuries ago there were a series of witch trials where almost 40 witches were killed and buried right on the spot that the construction is taking place. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R173: ReMemorex; "Myrmidons of Midkeria" presented by Harold Delaney. Take on waves of pro-wrestlers in this Wrestlefest inspired Rememorex session! Create a backyard wrestler and take them to the world of The Breadbox! Fight waves of enemies and maybe even your friends! Can you get to the final bosses, Spike and Buster Bread?! Challenge yourself! Myrmidons of Midkeria uses the system from ReMemorex; a simple, narrative-driven system. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R174: "The Box" by Secret Orbit Studios; presented by Amber Dean. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A story game about trying to understand the true nature or purpose of an esoteric object you've just discovered. You and your friends will encounter a strange box, open it, explore its intricacies, and unlock the mysteries of its contents. You will use cards to describe individual traits of the discovery as well as events at the scene. You will track your feelings toward the discovery as well, and the culmination of these collective feelings will help generate the climax and conclusion of your story. If you enjoy exploration, intricacy, divination, surprise, or opening strange packages, this game is for you. We will play one of the pre-set scenarios based on the group's preference. Each scenario has pre-set characters to play which can be customized on the fly if need be. Friday, 9:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. See Also: R266.
R175: Mazes; "Back Into the Darkness They Went" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An Envoy Event! See R143. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R236.
R176: "Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire" by Andrew Young; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The title pretty much says it all. The game concept was proposed by the McElroy Brothers on the MBMBAM podcast (creators of the Adventure Zone), and created by fan Andrew Young. It's a very silly game where all the players are different versions of Sherlock Holmes (from various TV shows and movies), there's a murder to be solved, and one of them is secretly a vampire. Friday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages. See Also: R269. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R177: Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG; "Everyone Gets Married" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Eleanor Tursman. See R145. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R178: "A Story For Lonely Kids". See R146. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R179: "Hyperreality - The Reality TV Game Show RPG". See R073. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R090.
R180: "Super Destiny High School Rumble!!". See R093. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R273.
R181: "Tool User" by Photographs of Lightning; presented by Rick Dean, Amber Dean, Kristine Rosette. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A casual game for players who want to tell anecdotes about the genius Clougil, that acerbic, celebrated goblin machinist, as she sorts through her tools both outlandish and bizarre, and tries to clear out her dang workshop before she heads off for adventure! We all tell anecdotes about the same shared protagonist in a chill atmosphere. We also make bad, amateurish drawings of tools. "But I'm bad at drawing!" Oh what a relief, this game needs bad drawings. You'll do great! Wait, is this going to be on Kickstarter!? Yes! And you can check out this game's sibling Sword Loser (also by Jackson Tegu) here at DREAMATION as well! Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R182: Amazing Adventures in Space; "Recruits Wanted!" by Dust Pan Games; presented by Neal Tanner. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Tired of polishing bulkheads? Sick of scrubbing power conduits? Feel like making a difference to the galaxy at large? Join the Explorer's Guild! We're always in need of enterprising individuals seeking glory and wealth for exploration and salvage missions. Meet new and interesting people from across the galaxy! Explore alien ruins and abandoned ships! Confront exciting new life forms and new civilizations! And of course: bring home lots and lots of treasure! Minus our fee and any medical/funeral expenses, of course, but that hardly ever happens. Really. Join now and get a spiffy recruit's uniform, complete with the official Explorer's red shirt! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R183: Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine; "City of Peregrine" by Jenna Katerin Moran; presented by Tony Lower-Basch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Seek out human connection in the day-to-day events of a world inspired by the works of Hayao Miyazaki. Find your place among the quiet people of the walking city of Peregrine, as it wanders the world. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R184: Dark Designs in Verdigris; "Down and Out in Oz Below" by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Samuel Zeitlin. See R118. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R185: Dogs in the Vineyard; "Submission" by Lumpley Games; presented by Daniel Levine. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You and your brothers and sisters are Dogs, charged with preserving the Faith and protecting the Faithful. You do this with the power of your words and integrity, and also with blood, steel, and gunpowder when necessary. You answer only to the King of Life - and you are also young and barely tested, given your awful responsibility. As you finished your training, a letter came from one of your aunts, Patience, living up North of Bridal Falls, in Submission, asking for your help. So, well, the King has given you a place to start. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R186: Fate of the Galaxy; "Of Democracy & Deep Space" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In this space-opera role playing game, you portray some of the most important figures in the galaxy. Each player portrays a mighty leader worthy of respect, whose power emerges from the worlds on the fringe of human space. Some may command military fleets, spy networks, religious orders, or trade flotillas. These figures have influence, earned or inherited, and cannot be ignored. Fate of the Galaxy is a game of high-stakes politics, military strategy and galactic diplomacy. Each Leader has responsibilities along with their authority, and have to work hard to support their people. They curry favour from the mighty Faces of the Outer Systems for votes in the Galactic Assembly. They seek to use the free Agents to further their agendas, while forever guarding against betrayal. If the Leaders play their cards right, they will carry their people into a new golden age. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R187: Fated Arcade; "The World Echoes" by Robot Claw Design; presented by Russell Collins. See R120. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R153.
R188: Fiasco; "The Best Laid Plans of Masterminds and Miscreants" by Bully Pulpit Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. See R097. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R189: Ganakagok; "In Starlight Cold" by Consensus Games; presented by Bill White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Ganakagok is a vast island of ice that rises from a starlit sea in world of eternal night, the home of your people, the Nitu, who have lived in starlight cold for as long as their tales tell. But now your truth-vision has told you that an immense change is coming: the Dawn is approaching, and soon the Sun will rise. What will it mean for you? What will it mean for the People? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R190: Hollow Earth Expedition; "Fortune's Favorite" by Exile Game Studio; presented by Angela Craft. See R122. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R191: Masks; "My Name is Ruin" by Magpie Games; presented by Blair Hoplight. An Envoy Event! See R100. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; Round 2 of 2. Previous Round(s): R100. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R192: Masks: A New Generation; "The Neighborhood Watches" by Magpie Games; presented by Brandon Leon-Gambetta. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! For years, the neighborhood has been under the protection of one of Big Deals. But Big Deals fall and the public turns. Now, young defenders of good, with few powers and no authority, face off against an enemy that threatens to level their home... A home that hates and fears them more every day. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R193: Mortal Coil; "Old Gods - 15th Anniversary Special!" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! What happens to old gods when no one worships them any more? They end up hanging around a seedy bar in Philadelphia, apparently. That's you. Forgotten, maybe a little resentful, possessing cosmic powers but not having much to do with them. Mortal Coil was published 15 years ago! Come play in celebration! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R194: My Life with Master; "Desperation, Weariness, and Self-Loathing" by Half-Meme Press; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! For a full decade, your master has dispatched you to harvest the bounty of the humble townspeople below. But now that his glorious plan nears completion, you must exact a far more painful tribute from the very people you have grown so fond of. Can anyone ever love you? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R195: Princess World; "Short Stories About Princesses" presented by Kevin Petker. See R102. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R196: Storycraft System; "Chrono-Rogue" written and presented by Kyle Schantz-Hilton. See R104. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R197: The Burning Wheel; "Last Age of Elves: Roden Sign" by Burning Wheel Headquarters; presented by Jahmal Brown. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Man has taken the lodestone from the Muan tunnels by blood. They flee to the broken city of Huluan. Our wards are now weakened and minions of shadow return. No Roden has traveled much outside the Maun Hills since the days of the Elf wars, yet it must be done. The lodestone must be replaced. The realms are corrupt but you are Roden, children of the luminary and you are free! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R253. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R198: The Mountain Witch; "Trust and Betrayal on Mt. Fuji" by Timothy Kleinert; presented by Patricia Kirsch. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A group of Ronin climb Mt. Fuji to confront the witch O-Yanma and earn a great reward. Who will live? Who will die? Who can you trust? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R199: The Nightmares Underneath; "The Stygian Library" by Red Box Vancouver; presented by Richard Ruane. See R164. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R200: Uncharted Worlds; "The Expanse: Outside-Context Problem" by Sean Gomes; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Two years ago, humanity realized an ancient dream: to reach the stars. Seven months ago, the United Nations took away that dream, sealing off the hyperspace gate known as the Ring. Only Earth's most powerful people know what's on the other side. You are no scrappy adventurers, this time. You are the leaders of the Expanse universe. The fates of your factions and the lives of billions hang in the balance as you face the change that is coming. This near-future sci-fi adventure is loosely based on The Expanse. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R201: Urban Shadows; "Gods of Whiskey Island" by Magpie Games; presented by Micki Bradley. An Envoy Event! See R109. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round.
R202: D&D 5E; "The Sunken Treasure and the Murderous Marsh of Deronas" presented by Jonathan Cardello. In the cold marsh town of Deronas, local legend speaks of an ancient treasure lost in the sunken waters of a nearby swamp. Years ago explorers transporting spoils from an archaeology find were caught off-guard by a storm and were washed away into the blacken waters of the marsh. Since then many have tried to claim the treasure as their own, but none have returned. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R203: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. See R088. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round. See Also: R139, R290.
R204: ReMemorex; "Summer of Arowak" presented by David Groveman. It looks like it's gonna be just another one of those Arowak summers. The Kids of Clearfield County Delaware have no idea what the year ahead of them holds in store. It is the summer of 1985 and the campers at Camp Arowak are ready for the typical summer camp fun. Arts and Crafts, Lake Sports, Soccer and maybe (for some) their first taste of romance. Unfortunately for these campers, Indrid Cold has some other ideas and they'll be lucky if they can even survive. Based upon the companion Novella to the ReMemorex this game will be run by the Novella's author. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R205: Star Wars D6; "Joining-Up" presented by Ben Forest. Players sign-up for the mythic Rebel Alliance. Complications soon ensue. Using the D6 system based on the 1987 classic release from West End Games; hailed for capturing the flavor and fun of the setting. Super simple game mechanics; no experience necessary. We will be incorporating updates from later D6 editions. Players will play one of the "character templates" included in the system. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R206: Traveller (Mongoose); "Exit Strategy" presented by Adam Dray. When a foreign intelligence operation goes sideways, a spy team must get off a planet quickly. The stakes are high when capture means execution and, possibly, war. Can you complete the mission anyway? This is an adventure set in Adam's MAIN SEQUENCE universe, with sungates and cyberpunk technology, using modified Cepheus Engine rules, which are built on the Mongoose Traveller System Reference Document (SRD). A highly skilled intelligence team for House Okemo has set up an operation in Eko City on the planet Osun, the home world of rival House Nzeogwu. The team has started to penetrate Nzeogwu's advanced sungate starship science program, but everything is about to go sideways... Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: R265.
R207: "One Child's Heart". See R115. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R208: Dark Designs in Verdigris; "Another Day, Another Gill..." by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Oz had a taste for queer folks. It found the Wizard and brought him here, found Dorothy and brought her along, too. You did not plan for Oz to take you, but then there were cyclones, angry mobs, gunfire, storms at sea, holes in the world you thought would bury you. And then you flew, and you belonged to Oz. Your monochrome life was over for good. But then Dorothy fled, Oz fell, and now you live in Verdigris: The cavernous, sunless capital of Oz Below. There is still life and magic here. Sometimes there is even a sad beauty, but nothing like what you remember... Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R209: Delta Green; "Herd Mentality" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by James Burns. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! It seems the anti-vaxxer movement and immigration communities don't mix and when they do you get outbreaks. Measles is a very, very contagious disease, but as fast as it appeared on the scene it vanished, like over night. Delta Green wants to know why and it is your job to go into the hot zone. Don't forget your booster shots. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R210: Dungeon World; "Rogues of Ravnica" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by Alexi Sargeant. See R152. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R211: Fate of the Galaxy; "Galactic Empires (Playtest)" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A science fiction political space-opera role playing game. Each of you play leaders of one of the fringe worlds of the galaxy, and seek to help your home. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R212: Hogwarts: An RPG; "The Angry Snitch" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. See R076. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R121, R279. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R213: Monsterhearts; "Kingsport 1969" by Buried Without Ceremony; presented by Catherine Ramen. See R123. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; Round 2 of 2. Previous Round(s): R123. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R214: Pangalactic; "The Big Grab" by Consensus Games; presented by Bill White. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In a far-future galaxy, you seek your fortune upon one of the myriad worlds of the galaxy. There's a big prize sitting on this planet, and those who think it should be theirs for the taking haven't reckoned with you, your friends, and the technoscientific tools you're bringing to the table. Do you have what it takes to make the Big Grab? Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R215: Pasion de las Pasiones; "Sabor del Amor" by Magpie Games; presented by Brandon Leon-Gambetta. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! In the steam and clatter of La Rosa Nautica's 5 star kitchen, romance, betrayal, and passion have always been on the menu. Now on its 63rd episode, the wildy popular telenovela El Sabor del Amor has introduced a new threat, an enterprising resort owner from overseas who threatens to destroy this jewel on the ocean's edge... And the romances that live just below the surface. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R216: Prime Time Adventures; "Saying Goodbye" by Dog-Eared Designs; presented by Jeffrey Collyer. See R124. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R217: Red Carnations on a Black Grave; "We Will Strive" by Aviatrix Games; presented by Justin Spotten. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! For just over two months in 1871, the Paris Commune tried to make an egalitarian, socialist state a reality despite disagreement within their walls and attacks from outside it. This is the story of 12 Communards, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? A freeform game very much in the spirit of Montsegur: 1244 and Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne. This is an advanced playtest of a game in development. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R218: Space Wurm vs. Moonicorn; "Oppressors and the Rebels Who Love Them" by Red Box Vancouver; presented by Paul Beakley. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! This psychedelic space opera pits the galaxy's most powerful oppressor (Space Wurm) against the ultimate bulwark against oppression (Moonicorn) and other characters who find themselves entangled. Love triangles, melodrama, big scenes to chew up. We'll build an abbreviated setting using special one-shot playbooks. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R219: Spirit of the Century; "Beneath the Forbidden City" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by John Farish. See R125. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R220: Tales From The Loop; "Trouble in Dutch Harbor" by Modiphius Entertainment; presented by John Britch. See R126. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R221: The Ward (Acute Care Edition); "Puke City - Episode Eight - Head Shots" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Recreational gunplay, mysterious patients, and dark secrets swirl together to form a dangerous mix. Martyrs, murderers, and even worse make it dangerous to even stick your head outside your tent, but people are dying out there, and someone needs to save them. Puke City is an ongoing campaign for The Ward. Set in a war-torn Middle Eastern country, the volunteer medical professionals at a mobile tent-and-trailer hospital, nicknamed "Puke City", struggle to save lives, maintain their sanity, and maybe just survive the next twelve hours. Puke City debuted at DREAMATION 2017 and preferential seating will be given to players who participated in prior sessions. Newcomers are always welcome! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R222: Thousand Arrows; "The Lost Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The lord of the Mori clan is dead. His brother is prepared to succeed him, but a secret heir has been raised in secrecy among the Iga clans. As the heir's guardians, you've got to get the heir back to the lands of the clan and show the documents that indicate her heritage. Of course, her uncle is not likely to welcome her, and there are others who would prefer she never return. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R223: World of Dungeons; "Through Ultan's Door" by One Seven Design; presented by Samuel Zeitlin. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A printmaker named Ultan, while laying poison for rats in his shop just off the Square of Eidolons, is said to have come across a door under his stairs. This printmaker claims that this doorway was not there as recently as the previous day, and, even more implausibly, that it leads to the sewers of Zyan, that infamous city existing only in dreams. He charges ten coin a head to go through and see the wonders of another world. You and your desperate friends have pooled the last of your gold. Now you gamble everything to travel through the door, beyond the veil of sleep, in search of fortune and destiny. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R224: World Wide Wrestling; "World of Warriors: Battle for the Crown, Part Three" by ndpdesign; presented by Joseph Zantek. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! At Last years Guild Wars, the Savage Starforce defeated the Kingdom of the Flies, but their evil remains within the world. Now, the power to reshape the universe has been discovered in the Crown of Creation! Can you scale eternity to claim that power for yourself? World Wide Wrestling is a pro wrestling RPG based on the Apocalypse World engine, with strong narrative element. This game is inspired by the world of comic books and wrestling organizations like Chikara, and Lucha Underground. So while everyone's on screen character is a hero, they are still just normal people putting on a show. So like most wrestling, this federation is entirely about playing heroes and villains, whether from a favorite comic of yours, or one you made up in your head! Players are encouraged to sign up for all three event slots, but may sign up for any or all. Players who pre-register for all three slots will be given first priority in choosing characters. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R225: Xenolanguage; "A Game About Language and Thought" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. See R132. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R256. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R226: AD&D Classic; "Time Bomb - Classic D&D Meets Non-Linearity" presented by Michael Kanarek, Ryan Kanarek. What if Time IS NOT on your side? Then there is only one thing to do... With a big thank you to "The Night Circus", the remaining missions will take you to the grand conclusion of this 24 hour adventure that began at DREAMATION 2018, from the Great Pyramids where we left off, to the Outer Planes, London 1900 and contemporary, the Prague subway, Times Square on New Year's Eve, and a lot of other places. Continuing from DEXCON 21, the brand-new sequel in The Experiment storyline, but prior experience rarely helps. Another MULTIMEDIA mind-bending event by Kanarek & Kanarek. Bring your favorite character, any genre, any system, with/without stats, or from literature. A character that you know well will be more fun (lots of role play! lots of combat!), but not required. Characters MUST play well in a party and not eat each other; you get the idea. Classic AD&D 1 & 2 is used to synchronize all systems together. The DMs will do this for you, don't worry about it. Saturday, 2:00PM - 12:00AM; Two Continuous Rounds; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R227: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: The Lord's Apprentice" presented by Steven Balbo. Continuing the initial trials and successes in your young realm, your growth is noticed. Fame and Reputation; Infamy and Retribution, new challenges are presented. Second of a two-part story arc; includes character growth. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R228: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition; "The Wailing Women" presented by Michael Walsh. Sheriff Isaiah Rinehart and his posse find themselves in the mountain town of Atocha while on the hunt for an escaped fugitive. The Spanish-speaking inhabitants are so friendly. But why do all of the women wear mourning dresses? Are they concealing the criminal, or do they have their own secrets? Set in 1876 New Mexico Territory and tying in with Down Darker Trails (no knowledge of this supplement needed to play). Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R229: Champions Complete; "Bitter Fruit" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! The floating sanctuary of New Tyrankos looms above the the skies of southeastern France coast - a bitter reminder of the man-made calamity visited upon Thulkos - while a jovial Menton Lemon Festival runs its course miles away. Yet as both refugees and festival goers start going missing, it becomes abundantly clear that some related vile phenomena is being visited upon both cities. Will our heroes unearth the mystery behind the disappearances amidst the ensuing chaos or will they will only experience the foul taste of Bitter Fruit? A Champions Complete scenario! No experience necessary, heroism required! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R230: D&D 5E; "Aulkhor Island" presented by Rich Parla. You new adventurers have been teleported to a small tropical island, where they are welcomed by a wizened human who claims that he has divine you all to be the ones to defeated a creature of immeson power. He says the town Milroy is dire need of their assiantace, that this powerful being has destroy any ships trying to arrive or leave, along with cursing the island. Please save us, and we will greatly reward you with this island. You will face hardship I will not hide that, but fear not you will be successful! Join your new allies as you venture into the wild uncharted Aulkhor Island. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R231: D&D 5E; "The Rat Princess" presented by Troels Ken Pedersen. See R135. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round.
R232: D&D 5E; "The Sunken Treasure and the Murderous Marsh of Deronas (Live Stream)" presented by Jonathan Cardello. THIS EVENT WILL BE LIVESTREAMED ON YOUTUBE. In the cold marsh town of Deronas, local legend speaks of an ancient treasure lost in the sunken waters of a nearby swamp. Years ago explorers transporting spoils from an archaeology find were caught off-guard by a storm and were washed away into the blacken waters of the marsh. Since then many have tried to claim the treasure as their own, but none have returned. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R233: ReMemorex; "Heavy Metal War" presented by Sean Jaffe. The summer of '86 is coming, and everyone loves senior field trip day- but an unexpected invasion of the boardwalk makes things pretty complicated. Heavy Metal War uses the system from ReMemorex; a simple, narrative-driven system. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R234: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha; "The Broken Tower" presented by Chris Bell. See R140. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R291.
R235: Traveller (Mongoose); "Assignment: Andor" presented by Ben Forest. About the world of Andor: "This world contains an archaeological site with artifacts suspected to be from the now-vanished Ancients. This world designated as a Red Zone with an environment, laws, customs, life forms, or other conditions that make it extremely dangerous to visitors. Everyone is forbidden to travel here." You are member of the elite Interstellar Scout Service: pathfinders, police and pioneers of the vast Imperium space civilization. Notable too for being the service with the highest causality rate. And have been assigned to a special interdisciplinary "special ops" unit (with a ship) to deal with a "first contact" on a remote system on the border of Imperial space. An all new adventure for DREAMATION 2019. Characters available but players are welcome to create their own; email me for guidelines: benforest1@gmail.com. We do not have time in the four hour slot to create characters. New & veteran players are welcome; simple, easy to learn game system. These ongoing series of adventures - run at DREAMATION & DEXCON exclusively - usually have a Firefly feel to them. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R236: Mazes; "Back Into the Darkness They Went" by 9th Level Games; presented by Chris O'Neill. An Envoy Event! See R143. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: R175. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R237: Fortune Cookie Kung Fu; "Stand Up For What Matters" by Gorkwobble Games; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A stranger is a friend you have not spoken to yet. Lucky numbers: 59-28-60-03-70-81. Destroy evil wherever it lives. It takes courage to do right by others. Let the stars guide your fortune, and engage in deadly battle. The rules are very simple. Bring cash and show up early if you want to order Chinese (optional). Extra fortune cookies will be provided. Saturday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Silly, All Ages.
R238: "The Book of Bloodless Gods". See R149. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R239: "The King is Dead" by Lumpley Games; presented by Paul Beakley. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Sex, violence, and sexy violence as five heirs and challengers to an empty throne claw their way to power. This is a 5-player (4+me) GMless, diceless PbtA game where every scene is its own mini-game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R240: A Dire Situation; "A Box of Deceit" by Lunar Veil Press; presented by Jabari Weathers. See R116. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R241: Afterverse; "Mining War" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! (2095-2101) For a generation, humans have been trading mining rights in the asteroid belt for the Bactarans' advanced technology required to traverse warp bridges and reach the stars. It's been 30 years since the occupation of Earth by the Bactarans ended, and while the trade environment has made things easier, humanity still hasn't forgotten the crimes. The Earth Guard Force (EGF) is tasked with keeping an eye on the Bactarans. In 2095, a vessel was reported missing in the vicinity of a Bactaran mine on the small (6km wide) asteroid 951 Gaspra. Your ship, the EGF frigate Scythe, has been dispatched to investigate. In 2101, after years of fighting in the asteroid belt, the conflict is coming to a head at Ceres, where a Bactaran ship has blown through the blockade and must be stopped before it can make it to the warp bridge around Saturn. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R242: Bluebeard's Bride; "A Tale As Old As Time" by Magpie Games; presented by Kevin Petker. An Envoy Event! See R150. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R243: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "Shipwrecked!" by Galileo Games; presented by John Britch. See R151. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R244: Delta Green; "Convergence" by Arc Dream Publishing; presented by Joshua Gildea. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! You are cordially invited to a Night at the Opera. Flash back to the 1990s with the original Delta Green scenario from 1997 using the moden Delta Green RPG rules. A town called Groversville is a hotbed of UFO activity and one of its residents has recently shown...disturbing inhuman abilities. Your cell is sent to investigate, and to survive, if you can. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R245: Dungeon World; "Tyrants of Tilt" by Sage Kobold Productions; presented by Robert Freeman. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Pulled from their various dungeons and evil lairs, several monstrous champions have been forced to serve the legendary Tyrants of Tilt. The 4 + 1 (it's unclear why they don't just say 5) rulers of the collapsing city have need of you to perform a dangerous quest, to save their city... And wear these matching costumes. And pick a musical instrument to play. And come up with wacky catch phrases that play well to the 18-34 demographic. Your lives will depend on it. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R246: Hearts of Wulin; "Emperor of Bandits" by Lowell Francis; presented by Jim Crocker. See R154. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; Round 2 of 2. Previous Round(s): R154.
R247: Red Carnations on a Black Grave; "Paris is Burning" by Aviatrix Games; presented by Catherine Ramen. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! For just over two months in 1871, the Paris Commune tried to make an egalitarian, socialist state a reality despite disagreement within their walls and attacks from outside it. This is the story of 12 Communards, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? A freeform game very much in the spirit of Montsegur: 1244 and Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne. This is a playtest of a game in development. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R248: Seco Creek Vigilance Committee; "Justice or Revenge?" by Human Hand & Brain; presented by Keith Stetson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Three notorious outlaws sit in the Seco Creek jail. The evidence against them for the current crime is scant. They're probably not guilty - at least of this. But their reputation precedes them and the townsfolk have no intention of letting them make it to trial. You're part of the posse that apprehended them and the fate of the three outlaws is tied to your actions. But so is your own. What will you do? Seco Creek Vigilance Committee is a tabletop role playing game of justice, law, revenge, and the discrepancy between what is right and what is good. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R249: Sorcerer; "Dictionary of Mu" by Adept Press; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! The rocky, windswept wastes of the red planet Marr'd have seen civilizations sacrificed, miracles maligned, and grandeur ground to dust. The only thing in abundance on this bloodthirsty surface is the spirits of dead things: dragons, blood spiders, the garden serpent, words, pharaohs. You alone can bind these potent forces: What will you do with them? What future will you bring to Marr'd? Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R250: Star Trek: To Boldly Go; "Star Trek Utopia: Indexing the Margin" by Matt Weber; presented by Russell Morrisey. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! As the Romulan Empire moves to war, the Federation seeks to strengthen alliances. The Noyesi, a newly-discovered species with incredible technology, have solicited the Federation's help in trade negotiations with the Ferengi. The Federation needs the goodwill of the Noyesi. The U.S.S. Utopia, a Texas-class light cruiser, is tasked with transporting Federation dignitaries to the Noyesi homeworld and providing security during the conference. New rules! This episode of Star Trek Utopia will be run using Matt Weber's adaptation of the franchise to PbtA. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R251: Ten Candles; "The World is Dark" by Cavalry Games; presented by Seraphina Malizia. See R082. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R252: The Art of Power; "The Lost Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Politics turns deadly when a previously unknown heir to the Empress appears. Can you control her? Eliminate her? How will she interfere with your plans? The Art of Power it a game of medieval power politics in a land ruled by women. See if you can gain what you desire in the face of political machinations. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R253: The Burning Wheel; "Last Age of Elves: Roden Sign" by Burning Wheel Headquarters; presented by Jahmal Brown. See R197. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R254: The Final Girl; "Don't Open That Door" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Dean Gailey. See R107. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R162.
R255: Trophy; "These Woods Will Claim A Trophy Of Their Own" by The Gauntlet Codex Zine; presented by Shane Liebling. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A collaborative storytelling game about a group of treasure-hunters on a doomed expedition into a forest that doesn’t want them there. The game tells the story of the physical and mental descent of the treasure-hunters as they move deeper and deeper into the dangerous forest. Their journey will ultimately bring them to ancient ruins that hold the treasure they seek, and the monstrous entities which now dwell there. It is is not, however, a hopeful story of brave and daring adventurers slaying dragons and dragging bags of gold with them back to town. It is a horror story of entitled pillagers meeting tragic ends. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R256: Xenolanguage; "A Game About Language and Thought" by Thorny Games; presented by Hakan Seyalioglu, Kathryn Hymes. See R132. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R225. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R257: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: Eyes on the Prize" presented by Dean Norman. Gondor currently has a stake in what is going on in Harendor. Sangahyandion, a Corsair Prince has moved numerous troops into Northern Harendor over the recent months. A small group of Ithilien Rangers along with a number of local mercenaries is tasked with reconnaissance of Corsair activity and interdiction of targets of opportunity. This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R258: D&D 5E; "Living Tal'Dorei" presented by Phil Cole. See R169. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: R288, R297.
R259: D&D 5E; "Town of Crossbridge" presented by Rich Parla. On your travels home from your first successful adventures, you stop at the local inn The Sweatin' Mug in the town of Crossbridge. While you get ready for the first peaceful night on a real bed, when suddenly a loud crash is heard in the common rooms, and the throatful growl of a some large animal is heard. You prepare yourself for combat and enter the room to see the large beast with what looks to be some sort of bull. Will a peaceful night ever come to you now that you are an adventurer, and what will you need to do to enjoy your nights rest. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R260: Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space; "Forest" presented by Darren Watts. The 13th Doctor and her companions are traveling in the TARDIS, observing the incredible sights of the galaxy, when they encounter a mysterious ship slowly being dragged into an alien sun. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R261: Kids on Bikes; "What Happens at the 7-11, Stays at the 7-11" presented by Nicholas Malinowski. The Adventure Club has a file designated as 36-7-11-D. There have been multiple sightings of a possible U.F.O. Weird time loops have also been experienced by several people. Reputable people... All around the blue raspberry slushi machine. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R262: ReMemorex; "New Wave Order" presented by Megan Jaffe. A Cyberpop coming of age story featuring hologram heroes right from your Saturday morning. Be part of a plucky band of outrageous misfits in the 1980's Midwest, and take your act to the big city, but be careful to hold onto your dreams and your Sound! New Wave Order uses the system from ReMemorex; a simple, narrative-driven system. Explore the 80s both as a ordinary kid, and as one of the mysterious Holomatix. Let rock n' roll save the day! Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R263: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha; "Darkness at Runegate" presented by Michael Walsh. Following the events at the Broken Tower, the adventurers are sent to Runegate by their clan chief, to investigate rumors of the desecration of the grave of one of the famous ancestors. When they arrive, they discover that something terrible is at work there, and it will take all their wits and strength of arms to survive. This adventure is a sequel to the RuneQuest Quickstart Adventure "The Broken Tower". Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
R264: Starfinder; "Reclaimations and Ruminations" presented by John Gallo. After a disturbing series of events at a prison complex, you have recovered your employer and formed a tentative alliance with an agent of the Dominion of the Black. Now you just need to break into one of their secured vaults and hijack your own ship back. What could possibly go wrong? (This game is the continuation of the story started in The Shattered Drive and Drifting Against the Dominion, run at DREAMATION 2018 and DEXCON 21 but does not require play in the prior scenarios. Pregenerated characters will be provided.) Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R265: Traveller (Mongoose); "Exit Strategy" presented by Adam Dray. See R206. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R266: "The Box". See R174. Saturday, 9:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round.
R267: "The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen" presented by James Moore. Once more into the breach dear friends! The Baron invites the finest of gentlefolk to a soiree of good spirits and cheer! Thrill to tales of his latest exploits and he will thrill to tales of yours! Let the speaking of absolute truth begin (unless you are a damnable liar, rapscallion or charlatan, in which case you will be called so and exposed for your unseemly behavior! There are always gatecrashers at the Baron's parties). Saturday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R268: "First Day Out" by Secret Orbit Studios; presented by Rick Dean. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A short, slice of life game about a released prisoner's first day out of prison. Players take turns portraying the "unbound" while the other players act as the "world" enacting forces upon them. This game has some heavy overtones but also has the potential for humorous, hopeful, and heartfelt moments. It is greatly indebted to Jackson Tegu's "Morning" in that the game is played out in brief, unconnected glimpses and impressions throughout the unbound's first day out. Sprawling narrative and fantastical occurrences are absent, replaced by brief flashes of emotion, sensation, and thought. First Day Out is a meditative game about sensing the real world in new, bewildering ways. Saturday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: R294.
R269: "Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire". See R176. Saturday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R270: ReMemorex; "RPG Nasty" presented by Sean Jaffe. Shameful! Repulsive! Offensive! Disgusting! The next game in the ReMemorex Line, RPG NASTY, is a one-shot storytelling game designed to evoke the bottom-of-the-barrel VHS horror of the early 80s. In this one-shot game you and your group will collaborate to create a crazy slasher and play the hapless victims. Don't expect to survive: You rack up valuable tracking errors by dying in the most gross, stupid, over-the-top ways. In RPG Nasty, dying is where the fun starts. Saturday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
R271: Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG; "Romance and Fortune" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by Rachel E.S. Walton. See R114. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R272: "Children of Dunsain". See R072. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R273: "Super Destiny High School Rumble!!". See R093. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R180.
R274: "Sword Loser" by Photographs of Lightning; presented by Rick Dean, Amber Dean, Kristine Rosette. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A casual game for players who want to tell anecdotes about Tyngauld who really couldn't keep track of his sword if his life depended on it, no offense Tyngauld but like come on. We all tell anecdotes about the same shared protagonist in a chill atmosphere. We also make bad, amateurish drawings of tools. "But I'm bad at drawing!" Oh what a relief, this game needs bad drawings. You'll do great! Wait, is this going to be on Kickstarter!? Yes! And you can check out this game's sibling Tool User (also by Jackson Tegu) here at DREAMATION as well! Sunday, 10:00AM - 12:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
R275: After the War; "Warframe Yard" by Genesis of Legend Publishing; presented by Jason Pitre. An Envoy Event! An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Ten years after the galactic war, the millions of survivors try to build a new home on the alien frontier world of Polvo. They try to protect their settlements from internal strife, shared trauma, and the mind-warping memetic viruses leftover from the war. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R276: Afterverse; "The Burning Man" by Afterverse Inc; presented by Ray Nothnagel. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Your secretive community, the Technoshaman society, is governed by an advanced algorithm, which determines the network's needs and directs its assets (you) to provide for them. Agents of the network have access to advanced technology, all controlled via Augmented Reality and the Shamanic visual language. The algorithm organizes its citizens into small, distributed communities, which are capable of carrying out what seems to be the algorithm's primary objective: Dismantling the powerful corporations that dominate daily life on Earth. Some of these objectives are straightforward objectives, but rarely, a Key Quest will appear, indicating that the network is ready to enter a new phase of its existence. Recently, the network has been growing rapidly and expanding its reach. The community has a sense of building to something major when a new Key Quest appears. A massive, demon-like avatar has appeared in augmented space, slowly approaching a shamanic community threateningly. The Key Quest: defeat it, before it destroys the community. Pregen characters provided. For more information and quickstart rules see www.afterver.se Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R277: Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition; "The Lost Heir" by Galileo Games; presented by Brennan Taylor. See R075. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R278: "Autumn Triduum" by Cloven Pine Games; presented by Alexi Sargeant. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! A game of darkness, sisterhood, and faith. Something sinister is threatening your convent this hallowmass season. How will you and your sisters rally to renounce Satan and all his works? How will your faith be tested from All Hallows' Eve to All Saints' Day to All Souls' Day? A game run in the Powered by the Apocalypse system, with playbooks based on archetypes of religious sisters. Will you be the naive Novice, the crotchety Elder, the alarming Mystic? Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R279: Hogwarts: An RPG; "The Angry Snitch" written and presented by David Brunell-Brutman. See R076. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R121, R212. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R280: Monster of the Week; "Lunaris, Tennessee" by Evil Hat Productions; presented by Robert Freeman. See R078. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R281: Serial Homicide Unit; "Murder by Accident" by Incarnadine Press; presented by Michael Miller. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Morristown is hit with a series of deadly accidents. But the accidental death of a beloved children's entertainer and world-famous balloon animal artist recalls a cold case where the killer got away. Could these accidents really be the work of a twisted killer? The crack team of investigators know as the Serial Homicide Unit have been summoned to find out. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
R282: Technoir; "Retaliations" by Dream Machine Productions; presented by Jahmal Brown. See R105. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R283: The Final Girl; "Sunday Morning Final Girl" by Gas Mask Games; presented by Joshua Gildea. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Close out your convention with the second-annual Sunday Morning Final Girl! Will telegenic teens be hunted through the woods? Will asteroid miners stumble upon an alien presence that devours all hope? Will the walking dead consume the living? Come play with us to find out! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
R284: Arcane Circle RPS; "Adventures in Middle Earth: It's a Risky Business" presented by Steven Balbo, Dean Norman. By now you have accomplished much and accumulated more, carving your own niche within a realm your neighbors have begun to notice and envy. Are you prepared for their responses, and the cleanup before your Lord's return? Will there even be anything left afterward? This adventure is set in the mid-Third Age of JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth using the Arcane Circle FRP system. This system is for mature players, emphasizing interactive role playing using real-time combat in a living world, and can be learned at the game. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R285: Champions Complete; "The Harvesting Guillotine" presented by Matthew Stewart. An Envoy Event! As the situation on the Continent deteriorates and spreads, an enigmatic organization of concerned citizens, vigilantes, and revolutionaries emerges from the shadows of society with a series of superheroes and repentant super villains seemingly at their beck and call to force change. However, said change comes at a price and soon our paragons will have to make a challenging and harrowing decision! Will our champions meet the challenge of the burgeoning forces arrayed against them or will they too lose their heads to the Harvesting Guillotine? A Champions Complete scenario! No experience necessary, heroism required! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R286: D&D 5E; "Election 1400" presented by George Bajuscik. For those of us around for Y2K, it was much ado about nothing...but in the fantasy world, what do you think will occur? Will it be a normal election, where the worst is a recount of some dimpled chads; or could there be something more nefarious at work? This is a two round, single-table event. PLAYERS MUST PLAY IN BOTH ROUNDS. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; Round 1 of 2; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. Next Round: R296.
R287: D&D 5E; "Grimhilde Manor" presented by Rich Parla. With the harvest moon approaching a black flame candle was seen lit in the old Grimhilde Manor. You are visiting during the Fall Festival and townsfolk are heard speaking of ill timings and how it has been 500 years since anyone has dare enter that place, while you are in town a black cat crosses your path and drops an odd trinket at your feet, then an eerie song is heard upon the wind "Come little children, I'll take thee away, Into a land of enchantment, Come little children, the time's come to play, Here in my garden of shadows." As the children start walking towards the manor around you. This event will use the INCREDIBLE 3-D Terrain from Legendary Realms! Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Knowledge Necessary; Fun, All Ages.
R288: D&D 5E; "Living Tal'Dorei" presented by Phil Cole. See R169. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R258, R297.
R289: Kids on Bikes; "What Did The Mayor Say?" presented by Nicholas Malinowski. The Grand Opening of Mythics Toy Company is next week and the Mayor has promised to be at the event to help cut the ribbon for a factory that will employ a good portion of the folk in town. He has been acting oddly as of late however, and has been overheard talking about the fleet of black Cadillacs that have been seen all over town. It's thought that it is the board members of Mythics, but Mayor Julian is certain that the feds are coming into his town to spy on him. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
R290: ReMemorex; "Saturday at Arneson's" presented by Sean Foster. See R088. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R139, R203.
R291: RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha; "The Broken Tower" presented by Chris Bell. See R140. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round. See Also: R234.
R292: Starfinder; "Clearing Out the Ledgers" presented by John Gallo. It's hard to get ahead at Absalom Station without something or someone to make you stand out - to give you the advantage. For better or worse, sometimes you have to rely on - morally dubious - backers. And eventually those old debts come calling. If you can finish this last assignment, your - employer - has sworn by Asmodeus that your debts will be cleared. (This is a teaching event; so the actual scenario is designed to run in less than the full 4 hour slot to allow time to demonstrate the rules, answer questions and the like. There will be a variety of pregenerated characters to choose from.) Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
R293: "Midnight at the Oasis". See R112. Sunday, 11:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round.
R294: "First Day Out". See R268. Sunday, 3:00PM - 5:00PM; One Round.
R295: Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition; "Dierdre of the Sorrows" presented by Michael Walsh. Returning to the scene of the Bloody Sunday massacre in Dublin, the investigators soon discover that these events are all echoed in another world, one they become trapped in. But do events in this echo also effect the real world? Classic 1920s Cthulhu. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R296: D&D 5E; "Election 1400" presented by George Bajuscik. See R286. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; Round 2 of 2. Previous Round(s): R286.
R297: D&D 5E; "Living Tal'Dorei" presented by Phil Cole. See R169. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. See Also: R258, R288.
R298: Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space; "Dead Rock" presented by Darren Watts. See R136. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
R299: Savage Worlds; "Stargate SG-1: The Lost Pyramid" presented by Scott Mina. See R141. Sunday, 3:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round.
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