
Thursday, February 21 - Sunday, February 24, 2019
At the Hyatt Regency Morristown & Conference Center in Morristown, New Jersey
LARP Schedule for DREAMATION 2019Updated 2/21/19 at 7:30AM EST. All Emails have been processed.
You may ONLY reserve seats in DREAMATION 2019 events if you are pre-registered. Click here to pre-register for DREAMATION 2019 if you have not already done so.
To reserve your spot in the events you want to play in, send eMail to: d2019@dexposure.com and include your name and the events you want to register for You do NOT need a badge number or any other info - just your name and email address, and the event codes.
NOTE: You may ONLY choose Event Codes which are SHOWN IN GREEN. DO NOT CHOOSE CODES WHICH ARE SHOWN IN RED and have LOCKS on them. Red Event Codes indicate locked events which you cannot register for or events which have already filled up to capacity (this page will be updated several times before the convention starts).
NOTE: The CUTOFF for reserving events is 10:00AM EST on Thursday, February 21. After that time, you can ONLY reserve events by physically entering your name on the Big Board when you arrive at the convention.
We allow you to select second and third choices for a given time slot; indicate this clearly in whatever fashion you'd like, otherwise we will just leave that slot open.
We will reply to your email with a confirmation that your reservations were received as quickly as possible. Note that you MUST include a valid eMail reply-to address for us to reach you to confirm. If you have previously selected LARPs, they will be included in this confirmation.
Emails are resolved in the order received. Even if it takes us several hours to get back to you, the timestamp on your email will determine how we enter seat reservations.
The Event Listing contains vital information about each event, in the format shown below:
Event ID; Type of Event; Event Name; Event Author. Event Description. Event Day & Time; Round (1); Materials (2). Level (3); Attitude (4), Age Notification (5). Next Round (6) (if applicable); See Also: Repetition of event or round (if applicable).
In the interest of conserving space, repeat listings of the same event or multiple round events will contain only the title, a reference to the first listing, time and round information. Note that prizes are usually NOT listed; all prizes will be gallery level certificates (or applicable awards), unless otherwise specified. In the case of convention admission prizes, Double Exposure reserves the right to withdraw the grand prize based on attendance of the specific event.
(1) One Session; One round; 1 of x = First round, etc.; 1A of x = Same round repeated elsewhere.
(2) All Materials Provided (except dice); All Materials Offered (except dice), but feel free to bring your own; Bring Your Own Materials (and characters, if applicable).
(3) Beginners ONLY; Beginners Welcome; Knowledge of rules Necessary; Experts ONLY.
(4) Very Silly; Silly; Fun; Serious; Very Serious.
(5) All Ages; Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance; 18 & Over ONLY; Recommended For Young Players.
All Special Headline Events are shown in YELLOW.
L001: "Innocence" by Nina Rune Essendrop; presented by Lizzie Stark. A LARP from the mind of Nina Rune Essendrop, one of the creators of White Death. A poetic, nonverbal, very physical LARP about naive creatures called Clowns. The Clowns have very short memories - they always wake up to a brand new world. Now, the Circus - their purpose and home - has left. The Salesman enters to offer language and independence in return for their dreams about the Circus and their painfully important relationships to one another. The Clowns will have to decide whether to take the easy way out with the Salesman, or whether to stay, despite their difficulties, and wait for the Circus to return. Clown noses, mirrors, and string (for making tangled, snarled relationships with other clowns) will be provided. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L002: "No Further Questions" by Jeff Dieterle and Chad Wolf; presented by Chad Wolf. A low-commitment, drop-in/drop-out party LARP about people holding press conferences that don't need to be held and the reporters on the scene asking the questions no one needs to ask. If you've ever wanted to ask a baseball manager about the joint custody arrangement after his octogenarian parents' divorce, this is the game for you. Thursday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
L003: "Perfection" presented by Jason Morningstar. This is a game about a charismatic cult in deep crisis. You will play the role of the inner circle - called the Council - surrounding someone named Meade, who has built up an enviable organization centered around themselves and their spiritual teachings. Traditionally the Council makes decisions for the 500-plus member community - the Family, really - but nothing is ever done without the approval of Meade. Lately the leader has been growing more and more erratic and unstable. Meade has called together the Council. Will it be for the last time? Thursday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L004: "The Long Drive Back from Busan" by Clio Davis; presented by Sharang Biswas. Winner of the 2017 Golden Cobra Challenge award for Best Game That Incorporates Meaningful, Non-Romantic Relationships. The Long Drive Back from Busan is about a male k-pop group struggling to fulfill the demands presented by the Korean entertainment industry. Faced with obsessive fans, a domineering manager, family problems, mental health issues, and a talent agency that controls their every move, can the boys band together to support each other in this tumultuous career, or will it be too much for them? All characters are male. Content Warning: Emotional abuse, eating disorders, body shaming, depression. Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L005: The Burning Wheel; "Inheritance" by Burning Wheel Headquarters; presented by Mel White. In Jutland, in the far distant past, when Christianity barely eking out a toe hold among the inhabitants, a family gathers upon the death of its patriarch. For some, it is farewell; for others, it is in hopes of the future. Inheritance tells the tale of a family coming to terms with forgiveness, debt, religion, law and death. Published by Burning Wheel HQ and based on the Burning Wheel role playing game, players each receive a booklet and a deck of cards to represent their characters. That's essentially all that is needed to play. No experience, knowledge, dice, pencils, paper or costumes are required; all that is needed is a willingness to fight for what you believe! Thursday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L006: "Heaven Over The Castro" presented by James Stuart. In 1980s San Francisco, a defrocked priest meets a youth who thinks he is chosen by God. An aging drag queen tries to be a better father. And a spirit of lights walks the streets, spreading joy, love and abandon. Heaven Over The Castro is a game of intersecting storylines and improbable meetings. It's a game about queerness, prayer and spirituality. It follows eight people as they discover faith, flesh and friendship in 1980s San Francisco. Thursday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L007: "Rosenstrasse Launch Party" by Unruly Designs. This is a drop-in Kickstarter launch party for Rosenstrasse by Moyra Turkington and Jessica Hammer. As the newest release in the War Birds line of games about women fighting on the front line of history, Rosenstrasse is a freeform game about love and survival. Set in Berlin in the years 1933-1943 the story revolves around the lives of eight people who live in mixed marriages where one partner is Jewish. It is a game about the slow erosion of civil liberties under the heel of a fascist regime, and a game about resistance that might just challenge your understanding of history. Come and meet the designers, celebrate with us, and learn more about the game! Thursday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L008: "Good Society" by Storybrewers Roleplaying; presented by James Stuart. A LARP that seeks to capture the heart, and the countenance, of Jane Austen's work. It is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden. At least on the surface. Underneath this, just as in Austen's own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing. This is a playtest of the LARP rules written by the Storybrewers for their game Good Society. No costuming or prep needed. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L009: "Royals Anonymous" presented by Ezekiel McGee. A light-hearted freeform LARP where players can portray their favorite nobles from history and fiction - at a self-help group. Players will get to create mantras, participate in visualization exercises, and spend a lot of time griping about how hard it is to be the one in charge. Friday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L010: "The Straights Are Not Okay" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. A comedy LARP about gender essentialism, heterosexism, and the rigidity of gender expectations. You will play a group of people at a gender reveal party in a national forest. Nominally, party attendees are there to support the expectant parents, but during play you will use the occasion to vent frustrations and resentments with other party guests in the pettiest, most pass-aggressive manner possible. The game will end when the gender reveal goes hilariously wrong and the party-goers burn down the forest. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L011: Scion: Storypath LARP System; "Denizen: Trapped in Here with Them" by Damocles Thread Development. A murder mystery parlor LARP. The mythical Denizens of Shell Beach are just trying to fit in and find their place in a world that fears them. The 5th anniversary of the Community Center is fast approaching, and while the party preparations are in full swing, a rash of grisly murders has set the residents on edge. It seems someone, or something is set on there not being a 6th anniversary celebration. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L012: The Nexus; "Roll-Your-Own" by Double Exposure, Inc.. The Nexus is Double Exposure's persistent living RPG. New and established players are welcome to join this flexible tabletop and/or semi-live event where we will explore character development and world building together. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L013: "War Birds: Mobilize" by Unruly Designs; presented by Eli Eaton. A game that deals with the complexities of communities that queer women built in the motor pools of the Women’s Army Corp (WAC) during WWII. Express yourself, protect your friends, do your job, fall in love, help the soldiers overseas, and try not to get kicked out in the process. Subject matter covered in this game includes sexuality and discrimination. Friday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L014: "Sea Dracula" by Atarashi Games; presented by Kitty Stoholski. Animal City is a magical town full of hardworking talking animals with loud names and silly opinions. The city is famous for it's nonsensical legal system, where the lawyers are responsible not just for prosecuting cases but also for fighting monsters and throwing parties. This was the legendary legal system pioneered by that great giraffe lawyer, Sea Dracula! Sea Dracula is a dancing role playing game by award winning game designers Nick Smith and Jake Richmond. Play by pretending to be animal lawyers who are prosecuting an important case in Animal City's highest court! Friday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Silly, All Ages.
L015: "Be Your Best Keanu" by Elizabeth Stong and Ron Blechner; presented by Elizabeth Stong. A game about Keanu trying directing, with cast & crew of all Keanu / Keanu characters. Each player chooses their Keanu or Keanu character (any gender). (Neo, Ted "Theodore" Logan, Evil Ted, Robot Ted, Sad Keanu, Movie Star Keanu, Constantine, John Wick, Jonathan Harker, Johnny Utah, Johnny Mnemonic, etc.). Then the group chooses a player to be "Maybe I Should Try Directing" Keanu (MISTDK). Then the players collectively choose a genre and setting for the movie. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, All Ages.
L016: "If You See Me You Will Weep" by Peach Pants Press; presented by Anna Kreider. This is an unsettling LARP about the struggle to hold onto hope in a hopeless world. The game starts six months from now, with the appearance of the Stones - which have appeared all over the world. The messages vary, but the warning at the top of the obelisk is always the same: If you see me, you will weep. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L017: "In Residency" by Stark Participation; presented by Lizzie Stark. In Residency explores the lives of artists spending a transformative summer at the colony of Brython. By day, they make art about their personal wounds in a beautiful and fully staffed mansion. By night, they party inside a fishbowl of personal and artistic conflicts. Will they overcome impostor syndrome to work on the projects they said they would? Will their off-colony relationships survive? Or will it all degenerate into Bacchanalia? Play takes place across set scenes over two days at the colony. You can choose to opt-in to non-physical romantic play if you wish. Participants will have the opportunity to cull the realistic and serious list of personal issues that the art projects will be based on before play begins. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L018: "Incandescent War: Voices from Ildathach" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions. Welcome to Eos Academy. We will show you that the world you thought was real is just a shell holding in the truth. Magic is real, and we can teach it to you. We can teach you the truth. Come and join us. Incandescent War uses ASL signs as a somatic component to shape the spells. Within the world of mortals, humankind has messed with the climate to the point where it has begun to impact the power structure within Ildathach. Two delegations have been sent to Eos to find a way to once again bring balance. Between this and events set in motion earlier, just what path will folk take? Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L019: "Pressure Drop" presented by Eric Mersmann. You are professional killers at your 20th High School Reunion and you have some UNFINISHED BUSINESS to attend to and also someone to assassinate. Navigate the murky waters of long-dormant high school drama while waiting for the right moment to strike, but be careful because your name is on someone else's dance card as well!!! Accessibility notes: primarily relies on musical cues facilitator can accommodate. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L020: Q-CANCELED BY GAMEMASTER. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. This is an Advancement Session and cannot be selected.
L021: "The Alchemists" presented by Jason Morningstar. The duchy of Gifhorn desires a court alchemist, and likely candidates have been drawn like flies to honey. Everyone has an angle, and only one will get the job, but the best candidate...might not be the best alchemist. Friday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L022: Model United Nations; "Bosnian Crisis Council" presented by Jacqueline Bryk. Yugoslavia has been teetering on the edge of total collapse for five years. Croatia and Slovenia have already seceded, and Bosnia-Herzegovina looks like it will be next. The Serbian government views this as a betrayal of the Serbian nationals within the border of the region, and would like nothing more than to stop that from happening. Talk of war is in the air, and the entire region is preparing. NATO and the UN are frantically trying to keep the peace. What happens next is in your hands. This LARP will be run almost exactly like a high school Model UN crisis council simulation. Parliamentary procedure ("parlipro") will be observed - to a point. Please email Jacqueline at jacquelinembryk@gmail.com for character assignments and questions. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L023: "War Birds: Rosenstrasse" by Unruly Designs; presented by Moyra Turkington. Berlin, 1943: Following a decade-long erosion of civil liberties, German women in mixed marriages stand in defiance of the Third Reich which aims to deport their Jewish husbands to Auschwitz. In the very heart of darkness, is such resistance even possible? Historical Drama. Content Warning: Anti-Semitism, Holocaust. Friday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: L034, L056, L066. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L024: "Long Time Listener, Last Time Caller" by Jeff Dieterle; presented by Eli Eaton. Often funny and always poignant, this LARP has players portray the host and listeners of a radio call in show at the end of the world. One of the 2017 Golden Cobra winners. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L025: "The Beetle" presented by Chad Wolf. When you turn 14 years old, you come of age and are given a beetle in a box. Some people say it is the embodiment of a living god, born at the same moment as you. Other people say that it is your soul. Most people say they are not sure what it is, but they know it is powerful. After you receive your beetle, it is your responsibility to care for it the rest of your life. You will carry it with you everywhere you go, and one day you will be buried with it. To show someone your beetle is a very intimate thing. Now that you have a beetle, someone might want to see it, and that seems scary. They could hate you for it; they could love you for it. What might your beetle say about you? Friday, 4:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L026: Atmosfear: The Nightmare; "Welcome to the Other Side!" by Kitsune Entertainment. In an instant, a darkness unlike any you have ever known. In the next instant, a cold starlit night in the middle of a cemetery. A cruel face appears in the sky. The face tells you bluntly that you are dead. Now, choose your fate and how you will spend your afterlife. Players will arrive, and role play their stories with one another. Along the way, players will determine a supernatural House or Tribe that they will join. Then, and only then, will they learn their fate. This is a pure role playing event with absolutely no combat. Friday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L027: "LARP Character Toolbox" presented by Andi Gastonguay. Join a trained and working improvisation actress to learn tips to take your LARP characters to the next level. Using methods from the world of improv you will leave the seminar with an arsenal of tricks to make each of your characters unique people. Come prepared to move and use your voice as you are able as we will be putting the various methods to the test. Friday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L028: Knight Realms: Darklight; "The Road to Elysium". Utopian fantasy meets urban dystopia in the arcanapunk universe of Darklight. In the world of Torlain, Nightcorp holds the monopoly on the creation and distribution of magical technology. With control of mystech, its power and prestige are limitless - manipulating anything from government agencies and leading mystechal researchers to crime syndicates and people of influence. This evening, Nightcorp has extended an invitation to their annual Gala showcasing the newest advancements in the field of mystech to many such figures. Meanwhile, Eylsium, an organization dedicated to resisting the control of the megacorp, has infiltrated the event. Will you side with the social elite and get a taste of power or join the resistance and fight to end the corruption? Friday, 7:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
L029: "Post-It" presented by James Stuart. Here at the New Hobro Cyberclinic, we know your needs. You, unable to relate to your sister's new boyfriend; get a smile-and-nod small-talk enhancer! You, working your ass off at a meaningless job without recognition; we'll install the new TotalNihilism(TM) mod! We know YOUR problems, and we have YOUR solutions! This is a comedy game about mundane people in the cyberpunk future who have implants that break down way too easily. A mix of over-the-top cybernoir juxtaposed with madcap surgery scenes, where solving all your problems is just one makeover surgery away. The game involves light touch for the 'surgery' scenes. Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Silly, 18 & Over ONLY. See Also: L036. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L030: Atmosfear: The Nightmare; "The Pirate's Life For Me!" by Kitsune Entertainment. The Second Soul War is over and the dust has settled. Now the time has come to return to the Game. The Houses and Tribes in the Game will now determine the future of the Game. Additionally, the Zombie Pirate, Captain Van Der Straeten, gets his day in court to re-apply for status as a Harbinger. What will his fate be? This LARP is not intended to have combat. It relies heavily on role playing and and player interaction with one another to accomplish the various plots. Players can create their own character prior to the game, or take a pre-generated character at the door. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L031: Cthulhu Live! 3.5; "The Final Cut" by PST Productions. A DREAMATION 2019 EXCLUSIVE! The storied Pelican Island Asylum, home of stories that would chill you to the bone. These tales are about to become a major motion picture!. Join the super star studded cast for the filming of "The Bride Of The Creature" a new horror blockbuster. But what happens when not all the strange happenings are not a special effect or planned scene. For this production, the horror is about to leap from the pages of the script into the real world. Lights, Camera, Sanity Loss! "The Final Cut" is a Cthulhu Live tale set in the 90's. Your backstage pass will take you behind the scenes of this blood soaked blockbuster that not everything is included in the script. For character pre-assignments, contact PST Productions at: pstproductions@gmail.com. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L032: Fate Lives; "The Full Moon Shift" by Pandaragon Games. A whimsical fantasy game using the Fate Lives system. Players fill the part of employees in a humble ramen shop on the edge of a magical wood. Faced with such dire challenges as dragons, the lunch rush, and ramen-robbing goblins, will you bring the ramen shop to notoriety and glory? Or will the business buckle under the pressure? Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L033: The Nexus; "The Hex of Ape Isle" by Double Exposure, Inc.. You've been captured by pirates! How did pirates even make it into the Nexus, let alone capture a few dozen people? Discover the secrets of Ape Isle. And break the hex...or maybe, you'll never be able to escape. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L034: "War Birds: Rosenstrasse". See L023. Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: L056, L066. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L035: Werewolf: The Apocalypse/Changing Breeds; "Night at the Museum" by Wyrd Sisters Games. Darkness is coming. The prophecies have been coming to fruition. The local vampire population of Washington DC is in a frenzy. Questioning them has lead us to know that it's all about an ancient sarcophagus that is resting in the Smithsonian. They believe that one of their Antediluvians, a vampire from before Noah's Flood, rests inside. While it would be easier to let the Leeches kill each other, the Shapeshifters cannot let them grow stronger with it's consumption. This is a task they must take on. The fate of Gaia depends on it! Friday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L036: "Post-It". See L029. Friday, 10:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L037: "A Lion In Mississauga" presented by Alex Rowland. Players embody actors cast in their first, big, career making roles. They arrive at the show's first rehearsal only to discover that there have been some setbacks in production and that they may be in for more work than they expected. The game is a rules-light absurdist freeform LARP where characters are forced put on an equally absurdist play for the sake of their careers. Friday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. See Also: L050.
L038: Freeform; "THREAT LEVEL SEVERE" presented by Jacqueline Bryk. A micro-LARP, based on Kerry Hammond's creepypasta ***ALERT: THREAT LEVEL SEVERE***. You're at a sleepover. Things go horribly wrong. This will be played primarily in a dark room with cell phones and sound effects. Please feel free to bring sleeping bags or stuffed animals. Friday, 12:00AM - 3:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L039: The Purgatory Saloon; "We're Open All Night" by Kitsune Entertainment. Welcome to the Purgatory Saloon! I'm the proprietor, Mr. White. The time is late, but none of us have anywhere to be until...later, whenever later happens to be. So stop on in, have a drink, and perhaps learn a little bit about yourself and the rest of the customers. It all happens here at the Purgatory. Players will create a Purgatory Saloon customer who happens to be present at the time of the incident in question, and then role play that character in a bar-type scenario. This is a pure role playing event with no combat whatsoever. Friday, 12:00AM - 2:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L040: "A Pirate's Life" presented by Jay Treat. Yoho! Join an elective family of pirates for adventure on the high seas. All be welcome, no matter your countenance, means, or ability. Find love, acceptance, and pirate booty in this serious and heart-warming LARP about choosing each other when society wouldn't. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L041: "But Not Tonight" written and presented by Clio Davis. A LARP about the Cold War, high school social dynamics, and the struggle to find hope when the world around you might be burning to the ground. On a spring afternoon in 1986, the air raid siren at your high school goes off and the guidance counselor ushers you into the building's fallout shelter with only a handful of other students. With no radio or other means of communicating with the outside world, it is unclear to all of you whether this is a drill, a mistake, or the real deal. As the hours pass and the possibility of nuclear annihilation grows more real, will you open up to people you never thought you would trust, dismantle the school's social hierarchy as you know it, and say all the things you meant to keep secret? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L042: "If You Find This, Assume the Worst" presented by Anne Ratchat. A multiplayer adaptation of Banana Chan's Golden Cobra Game "They're Onto Me". "If You Find This, Assume the Worst" is an asymmetric LARP where one player is a conspiracy theorist documenting the parasitic infestation of their office, created by the rest of the players. Video Recording will be part of this game. This is a playtest. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
L043: "Larp Shack Original: Eurovision" presented by Kate Hill, Chris Dragga. In November 2018, Larp Shack, a group from Durham North Carolina overseen by Kate Hill and Jason Morningstar and dedicated to running, playtesting and writing low prep, rules light larps ran a LARP writing intensive. This is one of the games that came from that effort. A group of high rolling friends who have been captured by the European Broadcasting Union and asked to decide the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest from a secret underground bunker. Saturday, 9:00AM - 11:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L044: "Last Couple Out" presented by Liz Gorinsky, Brand Robins, Sara Williamson. "Despite happy table-tennis nights and countless other government-backed activities, you have failed to find a partner and form a family. One day, the letter comes with the call to the Relationship Agency. To obey the call is of course voluntary, but if you show a lack of cooperation, your basic income will be decreased by four levels and your social suitability class will be reduced to a maximum of C. The date of the matchmaking event has already automatically been entered in your electronic calendar." Last Couple Out is a humorous speed-dating LARP by the LARP collective Lajvfabriken Stockholm about an alternate Sweden wherein couple formation is mandated by the Swedish Social Democratic Party. You will play a (possibly unwilling) participant in this process, hoping that the system will find you a dream partner to build a home and family with...whether you like it or not. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
L045: 7th Sea LARP; "Tide of Darkness" by Wyrd Sisters Games. With the world at peace, Queen Elaine is celebrating the anniversary of her coronation. All the Nobility and Merchants of note are invited, including you! With the Emperor of Montaigne banished, all is at peace and settled. Or is it? From the Oceans come invaders with dark and powerful magics, the likes of which Thea has never seen. The world has a new threat, but will the nations rise to the challenge, or crumble under the onslaught? Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L046: Bright Story; "Gathering" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions. A DREAMATION 2019 EXCLUSIVE! Brightsiders from across the worlds gather to celebrate their successes at a gaming convention - but a monster slumbering beneath the con floor has started to stir. Can the heroes protect all the wonder and joy the con will bring? Bright Story is a live action role playing game with optional live combat elements, inspired by animated media like Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls. You'll level up by making friends and restore your abilities through self-care. Bright Story will have some movement and involve the use of contact-safe weapons to simulate combat. Please consider these aspects before deciding to attend. Email Josh Harrison at jharr421@gmail.com with questions, or search Bright Story LARP on Facebook to find our group. You can bring your own costuming and contact-safe weapons, use some of our loaners, or use only the power of your imagination. Write or visit our group to talk character creation, or pick up a pre-generated character at the event to get started. Saturday, 9:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L047: "Hack/Enhance" presented by Eric Mersmann, Banana Chan. You are the most elite of the elite (but some are more elite than others). You are a Hacker collective who work on-call for teams of professional criminals and thieves. When they get caught on tape, it's your job to hack the systems and doctor the footage before they get caught by the panopticon. Players will be drawing from a deck of cards that are the jobs that they have to complete in-character as hackers. Any time the activation phrase is heard, they will need to begin the hack via a game online. Saturday, 10:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L048: "Larp Shack Originals: Aliens and Easter Bunnies" presented by Kate Hill, Chris Dragga. In November 2018, Larp Shack, a group from Durham North Carolina overseen by Kate Hill and Jason Morningstar and dedicated to running, playtesting and writing low prep, rules light larps ran a LARP writing intensive. These are two of the games that came from that effort. Come play short LARPs about: 1) Aliens interviewing two representatives from earth about what the future of the human race should be. 2) A photographer, manager and Easter Bunny trying to survive the onslaught of customers while admitting their feelings for each other Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
L049: "The Puzzling Tea Party Social" presented by Zachary Maichuk. Join the Munchausen Society for a couple of hours of tea and fellowship. At the party, however, you might notice a series of locked boxes, each with its own treasure inside. Clues will be hidden within tea, food, and atmosphere that, if deciphered, can show you how the boxes might be opened. Each player will automatically be given one opportunity to attempt to open a box. However, players can earn additional opportunities by contributing to the atmosphere through fancy dress, exceptional role play, bringing you own special mug/tea cup, contributing to the entertainment (reading poetry or prose, singing an appropriate song, etc.), or bringing a few extra teabags or snacks to share with the party. Saturday, 11:00AM - 1:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L050: "A Lion In Mississauga". See L037. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L051: "Wheel in the Sky" by Phoenix Outlaw Productions. A DREAMATION 2019 EXCLUSIVE! You are a Hunter: Rugged, lonely, and dedicated. Out there are Monsters. They arrive in waves, hungry for anguish and blood, and when they do, you fight. Wheel in the Sky is a new live action role playing game about empathy, persistence, and self-determination. Inspired by media like Supernatural and Buffy, our game will tell the story of the bold few who stand between otherworldy predators and the innocents they seek to harm. Wheel in the Sky includes contact and non-contact methods for engaging paranormal threats: Hunters arm themselves with blades and bullets, classic rock lyrics, and jury-rigged exorcisms. We'll be playtesting many of these systems in this beta session; players may participate in any or all, as suits their comfort. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L052: Clue, the LARP; "Beach Blanket Limbo" by Kitsune Entertainment. It was supposed to be a fun weekend at the beach. Everything was going just fine until a moment of darkness. Then you woke up in the game room not knowing how you got there. Just exactly what happened? Only time, and a lot of questions, will help you figure things out. The classic characters of Clue are coming together where murder is the order of the day. Saturday, 2:00PM - 4:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L053: Freeform; "The Emperor's Orchard" presented by Jacqueline Bryk. "They called the orchard I served in "The Emperor's Harem" - and we were, in a sense." The Emperor's Orchard is an American freeform LARP. Play over five scenes, and wrestle with frustation, control, and revolution. Players may take on the roles of the Emperor, the Empress, their nobles, or the sentient trees living in the Emperor's orchard. Content warning for objectification and possible consensual touching. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L054: Huldufolk: The Hidden People; "Down and Out in Centralia, PA" presented by Joe Terranova. The Hidden People fight a secret war over the future of this world, and the humans in it. Based on Icelandic legend, Huldufolk is a lightweight narrative LARP of political and urban conflict, placing you in the role of the Hidden People working for Angel or Demon Patrons. At our DREAMATION playtest, join the Huldufolk in the ghost mining town of Centralia, PA. The Huldufolk's Banished are still nostalgic over luring the town's residents into starting the underground mine fire which still burns decades later, though today only tourists and a few holdout families can be found there. The Huldufolk now return to investigate growing stories of disappearances around the abandoned mines, with rumors that the fires below are glowing hotter than ever before. The Hidden People will need to deal with whatever is growing in Centralia before mortals take a closer look, and decide the old town's future, if there is one. More information on Huldufolk is available at thehuldufolk.com. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L055: Star Dust; "To The Call of Queens" presented by Hana Salvacion. You will become one of the Mahou Shoujo, also known as Magical Girls. You will be summoned by the Rulers of Creation and Destruction to discuss the oncoming threat of the Void Prince and his Minions. Join your fellow Mahou at The Summit of Queens, to meet your Balance - and save the world from the threat of the Void. This LARP will explore themes of teamwork, magic, and self-expression in a world filled with apathy and hate. Only together will we be able to save us from our greatest foe; ourselves. Saturday, 2:00PM - 7:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, All Ages.
L056: "War Birds: Rosenstrasse". See L023. Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round. See Also: L034, L066. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN FILLED! You may sign up as an Alternate at the convention.
L057: Werewolf: The Apocalypse; "Fiddled As Rome Burned" by By Night Studios; presented by Robert Recckia, Colin Cherry. As the Werewolves make their final stand against the forces of corruption, foul beings take advantage of the chaos. One who would be dubbed Caesar has been punishing the people that fall within his purview. From burning of city blocks to archaic rules that bind the people of Hunterdon County in ways beyond the ken of mortal institutions, humanity teeters on the edge of madness. Yet all have not given up hope: A partial message has gotten out asking for help. "He is mad, and is engineering a plague to end it all. Help us stop..." Join the Central New Jersey Domain of the Mind's Eye Society for "Fiddled As Rome Burns". Make your own character by contacting the Storyteller at ApocVST.MESPrinceton@gmail.com by 2/18/19. Those that attended our previous DexCon or Dreamation events are welcome to contact us about continuing their character. Pre-generated characters will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MESPrinceton/ Saturday, 2:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L058: Clue, the LARP; "Life Imitates Art" by Kitsune Entertainment. The TV series, Cluedo, is an international hit. Now that the series is over for the year, the cast and crew are getting together for the wrap party. That's when things really get interesting. The classic characters of Clue are coming together where murder is the order of the day. Saturday, 4:00PM - 6:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
L059: "Deranged" presented by Clio Davis. Plagued by melancholy, madness, and mercury poisoning, the aging composer Robert Schumann looks back on the series of mad events that tied his life so close to Clara Wiecks', Felix Mendelssohn's, and Johannes Brahms'. On his deathbed, he relives his life by setting the scenes and through his participation in them, lives out what actually happened and how it would have been if things had turned out differently. The scenario is a drama about the conflicts in four composers' lives and the choices they must make between recognition, artistic integrity, love, lust, and family. Players will be engulfed by a continuous flow of scenes which they create together on a foundation of beautiful romantic music. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L060: "My Jam" by Play Dumb Games; presented by Jeffrey Dieterle, Eric Mersmann. The Spring dance is the biggest event of the year at Robert Johnson Memorial High School, and it's happening tonight. Players are students who are also Phonomancers - magicians who focus their powers through music. You've already requested your favorite song, so the dance is your best opportunity to show off, unleash magical mayhem on your classmates, and maybe even do some dancing. If you're skilled, lucky, or popular enough, you’ll be elected Dance Monarch, and harness all the emotional and magical energy released at the dance into a powerful ritual that has the potential to reshape reality itself. My Jam is a freeform-inspired LARP based loosely on Kieron Gillen and Jaime McElvie's Phonogram comic series, and aims to combine the teen emotional drama of games like Monsterhearts with the atmosphere of a slightly awkward dance party. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, Under 18 Requires Parental Clearance.
L061: "Telford" presented by Jason Morningstar, Lizzie Stark. A LARP about labor, class and immigration set in an enamel factory in 1920. For DREAMATION we will be exploring the game's subsystems through an integrated event that includes family play, work, union drama, and a confrontation with Baldwin-Felts strike-breakers that will not end well. Please join us for a rousing odyssey of solidarity in the face of danger and uncertainty. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L062: BREACH v2.0; "STRIKE" by Pandaragon Games. Pandaragon games brings you it's second event, STRIKE. Players return to the world of BREACH in order to reclaim a site overrun with creatures and nightmares beyond common understanding. Through boffer and nerf combat, solving mechanical puzzles, and uncovering the secrets of the SCP Foundation setting, players will triumph over the unknown threats... or perish horribly in the effort. BREACH is a horror based game and may contain mature themes, low light settings, and jump scares. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Fun, 18 & Over ONLY.
L063: Cthulhu Live! 3.5; "Wytches Amoungst Ye" by PST Productions. A DREAMATION 2019 EXCLUSIVE! In 1691, at the end of a harsh winter in the small town of Arkham, Massachusetts; families have brought what they have left in their larders to be stored and rationed out by local clergy in the hopes that combined resources may help everyone until the first thaw. When two desperate traveling strangers stumble into the church and ask for shelter; the hunger of the townsfolk and the fear and hysteria from the nearby witch trials boils over and threaten to rip this small town apart. For character pre-assignments, contact PST Productions at: pstproductions@gmail.com. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Very Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L064: The Nexus; "Happy Hour at the Golden Meanwhile" by Double Exposure, Inc.. Tank MacKenzie, friendly proprietor, invites you to The Golden Meanwhile, an historic coastal watering hole, located in The Nexus. Enjoy (role play only - no alcohol will actually be served) local microbrews, top shelf spirits, a great glass of blueberry lemonade, or a pot of tea while you get to know your neighbors. It's a chance to introduce yourself, meet newcomers, discuss community issues, and maybe even earn your own signature cocktail on the menu. The pub is open to all ages. This event is set in The Nexus, a persistent living RPG setting developed to co-exist with Double Exposure events. Characters from all games, genres, universes, and fandoms are welcome. Everything you need to know will be taught when you arrive. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L065: Vampire: The Masquerade; "Deadly Whispers" by By Night Studios; presented by Robert Recckia, Colin Cherry. "Et Tu, Brute" - With those words, so ended the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March. Yet scholars tell us that it was but a few weeks before, on what we know as the 23rd of February, that the conspirators met and agreed to end the life of the 'dictator in perpetuity'. It is on that night that murder was decided. Now, the society of vampires in New Jersey gather on this February 23rd at the invitation of a recently returned Elder in order to socialize, debate and politic events long past, of recent nights and the nights to come. With the recent discovery of infernal infiltrators, the success of mortal hunters, and the ever-present threat of the Sabbat, they have much to discuss… Join the Central New Jersey Domain of the Mind's Eye Society for "Deadly Whispers ". Make your own character by contacting the Storyteller at DST.MESPrinceton@gmail.com by 2/19/19. Those that attended our previous Dreamation or DexCon events are welcome to contact us about continuing their character. Pre-generated characters will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information, please visit us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MESPrinceton/ Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L066: "War Birds: Rosenstrasse". See L023. Saturday, 8:00PM - 12:00AM; One Round. See Also: L034, L056. ONLY ONE SEAT LEFT!
L067: "Sleep: The LARP" presented by Andrew Sirkin. A DREAMATION 2019 EXCLUSIVE! "Extremely realistic!" "Very well run!" "An incredible LARP experience!" The reviews are in from last year and this year we're introducing some new mechanics: Sea Salt Pillow Chocolates! As the energy surge from Chocolate Heaven wears off and the magnitude of DREAMATION 2019 settles firmly in your bones, you will begin to drift towards your hotel room for the ultimate LARP. Complete rules will be taught in your first dream. Good night. Saturday, 12:00AM - 8:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L068: "Super Ultra Fighting Instinct EX Turbo Remix Alpha!" by Damocles Thread Development. The Collision is Inevitable. The Impact is Unavoidable. The Emotion is, Palpable. SUFIETRA! is a Rules Light, Freeform esque LARP focused on the behind the scene goings on at an international fighting tournament, like those popularized in early 1990's video games. Take on the role of a World Warrior, a master of the martial arts with more emotional baggage than one person should be able to bear and compete in the first-ever Emperor of the Steel Fist Tournament. The prize? Your wildest dreams come true, all you have to do is come face to face with everyone who’s ever broken your heart, ruined your life, or meant a damn to you. Saturday, 12:00AM - 4:00AM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L069: "Lightsaber Stage Combat Workshop" presented by Craig Page. Lightsabers have caught the eye of geeks for the past forty years. With the new movies and better toys, the urge to learn more about how to fight like a Jedi (or Sith!) have grown. Come and learn from a two hour intensive about stage combat focusing on everyone's favorite Sci/Fi Fantasy weapon, from the basics to sword forms, to building your own fights for entertainment. Attendees are expected to come wearing loose fitting clothing and prepared to work out. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own lightsabers (or suitable replacement), but spares will be available at class. No previous experience required. Sunday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Offered. Beginners Welcome; Serious, 18 & Over ONLY.
L070: Breakfast with Liz, Jason, and James. Wake up late on Sunday and enjoy breakfast with Liz Gorinsky, James Stuart, and Jason Morningstar! We'll be hosting a "welcome to all" breakfast in the hotel restaurant. Get to know your fellow players and designers over coffee and eggs. Recommended, but not mandatory after this leisurely breakfast is to join us for a sampler of freeform games from around the world! Show up at the front of the hotel restaurant shortly before11AM. We'll sit down together as a group, have icebreakers to get to know each other, and rotate chairs halfway through so you get to know more people. Sunday, 11:00AM - 12:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
L071: The Underappreciated Freeform Sampler. Curators Liz Gorinsky, Jason Morningstar and James Stuart will be picking their favorite overlooked short freeform games from Golden Cobra, Game Chef, Ropecon, and more. Finish off your DREAMATION with some short, delightful surprises. No experience necessary. Sunday, 12:00PM - 2:00PM; One Round; All Materials Provided. Beginners Welcome; Fun, All Ages.
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