Thursday, February 21 - Sunday, February 24, 2019
The following games will be offered as PLAY-TO-WIN games. There is no schedule for them; they will be available throughout the convention for attendees to check out, play with their group, then check back in. Each player who participates will be entered into a drawing for that game on Sunday at 2PM, where all of the play-to-win games will be given away.
We are telling you this now SPECIFICALLY so that you understand that leaving time on your schedule to try these games (perhaps with your group) is a GOOD IDEA.
- 3 Seeds
- A Fistful of Penguins
- Ambyria
- Aura
- Bears!
- Billionaire Banshee
- Cover Your Assets
- Dastardly Dirigibles
- Dice City
- Dinosaur Tea Party
- Dome Crushers
- Dungeon Raiders
- Dungeon Roll
- Eight-Minute Empire
- Embark
- Exodus: Paris Nouveau
- Fast Forward: Fear
- Fast Forward: Fortress
- Fast Forward: Flee
- Fast Forward: Fortune
- Final War
- Front Line No Komrades
- Fuji Flush
- Game of Trains
- Gold Fever
- Harvest
- Hoard
- Istanbul: The Dice Game
- Kaiju Crush
- Karuba: The Card Game
- King of the Dice
- Little Drop of Poison
- Madstone
- Mystic Vale
- Ninjitsu
- Nut So Fast
- Orc-lympics
- Pickle Letter
- Pikoko
- Pirate 21
- Roll for Your Life, Candyman
- Rollers
- Shogunate
- Space Base
- Swordcrafters
- The Bears and the Bees
- The Flow of History
- The Game of 49
- The Lady and the Tiger
- The Worst Game Ever
- Truck Off
- Vault Wars
- Zombie Terror
...and then we died. - B325, B590
5-Minute Dungeon - B515, B622
7 Wonders - B326
7th Sea LARP - L045
A Dire Situation - R116, R240
A Lion In Mississauga - L037, L050
A Pirate's Life - L040
A Story For Lonely Kids - R146, R178
Acquire - B411, B623
Action Cats! - B449, B652
AD&D Classic - R226
Aeon's End - B624
After the War - R275
Afterverse - R117, R241, R276
Alhambra - B354
Alien Artifacts - B621
Amazing Adventures in Space - R182
Amun-Re - B386
Animal Upon Animal - B555, B760
Antelope Toss - S554
Apples to Apples - B827
Arcane Circle RPS - R165, R227, R257, R284
Architects of the West Kingdom - B387
Arkham Horror - B482, B742
Asking for Trobils - B450
At the Gates of Loyang - B483
Atmosfear: The Nightmare - L026, L030
Auction - S790
AuZtralia - B689
Azul - B301, B484
Backgammon - B451
Bad Doctor - B412, B690
Bad Maps - B485
Bad Medicine - B591
Baron Munchausen, The Extraordinary Adventures of - R267
Batchelder's Bridge - B413, B556
Battle of the 80s! - S618
Battleground: Fantasy Warfare - W510, W791
BattleRoller: Commandos - B388, B720
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game - B691
Battlestations: Second Edition - B761
BattleTech (Classic) - W650, W787
BattleTech: Alpha Strike - W511, W715
Be Your Best Keanu - L015
Bears! - B452
Before There Were Stars... - B389, B692
Big Trouble in Little China: The Game - B693
Blitz Bowl - B342
Bluebeard's Bride - R150, R242
Boomtown Bandits - B743
Brass: Birmingham - B694
Brass: Lancashire - B355
BREACH v2.0 - L062
Breakfast with Liz, Jason, and James - L070
Brickstickuffs - W409, W619
Bright Story - L046
Bulldogs! Fate Core Edition - R075, R151, R243, R277
But Not Tonight - L041
Cahoots - B327, B792
Call of Cthulhu, 7th Edition - R166, R228, R295
Can't Stop - B356, B721
Capes - R095
Captain is Dead, The - B319
Captains of Industry - B762
Carcassonne - B592, B343
Castle Panic - B357, B828
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - B322, B744
Cave Paintings - B414, B557
Champions Complete - R167, R229, R285
Channel A - B358, B558
Chaos in the Old World - B539
Children of Dunsain - R072, R272
Chimera Station - B793
Chronicles of Crime - B390, B682, B794
Chuubo's Marvelous Wish-Granting Engine - R183
Circles of Power - R096
City Hall - B813
Clank!: A Deck-Building Adventure (Tournament) - B625
Clear the Decks! - B763
Clue, the LARP - L052, L058
Coconuts - B486, B593
Codenames: Marvel - B559
Colony - B695
Commissioned - B764
Conspiracy Theory - B474
Cosmic Run: Regeneration - B359, B415, B594
Costa Ruana - B302
Coup - B514
Crokinole - B673
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done - B560
Cry Havoc - B487
Cryptid - B416
Cthulhu Live! 3.5 - L031, L063
Cute Animals on Fire - B540, B745
Cutthroat Caverns - B516
Cytosis: A Cell Biology Board Game - B795
D&D (Expert) - R110, R133, R168
D&D 5E - R086, R111, R113, R134, R135, R169, R170, R202, R230, R231, R232, R258, R259, R286, R287, R288, R296, R297
Dark Designs in Verdigris - R118, R184, R208
Dark Moon - B517
DC Comics Deck-Building Game - B746, B829
Dead Last - B488
Dead of Winter: Warring Colonies - B489
Dead Panic - B722
Deadwood 1876 - B814
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong - B360, B595
Delta Green - R209, R244
Deranged - L059
Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game - B561
Diamonds - B481
Dice City - B796
Dice Throne - B490, B653
Die Sieben Siegel (Seven Seals) - B654
Dimension - B786
Dino World - B596
Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space - R136, R260, R298
Dogs in the Vineyard - R185
Dominion - B344, B391, B815
Don't Mess With Cthulhu Deluxe - B475
Downforce - B655
Dragonfire - B417, B453, B626, B656
Dream Askew - R147
Drop It - B328, B392, B657, B797
Dungeon Crawl Classics - R137
Dungeon Dwellers - B454
Dungeon World - R119, R152, R210, R245, R278
Dust 1947 - W443
Dwarven Miner - B455, B723
Echidna Shuffle - B562, B765
Emissary - B766
En Garde Reforged - B393
Epic Card Game - B597
Epic Resort - B696
Euchre - B394, B598
Exodus Fleet - B697
Expancity - B491, B724
Family Feud - S508
Fantastic Beasts: Perilous Pursuit - B816
Fantasy AGE - R171
Fast Food Fear - B798
Fate Lives - L032
Fate of the Elder Gods - B658
Fate of the Galaxy - R186, R211
Fated Arcade - R120, R153, R187
Favor of the Pharaoh - B395
Feudum - B767
Fiasco - R097, R188
Fibbage (Jackbox) - V681
Fiction Impossible - B563
Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar - B396, B627, B768
Firefly: The Game - B769, B492
First Day Out - R268, R294
First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet - B541
Fish Eat Fish - B564
Flamme Rouge - B518, B799
Flash Point: Fire Rescue - B418
Fluxx - B725
Fool! - B747
Fortress America - B419
Fortune Cookie Kung Fu - R144, R237
Forum Trajanum - B420
Four Sherlock Holmes and a Vampire - R176, R269
Freeform - L038, L053, L071
Fury of Dracula - B493
Futuropia - B659
Ganakagok - R189
Ganz Schon Clever - B800
Garbage Day - B345, B519, B726
Gaslands - W444, W714
Gerrymandering - B456, B628
Get Bit! Deluxe - B303, B542
Get Rich Quick - B543
GKR: Heavy Hitters - W584
Glory to Rome - B397
Go Cuckoo! - B457, B629
Gold West - B361
Good Cop Bad Cop - B660
Good Society - L008
Good Society: A Jane Austen RPG - R114, R145, R177, R271
Grackles - B304, B630
Great Dalmuti, The - B740
Gretchinz! - B329, B421
Guillotine - B599
Hack/Enhance - L047
Hanabi - B305, B727, B770
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle - B306, B494, B631
Haven - B520, B661
Hearts - B362
Hearts of Wulin - R154, R246
Heaven Over The Castro - L006
Hedge & Briar - R089
Here, Kitty, Kitty! - B801
Hero Realms - B632, B759
High Noon Saloon - B600
High Rise - B422, B633, B307, B698
Hogwarts: An RPG - R076, R121, R212, R279
Hollow Earth Expedition - R122, R190
Huldufolk: The Hidden People - L054
Human Sacrifice: A Smart Cultist's Guide to Worship & Terror - B495, B662, B802
Hyperreality - The Reality TV Game Show RPG - R073, R090, R179
If You Find This, Assume the Worst - L042
If You See Me You Will Weep - L016
Illimat - B521
Imhotep - B363, B699
Imperial Settlers - B683
In Residency - L017
Incandescent War: Voices from Ildathach - L018
Indulgence - B423
Ingenious - B398
Innocence - L001
Innovation - B330, B771
Invisible Sun - R098
Ion: A Compund Building Game - B522
Iquazu - B663
Istanbul - B424
It Dies With Me - B565
Jane - R077
Jenga - B544, B748
Judge Dredd: Block War - B425
Jungle Speed - B700
Kaiju Crush - B523
Karuba - B399
Kids on Bikes - R087, R138, R172, R261, R289
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot - B817
King of New York - B331
King of Tokyo - B496
King's Abbey, The - B380
Kingsburg - B684
Knife 7.1.49.A.jackabasselope24d - S300
Knight Realms: Darklight - L028
Kodama: The Tree Spirits - B458, B803
KOI - B426, B772
Kokoro: Avenue of the Kodama - B773
Kraftwagen - B308
LARP Character Toolbox - L027
Larp Shack Original: Eurovision - L043
Larp Shack Originals: Aliens and Easter Bunnies - L048
Las Vegas - B427
Last Couple Out - L044
Last Word Standing - B364, B601, B774
Lazer Ryderz - B365, B749
Leaders of Euphoria - B346
Legendary Encounters - B309
Legendary: Buffy The Vampire Slayer - B545, B634
Lemuria - B685
Letter Tycoon - B497
Lights Out - B728
Lightsaber Stage Combat Workshop - L069
Lisboa - B428
Little Devils - B729
London (first edition) - B635
Long Time Listener, Last Time Caller - L024
Lords of Vegas - B524
Lost Cities: Rivals - B730
Love Letter - B498, B731
Macroscope - B459
Magic: The Gathering - C583
Mangrovia - B332
Manhattan - B664
Manila - B460
Mario Party Mini Games - V341
Mars 244: The Liberation of Sisyphus - R148
Masks - R099, R100, R155, R191
Masks: A New Generation - R192
Match Madness - B525
Maze Racers - B602
Mazes - R143, R175, R236
Mercado - B429
Midnight at the Oasis - R112, R293
Miniatures Painting - M617, M680, M789
Model United Nations - L022
Mombasa - B636
Monolith Arena - B366, B732
Monster of the Week - R078, R280
Monsterhearts - R123, R213
Mortal Coil - R193
Munchkin - B646, B674
Munchkin Panic - B430
My Jam - L060
My Life with Master - R194
Near and Far - B310, B775
Nefarious - B499
Nevermore - B647
New World Magischola: House Rivalry - B461, B818
New York Slice - B687
News@11 - B400
Ninjitsu! - B567
No Further Questions - L002
Not Alone - B546
Of Dreams & Shadows - B637
Ogre Cheerleaders - B500, B568, B776
Oh My God! There's An Axe In My Head. - B462, B638, B777
One Child's Heart - R074, R091, R115, R207
One Night Ultimate Alien - B639
One Night Ultimate Vampire - B431
One Night Ultimate Werewolf - B333, B677
Oracle of Delphi, The - B324
Orleans - B441
Orphanage of Fear - B750
Orun - R101
Othello - B463
Outback - B526, B603
Outflank - B432, B569
Palaces - B367
Panamax - B640
Pandemic - B501
Pangalactic - R214
Paper Tales - B433
Papua - B686
Pasion de las Pasiones - R215
Patchistory - B570
Perfection - L003
Pioneer Days - B778
PitchCar - B311, B334, B347
Poetry Slam - B641
Poison - B665
Poker - B741
Port Royal - B368
Post-It - L029, L036
Powerboats - B527
Pressure Drop - L019
Prime Time Adventures - R124, R156, R216
Princes of Florence, The - B340
Princess World - R102, R195
Prism - R079
Psychic Detective Agency - R092
Puerto Rico - B369
Pyramid of Pengqueen - B666
Pyramid Poker - B718
Quartermaster General WW2 - B667
Quiplash (Jackbox) - V552, V757
Race for the Galaxy - B312, B804
Rajas of the Ganges - B464
Rampaging Jotunn: Winter War - B502, B805
Red Carnations on a Black Grave - R217, R247
Red Dragon Inn, The - B381, B648, B755
Red Dragon Inn: Battle for Greyport, The - B320, B442
ReMemorex - R088, R139, R173, R203, R204, R233, R262, R270, R290
Remnants - B335, B668
Rescue Polar Bears: Data & Temperature - B370, B669
Resistance, The - B321
Rhino Hero: Super Battle - B371, B701
Rise of Tribes - B372, B702
Road Kill Rally - B751
Roll for the Galaxy - B373, B571
Roll For Your Life, Candyman! - B616
Rome: City of Marble - B374
Royals Anonymous - L009
Run For Your Life, Candyman! - B547
RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha - R140, R234, R263, R291
Running Safe and Inclusive Games for Teens - S410
Sagas of the Icelanders - R157
Sagrada - B465, B572, B819
Salem 1692 - B548
Samara - B528, B820
Samurai Jack: Back to the Past - B703
Savage Worlds - R141, R299
Scion: Storypath LARP System - L011
Scopa - B573, B779
Scourge World - R080, R158
Scoville - B401
Scythe - B503
Sea Dracula - L014
Seco Creek Vigilance Committee - R248
Sentinels of the Multiverse - B336, B434, B604
Sergeants Miniatures Game - W716
Serial Homicide Unit - R281
Set - B752
Settlers of Catan - B529
Shiny Happy Playtime Death Quiz - S537
Siege - B530, B704, B821
Sig: The Manual of the Primes - R159
Simon's Cat: The Card Game - B466, B574
Skulduggery - R160
Skull King - B675
Sleep: The LARP - L067
Slide Blast - B822
Smash Up - B575
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: A Gemstone Mining Game - B576
Sorcerer - R249
Soul of the Empire - B577
Space Hulk - W385, W448, W553, W719, W758, B348
Space Wurm vs. Moonicorn - R218
Spades - B688
SPANC: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls - B402
Sparkle*Kitty - B313, B435, B823
Spirit Island - B504, B780
Spirit of the Century - R081, R125, R161, R219
Splendor - B605
Spring Meadow - B606
Squint - B467, B607
St. Petersburg - B733
Star Dust - L055
Star Realms: Frontiers - B436, B578
Star Trek: To Boldly Go - R250
Star Wars D6 - R205
Star Wars: Legion - W649
Starfinder - R264, R292
Stellar Siege - B468, B608, B806
Steve Jackson Dice Games - B609
Sticheln - B642
Storm Riders! - R103
Storycraft System - R104, R196
Strasbourg - B375
Stratego Legends - B531
Stuff Swap, The - S476
Subatomic: An Atom Building Game - B579
Suburbia - B670
Suited for Speed - B403, B610
Super Destiny High School Rumble!! - R093, R180, R273
Super Rhino Hero - B314, B437, B678
Super Smash Bros Ultimate 8 Player - V473, V676
Super Ultra Fighting Instinct EX Turbo Remix Alpha! - L068
Survive: Escape from Atlantis! - B643
Sword Loser - R274
Takenoko - B781
Taking Stock - B807
Talaga: Road to Influence - B477, B671, B808
Tales From The Loop - R126, R220
Technoir - R105, R282
Telestrations - B532, B734, B549, B753
Telford - L061
Ten Candles - R082, R251
Terraforming Mars - B315, B376, B580, B824
Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War - B469, B809
The Alchemists - L021
The Art of Power - R252
The Bat Hack - R106
The Beetle - L025
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls - B404
The Book of Bloodless Gods - R149, R238
The Bottle Imp Game - B705
The Box - R174, R266
The Burning Wheel - L005, R197, R253
The Draft Defectors - B323, B478
The Final Girl - R107, R162, R254, R283
The King is Dead - R163, R239
The Long Drive Back from Busan - L004
The Mad Scarab - B533
The Magical Land of Yeld - R127
The Mountain Witch - R083, R198
The Networks: Executives - B479
The New World - R128
The Nexus - L012, L033, L064
The Nightmares Underneath - R164, R199
The One Ring - R142
The Palace of Mad King Ludwig - B349, B611
The Potion - B735
The Purgatory Saloon - L039
The Puzzling Tea Party Social - L049
The Straights Are Not Okay - L010
The Strip - B736
The Walking Dead All Out War Miniatures Game - W445, W538, W585
The Ward (Acute Care Edition) - R129, R221
This War of Mine: The Board Game - B644
Thousand Arrows - R222
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization - B505
Thunderstone Quest - B706
Ticket to Ride - B438, B825
Ticket to Ride Europe - B581
Time's Up! - B337, B679, B782
TimeWatch - R130
Tiny Epic Galaxies - B316, B707
Titans of Empyrean - B470
Tool User - R181
Tortuga 1667 - B471, B708
Tower of Madness - B350, B472, B737
Trade on the Tigris - B612
Trains - B738
Traveller (Mongoose) - R206, R235, R265
Trellis - B534
Trivia Murder Party (Jackbox) - V353
Trophy - R255
Tsuro - B317
Two Rooms and a Boom - B439, B613
Ultimate Showdown - B506, B318
Ultimate Werewolf - B351, B550, B709, B754, B826
Uncharted Seas - Fantasy Naval Miniatures - W586
Uncharted Worlds - R200
Under Hollow Hills - R084, R108
Unexploded Cow - B551
Unicornus Knights - B352
Uno - B756
Urban Shadows - R109, R201
Valley of the Kings: Last Rites - B338
Vampire: The Masquerade - L065
Vault Wars - B614
Viceroy - B582
Vikings Gone Wild - B480
Village Crone, The - B712
Villainous - B710
Vinhos Deluxe Edition - B507
Visigoths vs. Mall Goths - R094
Wanted: Rich or Dead - B783
War Birds - L007, L013, L023, L034, L056, L066
War Chest - B407
Warhammer 40,000 - W384, W447, W512, W587
Warhammer 40,000/Apocalypse - W651, W717, W788
Warhammer Quest - W382, W446, W509
Wasteland Trading Post - B405
WeRateDogs Card Game - B535, B739
Werebeasts - B406, B811
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - L057
Werewolf: The Apocalypse/Changing Breeds - L035
Werewords - B784
Wheel in the Sky - L051
Whistle Stop - B377, B812
Wii Sports - V408
Winner's Circle - B440
Witches' Sabbath - B615
Word Slam - B378, B711
Wordsy - B620
World of Dungeons - R223
World Wide Wrestling - R085, R131, R224
Xenolanguage - R132, R225, R256
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - W383
Yahtzee - B339
Yokohama - B672
Z4X - B379, B645
Zero Day War - B536, B785
Zombicide - W513, W588
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