Updated 8/17/24
Double Exposure announces dates for 2025 conventions!
(8-17-24) Double Exposure is proud to announce dates for ALL THREE of its conventions in 2025: DREAMATION 2025 will take place February 20-23, DEXLITE 2025 will take place July 3-6 and METATOPIA 2025 will take place November 6-9. All three conventions are located at the Morristown Hyatt Regency in Morristown, NJ.
Double Exposure announces dates for 2024 conventions!
(11-19-23) Double Exposure is proud to announce dates for ALL THREE of its conventions in 2024: DREAMATION 2024 will take place February 22-25, DEXLITE 2024 will take place July 4-7 and METATOPIA 2024 will take place November 7-10. All three conventions are located at the Morristown Hyatt Regency in Morristown, NJ.
Double Exposure will run its first convention since February 2020 - DEXLITE 2023!
(2-25-23) Double Exposure is proud to announce DEXLITE 2023, taking place June 29 - July 2 at the Morristown Hyatt Regency in Morristown, New Jersey. This new convention is a streamlined version of DEXCON, and will feature a simplified format. It will include Board/Card Games, Wargames, Role Playing/Story Games, LARPs and more. All attendees must show proof of at least an initial complete Covid-19 vaccine regimen, and masks will be required in all designated areas of the convention.
Physical METATOPIA is Canceled for 2021. We are planning the virtual convention.
(10-5-21) We are sad to announce that we are canceling in-person METATOPIA for 2021.
We committed early in the pandemic that we would assess the situation at every step of the way and make the best possible decisions for the literal physical health of our attendees, the well-being of the community, and the resilience of Double Exposure itself. After assessing the responses to my informal poll last week, it's clear to us that any physical event we ran would be a pale shadow of a true METATOPIA, and a disservice to everyone.
We will be pivoting and putting our full energy behind the online programming. If you want to submit a panel or workshop, use this form:
Our special thanks go out to the Hyatt Regency Morristown for being collaborative, supportive partners; this was not an easy decision for us to makes and having a venue that backed us was invaluable.
DEXCON is Canceled for 2021; METATOPIA Will Very Likely Happen in Morristown
(4-2-21) Although the Covid crisis shows signs that it is coming to a close, Double Exposure and the Hyatt Morristown feel that a July is just a little too soon to run a major convention, and therefore we have decided to cancel it. There will not be any virtual replacement, and it will not be rescheduled for 2021.
Anyone who has paid for any part of DEXCON going back to 2020 should contact Double Exposure to discuss options.
On the other hand, we feel that November is far enough out that, barring a major resurgence of the pandemic, METATOPIA 2021 will indeed be run as a physical convention at the Hyatt Morristown, November 4-7, 2021. We will announce the convention for sure and begin taking registrations in late summer.
Double Exposure in 2020
(12/11/18) Double Exposure announces 2020 dates. DREAMATION 2020: February 20 - 23, 2020. DEXCON 23: July 8 - July 12, 2020. METATOPIA 2020: November 5 - 8, 2020. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2020 expectations!
Double Exposure in 2019
(4/9/18) Double Exposure announces 2019 dates. DREAMATION 2019: February 21 - 24, 2019. DEXCON 22: July 3 - July 7, 2019. METATOPIA 2019: November 7 - 10, 2019. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2019 expectations!
Double Exposure in 2018
(2/7/17) Double Exposure announces 2018 dates. DREAMATION 2018: February 22 - 25, 2018. DEXCON 21: July 4 - July 8, 2018. METATOPIA 2018: November 1 - 4, 2018. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2018 expectations!
Double Exposure in 2017
(4/3/16) Double Exposure announces 2017 dates. DREAMATION 2017: February 16 - 19, 2017. DEXCON 20: July 5 - July 9, 2017. METATOPIA 2017: November 2 - 5, 2017. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2017 expectations!
Double Exposure in 2016
(2/25/15) Double Exposure announces 2016 dates. DREAMATION 2016: February 18 - 21, 2016. DEXCON 19: June 29 - July 3, 2016. METATOPIA 2016: November 3 - 6, 2016. Prices for all conventions will remain the same as 2015. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2016 expectations!
Double Exposure Introduces Envoy
(9/3/14) We are proud to introduce our most ambitious program in our history. Envoy will tie together the fractured elements of the U.S. gaming industry in a way that has never been attempted before. Complete information can be found on the new Envoy web site.
MAELSTROM Returns in 2015
(6/1/14) After an incredible debut, we are pleased to announce the dates of our newest convention for next year. MAELSTROM 2015 - April 10 - 12, 2015. The prices of the convention will remain the same. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding format changes in 2015!
Double Exposure in 2015
(11/6/13) Double Exposure announces its dates for DREAMATION and DEXCON for 2015. DREAMATION 2015 - February 19 - 22, 2015. DEXCON 18 - July 1 - 5, 2015. Prices for both conventions will remain the same through the next two years. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for more information regarding 2015 expectations!
METATOPIA to Shift Weekends in 2014 and 2015
(11/6/13) Due to overwhelming request, METATOPIA will shift off the Halloween weekend and further into November for at least the next two years. We are pleased to announce the following two scheduled dates: METATOPIA 2014 - November 6 - 9, 2014. METATOPIA 2015 - November 5 - 8, 2015. METATOPIA will continue its four-day format, commencing with a meet-and-greet party on Thursday night and playtesting beginning at 9AM Friday morning.
DEXCON 16 Information To Be Posted on March 31, 2013
(2/27/13) All information for DEXCON 16 will be posted on Sunday, March 31, 2013 - this includes Pre-Registration, the Event Proposal Form, and the lineup of 2013 Signature (Q) Events. The submission deadline for LARPs will be May 5, 2013, and the deadline for all other events will be June 2, 2013. The complete schedule of events is expected to be posted on Sunday, June 16, 2013.
METATOPIA 2012 Date Change
(7/31/12) The Morristown Hyatt sends its deepest regrets for their error - they had METATOPIA 2012 scheduled for the wrong weekend in their system, and asked us to move our convention the the weekend prior. After polling the Double Exposure community, we have run into a few people for whom this is a big inconvenience, but the majority say it is fine. So we are announcing today that the official dates for METATOPIA 2012 are in fact November 2 - 4, 2012.
First Exposure at Gen Con Indy 2012
(7/10/12) Double Exposure is pleased to announce a new area of Gen Con 2012 - the First Exposure Playtest Hall. Double Exposure will be using their unique formula of reversing the focus of the games - allocating eager players to the requests of the Designers and Publishers! Dozens of Designers and Publishers will present their prototypes for playtesting at the FEPH, and Gen Con attendees will be able to get FREE tickets to try out new concepts with the genres and mechanics they are interested in. The FEPH will be running throughout Gen Con, from 9AM Thursday to 2PM Sunday. Role Playing and Story Games will be put into four-hour slots beginning at 9AM, 2PM and 8PM (10AM on Sunday). Board Games, Card Games and Wargames will be put into two-hour slots following the same schedule. For more information, send email to: firstexposure@dexposure.com.
Double Exposure in 2013 and 2014
(4/1/12) Double Exposure announces its dates for DREAMATION and DEXCON for the next two years. DREAMATION 2013 - February 21 - 24, 2013. DEXCON 16 - July 3 - 7, 2013. DREAMATION 2014 - February 20 - 23, 2014. DEXCON 17 - July 2 - 6, 2014. Registration prices will increase slightly, and hotel room rates will also see a small ($5.00) increase. METATOPIA 2013 is tentatively scheduled for November 8 - 10, 2013. This may change based on feedback from METATOPIA 2012. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for much more information regarding 2013 and 2014 expectations!
Double Exposure Forum Software Updated to SMF 2.02
(4/1/12) Today, Double Exposure has updated its forum software to SMF 2.02. Forum registration will once again be opened to all, now that new security measures are put into place. Note that the colors may be tweaked slightly based on feedback. Users should find all sorts of new features and goodies!
DREAMATION 2012 is History. Onward to DEXCON 15!
(2/27/12) I am now recovering from what I can confidently say was the best convention Double Exposure ever ran. Not the biggest, but pound for pound, the absolute best. The quality of games was exquisite, the schedule and execution was nearly perfect, the excitement level was the highest I've ever seen, and the amount of energy I saw everywhere was breathtaking.
(11/14/11) Double Exposure announces its dates for METATOPIA 2012 - November 9 - 11, 2012. Registration prices and hotel room rates will remain the same as in 2011 ($50/designer, $20/helper & player, $99/night). Check out the Double Exposure Forum for much more information regarding 2012 expectations!
(3/2/11) Double Exposure announces its dates for DREAMATION 2012 and DEXCON 15 - February 23 - 26, 2012 and July 4 - 8, 2012. Registration prices will remain the same as in 2011, and hotel room rates will see a slight ($6.00) increase. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for much more information regarding 2012 expectations!
(3/31/10) Double Exposure announces its dates for DREAMATION 2011 and DEXCON 14 - February 24 - 28, 2011 and July 6 - 10, 2011. Prices and hotel room rates will remain the same as in 2010. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for much more information regarding 2011 expectations!
(7/27/09) Double Exposure announces its dates for DREAMATION 2010 and DEXCON 13 - February 18 - 21, 2010 and July 7 - 11, 2010. There will be ONLY a $5.00 price increase for both conventions. Check out the Double Exposure Forum for much more information regarding 2010 expectations!
Double Exposure Releases The Double Exposure Conflict Resolution System
(11/01/05) Double Exposure is proud to present the DECOR System, a subset of the Avatar System rules designed to act as a framework for any other live role playing game! This new core set of rules provides a complete and tested engine for a game writer to produce a game without having to worry about the mechanics of his conflict resolution! Click here to download the DECOR system!
Double Exposure Releases The Avatar System Version 3.0
(11/01/05) Double Exposure is proud to present the beta version of The Avatar System, version 3.0. The newly renovated system provides for even more flexibility and stability in one of the most mature and longest-running live role playing games in history. Click here to download the new system!